Diet Madeleine Gesta: rejuvenating soups and salads

About the diet

Eating according to the method of Parisian nutritionist Madeleine Gesta does not injure even the most delicate stomach and allows you not only to lose weight, but also to rejuvenate.

Parisian nutritionist Madeleine Gesta chose from the list of dietary products all the healthiest and most delicious, offering to turn weight loss into a game. Madeleine urges: drink water and broth from beautiful glasses, like expensive wine, and enjoy the taste of dried fruits as if they were exquisite sweets.

Madeleine suggests relying on baked fish and steamed vegetables, natural yogurt, fruits and plenty of frequent drinking (water, milk, cocoa). For dessert - honey, jam and dried fruits. You can consume no more than 500 g of food at one time.

The specificity of the Madeleine Gesta diet makes its use more convenient during weekends, holidays, vacations - in a word, a time when you can rest with a clear conscience without the risk of being fired for the sake of a beautiful figure.

The three pillars of the French method are:

  • Four reduced calorie meals a day
  • Hydromel is a special drink, the intake of which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes and suppresses the desire to eat.
  • Cleansing broth

The low-calorie diet offered by the diet is rich in vegetables and fruits, rich in microelements, vitamins and fiber, so it normalizes digestion, reduces stomach volume, and eliminates false feelings of hunger. By eliminating salt and sugar, excess weight is lost. Frequently drinking small portions of water ensures natural lymphatic drainage of tissues.

Nutritionist Madeleine Gesta, for 30 years of work in the difficult field of fighting excess weight, has helped such celebrities as Juliette Binoche, Gerard Depardieu and Catherine Deneuve lose weight. The cleansing diet she developed requires careful preparation, but is very effective.


It is recommended to start the Madeleine Gesta diet for 10 days on a weekend - for example, on Saturday. The first two days are dedicated to cleansing, so this time is best spent at home in a calm environment.

A special diet during the cleansing period will allow you to get rid of waste and toxins, improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract and start the process of losing weight. A low-calorie diet these days, consisting mainly of light soups, vegetable salads, fermented milk products and a small amount of lean meat, will set the body up for weight loss.

The following days, the menu of the French diet of Madeleine Gesta almost completely excludes the consumption of animal food, it is dominated mainly by vegetables and fruits, and soups.

During the diet, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • One of the mandatory conditions of the diet is to completely eliminate salt from the diet, but in order to diversify the taste of dishes, you can add basil, garlic and paprika
  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. If you suddenly feel hungry, you need to eat, chewing slowly, 1 dried apricot, fig or prune.
  • Feel free to include natural honey, nuts and dried fruits, dark chocolate and sugar-free jam in your diet, but only in small quantities
  • Chew slowly while eating - this will allow the body to get full faster
  • Among vegetables, you should give preference to non-starchy ones: zucchini and eggplant, cabbage, fresh herbs, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.
  • When preparing vegetables, reduce their processing time: they should crunch slightly in your teeth and not become overcooked.
  • Of the fruits in the menu of the French diet of Madeleine Gesta, you can only include citruses and apples
  • It is also recommended to diversify your diet with low-fat fermented milk and dairy products, olive oil, lean chicken and fish.

Diet menu for 10 days

  • Saturday
  • In the morning
  • In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink 0.5 liters of water
  • Breakfast
  • 250 g of warm milk, you can add a teaspoon of cocoa there.
  • After 15 minutes, eat one orange or grapefruit.
  • Before lunch, drink another liter of water, 250 g every half hour.
  • Dinner
  • 200 gr. lean steamed fish or poultry and 300 g of any boiled vegetables
  • Afternoon snack
  • Milk yogurt without additives, and after a couple of hours hydromel (250 g of water with squeezed lemon and a spoon of honey)
  • Dinner
    • Vegetable broth: 1.5 l. water, 1 kg. leeks (rich in potassium), 400 g carrots (vitamin A), 400 g tomatoes (contain vitamin A, potassium and mineral salts), several sprigs of celery (supplies vitamin E and flavors the dish), a little thyme (to fight with toxins). From all the ingredients, you need to cook the broth for 20 minutes and then strain it. The resulting volume of liquid broth is the required vegetable broth. Do not throw away strained vegetables.
  • Before 20 o'clock you need to drink three cups of vegetable broth. It will take effect overnight
  • Between 20 and 21 hours: three bowl-sized cups of vegetables (from broth). You can season them a little with pepper, mustard, aromatic herbs and a spoonful of vegetable oil, which will give the body the necessary minimum of fat.
  • An hour before bedtime
  • One yogurt with a little honey
    • Sunday
    • In the morning
    • On an empty stomach you need to drink 0.200 liters of water (glass) mixed with juice from half a grapefruit
    • An hour later - skim milk.
  • Breakfast
  • Drink three cups of vegetable broth.
  • Dinner
  • Grapefruit juice from one grapefruit
  • Afternoon snack
  • Two fruit puree
  • Dinner
  • 200 grams of fish and 300 grams of green vegetables
  • Day 3 to 10
  • The daily menu should not be from 1,200 to 1,400 calories.
  • In the morning
    • On an empty stomach you need to drink 0.200 liters of water (glass) mixed with juice from half a grapefruit
  • After 15 minutes - a cup of hot cocoa.
  • Breakfast
  • Any fruit (including banana)
  • Dinner
  • Cottage cheese and fruits. This is what Madeleine Gesta calls “an astronaut’s lunch.” This food makes digestion easier.
  • Afternoon snack
  • To replenish sugar reserves - dried fruits: prunes, figs, dried apricots, apricots or dried apples. Total volume up to 150 g
  • Snack before dinner
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 150 g mixed with 1 tsp. honey to replenish energy and suppress appetite
  • Dinner
  • Fish or poultry (200 grams) with green vegetables (300 grams)
  • Diet of the sorceress Madeleine Gestan

    Madeleine Gestan is called a sorceress, and for good reason.

    In addition to Catherine Deneuve, among her famous wards are Gerard Depardieu, Juliette Binoche and many other people whom she came to the aid of in seemingly hopeless situations.

    Madame Gestan believes that the diet should not be strict: experiencing a feeling of hunger, in her opinion, is very harmful. A woman should treat herself with love. In the mode of maintaining optimal weight, from time to time it is permissible to pamper yourself with honey, chocolate, dried fruits, jam, and nuts. Of course, we are talking about reasonable quantities and quality products.

    2~3 teaspoons of natural honey, 125 g of dark chocolate per week can be easily afforded by any woman, even the not very graceful one. As for dried fruits, a few pieces of prunes and dried apricots will only bring benefits, especially when you really want to snack at an inopportune time. Just, the French nutritionist advises, chew them as slowly as possible. Then the feeling of hunger will subside, and the body will receive energy.

    It is very important to feel that everything you eat is beneficial.

    If a person is torn between the desire to eat his favorite delicacy and the consciousness that it causes irreparable damage to his beauty and health, you have a candidate for a mental hospital.

    Even the most ideal figure is not worth sacrificing peace of mind and mental health for.

    Well, we can only agree with Madame Gestan.

    Now let's move on to specific recommendations.

    1st day

    It is better to start the course on Saturday. Before getting out of bed , drink 0.5 liters of water. The horizontal position promotes the removal of toxins, promotes natural tissue drainage, improves blood circulation and stimulates pressure on the walls of the stomach. And the vertical position, according to Madeleine Gestan, on the contrary, complicates the processes of exchange.

    Breakfast : Drink made from a cup of milk, 1/2 tsp. honey and the same amount of bitter cocoa. In winter, Madame Gestan advises drinking cocoa several times a day: it warms and tones. Milk supplies the body with calcium, magnesium and proteins, chocolate - energy, honey - “the magic of natural sugar”. 15 minutes after cocoa or 15 minutes before it, eat an orange or grapefruit. Before noon you need to drink a liter of mineral water without gas.

    Lunch to choose from:

    1. 200 g of fish such as pollock or sea bream, steamed or baked in foil, seasoned with lemon, herbs (eg caraway) and a splash of olive oil.

    2. 200 g chicken white meat.

    3. 150 g of any other meat.

    Garnish: 300 g of vegetables (leeks, tomatoes, carrots, etc.). The amount eaten should not exceed 500 g. And not a gram of salt!

    2 hours after lunch: 1 yogurt with 1/2 tsp. honey Yogurt calms the stomach. Don't buy yoghurts with fruit fillings or artificially sweetened ones. Madame Gestan believes that aspartame is as harmful to the body as white sugar, because it sends a false signal to the brain, promoting improper metabolism.

    16 hours : 1 serving of “hydromel”. This drink is prepared from the juice of 1 lemon with water (0.25 l) and 1/2 tsp. honey

    "Hydromel" is specially created to reduce appetite.

    19 hours : Vegetable broth according to the recipe: 1.5 liters of water; 1 kg of leek - white part (removes toxins); 500 g carrots (vitamin A); 500 g tomatoes (potassium); a little cumin grains (removes toxins). Cook the mixture for 20 minutes. Strain. Do not add salt.

    Drink 3 cups of broth at 10-minute intervals. Then eat the vegetables from the broth (after 20 minutes).

    You can make a vinaigrette from broth vegetables by adding 1/2 tsp. mustard, lemon, pepper, herbs, vinegar and always 2 tbsp. olive oil, it also promotes metabolism.

    Before bed : 1 yogurt with 1/2 tsp. honey This dish saturates the body with calcium, which is better absorbed during sleep.

    So, the day of getting back into shape is over. During sleep, the body and brain process information received during the day.

    The diet will bring the desired result if you give up cigarettes and alcohol during the diet. 2nd day

    Get as much rest as possible. Get up only to drink or eat. Surely any busy person will be glad to have such a good reason to take a mini-vacation and spend the day for fun. 48 hours of cleansing will be visible on your face in the same way as they are visible on the face of Catherine Deneuve, who follows the recommendations of Madame Gestan before each shoot.

    Before getting out of bed , drink 0.25 liters of water.

    In total, before noon you need to drink: 1.5 liters of water, juice of two grapefruits, cocoa (a cup of milk with 1/2 tsp honey, 1/2 tsp cocoa), 0.5 liters of heated vegetable broth. (You need to drink in small sips.)

    Lunch: Two glasses of vegetable broth, then 200g (about 1.5 glasses) of boiled vegetables.

    16.00: 1 yoghurt with 1/2 tsp. honey After an hour or two - 1 serving of hydromel.

    Dinner: 200 g of white lean fish, steamed or baked. A cup of broth vegetables (no salt!).

    Before bed: 1 yogurt with 1/2 tsp. honey

    During these two days you must not change any of the ingredients listed on the menu. 3rd day

    Breakfast: 0.5 liters of water (drink while lying down). 1 grapefruit. 15 minutes after it - cocoa with honey.

    Morning until lunch . 1 liter of water, but not more than 0.5 liters at a time.

    Dinner. Lactic. Mix 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese (zero fat content) with regular unsweetened yogurt and a spoonful of honey.

    Here are several options for adding to a milk lunch: 125 g of berries (raspberries, strawberries), “salty” additives: herbs (parsley, tarragon); vegetables (cucumber, radish, onion) and seasonings (cumin and pepper).

    Don't forget to eat something sweet: 1 tsp. honey or jam, or 4-5 dried fruits, or 1 boiled fruit.

    This wonderful dairy lunch is the equivalent of a normal lunch consisting of meats (protein), cheeses (calcium) and dessert (sugar). But it is much easier to digest.

    15.00 — 1 dried fruit of your choice: prunes or apricots.

    16.00 - 1 dried fruit.

    Between 17.00 and 19.00 .1 serving of “hydromel”.

    Dinner . 200 g white meat or white fish; side dish (300 g vegetables, cooked with 2 tbsp olive oil).

    Before bedtime . 1 yogurt with 1/2 tsp. honey

    If you did everything correctly in the first two days of the diet, the changes in your body will pleasantly surprise you. Those who wanted to lose weight got rid of two kilograms and several centimeters in the waist and hips.

    From 4th to 7th day

    Every day breakfast with cocoa and grapefruit. Lunch - milk. Dinner with proteins, that is, 200 g of fish such as pollock or 200 g of white chicken meat. Garnish: 300 g steamed or baked vegetables with 2 tbsp. olive oil. For dessert: 1 fruit or 1 yoghurt with 1/2 tsp honey.

    You can swap lunch and dinner, and this is worth doing because calcium is better absorbed at night. 8-9th day

    2 more days of cleansing. Meals according to the scheme of the first and second days.

    10th day

    See day 3.

    So, the tenth day is coming to an end. Every cell of the body is cleansed, the skin is in excellent condition. You notice a weight loss of 3~5 kg.

    An important detail to remember (especially for people leading an active lifestyle): during the first two days you must remain as relaxed as possible, otherwise the removal of toxins will be slowed down.

    What to do next?

    After the course is completed, most of Madame Gestan's patients repeat it in the following rhythm: one cleansing once a week. Or from time to time they arrange “mini-courses” for themselves: one or two days with dairy lunches or dinners.

    The purpose of this short diet is not so much to reduce weight, but to “re-educate” the stomach and cleanse the body.

    Improving morale is also important. If you feel a taste for life and begin to enjoy such simple things as mineral water in the morning, a cup of aromatic cocoa in the evening, etc., consider that a miracle has happened.

    Fasting day menu

    • In the morning
    • In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink 0.5 liters of water
    • Breakfast
    • 1 cup milk mixed with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
    • 15 minutes before or after the drink, eat 1 orange or grapefruit.
    • Before noon, drink 1 liter of still mineral water.
  • Dinner
    • 200 g lean fish or chicken, vegetables
  • 2 hours after lunch, drink 1 glass of kefir with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Afternoon snack
    • drink hydromel (appetite-reducing drink): juice of 1 lemon, diluted with 250 ml of water and mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey. You need to drink it in small sips.
  • Dinner
    • Vegetable broth: 1.5 l. water, 1 kg. leeks (rich in potassium), 400 g carrots (vitamin A), 400 g tomatoes (contain vitamin A, potassium and mineral salts), several sprigs of celery (supplies vitamin E and flavors the dish), a little thyme (to fight with toxins). From all the ingredients, you need to cook the broth for 20 minutes and then strain it. The resulting volume of liquid broth is the required vegetable broth. Do not throw away strained vegetables.
  • Before 20 o'clock you need to drink three cups of vegetable broth. It will take effect overnight
  • Between 20 and 21 hours: three bowl-sized cups of vegetables (from broth). You can season them a little with pepper, mustard, aromatic herbs and a spoonful of vegetable oil, which will give the body the necessary minimum of fat.
  • An hour before bedtime
  • Eat 1 low-fat yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Diet Madeleine Gesta

    The author of the diet, a psychotherapist and nutritionist, believes that you should not try to lose weight while constantly feeling hungry: the body experiences stress and reacts to it not by decreasing, but, on the contrary, by increasing body weight.
    The Madeleine Gesta diet is aimed primarily at cleansing the body of toxins, for which it is proposed, in addition to drinking large amounts of water, to drink special drinks. Weight loss also occurs by reducing calorie intake.

    Special drinks and dishes used during the diet are easy to prepare.

    1. Cleansing broth: chop 1 kg of leeks and 0.5 kg of tomatoes and carrots into small pieces, pour in 1.5 liters of boiling water and cook over very low heat for about 20 minutes. If desired, you can add a pinch of cumin.
    2. Hydromel: add juice squeezed from a large lemon to a glass of clean cold water. Honey is used as a sweetener (no more than a teaspoon). You need to drink hydromel slowly and in very small sips.
    3. Fermented milk complex: mix 250 g of cottage cheese with 150 g of yogurt, add half a glass of fresh berries and 2 tsp to taste. honey, or 2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. cocoa, or 2 tbsp. l. raisins, pre-soaked in yogurt, 4 pcs. prunes or dried apricots.
    4. Cocoa drink: add 1 tsp to a glass of milk. cocoa and 1 tsp. honey, heat over low heat, without bringing to a boil.

    When following the Madeleine Gesta diet, physical activity is contraindicated, so it is ideal for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

    Madeleine Gesta diet rules:

    • the energy value of the diet should not exceed 1200 calories per day;
    • every day, without getting out of bed, you need to drink 0.5 liters of water, between breakfast and lunch, gradually drink another 0.5 liters of water in small sips and another 1 liter from lunch to evening. In total you need to drink 2 liters of water per day;
    • be sure to follow the meal schedule (9.00 – breakfast, 12.00 – afternoon snack, 15.00 – lunch, 19.00 – dinner, an hour before bedtime – late dinner);
    • Every day at 16.00 you should drink hydromel.
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