Is it possible to eat walnuts while losing weight and in what quantity?

Chemical composition and calorie content

The nut kernels include:

  • fixed oils;
  • protein compounds;
  • vitamins: groups A, B, K, vitamin C, nicotinic acid;
  • amino acids: asparagine, cysteine, glutamine, serine, histidine, valine;
  • macroelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, sulfur;
  • trace elements: iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese.

The calorie content of walnuts is 656 kcal/100 g due to the high level of complex carbohydrates.

Did you know? In Ancient Babylon, priests noticed that walnuts resembled the human brain in appearance. It was forbidden for commoners to eat them, as it was believed that this would make them wiser, and this was undesirable.

What are the benefits of walnuts: composition and nutritional value

Walnut kernels contain a complex of useful substances, including minerals and vitamins:

  • omega-3 fatty acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • tannins;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamin A;
  • WITH;
  • TO;
  • PP;
  • N;
  • E;
  • Group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);
  • mineral components (calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium).

Since nuts contain a lot of vegetable fat, they are high-calorie foods - 650 kcal per 100 g. Nutritional value for the same weight:

  • proteins 15.2 g;
  • fats 65.2 g;
  • carbohydrates 7.0 g.

Useful properties and contraindications

Daily consumption of nuts has a beneficial effect on the performance of the brain, heart, liver and gastrointestinal tract, helps with body diseases, fights hormonal imbalances in women and increases potency in men.

  • Beneficial features:
  • activates brain activity. Magnesium and Omega-3 are necessary for mental stress, and for memory development, a child needs fatty acids;
  • improves metabolism and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to fiber, metabolism is stabilized. Improves metabolism and reduces the risk of obesity;
  • blocks the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and anemia. Vitamin E and Omega-3 prevent diabetes and reduce blood cholesterol levels. Iron corrects hemoglobin levels and reduces the risk of anemia;
  • strengthens the skeleton. Children need calcium for the proper formation of bones and teeth; consuming the daily amount reduces the risk of rickets;
  • prevention of prostatitis and adenoma in men. The level of zinc in the blood regulates testosterone levels and prostate function;
  • reduces the risk of breast cancer in women. It also normalizes the menstrual cycle and has an analgesic effect during menstruation;
  • minimizes the likelihood of damage to the central nervous system in the fetus due to the high content of folic acid.

  • Contraindications for use:
  • obesity of the 2nd–4th degree (due to the high calorie content of the product);
  • allergic reactions are possible to any component of the nut;
  • increased blood clotting. Protein and calcium form fibrin, which leads to thrombosis;
  • pancreatitis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • skin diseases (components contained in nuts increase itching and provoke new rashes).

Why is it important to include fruit in the diet menu?

Despite the abundance of sugar in fruits, there are several reasons why they are very important to include in your diet:

  1. The low calorie content of most types (below 50 kcal/100 g) allows you to eat several fruits a day without fear of going beyond your daily caloric intake.
  2. Almost all types of fruits are very rich in retina (only fresh fruits and no preservation), which improves the digestion process, removes toxic substances from the body and helps avoid constipation. As a result, the weight of a losing weight person decreases due to natural reasons.
  3. Due to the juiciness of many fruits, urination becomes more frequent and swelling decreases, which allows you to lose another 2-3 extra pounds.
  4. Fruits with complex carbohydrates keep you feeling full for a long time, reducing the risk of overeating.

At the same time, the importance of complex sugars does not at all detract from the advantages of simple ones, which are found in bananas or other fruits that are “harmful” for weight loss. They are just as useful and can saturate the body with energy, but with the only difference – for a shorter period of time.

We conclude with useful ideas - how to eat fruits to lose weight

It is advisable to include fruits, especially those rich in simple carbohydrates, in your morning or afternoon diet. They go well with yoghurts and cereals. Low-calorie oatmeal, cooked in water or skim milk, is perfectly complemented by bananas and peaches. However, the best option is to eat fruits as an independent food in the intervals between main meals. This is an easy way to curb your hunger while snacking to protect yourself from overeating at lunch or dinner. For the evening, fruits with a long-lasting satiating effect, which are full of fiber and contain complex carbohydrates, are suitable. For example, a serving of light fruit salad based on citruses, kiwi and pears with the addition of natural yogurt. An avocado dish is not forbidden for dinner, but you can only eat half of the fruit. Try to always keep a couple of fruits on hand as a substitute for sweets. While enjoying their taste, allow yourself to take your time. It’s better to forget about the concept of “eating on the go” altogether, since it goes against the feeling of fullness. The brain simply will not notice that you are already eating the second banana, because it is busy with other important tasks - filling out a report, hastily walking, etc. And most importantly, is it possible to gain weight if you eat a lot of fruit? Yes, that's why it's important to stick to the daily intake. For a healthy person it is 250-350 g daily; for those who are struggling with extra pounds, the norm is halved. This value applies to all types of fruit, regardless of their calorie content, and this is another reason to eat slowly and truly enjoy eating.

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Test check yourself:

fact or fiction?

Eating more fruit can improve bone density.

Correct! Wrong!

Consuming foods with plenty of bioavailable calcium improves bone density. Fruits generally do not contain much calcium.

Excess protein accumulates in the muscles, causing them to increase.

Correct! Wrong!

Once the need for protein and energy has been met, excess amino acids are converted to acetyl-CoA, from which they are converted into fatty acids and stored in adipocytes. Therefore, excess protein will not be converted into muscle.

Walnut for weight loss

When losing weight, the body is susceptible to stress, so daily consumption of nuts is useful to normalize the nervous system and correct clarity of thoughts.

Important! With regular consumption of nuts during weight loss, the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels are normalized, thus improving the cleansing of the body's cells.

With the correct dosage, the body's metabolic processes are activated, and losing weight becomes easier. Due to fiber, a feeling of fullness quickly comes, and the feeling of hunger does not return for a long time.

Is it possible to get better from walnuts?

Despite the high fat content in the kernels, they cannot make you fat if you follow the rules. Since the composition includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, these are healthy and proper fats, they are completely broken down in the body and are not stored in fat reserves. However, if you overeat the daily norm or consume them after 17:00, you may gradually gain weight.

Is it possible to eat walnuts at night?

You can eat them at night if you really want to, but it’s better to postpone the treat until the morning. Walnuts are quite high in calories and you should not eat such food before bed, there is a risk of gaining weight. But this would be an ideal option for a daytime energy snack: it gives a boost of energy and improves mental abilities.

Important! The maximum benefit of walnuts is possible by thoroughly chewing the kernels.

Daily value of walnuts

If there are no contraindications for eating, then the optimal number of kernels per day is 8–10 pieces. When actively losing weight, it is advisable to reduce consumption to 5 pieces per snack so as not to gain weight. Men who are actively involved in physical activity are shown up to 15 cores. It is advisable for pregnant women to eat up to 10 nuts per day. Preschool children are allowed to eat 2–4 kernels, and schoolchildren can eat up to 5 pieces.

Benefits of walnuts: 10 interesting features

The benefits of this product have long been proven and confirmed by a number of clinical studies. Thanks to their rich chemical composition, walnuts have a positive effect on almost all organ systems:

  1. One of the most valuable components is omega-3 fatty acids. They serve as an effective means of preventing heart and vascular diseases, including stroke and heart attack. In addition, these substances stimulate brain function, improve attention and memory, lower blood pressure and prevent the development of diabetes.
  2. Magnesium improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, inhibits the formation of cancer cells, reduces blood pressure, stimulates metabolic processes, acts as a sedative for the nervous system, and helps in the treatment of diabetes.
  3. Sulfur helps cleanse the blood, improves brain function, strengthens hair and nails, and makes the skin more attractive. It also takes part in the processes of blood clotting and bile excretion.
  4. Phosphorus strengthens the tissues of bones and teeth, stimulates mental activity, improves metabolism, and ensures muscle function.
  5. Copper helps increase hemoglobin levels, which has a good effect on blood circulation. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the endocrine system, which produces hormones.
  6. Fluoride helps remove heavy metals from the body, accelerates the restoration of tissue cells, improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system.
  7. Vitamin C also strengthens the immune system, and also ensures the normal functioning of the endocrine system, strengthens cartilage and blood vessels, and destroys dangerous molecules - free radicals. Vitamin C also promotes wound healing and reduces the likelihood of developing dangerous pathologies (stroke, heart attack, diabetes).
  8. Vitamin A strengthens the immune system, ensures rapid tissue repair, increases skin elasticity, makes hair stronger, and also ensures normal vision.
  9. Vitamin B1 prevents aging and ensures important brain functions (memory, attention). It also improves mood and stimulates appetite, which is especially important during recovery from illness or surgery.
  10. Vitamin B9 ensures the functioning of the immune system, liver, and hematopoietic organs. Daily intake of this substance is of particular importance for pregnant women.

Walnuts also contain other beneficial substances that contribute to health. For example, iodine and zinc strengthen hair, nails, and heal the skin. Iodine ensures normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Use in cooking

Walnuts are widely used in cooking due to their unusual taste and nutritional value. They are added to meat dishes, for example, Georgian satsivi, soups and salads. They occupy a special place in oriental cuisine; they are used to prepare sweets such as Turkish delight, baklava, etc.

Did you know? The average lifespan of a walnut tree is 200 years, but in nature there are also long-livers that are 300–400 years old.

They are used for salad dressings, marinades are prepared with them, added to mustard and yoghurts, and served with meat and fish. They also make alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, such as cognac, liqueur, compotes and jelly. Oil is obtained from them, and jam is prepared from unripe nuts.

Walnuts are an indispensable product in the human diet. They are a source of energy, essential amino acids and fats that are not produced independently in the body, but are very useful. Nuts have unique properties and have virtually no contraindications; their main feature is that they can be used in diets for weight loss.

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