How to get rid of gluttony? Your invisible helpers

Greetings, dear readers of this blog! Gluttony is a huge problem these days! Moreover, not only fat people suffer from it, but also ordinary and even slender people. Gluttony is a dangerous disease of civilization. And the reason is not only an excess of delicious food.

Our ancestors did not suffer from it, because in those days food had to be obtained. Catch up, kill, butcher, cook at the stake. Or grow, collect. All of these were very energy-consuming tasks.

Nowadays, it’s enough to go to the store, buy everything you want, and eat it all. But this is a dangerous path, because gluttony can cause many diseases, and even kill!

And we’re not just talking about obesity here. How to get rid of gluttony and lose weight? Below are important recommendations for solving this problem.

The essence of overeating and signs of the problem

Gluttons attach enormous, emotional meaning to food. And at the same time they absorb much more food than they need. For life and saturation. Overeating becomes the norm for them.

Here are the main symptoms of this terrible habit:

  • a person eats quickly and in large quantities;
  • can eat regardless of the daily routine, in the evenings and even at night;
  • is able to recognize the problem, but cannot stop eating a lot, so he eats goodies secretly;
  • Only large portions of tasty treats can save you from stress; other methods do not help;
  • at the moment of saturation, a person seems to fall into “autopilot” mode and is not able to control himself.

What are the main causes of gluttony?

Gluttony and bulimia develop very quickly, fed by negative emotions and disorders:

  • Passion for healthy food, with bouts of binge eating unhealthy foods;
  • Diets with constant breakdowns (“there is strength, there is will, but there is no willpower”) and overeating high-calorie foods;
  • By creating artificial periods of hunger with subsequent compensation in huge portions;
  • The habit of finishing the plate even when the stomach feels full;
  • The family habit of “eating with your eyes” is to serve large portions of food;
  • Violation of the daily routine and meals;
  • Taking oral contraceptives;
  • Excessive appetite, leading to gluttony before menstruation;
  • Metabolic and hormonal disorders;
  • Emotional state or eating problems;
  • Overeating as a form of protest;

Bouts of gluttony are the main enemy of the physical and mental health of men and women.

Considering the reasons

The causes of gluttony are not evil spirits. You definitely can’t cure it with conspiracies and folk remedies.

It is a given that modern people eat too much. They eat unnecessary and unhealthy food. And they don’t eat to live, but on the contrary, they live to eat.

Some modern scientists call the main impetus for uncontrolled consumption of food an allegedly genetic predisposition. The cause may also be a dysfunction of the brain lobes that are responsible for regulating appetite. And this is confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

At the same time, there are both objective and subjective reasons for gluttony.


  • it can be a protective reaction of the body to injury (physical or psychological);
  • serve as a salvation from resentment, anger, stress, self-doubt, and other negative personality states;
  • the reason may be weak will and lack of external control;
  • the habit since childhood of “seizing” all failures with sweets, cookies and other tasty things;
  • lack of true love for your body and your personality;
  • self-doubt and totally low self-esteem;
  • lack of a normal diet;
  • lack of healthy eating habits.


Certain diseases can be objective: diabetes mellitus, traumatic brain injury, hypothyroidism and even schizophrenia. The consequences of constant overeating are terrible. The main ones are obesity, heart and joint problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, psychological disorders and many others.


Today we learned what gluttony is, understood the reasons for its occurrence and know how to cope with the disease. Let's change our lifestyle, diet and forget about overeating forever. Very soon, working on yourself will become a habit, the weight will gradually begin to melt away, and our figure will become slim again.

Causes of gluttony in women: psychology

However, you need to understand that not all people are given the ability to have model body parameters, so there is no need to strive for this. Love yourself for who you are, notice your strengths and live in peace with yourself. Don’t scold yourself or reproach yourself, but set feasible goals and strive to achieve them. Maintain your health, join the Health and Strength Club!

Try to live in such a way that you do not have free time. Learn to switch your wild appetite and desire to open the refrigerator to other useful things in time. Keep yourself busy with interesting things, find an exciting hobby, walk more, visit interesting places, exhibitions and theaters. You will have no room for boredom, and at the same time, for overeating.

Do you ever experience bouts of gluttony? If this happens, how do you deal with it? Tell us about your weight loss experience in the comments. If the article was useful, share it with your friends on social networks. With sincere respect to you, author of the online diary, Olga

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