7 great kefir dough recipes for pies, pizza and more

The New Year holidays, fortunately, are over, and it’s time to remove their consequences from your waist. Let's talk about kefir - one of the most favorite products for those losing weight and all those who want to be healthy. You will learn the opinion of gastroenterologists: why kefir is useful, who should not drink it, which kefir is better, how to choose it correctly.

First, a couple of interesting facts about kefir.

Do you know that:

  • Kefir “comes” from the Caucasus; for a long time, kefir starter was passed down from generation to generation. Kefir appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
  • Kefir fungus is a complex combination of several microorganisms - lactic acid bacilli, streptococci, yeast, acetic acid bacteria, and others.
  • It was never possible to grow kefir grains artificially.

Everyone knows about the benefits of kefir and other “fermented milk”. What is it?

  • For digestion - promotes the growth of “correct” microflora in the intestines, eliminates constipation, stops fermentation processes and acts as an antiseptic. Kefir bacteria break down milk sugar, and all the beneficial components of kefir are completely absorbed by the body. Kefir contains useful calcium, potassium, vitamins, and amino acids.
  • For the kidneys - has a diuretic effect, helps get rid of edema.
  • For the nervous system, kefir is a little tonic. Therefore, you should not drink it before bed.
  • For exchange - kefir helps to lose extra centimeters. 100 g of kefir with a fat content of 3.2% contains only 59 calories. Low-fat has even less - 31 Kcal per 100 g of product. If you want to lose weight, drink kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, if you can.

Fermented milk products slow down aging, help cleanse the body, improve intestinal function, skin and hair condition, and are simply irreplaceable in the diet of those who care about their health. If you use them correctly.

Myths about kefir - how not to overdo it with healthy fermented milk products

Myth one. Kefir is good for everyone

Not really. There are some citizens who should not drink it. Those who suffer from:

  • allergies to dairy products
  • peptic ulcer in exacerbation
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis
  • lactose intolerance.

And do not give kefir to children under one year old.

Myth two. The bigger, the better

Some fans of a healthy lifestyle drink a couple of liters of kefir a day. Despite all the benefits of kefir, you should not consume more than 300-400 g per day. Otherwise, the digestive system will “rebel” - you can overload the pancreas and get upset bowel movements.

Myth three. Kefir helps against dysbiosis

Yes, it contains bacteria that are beneficial to the digestive system. However, according to recent research, kefir should not be consumed by those who suffer, for example, from fungal diseases. It is better to take another fermented milk drink that does not contain yeast - natural yogurt, fermented baked milk.

Myth four. Behind the wheel? Don't drink kefir!

If kefir is 5 days old, then it’s really not worth it. And not just because of the alcohol content. Kefir is not strong enough to cause problems with alcohol testing. There are products that contain much more alcohol than kefir. For example, grape juice. And in black bread there is generally 0.1% alcohol. And apples contain alcohol. Nobody prohibits these products for those who drive.

Kefir or fermented baked milk with coffee: tasty or not?

The taste is peculiar, but definitely not bad. For example, 10 ml of kefir (three teaspoons), poured into 50 ml of espresso from a coffee machine, gives a creamy shade, pleasant thickness and more pronounced acidity (acid from two products at once). Ryazhenka adds flavor and aromatic shades of baked milk, and also slightly thickens the drink, it has a pleasant stretch.

  • Espresso with a spoon of kefir is not too different from milk, especially sweet.
  • If you add more, up to 1:1, it will be creamy and coffee-y, but due to the temperature difference between the initial ingredients, the drink turns out barely warm. In this slightly warm form it is uninteresting, the sour-milk-coffee bitter taste is noticeable.
  • If you cool the coffee and serve the cocktail with ice and syrup, it turns out very tasty, creamy, juicy, and textured.

Syrups and sugar definitely improve the taste of the drink; honey would probably be great too. Use a little more than you are used to to compensate for the sour tones. A spice, such as cinnamon, will add a pleasant smell.

Kefir dough for dumplings and dumplings

This dough is made with just three ingredients.


  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 300 g flour + a little for dusting;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Pour kefir into a bowl, add flour and salt. Knead the dough with your hands until it becomes smooth. Form it into a ball, sprinkle with flour and wrap in cling film or put in a plastic bag. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Learn to make perfect dumplings

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