Safe and fast weight loss with 6 cereals

With a porridge diet you can not only lose weight, but also maintain your health. Cereals contain few calories and are easy and quick to prepare. Nutritionists recommend including different cereals in your menu. Cereals are a carbohydrate product; they are absorbed by the body for a long time, allowing you to feel full for a long time. Cereals contain a large amount of fiber, which stimulates intestinal function. You can choose a mono diet and eat one type of porridge for a week, but a diet of seven porridges will be more effective for weight loss. Important: porridge must be cooked in water and without salt. During the seven-porridge diet, you should drink at least two liters of water a day, or green tea without sugar. On such a diet you can lose 5-6 kilograms in a week. Cereals should be soaked overnight or boiled in water without sugar or salt. Portions should be small: 200−250 g. at a time. Eat at the same time, 4-5 times a day.

Monday - wheat porridge

Wheat groats are obtained by processing durum wheat by incomplete grinding and crushing. This processing allows you to preserve a lot of useful substances in the cereal. The calorie content of wheat cereal is 316 kcal per 100 g, and that of cereal cooked in water is 92 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of wheat porridge

  • normalize blood cholesterol;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • condition of hair and nails;
  • low glycemic index;
  • moderate increase in blood sugar;
  • skin elasticity is restored.

Composition of wheat porridge: minerals - potassium and iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc; vitamins - B, C, E, P P, A, F; starch and fiber; amino acids and sugars. Porridge cooked in a thermos Pour 1 cup of cereal into a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave overnight. The next morning, the swollen wheat will be soft - it will retain all the beneficial substances in full.

You can simply boil it - rinse 1 cup of wheat cereal under running water, add 3 parts of water and bring to a boil, do not add salt, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

Tuesday - millet porridge

Millet is good for health. It is made from millet and contains a large amount of vegetable protein, vitamins and microelements. Potassium, which is contained in millet porridge, is good for the heart and blood vessels. Millet is a useful product for weight loss and restoration of metabolic processes. Millet porridge is easily digestible, satisfies the feeling of hunger, and therefore is suitable for anyone who is struggling with excess weight. The calorie content of millet is 348 calories. The calorie content of cooked millet porridge with water is 90 kcal per 100 grams.

Composition of millet porridge: macro and microelements: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, chlorine, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, iodine, chromium, vitamins B2 and B5.

The benefits of millet porridge

  • cleanses of toxins and impurities;
  • removes excess liquid;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • saturates, burns fat;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • strong adsorbent, removes toxins from the body;
  • slows down the aging process.

Preparation: for 1 cup of millet, 3 cups of water, rinse several times, the last time use boiling water for rinsing. Pour water over the cereal, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. until the porridge is completely ready, let it sit for 30 minutes. The porridge is cooked without sugar, salt and butter.

Wednesday - oatmeal

Oatmeal is made from oats and is a “brush” for the intestines. Calorie content of oatmeal - 342 kcal, protein content - 12.3 g, carbohydrates - 59.5 g, fat - 6.1 g, high content of vegetable protein and dietary fiber. Whole grain cereals have the maximum benefit. Oatmeal with water helps reduce “bad” cholesterol in the blood and stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The calorie content of oatmeal cooked in water is 88 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of oatmeal: vitamins B 1, B 2, E, H and P P, minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and sodium.

Benefits of oatmeal

  • stimulates the immune system;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • has a low glycemic index;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • gently cleanses the intestines
  • normalizes blood circulation and metabolism.

For the diet, it is better to use whole grain cereals; they are obtained by minimal processing of oats - peeling, grinding; whole grains contain the largest amount of nutrients and vitamins. Oatmeal for weight loss should be boiled in water. Whole grain cereals take longer to cook than rolled oats. The cooking time for whole grain cereals is 30-50 minutes. It contains a significant amount of useful substances, a replacement for whole grains - ordinary cheap oatmeal flakes.

Preparation: To prepare porridge in water you will need: oatmeal - 1 cup; water - 5 glasses; Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook the porridge over low heat, avoiding boiling. Cook oatmeal porridge for 40-60 minutes, stirring constantly. Then remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Without salt and sugar. For 1 glass of rolled oats, 2 glasses of water. Pour rolled oats flakes into boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes.

Contraindication: allergies. Rarely seen.

Tips for losing weight: porridge, water, vitamins

Many girls who want to lose weight make a mistake - they limit themselves in food, but this does not help them lose weight. The following tips will help you understand whether you can lose weight on quick cereals. With their help, you will choose a diet option without harming the body:

  1. It is better to exclude semolina porridge from the diet while losing weight.
  2. Stock up on vitamins if you plan to diet for a long time (more than a week). The body should not feel a lack of the substances it needs.
  3. Such cleansing of the body should be carried out no more than once every six months.
  4. Leave the diet gently, adding other foods you are familiar with to your diet.
  5. Drink as much fluid as possible and start your day with a glass of water.

Thursday - rice porridge

Rice grain contains a huge amount of complex carbohydrates and fiber (92% of the total mass of the product) 8% - vitamins B and PP, as well as protein. It contains no gluten and does not cause allergies. The substances that are in the porridge help to effectively cleanse yourself of toxins and breakdown products. The rice diet ensures rapid weight loss. For weight loss, it is better to choose brown rice; unpolished grain retains the maximum amount of lecithin, potassium, phytin and folic acid and a minimum amount of starch. The calorie content of brown rice is only 362 kcal per 100 g of dry cereal. The calorie content of boiled brown rice in water is 111 kcal per 100 grams.

Ingredients of brown rice: fiber; B vitamins - niacin and pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine; nicotinic acid PP; vitamins E and K; folic acid; magnesium and iron; phosphorus, iodine and selenium.

Benefits of rice

  • brown rice has fat burning properties;
  • improves heart function;
  • increases concentration and memory;
  • regulates intestinal function;
  • does not contain gluten;
  • promotes the removal of toxins and waste from the body;
  • has a low glycemic index;
  • improves skin condition and hair structure.

Preparation: Rinse the rice and soak in clean water overnight. In the morning, rinse, place in a saucepan and add water in the ratio of 1 cup rice, 2 cups water. Bring to a boil - cook for 10 minutes, then drain, add cold water and cook for another 30 minutes. After this, leave the porridge under the closed lid for 15 minutes to infuse.

Friday - buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat groats are obtained from buckwheat grains. The healthiest thing is not fried green buckwheat (the benefits of green buckwheat are a controversial issue today), but brown buckwheat will also do. Buckwheat porridge is good for everyone, but especially for those who have fluid retention in the body, excess weight, low hemoglobin, diabetes, diseases associated with cardiovascular diseases, and high cholesterol. Buckwheat helps normalize digestion thanks to fiber, helps fight cancer cells due to the flavonoids it contains, and reduces the risk of blood clots. Buckwheat contains: fats - 3.3 g, proteins - 12.6 g, dietary fiber 11.3 g, starch - 55.4 g. In 100 gr. cereal contains about 313 kcal. in cooked porridge with water - 110 kcal.

Composition of buckwheat: buckwheat is rich in vitamins - A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP, Beta-carotene. Minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, copper and manganese, iodine, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, and silicon.

Useful properties of buckwheat

  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves intestinal function;
  • improves thyroid function;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels.

Preparation: take 1 cup of dry buckwheat and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it, cover and leave for 3 hours. Eat at the same time, 4-5 times a day. Drink water and herbal teas throughout the day.

Permitted and prohibited products

The basis of the diet is porridge. During a diet for weight loss, buckwheat, rice, wheat, barley, pearl barley and millet porridge are allowed. You can adjust the taste with aromatic herbs: basil, parsley, dill, rosemary. You can also add paprika.

If the diet is not strict, then non-starchy vegetables are allowed: cabbage, peppers, asparagus, cucumbers. In this case, fruits are also allowed, but it is better to avoid bananas, and if you are on a non-strict diet, eat no more than 1 banana per day. Low-fat fermented milk products are introduced into the diet. This applies to kefir and yogurt without additives, cottage cheese.

It is imperative to maintain a drinking regime: 2 liters of liquid per day. It can be pure and mineral still water, herbal decoction, weak green tea. Freshly prepared juices from vegetables and fruits will also be beneficial.

The following foods should be removed from the diet:

  • bakery products;
  • sweets (cakes, cookies, chocolate, sugar, jam, honey, etc.);
  • cheeses;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • pickles, smoked meats, sausages;
  • dumplings, dumplings, fast food;
  • canned food;
  • semolina porridge;
  • alcohol.

The consumption of nuts, dried fruits and seeds is limited - no more than a handful per day.

Saturday - pearl barley porridge

Pearl barley is peeled grains of barley. Pearl barley has an oblong shape, and after grinding it retains its beneficial properties. Pearl barley contains lysine, which promotes collagen production. It is considered a natural antioxidant that promotes overall rejuvenation of the body. Barley dishes have diuretic properties. Pearl barley contains: proteins 9.9 g, fats 1.1 g, carbohydrates 62.1 g, dietary fiber 16.6 g. Nutritional value per 100 grams of dry product - 290 kcal, 100 g of boiled porridge - 96 kcal.

Composition of pearl barley porridge: macroelements - sodium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. Microelements - zinc, manganese, selenium, iron, copper. Vitamins - A, group of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9.

Useful properties of pearl barley

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • stabilizes hormone levels;
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • improves skin condition.

Preparation: soak 1 cup of cereal in 1 liter of clean water and leave overnight; in the morning, drain the remaining water and rinse the barley in cold water, pour 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and add the cereal, cook for 30 minutes. over low heat. Eat porridge during the day, you can’t eat anything else, just drink water and green tea.

Types of diets

There are many dietary options for cereals. The main ones are the following.

"5 porridges"

During such a diet, you can eat only 5 types of porridge: wheat, rice, buckwheat, semolina and oatmeal (including oatmeal).

In addition to porridges, you can prepare other dishes from these cereals: casseroles (with the addition of cottage cheese, pasta), soufflés, puddings (half and half with cottage cheese).

Low-fat fermented milk products, meat and fish (also low-fat and in small quantities), vegetables and fruits are allowed.

"6 porridges"

The diet is designed for 7 days. Each time a different porridge is used as the basis of the menu:

  • Monday – wheat;
  • Tuesday – millet;
  • Wednesday – oatmeal;
  • Thursday – rice;
  • Friday – barley;
  • Saturday – buckwheat;
  • Sunday – use all cereals in the form of a mixture (take the components in equal parts).

As a supplement for breakfast and lunch, you can use vegetables (fresh, steamed, stewed, baked), broths (vegetable, meat and fish). For snacks – fruits and dried fruits. You need to have dinner not only with a certain porridge, but also with a glass of kefir or 50 g of cottage cheese.

"7 porridges"

The principles of the “Seven Porridge” diet are similar to those described above. But you can make changes - instead of rice, use pearl barley or another.

On any day of the week you can prepare a dish according to the monastery recipe:

  1. Mix rice, buckwheat and wheat cereals in equal proportions.
  2. During cooking, add chopped onions, carrots and mushrooms to taste. Do not use oil.

On lentils

Lentils help with anemia and accelerate the recovery of liver cells. It contains B vitamins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. The plant protein of lentils is maximally digestible. The product eliminates toxins, constipation, and normalizes digestion.

The basis of the diet during the diet is lentils. It is most effective to use only this product. Additionally, you can add non-starchy vegetables. This mono-diet is designed for a week.

There is a second option. In the morning you can take yogurt, muesli, cheese sandwiches. Only lentils are served for lunch and dinner. You can use it to prepare not only porridge, but also pancakes and soups. It is allowed to supplement them with a small amount of mashed potatoes and vegetable salads. Fruits, dried fruits, nuts (no more than a handful) and kefir are suitable as a snack.


This dietary product cleanses the intestines of harmful accumulated substances. Black, red, and brown rice are perfect for weight loss. It removes excess cholesterol, improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, and restores the intestinal microflora.

In the morning it is better to start with a portion of rice porridge. To make this dish easier to digest, vegetables are included in the weight loss menu. Can be supplemented with boiled chopped beets, seasoned with vegetable oil, cucumber, carrot salads, stewed mushrooms, boiled broccoli, etc.

Oranges, grapefruits and apples are allowed (one per meal).


Buckwheat is one of the best porridges for weight loss. It improves metabolism and forces the body to burn fat naturally. A person feels full for a long time thanks to it.

If you choose only a mono-diet, then you are allowed to eat buckwheat porridge. This test lasts 3 days. In this case, kefir is also allowed - about 1 liter per day. If you plan your diet for a longer period, you can diversify the menu with small pieces of boiled lean meat, fresh vegetables and fruits.

On oatmeal

Oatmeal contains a lot of coarse plant fiber and soft dietary fiber. Thanks to this, the dish effectively removes impurities and toxins. After just a week of eating oatmeal every day, you will feel light in your body.

As for the diet itself, it includes several stages. The first involves cleaning with rice for a week. Then you can start the oatmeal diet. It is best to take 5 meals of such food, 200 g each. This stage also lasts up to a week. You can choose another option when the porridge is supplemented with fruit.


Millet porridge is also actively used for weight loss. It contains B vitamins, fiber, and minerals, which makes it satiating for a long time, improves digestion, normalizes metabolism, and cleanses the intestines.

If you choose a strict diet based on millet, then this dish should be consumed 3 times a day. It can be supplemented with kefir, yogurt, apples, bananas, vegetables, and boiled egg whites.

Pearl barley

Barley porridge also has a cleansing effect due to its fiber. The product normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism, saturates, and replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

If you choose a mono-diet, then eat only this porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 5 days. The menu is supplemented with kefir - no more than a glass a couple of hours before going to bed.

You can add 1 tsp to porridge for breakfast. crushed flax seeds. If the diet is designed for 7-10 days, then add prunes or an apple, for lunch - a piece of boiled meat (150 g), greens, cucumbers and cabbage, and for dinner - 100 g of cottage cheese.


The advantage of wheat porridge is its low glycemic index, as well as a large amount of fiber. The first indicates that the product will not cause spikes in blood glucose, and the second will quickly cleanse the intestines. In addition, the cereal contains vitamins A, E, group B, and minerals.

This diet is considered gentle. Various products are added to wheat porridge: fresh vegetables for breakfast, 250 ml of broth for lunch. Wheat flakes drenched in kefir are suitable for dinner. Before going to bed, you should also drink yogurt or kefir. For snacks – fresh vegetables.


Barley porridge contains vitamins A, E, D, group B, as well as many minerals. It is beneficial for the endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems. Stabilizes blood sugar levels.

For a week you will have to forget not only about unhealthy foods, but also about meat, fish, salt, and fermented milk products (with the exception of kefir). But it is allowed to supplement barley porridge with vegetables, herbs, and fruits.

Three-day mono-diet on corn

Doctors recommend this porridge for people with celiac disease. The product does not burden the gastrointestinal tract, saturates the body with B vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

The diet is strict, but short. In the morning and at lunch you are supposed to eat only a small portion of porridge. You can add a little olive oil. For dinner, only a glass of kefir.

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