Daily regimen for weight loss: nutrition, training, water procedures

How to properly create a daily routine is one of the most important topics in a healthy lifestyle. Every person is faced with the need to manage their time. Sometimes, as in the case of work, it is a necessity. Sometimes, for example, when planning the most productive pastime or vacation, this is expediency.

A proper daily routine involves rational use of sleep time, personal hygiene, nutrition, work, rest, sports and physical activity. Planning a daily routine and following it makes a person disciplined, develops organization and focus. As a result, a lifestyle is developed in which the expenditure of time and energy on non-essential things is minimized.

This lesson will answer questions about the correct daily routine, the peculiarities of the influence of biological rhythms on the activity and efficiency of human activity, the basic approaches and methods for creating a daily routine for different people: men and women of different professions, adults, students and schoolchildren.

What is a daily routine

Let's start with the definition:

Daily routine – a well-thought-out daily routine, planning time with the aim of rational and most effective distribution of it.

As mentioned above, routine is of great importance for self-discipline and organization of any person, and it is also important for many other practical aspects of our lives. For example, the daily routine plays an important role in building training programs, creating diets and organizing proper nutrition in general, and choosing the most productive hours of our life for work or creativity.

Mason Curry, in his book Genius Mode: The Daily Routines of Great Men, gives the following analogy to a daily routine:

“In skillful hands, a daily routine is a precisely calibrated mechanism that allows us to make the best use of our limited resources: first of all, time, which we most lack, as well as willpower, self-discipline, and optimism. An orderly regime is like a track along which mental forces move at a good pace..."

A daily routine is needed so that time does not take advantage of our absent-mindedness (see epigraph). Every person has encountered haste in their activities, a feeling of amorphous time, and confusion in personal and work affairs. We cannot always clearly say how much time we spent on a particular activity, because we do not consider it necessary to constantly monitor the use of our time. However, it is the entire routine of the day that helps you manage your time most wisely and effectively. In addition, without the skill of successfully planning your day, a person will not learn to make longer-term plans, especially since planning your entire daily schedule is not so difficult, because:

The day, as a minimum unit for planning, is most convenient due to its easy visibility.
If any attempt fails, you can rebuild and change the regime the next day.

Let us also note the fact that the use of the epithet “correct” in relation to the daily routine is somewhat arbitrary. Individually, for each person, the concept of a correct routine can be different and depend on many factors: work, habits, characteristics of the body. But, according to experts (psychologists and doctors), the physiological aspects of the functioning of the basic life systems of people are identical [Wedemeyer GA, 1996]. Based on this, it is possible to create a universal regime containing general recommendations that will suit everyone to one degree or another. Based on the recommendations offered and taking into account your individual needs, you can develop a daily routine that is optimal for you.

When is the best time to train?

But, unfortunately, not everyone can choose the optimal time for training. A working day from 9 to 6 or a completely irregular schedule does not leave much scope for sports. Although many experts argue that it is better to study early in the morning or late evening when there is no other time to study, than not to study at all. Yes, the body will be more tired, but this option is better than nothing.

The most important thing is to arrange your daily routine in such a way that there is time for proper sleep. What you definitely shouldn’t sacrifice, even for sports, is sleep. Consider not only the time, but also the duration of your workouts: it may make sense to do something more intense (HIIT interval training or Tabata circuit training), but shorter in time, so as not to lose the effectiveness of the exercise.

Biological rhythms and daily routine

Without taking into account the daily biological rhythms of the body, a person is unlikely to be able to create an organized and effective daily routine [Nature, 2009]. For example, if a person who is used to usually waking up at 7 am sleeps until 4 pm one day, after waking up he will most likely feel tired, tired, and slow in activity. This condition occurs as a result of ignoring the peculiarities of biological rhythms, biological clocks and circadian rhythms.

Biological rhythms (biorhythms) are periodically repeating changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena in living organisms, on which their functionality depends.

Biorhythms are internal (endogenous), depending on the biological clock of the body, and external (exogenous), which manifest themselves in the synchronization of internal cycles (change of sleep and wakefulness) with external stimuli (change of day and night). In terms of creating a daily routine, we are most interested in circadian rhythms - cyclical fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes associated with the change of day and night, the period of which is approximately 24 hours [Komsomolskaya Pravda, 2016].

Until recently, many researchers classified the study of biorhythms as a non-academic area of ​​physiology, but thanks to recent research the situation has changed somewhat. Thus, in the human brain, a tiny cluster of approximately 20,000 neurons was discovered in the hypothalamus, which controls many of the body's circadian rhythms. Known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), this center acts as the body's internal pacemaker and influences human biorhythms [Moore RY, 2001].

How is your daily routine related to the fight against extra pounds?

A daily routine is a wonderful way to organize your life. The correct routine allows you to save time, have time to complete more tasks, and also effectively organize the process of losing weight.

The fact is that any dietary nutrition is based on fractional meals, and certain intervals between meals should be observed. Also, you need to allocate a certain time to do the exercises.

Most often, the reason why a weight loss system is ineffective is a failure in the daily routine. To do everything clearly, you need to properly organize your day and teach your body to live according to a schedule.

Getting a positive result is facilitated by getting up and going to bed at the same time, well-chosen exercises performed regularly, and a nutritious diet.

Owls and larks

Psychologists often refer to the well-known division of people, depending on the period of their activity, into “night owls” and “larks”. It is difficult for the first to get up early in the morning, and their peak activity occurs in the evening and night hours. The latter, on the contrary, are active in the morning, and by the evening they quickly lose energy reserves. It is interesting that in many African countries there are practically no “owls”, this is due to the fact that many towns and cities are not electrified, which means that when the sun goes down, local life comes to a standstill.

In addition to “owls” and “larks”, there is also an unofficial transitional option - the so-called “pigeons”, which combine features of both categories: such people can wake up and do things equally actively and effectively at different times of the day. In addition, there are two more types of people: short sleepers and sleepyheads. People who sleep little are active both early in the morning and late in the evening, and to restore strength they need only 3-4 hours of sleep (such people included, for example, the famous inventor T. Edison). “Sleepyheads,” on the contrary, are inactive and feel tired and fatigued at any time of the day.

The proposed classification is rather arbitrary, since, as practice shows, a normal healthy person, if desired, can gradually change his type of wakefulness without harm to the body. The main thing is the presence of willpower and the right strategy.

For example, many politicians, businessmen, and athletes who travel a lot around the world often have to adjust their circadian rhythms in accordance with the time difference between cities in order not to lose efficiency in their work when changing time zones. In practice, special recommendations have even been developed that will help you restructure your routine as painlessly as possible after a time zone change. To do this you should:

1Plan the first days of arrival so that, if possible, psychological and physical stress is minimal.
2Two days before the flight, eat only light food, exclude alcoholic beverages, as well as foods that are unusual for you, and, if possible, refrain from smoking.
3Please note that it is better to fly from east to west on a morning or afternoon flight, and from west to east - on an evening flight.
43-5 days before departure, gradually rearrange your regime in accordance with the time zone of the place where you are going to fly.
5If you have a flight to the west, try to go to bed and wake up later. When traveling in an easterly direction, you need to fall asleep earlier and wake up early in the morning.

Often people do not even have to use their willpower to change their activity mode, since the human body is able to independently adapt to changing external conditions. For example, regular schoolchildren tend to go to class by 8:30 a.m. during long school periods. Over the years, the student’s body gets used to following a given circadian rhythm, that is, working actively in the first half of the day. However, if, after graduating from school, a graduate enters the university in the evening department, where classes are held in the second shift, the body has to adapt to the new schedule. Over time, the student's biological clock naturally adapts to the new system without much effort on his part.

Knowing how your biological clock works will help you plan your day correctly. Below is an approximate calculation of the periods of activity of different systems of the average person by the hour:


Beginning of the circadian rhythm. At this time, the body releases the stress hormone cortisol into the blood, which triggers the mechanisms of basic functions and is responsible for our activity. It is this hormone that helps people who prefer to get up early wake up.


Awakening the body. During this period, metabolism accelerates, the level of amino acids and sugar increases, which do not allow a person to sleep soundly in the morning.


The ideal time for light physical activity, when you can quickly tone your body, relaxed after sleep. At this time, the digestive system works well: the absorption of nutrients occurs faster, which helps to efficiently process food and convert it into energy.


The period when the energy received from eating is absorbed. During this time, a person is able to cope well with tasks of attention and intelligence, as well as successfully use short-term memory.


The first peak of performance, the period of maximum mental activity. At this time, a person copes well with tasks that require increased concentration.


A time of deterioration in performance, when it is necessary to give rest to a tired brain. This period is suitable for a lunch break, since the work of the digestive tract accelerates, blood flows to the stomach, and the body’s mental activity decreases.


It is better to devote this time to calmly digesting what you have eaten, since the body is in a state of mild fatigue after lunch.


The second peak of activity and performance. The body has received energy from food, all systems are working in full mode again.


The best time for dinner, the body will have time to digest the food received before the morning. After eating, you can take a walk or an hour later do physical exercises, go to training.


This time is suitable for sports, visiting classes, and socializing.


The period when the brain's ability to remember increases. It is not recommended to eat at this time.


Beginning of the sleep phase. Regenerative processes are launched in the body, youth hormones are released. The body goes into a state of rest.


At this time, the metabolic process slows down as much as possible, body temperature and pulse rate decrease. The deep sleep phase begins when our body rests best.


The period when all chemical reactions are slowed down, hormones are practically not produced. Lack of sleep at this time can lead to a deterioration in your condition and mood throughout the day.


in the cold season, there is a slight shift of the described processes of physiological activity forward in time.

The main rhythms of the body

Circadian rhythms - the body's internal biological rhythms with a 24-hour period - are synchronized with the environment and regulate the body's activities based on the data received. They cause bursts of energy, performance, or, conversely, drowsiness. Such rhythms exist not only in humans, but also in animals, plants and even bacteria.

The “headquarters” of circadian rhythms is located in the anterior part of the hypothalamus and is called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). From the retina of the eye, the SCN receives information about the illumination of the environment, then adjusts the neurons, and they send impulses to carry out processes in the body.

Life by the clock

In the evening, all processes slow down: the body prepares for sleep. A few hours before dawn, on the contrary, they accelerate: blood circulation accelerates, temperature rises - the body prepares to awaken. If at this time a person is just going to bed, for example, after a stormy party, a glitch occurs. Circadian rhythms affect not only sleep and wakefulness patterns, but also all organs and processes. You can track this by observing yourself over time.

  • At 4:30 a.m., body temperature drops to a minimum and a person may wake up with chills.
  • From 6:00 to 8:00 the large intestine awakens, and the stomach shows maximum activity at 8:00-9:00, so it is at this time that the urge to go to the toilet most often occurs.
  • At 9:00-11:00 the body's protective functions are activated, energy is concentrated in the pancreas and spleen. At this time, it is better to refrain from taking medications and let the immune system “work” on its own.
  • Peak alertness occurs between 10:00 and 12:00. And long-term memory is most active at 15:00 - this time is ideal for learning and doing important things.

Internal routine

Ri is particularly influenced by the hormones melatonin, cortisol, as well as fluctuations in blood pressure and body temperature. Active production of melatonin, responsible for falling asleep, begins at 21:00 and continues until about 5:00. On the contrary, the maximum level of cortisol, the awakening hormone, occurs in the morning, around 8:00, and begins to decrease in the evening.

Try to maintain a daily routine - wake up, get ready for bed, eat and exercise at the same time. It is better to eat heavy high-calorie and sweet foods in the first half of the day, since in the morning glycemic metabolism increases and insulin production starts.

During the day, when it is light, spend more time outdoors. At night, on the contrary, block any light sources, because light - especially blue and green - inhibits the production of melatonin. People with light eyes are most susceptible to suppression of the production of this hormone. If you are one of them, it is better to wear a special light-blocking mask over your eyes while you sleep.

You can also adjust the body's rhythms with the help of certain products. For example, cherry juice helps you fall asleep better because it contains melatonin. This hormone is also found in rice, corn, and walnuts.

“I’ll sleep off on my day off!” It is harmful?

One of the malfunctions in the functioning of the biological clock is jet lag - a discrepancy between the circadian rhythm and the natural one due to time zone changes. This phenomenon is not dangerous if it does not become the norm. But “social” jetlag—the habit of sleeping longer on weekends—can seriously ruin your life.

The influence of circadian rhythms on human life and health

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvtBcC9tNcoVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Anti-age medicine. Circadian rhythms (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvtBcC9tNco)

Components of the daily routine

We have already said that it is impossible to offer a universal daily routine that would suit everyone. When creating a schedule, many personal factors are taken into account, but there are also points that everyone must follow. These are necessary conditions for everyone who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle and be healthy.



The realities of the modern world are such that many people either devote insufficient time to sleep or regularly sleep more than is required for the body. In both cases, this negatively affects the physical condition of a person and his activities. A clear daily routine and properly allocated time for sleep allow all human life support systems to recover and rest, and also help to avoid sleep and nervous system disorders [MedicalNewsToday, 2021, Ho L., 2020].

So, the ideal time for sleep is considered to be from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am [Healthline, 2019]. On average, an adult should sleep about 7-8 hours a day, although there are many cases where people slept much less (3-6 hours a day), but felt great and did their job effectively. Famous successful short sleepers include Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Jefferson, Salvador Dali, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher.

However, you should not resort to extreme cases and neglect healthy sleep altogether. In some clinical experiments, isolated cases were observed in which people did not sleep for more than 250 hours in a row. By the end of this period of time, doctors noted attention disorder in patients, the inability to focus vision on an object for more than 20 seconds, and psychomotor impairment. Such experiments did not bring much harm to health, but they knocked the human body out of its usual state for several days.

For many people who want to align their schedule and learn to go to bed early, the question of “how to fall asleep” at the planned time is relevant. Here are some recommendations:

  • Instead of watching detective series on TV or surfing the Internet before bed, it is better to read a book.
  • A few hours before bedtime, you should exercise, run, or just walk.
  • You should not eat heavy food at night.
  • It is useful to ventilate the room before going to bed.
  • Thus, create your daily routine so that when you go to bed, your body feels tired.

Even if you can’t fall asleep in the evening for a long time, you still need to get up in the morning at the planned time. You may not get enough sleep one day, but the next night you will be able to fall asleep earlier.



Everyone knows the phrase “you need to eat to live,” but you need to eat right. We will talk in detail about proper nutrition and everything connected with it in the next lesson; here we will note only a few important nuances. Food is fuel for the body. With it, we not only receive energy for the day, which is spent on mental and physical activity, but also provide the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. That is why it is important to eat regularly and nutritiously; the need to use a diet must be agreed upon with a specialist who will help create the optimal menu taking into account the physiological needs of the body.



Restoration of strength and performance of the body occurs not only during sleep, but also during the period of activity of the body. During work, a person also needs rest, since it is impossible to constantly maintain work capacity at a high level. Don't waste your lunch break doing work, get some rest, and soon you'll be able to get down to business with renewed vigor and be more productive and efficient.

It is also important to rest after work. If you work on the computer all day, when you return home, spend the evening without it. Take time to read, communicate with family and friends, and educate yourself.



Each of us has to work: schoolchildren - go to classes and do homework, students - attend lectures and seminars, prepare for exams, adults - build a career and earn a living. The ability to plan your working time is an important part of your daily routine as a whole. Methods of self-management, time management, as well as recommendations for increasing personal effectiveness at work and outside of it can be found in the articles in the special section of our blog “Time-management and efficiency”.


Physical exercise

This is a recommended part of the day for everyone who cares about their health. Those whose work limits the physical activity of the body throughout the day should think about training first of all. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to join a gym or go to the pool, you can exercise at home or on playgrounds in courtyards and schools. If there are medical contraindications, instead of playing sports, you can practice light walks in the fresh air after meals. Read more about the role of physical activity in a healthy lifestyle in this lesson.


Mental balance

As they say, “a healthy mind in a healthy body,” but the opposite is also true. If a person is calm and satisfied with life, and enjoys his work, it means that it is easier for him to maintain a daily routine. To understand yourself, we have created a special course “Self-Knowledge”, which will allow you to understand yourself, understand your strengths and weaknesses. Find out more.

Daily routine for weight gain. Some simple recommendations

Here are some simple guidelines for minimal fat:

  • consume a reasonable excess of calories (KBZHU calculator). This is your body weight times 30 plus 300-500. Aim for a higher amount if you lead a very active lifestyle, and add 100-300 extra calories to your diet if you don't see weight gain within two weeks.
  • Eat 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight. This is a simple baseline that ensures there is enough material to build new muscle.
  • eat foods rich in nutrients. Such as: rice, legumes, lean meats, potatoes, fruits and vegetables.
  • add nutrient-dense snacks. If you can't get the calories you need, add bread, peanut butter, protein shakes, fruit juices, avocados, and even the occasional fast food.
  • lift weights 3-5 times a week. However, add weight or reps each week on some exercises.

Go to the store.

And now about the food. Remember, the most prominent drawn figures only look good because they have a significant amount of muscle tissue. If you constantly think only about maintaining six-pack abs all year round, you will remain small, fragile and weak. And this looks no better than fat deposits. So how do you gain weight? Unfortunately, it is impossible to write an individual plan for everyone. Therefore, to give you some basic ideas, here is a detailed menu for the week. The menu and set of products below are designed for 3.7 - 4 thousand calories per day. That is, it is designed for a large person. Based on it, you can create an individual nutrition plan and menu and do not forget to weigh yourself once a week, measure your waist and neck circumference, calculate your body fat percentage, take photos in front of the mirror: all this in order to track your progress and make adjustments.

How to plan your daily routine

Benjamin Franklin’s daily schedule looked like , which he posted in his “Autobiography”:

(image based on a fragment of the book by M. Curry)

Below are some guidelines for creating your daily routine.

How to create an adult's daily routine

When creating a daily routine, focus on the following points:

1Try not only to think through the schedule, but also to write it down. Use special programs, a diary, or just write it down on a piece of paper. A written daily routine will not only remind you of things to do, but also serve as a silent reproach if anything planned is not completed.
2It is important that at first the routine includes only what you actually do during the day. Simply put, you should include items in your schedule that you are sure to complete, for example, get up at 7 to get ready, have breakfast and, taking into account the travel, be at work by 9. If you just want to go to the gym after work, but have never done it before, you shouldn’t include such an item in your daily plan. Later, when the idea can be implemented, the regime can be adjusted. Remember that you can accustom yourself to following a routine, and, therefore, self-discipline, only by fulfilling the actual points of the schedule.
3In different components of your regime (primarily this concerns work), rank the tasks. Place difficult tasks first and complete them in the same order.
4Try to take into account the physiological needs of your body, which were mentioned above. Maintain personal hygiene, don’t stay up late, eat meals at the same time.
5It is also important that a few days after deciding to start drawing up a regimen, you begin to note the periods of time spent on certain actions. Find an average of how long it takes you to have breakfast, get to work, respond to emails, communicate with colleagues, etc. Based on the data obtained, you need to create the first daily regimen. The use of the “first” characteristic is not accidental - in the future, most likely, you will repeatedly adjust your regime, and it is important to learn during this process to rely on specific time frames, and not on subjective feelings of the time spent.

Obviously, the daily routine is compiled in accordance with employment at work, which is more or less defined. Nevertheless, it is important to plan not only working time, but also rest, time for household chores and other matters. This is sometimes difficult to do, but over time you will learn.

How to create a daily routine for a schoolchild (teenager)

There are also several main points here:

1The first thing to start with is conducting a “field stage”. Some time needs to be spent on observing: how long it takes to get to school, to a class, to prepare homework, etc. If a student makes up his own schedule, the data obtained needs to be agreed upon with parents, who will help take into account the characteristics of age and allow sufficient time for rest .
2School education is structured taking into account pedagogical, psychological methods, and age nuances. The number of lessons and electives are given in such a volume as not to overload the student. But rest time needs to be planned separately. It is recommended to rest at least 1.5 hours after finishing classes and another 1.5 hours after completing homework. It is advisable to spend part of this time outdoors.
3It is unacceptable to spend most of your free time watching TV or playing computer games. This problem can be solved by enrolling in sections and clubs, performing chores assigned by parents and other more useful things.
4It is important to motivate your child to follow the daily routine at first. It all depends on the parents.
5For elementary school students, it is imperative to set aside time for naps during the day. High school students can go to bed a little later, as well as independently make adjustments to their routine in accordance with their busy schedule. The best time to prepare written homework is between 16.00 and 18.00. It is better to read books and textbooks in the evening.

Below is one of the options for an hourly daily routine for a 3rd grade schoolchild, approved by pediatricians:

  • 7:00.
  • 7:00-7:30.
    Exercising, washing.
  • 7:30-7:45.
  • 8:30-13:05.
    School lessons.
  • 13:30-14:00.
  • 14:00-15:45.
    Outdoor games, walks, spending time outdoors.
  • 15:45-16:00.
    Afternoon snack.
  • 16:00-18:00.
    Self-study, homework.
  • 18:00-19:00.
    Free time, rest.
  • 19:00-19:30.
  • 19:30-20:00.
    Free time, housework.
  • 20:00-20:30.
    An evening walk.
  • 20:30-21:00.
    Preparation for sleep.
  • 21:00.

And finally, one more option.

How to create a student’s daily routine

will help you create a daily routine for a student :

1Start by collecting and analyzing information about time spent. If the daily routine was drawn up while still at school, then nothing will change radically in the daily routine of a full-time student.
2Compared to schoolchildren, students often have more information and more time for self-preparation. It is worth considering that mental activity should alternate with physical activity and spending time in the fresh air - to maintain health, these items should not be excluded from the schedule.
3The activity of a student is associated with constant tension of mental forces, and in order to use them fruitfully, one must remember not only the alternation of work and rest, but also some other features. You need to get into work gradually, first repeating already known material and only then starting to study new things.
4The daily routine for the duration of the session must be drawn up separately. Preparation should begin in the same time periods as classes take place throughout the semester - the brain is already accustomed to activity at such times. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition and rest.
5A properly designed and thought-out daily routine, no matter how difficult it may be to adhere to at first, will soon lead to the development of a dynamic stereotype, which will make following the routine easier.

Surveys and observations show that those students who set a daily routine have up to 5 hours of free time for personal interests. Following a routine will allow you to maintain a healthy balance in your activities: do not spend all your time “cramming” on the one hand, but also do not go for walks, constantly catching up on sleep in classes, on the other.

Food and walk

The first rule is that you need to eat food more often, but in small portions.
If you look at biorhythms, you can understand the best time to eat:

  1. Breakfast. 7-8 am. Provided that you are fully awake and have already charged.
  2. Lunch. From 11 to 12. This is a light snack to suppress hunger before lunch.
  3. Dinner. The time varies between 13-15 hours. It is important that these 2 hours pass without intense exercise; biorhythms indicate a decrease in performance at this time of day.
  4. Snack. 16-17 hours. The purpose of this event is the same as before lunch.
  5. Dinner. Despite the generally accepted myth that it is absolutely forbidden to go to the refrigerator after 18:00, biorhythms recommend having dinner between 18:00 and 19:00. If for some reason dinner is delayed, then you need to remember 3 hours without food before bedtime.

There is a generally accepted table for the distribution of the daily diet:

EatingTimePercentage of daily ration, %
first snack11:0010
Second snack16:3010

There are practically no restrictions on outdoor walks. The easiest way to force yourself to walk more is to stop using public transport or at least get off one stop earlier.

Doctors advise walking 6 to 8 kilometers (about 10,000 steps) every day. The optimal pace of a walk is also determined quite simply - talking while walking is calm, and singing leads to a loss of breathing rhythm.

The ideal daily routine of a successful person

The work routine for a successful person must contain all the main aspects of the life of not only a rich, but also a healthy person. The correct distribution of all tasks throughout the working day can become a criterion for success.

We will give you an example of how you can use your time effectively:

  • 06.30-7.00. Most people start their day by waking up at this time. This is due to the general established order of the working day. Businesses are opening, public transport is starting to operate at full capacity.
  • 07.10 – drink a glass of warm water. Drinking warm water on an empty stomach helps your digestive system become active and process and absorb food more easily.
  • 07.10-07.25 – you can set aside this time for cosmetic procedures in order to get yourself in order.
  • 7.25-7.35 – do some exercise. Light physical exercise will allow you to wake up, cheer up and tone your body.
  • 7.35-7.45 – pick up your diary and write down your daily routine for today. Check the time of all possible meetings, and also try to determine the time frame for completing other tasks.
  • 07.45-07.55 – breakfast. The best breakfast for you may be a combination of protein and carbohydrate foods. This way, you will adhere to a healthy diet, which will have a positive effect on your well-being.

Next, directly organize the work process

Complete the tasks you set for yourself for the day

It is also important to observe a rest regime. The most effective are considered to be breaks of ten to fifteen minutes, every one and a half hours of work.

An essential condition for the quality of your “small” vacation can be a short-term change of scenery. For example, if you work in an office, then the best solution may be to walk along the corridors with a cup of coffee. Or a short visit to the street. Smoking, by the way, is also a good way to take your mind off the work process, but the harm offsets this positive effect.

  • 12.00-13.00 - lunch break. Use this whole hour of time to your advantage. I doubt anyone drags out their meals for an entire hour, so use the remaining time to do something useful, such as structuring your tasks for the rest of the day.
  • 15.00-15.10 – light snack.
  • 18.00-19.30 – physical activity. Exercise times can be moved to almost any part of the day based on your work schedule. An important factor is the connection between the time of physical activity and your diet. Before training, you should consume some carbohydrates, and afterward, protein foods are great.
  • 20.00 is a great time to devote yourself to your favorite hobby. The process of tuning a musical instrument, or watching your favorite TV series, will set you up for quality relaxation.
  • 23.00-23.30 is the optimal time to fall asleep. Don't forget that sleep has its value, and the value of sleep after 24 hours is extremely small.

This could be the daily routine of a successful person. It is worth noting that this example is not a universal remedy. There cannot actually be a universal daily routine, since each person has his own biorhythm of life. Everyone has their own scope of tasks. Some have more, some have less. It is not always possible to allocate time for sports or hobbies, based on various considerations. But everyone should strive to ensure that their daily routine becomes the routine of a successful person

It is important to take into account all four aspects of life given above in your daily routine. This:

  • Effective sleep.
  • Proper business planning.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Hobby.

These are the four fundamental pillars. Compliance with the above rules can significantly improve the quality of your life, and therefore the likelihood of becoming successful will be much higher. Try it and the first noticeable results will be visible within a few weeks.

Power supply for security forces

To build a physique, nutrition plays a very important role: a huge share of success depends on nutrition no less than on competent training (the correct training program, adequate to the current physical capabilities in terms of loads (volume and intensity), the frequency of training and rest suitable for your loads outside the gym) . But despite this, an excellent result will only come from the combination of these two components. One cannot replace the other.

In the diet of any muscleman, it is most optimal to eat every 3-4 hours

One very important rule applies here: food for life, not life for food. That is, you need to eat for good performance and good health, but not allow anything unnecessary

Gradually, over several weeks of systematic training, harmful foods should be eliminated:

  • confectionery
  • very fatty foods
  • bakery products made from wheat flour
  • carbonated sweet drinks
  • sausages
  • smoked meats
  • all types of canned food

Proper and rational nutrition is a set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right proportions from a variety of foods.

Dietary protein is found in the following “correct” foods:

  • seafood and fish
  • lean meat, including poultry (the well-known chicken breasts)
  • eggs
  • legumes
  • milk and skim or low-fat dairy products

Natural products for obtaining “healthy” carbohydrates:

  • cereals (except semolina and polished rice)
  • dark pasta
  • baked potato
  • muesli
  • vegetables
  • fruits

Remember that juices contain a lot of unnecessary sugar, and it is better to eat bread without yeast (with bran).

The body can get “good” fats from the following foods:

  • fatty fish
  • butter 82.5% (in small quantities)
  • unrefined vegetable oils
  • nuts
  • salo

In the daily caloric intake of food, the proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is allocated to 20% - 20% - 60%, respectively.

In the first few months of training, you should not turn to nutritional supplements to improve results and build muscle mass. It is only recommended to include a good complex of vitamins and minerals in your diet, nothing more. All nutrition should be based only on natural products. You need to learn to eat right!

Only after 3-6 months is it allowed to add protein to the diet or, for very thin guys, a gainer - 30 minutes after strength training.

After six months to a year of training, you can experiment with other nutritional supplements. Currently, there is a wide range of them on the sports nutrition market: various proteins, BCA, glutamine, creatine... But this should not be considered manna from heaven. If you have not learned how to train properly before, then sports nutrition will not help. First of all, you need to learn to feel your body and give it the right load, the necessary nutrition and sufficient rest - this is the key to success in natural bodybuilding!

For understanding, let’s give an example of the nutrition of a novice security officer weighing 75 kg:


Oatmeal with milk (low-fat) – 1 tbsp. Egg whites – 5 pcs. Banana – 1 pc. Natural honey – 15 g.


Protein shake – 1 spoon (measured) Yogurt without sugar – 1 tbsp. Turkey meat – 2 pieces Bread – 1 slice.


Salad, dressed with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil White fish fillet with rice (beef with rice) Cottage cheese – 1 piece Fruit – 1 pc.


Boiled potatoes – 1 – 2 pcs. Chicken breast – 1 pc.


Protein shake (casein) – 1 serving.

It is unacceptable to suddenly change your diet. This can lead to problems with the digestive system. If you are just starting to master bodybuilding, do not rush headlong into drastic and sudden changes in your diet. Start applying the rules of nutrition gradually. This way you can avoid breakdowns and problems with the digestive system.

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