What do different body fat percentages look like for men?

How much fat do we need?

This table shows generally accepted body fat percentages for men and women.

Essential Fat10–12%2–4%
Athletic build14–18%6–13%
Athletic build21–24%14–17%
Average build25–31%18–25%
Obesity32% or more36% or more

Essential fat is the minimum you need to survive. For this reason, bodybuilders dry their bodies to this point only before competition. The rest of the time, they maintain a higher percentage of fat so as not to undermine their health and train effectively.

  • If you're trying to be thin, aim for an athletic body fat percentage.
  • If you want to look healthy and fit, aim for an athletic body fat percentage.

If your body fat percentage is approaching the maximum permissible value for a normal physique or falls into the obesity category, you would do well to reduce this figure.

Determining the percentage of fat “by eye”

In the basic texts of Zozhnik - “The Sect of Jocks” and “The Old Body in a New Way” we show these photographs, from which you can clearly understand the example of fat level.

By looking at them and yourself in the mirror as objectively as possible, you could imagine and roughly determine your fat percentage, and at the same time see how you can change if you reduce/increase it.

The age-old question of beginners, “how to pump up abs?” is also related to the level of fat. – Everyone has six-pack abs, but they become visible at a certain level of fat. Depending on the specific case, an athletic physique and sculpted abs are visible for men at a level of 6-13%, for women - 14-20%, and obesity begins at figures when fat accounts for a third of body weight or more.

How to measure body fat percentage

There are seven main methods, varying in accuracy, simplicity and cost.

Visual method

It consists of comparing yourself to the pictures above and determining who you are approximately similar to. A very inaccurate method.

Using a caliper

Pull back the skin with subcutaneous fat, grab it with a caliper and find the percentage of fat corresponding to the caliper readings in the table. As a rule, calipers show a lower percentage of body fat than it actually is.

Using the formula

For example, you can use the US Navy formula or the YMCA formula. This method usually errs on the big side.

Using electrical monitors

A weak electrical current is passed through the body, and then a “biometric resistance” is analyzed. As practice has shown, this method gives very inaccurate results.

With Bod Pod System

Using a special device, the air displaced by the body is measured, and based on the data obtained, the mass of the body, its volume and density are calculated. This method is considered very accurate, but expensive.

Water displacement method

Very accurate (with an error of only 1–3%), but expensive, complex and inconvenient method.

DEXA scan

This method is considered the most accurate and consists of a complete study of body composition using x-rays. It is also a very expensive method.

Whatever method you choose, try to take measurements at the same time and under similar conditions: for example, on a certain day of the week, in the morning, on an empty stomach. Even if the data obtained is inaccurate, you will be able to understand whether progress is being made.

Methods for measuring body fat percentage

No sign or counting chart on the Internet will show you the exact percentage of body fat.
However, you can build on something or use the same method to track progress. There may be an error, but you will see the dynamics of change.

How to find out your body fat percentage using BMI

Body mass index (BMI) is a generally accepted method for calculating optimal body weight. It takes into account only your weight, height and gender, and is calculated:

BMI = body weight in kg / (height in meters x height in meters), for example, 80 kg / (1.86 m x 1.86 m) = 23.1 kg/m2

Despite the fact that BMI does not correlate with the percentage of fat, a rough estimate of its content can be estimated for people who are not very athletic, without large muscles (taken from https://shantramora.livejournal.com/149932.html):

If you have muscles and there are a lot of them, then it is better to count differently. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger's body mass index at the peak of his competitive form would indicate obesity:

Arnold is 1.88 m tall and weighs 107 kg on stage. BMI = 30 kg/m2, which corresponds to 26% body fat, which is not true.


Caliperometry is a simple and accessible method for assessing subcutaneous fat. Suitable for persons with a BMI in the range of 18.5-25 kg/m2, since caliper models have limitations in measuring the width of the skin fold.

Fat is distributed unevenly throughout our body. It also surrounds internal organs. Therefore, caliperometry has a high error, but is quite suitable for tracking the dynamics of changes during weight loss .

You should pull back the skin along with subcutaneous fat, excluding muscles, measure the thickness of the fold with a caliper, and then compare the values ​​with tables or enter the values ​​into an online calculator. Here you can find several methods of measuring and obtaining results.

Your caliper may contain in its instructions a method for converting its values ​​into percentage of fat, but it may not, so use the link above.

On the website www.linear-software.com/online.html you can choose 5 methods for measuring folds and one based on girth measurements with a measuring tape. Enter the values ​​and click get result. Use the translator built into the browser if you do not speak English

The measurements themselves might look like this:

For men

  1. Chest - The diagonal fold midway between the nipple and the upper part of the pectoral muscle at the armpit.

  1. Belly - Vertical fold 2.5 cm to the right of the navel.

  1. Thigh - The vertical fold midway between the kneecap and the crease of the groin.

For women

  1. Triceps - The vertical fold midway between the top of the shoulder and the elbow.

  1. Suprailium - The diagonal fold above the upper anterior portion of the iliac crest.

  1. Thigh - The vertical fold midway between the kneecap and the crease of the groin.

Important when using a caliper:

  • Carry out different measurements at the same time of day, under the same conditions, with the same caliper.
  • Measure the folds on the right side of the body.
  • The skin should be dry, undamaged, and without clothing.
  • Practice first. Your measurements should be the same.

By girth of body parts

For ordinary and obese people whose fat percentage cannot be determined using a caliper, a method using body girth measurements is suitable.

You need to measure the circumference of your waist, hips and pelvis, and then plug the data into the calculator.


Using formulas, it is better to focus on several calculation schemes and take the average value .

I will give you the calculation methods. But doing the math yourself is tedious when everything is compiled into calculators, so below is a form where you simply enter your data and get your fat percentage based on three calculation methods.

US Navy Body Fat Formula

Based on data on the circumferences of the neck, waist, and hips (for women), the formula shows the result with an error of 1-3%, which is quite good.

The formula itself looks like this:

  • For men 86.01 x LOG(waist - neck) - 70.041 x LOG(height) + 30.3;
  • For women 163.205 x LOG(waist + hips - neck) - 97.684 x ​​LOG(height) - 104.912.

Where LOG is the decimal logarithm.

YMCA Formula

  • YMCA for men (-98.42 + (4.15 x waist/2.54) - (0.082 x (weight/0.454)))/(weight/0.454) x 100
  • YMCA for women (-76.76 + (4.15 x waist/2.54) - (0.082 x (weight/0.454)))/(weight/0.454) x 100

Formula based on BMI

Body fat percentage based on BMI = (1.2 x BMI) + (0.23 x age) - (10.8 x gender) - 5.4, where gender is 1 for men and 0 for women.

Online fat percentage calculator

In order not to worry about all these formulas, just enter your values ​​into this calculator and get an approximate percentage of fat. Data is the geometric mean of the above three methods for measuring body fat percentage:

Regular photos and by eye

Connect as many ways to determine your body fat percentage as possible.

Every 2-4 weeks, photograph yourself from several angles. It is important that the lighting, shooting time, proportions, in general, all conditions when photographing remain unchanged.

Here's an example of how to do it:

Watch how your body changes in photos and reflections in the mirror and compare yourself with pictures that show your approximate fat content.

Bioimpedance method

Based on measuring the bioelectric resistance of body tissues. Fat tissue conducts electricity differently than bone and muscle. This is due to the lower percentage of water (about 50%) in fat compared to muscle (about 75%).

To take measurements, a person is placed on a couch, electrodes are connected, and after a couple of minutes they are given a printout with data on body composition.

The error of the method is 3-9%. The price is affordable and starts from 1000 rubles in Moscow (clinics where this can be done). Contraindications include the presence of pacemakers and pregnancy.

Electronic balance

Yes, modern smart scales can measure body composition and do it quite well based on the same bioimpedance analysis. The review conducted by habr.com compares the performance of smart MGB scales and bioimpedance measurements using the MEDASS device in a clinical setting:

There are no radical differences. The cost of the MGB scales is 1990 rubles and will be paid off after two trips to the clinic



Plethysmographic body composition analyzer. It is an air chamber that measures the density of human body components. Based on the measurements, you can obtain the following data (source):

  • Body composition;
  • Total weight;
  • Fat mass;
  • Fat-free mass;
  • Thoracic gas volume (TGV) assessment;
  • Thoracic gas volume (TGV) measurement;
  • Resting metabolic rate (RMR) estimate;
  • Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) estimate.

The method is considered accurate, the error is 2-6%, but I couldn’t find where to do such an analysis in Russia.

DEXA and hydrostatic weighing

The two most accurate methods for determining body composition. Error up to 2%.

The DEXA method is based on scanning the body with X-rays, hydrostatic weighing is carried out in water. Both procedures are expensive, complex and inconvenient for regular measurements, for example to track weight loss progress.

How to reduce body fat percentage

Calorie deficit

Spend more than you consume. But keep in mind that if you do not do strength training and limit yourself in carbohydrates, then along with fat you will lose muscle mass. This is not the best way, but fat loss is guaranteed.

Pull the iron

When you train with weights (as well as intense bodyweight training), you maintain muscle mass, but also speed up your metabolism and achieve the afterburn effect, where calories continue to be burned after the end of the workout.


Sprints also cause a calorie burn effect.

Eat no more than 100 g of carbohydrates per day

By limiting yourself in carbohydrates, you deprive the body of its favorite source of energy. In this case, he has to extract it from fat reserves.

Train on an empty stomach

Your first meal will be only after training. Hard, but effective.

Why is a high percentage of fat dangerous?

The problem of excess body weight is widespread in our society. People underestimate the impact of excess weight on their health. Being overweight has become a normal practice for modern people. If the percentage of fat in girls goes beyond 25%, in men - beyond 20%, there is reason to think about being overweight. A little extra weight in itself is not dangerous. If you feel good at that weight, then you're good. Until the fat percentage begins to approach the 30% mark - the first degree of obesity. Just like a lack of fat, its excess affects the reproductive ability of men and women. Women who are overweight may lose their periods. In obesity, fat in one hundred percent of cases accumulates in the visceral area. Why this is dangerous was written above.

Methods for determining body fat percentage

To determine the percentage of body fat, there are specialized devices, as well as certain measurement methods. Let's take a closer look at them.

A caliper is a special device that measures the thickness of the skin and fat folds in specified areas of the body. Based on the data obtained, the percentage of subcutaneous fat is determined.

  • price: 1000-24000 rubles;
  • measurement accuracy: error probability ±3%;
  • Availability: can be found in most fitness clubs.

Analyzer scales measure the amount of fat and muscle in the body by sending a weak current through the body. The device then reads the tissue resistance and provides final data.

  • price: 1200-15000 rubles;
  • measurement accuracy: error probability ±3%;
  • Availability: in many electrical stores; It is also possible to purchase online.

Hydrostatic densitometry, or underwater weighing, is an alternative method of measuring body volume by immersing the test subject in water.

  • price: 900-3000 rubles per test;
  • measurement accuracy: error probability ±1.5%;
  • Availability: Typically conducted at research institutes and universities.
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