Cottage cheese 5 percent. Calorie content per 100 grams, BZHU, how to eat on a diet

Chemical composition and benefits of 5% cottage cheese

5% cottage cheese, made according to state standards, must include the following nutrients:

  • milk;
  • calcium chloride;
  • starter of lactic acid cultures;
  • rennet extract.

Cottage cheese (5 percent), the calorie content of which corresponds to dietary nutrition standards, contains high quality protein. It provides the human body with the necessary microelements.

The fermented milk product contains calcium, phosphorus and selenium. It has a preventive effect in the fight against chronically progressive skeletal disease or other diseases associated with weakening of human bone density.

The product is rich in the following vitamins:

  • A, B, C, E, D;
  • retinol;
  • carotene;
  • folic acid;
  • RR;
  • ascorbic acid.

Dairy products provide the following benefits to the human body:

  • relieves excess gases in the intestines and prevents heaviness in the stomach;
  • develops mental processes, improves memory, promotes better concentration and has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • promotes accelerated muscle formation due to the fact that protein is absorbed faster (this is especially important for people involved in sports);
  • increases physical endurance and also promotes weight loss;
  • amino acids contained in cottage cheese have a beneficial effect on the liver;
  • strengthens the skeleton, tendons, joints;
  • has a beneficial effect on nails and teeth;
  • Cottage cheese is recommended for use for hypertension, it reduces cholesterol levels;
  • a good remedy for eliminating gastrointestinal diseases, relieves heartburn, and fights problems that arise during bowel movements;
  • The high level of protein, even in a low-fat product, provides the body with important nutrients.

The fermented milk product is recommended for consumption by men suffering from infertility. Women should consume it during pregnancy because the body suffers from calcium deficiency during this time.

How many calories are in 5 percent fat cottage cheese?

The energy value of five percent cottage cheese is equal to one hundred twenty-one kilocalories per one hundred gram serving. Knowing how many calories are in 100 g of 5 percent cottage cheese, you can calculate the calorie content of its package.

A truly good product is made from milk, as well as calcium chloride, rennet and lactic acid starter. If you eat five percent cottage cheese, you will replenish your body with high quality protein. It is also rich in mineral compounds. This cottage cheese is given to children; it is considered an effective preventive measure for such an unpleasant disease as osteoporosis. However, the body may respond with an allergic reaction to five percent cottage cheese if it is intolerant to milk protein.

On a note! Cottage cheese should not be eaten in its sour form, as this can lead to severe food poisoning.

How to select and store such a product? When buying cottage cheese, study the date of its manufacture and the recommended expiration date. Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours after opening the package.

Five percent cottage cheese has found wide application in the culinary world. It can be eaten separately, and salads are also prepared based on this product. Cottage cheese is also an ideal filling for baking. It tastes great with berries, jam, sour cream, and honey. Combining these ingredients, you get a delicious dessert. But you can also make a savory snack from cottage cheese. To do this, it must be combined with garlic and herbs.


You should not use cottage cheese too often in your diet. It is enough for adults to eat fermented milk products 4 times a week, and for children no more than 3 times.

When buying products, you need to pay attention to their quality. Cottage cheese that has expired has a negative effect on the kidneys and can cause an acute intestinal infection.

There have been cases of individual intolerance to the product, which is caused by a decrease in the immune system or the presence of additives of chemical origin. Cottage cheese is not always a real source of allergic outbreaks. It may simply speed up the body's reaction to allergies. Having gotten rid of the real cause of the disease, in most cases you can reintroduce cottage cheese into your diet.

Fermented milk products with added harmful substances can cause excess weight gain and cancer. It should be avoided by those who have kidney problems, lactose intolerance (leading to intestinal upset and stomach pain), as well as whey and casein.

Calorie table for cottage cheese with 5% fat per 100 g

Product nameCalorie content (kcal) per 100 g of cottage cheese
Cottage cheese 5% fat116,20
Cottage cheese110,81
Cottage cheese with raisins215,92
Cottage cheese with sour cream 15%160,00
Cottage cheese with sugar148,42
Cottage cheese with milk 3.5%247,70
Cottage cheese with jam210,56

Nutritional information provided is an average based on a variety of sources. The calorie content of cottage cheese from different manufacturers may differ slightly from the energy value given in the table.

Features of the 5 percent product

5% cottage cheese is very useful, the chemical composition and nutritional value of which are harmoniously combined.

Low calorie content and traditional beneficial qualities make this product indispensable for dietary nutrition. It is recommended for children from six months. Due to the fact that the fat content of cottage cheese is only 5%, it is well absorbed by the child’s body, and at the same time it has a supply of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, as well as other substances useful for children.

It is good for older people, as it contains a small amount of saturated fat, as well as for those who suffer from chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Several factors are important here: neutral acidity and the presence of pepsins, as well as a composition that is gentle on the stomach.

This product is used in many diets for weight loss; the nutritional value of this type of cottage cheese is only 121 kcal per 100 grams. Thus, the famous “Kremlin diet” recommends using it.

Proteins fats carbohydrates

Data on BZHU cottage cheese 5%:

Product nameProteins (g)Fat (g)Carbohydrates (g)
Cottage cheese 5% fat15,005,002,40
Cottage cheese11,304,962,60
Cottage cheese with raisins11,3710,2318,60
Cottage cheese with sour cream 15%0,009,000,00
Cottage cheese with sugar14,162,2513,82
Cottage cheese with milk 3.5%18,8012,5015,00
Cottage cheese with jam7,3210,2023,60

Types of cottage cheese, their calorie content and nutritional value

According to the method of preparation, cottage cheese is:

  • acidic (prepared from skim milk under the influence of lactic acid);
  • acid-rennet (with the addition of rennet).

Depending on the fat content of the milk used in the production process, the following varieties of this product are distinguished:

  • fat (19 - 23%);
  • classic (4 - 18%);
  • low-fat (1.8 - 2%);
  • low fat (up to 1.8%).

There is also the following classification:

  1. Home. Cottage cheese, which is prepared at home, can have different degrees of fat content, and therefore different energy value. The calorie content of homemade cottage cheese ranges from 230 to 265 kcal per 100 g. It is very beneficial for the body, but it is unlikely to be suitable for those who want to lose weight.
  2. Grainy. Granular, which is curd grain with the addition of salted cream, has a significantly lower calorie content per 100 grams: 100 - 150 kcal. It contains a minimal amount of fat (0 - 0.9%) and is widely used in dietary nutrition.
  3. Calcined. Contains an additive in the form of calcium chloride, with a low calorie content it contains a large amount of protein - up to 60%

The fat content of cottage cheese is directly related to its nutritional properties. Nutritional information for the most common types is presented in the table below.

Type of cottage cheese (100 g)Calorie content (kcal)Proteins (g)Fat (g)Carbohydrates (g)
fat content 0%78,9815,920,362,59
fat content 5%116,2015,005,002,40
fat content 9%154,9516,188,512,78
fat content 15%183,8215,3812,931,76
fat content 20%165,0012,4012,252,45
fat content 23%301,079,5521,4416,99

The best option for inclusion in the daily diet is cottage cheese with a fat content of 2 - 5%. With a relatively low calorie content, it contains more balanced nutrients than its low-fat counterpart.

How much cottage cheese can you eat per day?

Health status, age category and nutritional principles determine the daily calcium requirement for each person. Therefore, the serving size of cottage cheese is different for all people.


  • Adults who are not overweight or have liver disease are allowed to consume 100 g of fermented milk product per day with a fat content of no more than 18%. However, a completely healthy person can eat up to 250 g of cottage cheese.
  • Children are not prohibited from giving from 15 to 150 g of product per day. The serving size depends on how old the child is. The diet of children includes either low-fat cottage cheese or a low-fat product.
  • Special lovers of cottage cheese can consume no more than 500 g per day. But this only applies to those who do not have an allergic reaction to fermented milk products.
  • On a diet, a portion of cottage cheese made from homemade milk should be no more than 120 g per day.
  • For people with health problems, the daily intake of fermented milk product is determined by the attending doctor.

Individual intolerance to dairy products and problems with the gastrointestinal tract are the first signs to exclude cottage cheese from the diet in its natural form. But it is not prohibited to prepare healthy desserts or snacks from it.

What meal should you include cottage cheese in?

People without medical contraindications are allowed to include cottage cheese 5 percent (calorie content varies depending on the presence or absence of food additives) in any meal, based on individual tastes and daily routine.

Considering that cottage cheese contains a lot of protein, which takes considerable time to digest, it is best to consume it in the morning. A cottage cheese breakfast will satiate the body for several hours. If you plan to consume a dairy product in the evening, it is better to give preference to low-fat cottage cheese. This will eliminate additional stress on the pancreas.

Several reasons to eat a product with a low percentage of fat:

  • cottage cheese reduces the heightened feeling of hunger after waking up;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves sleep quality;
  • eliminates unnecessary calories even during sleep, and also increases energy expenditure when the body is at rest.

Cottage cheese is one of the products that has a positive effect on a slim figure.

Composition of the product

To understand this, you should look at why a product may have a different percentage of fat and what it depends on.

Cottage cheese contains a lot of useful things. This is a large amount of proteins (about 16%) that our body needs to form muscle mass. There is a small amount of carbohydrates (about 3%).

There are also fats, the percentage of which depends on the method of manufacturing the product. They are easily digestible. If the cottage cheese has only 5% fat, then it is suitable for the diet table. It is the 5 percent calorie content of cottage cheese that allows it to be used in the diet of patients with pancreatitis, the elderly and children over 8 months.

The product is rich in micro- and macroelements (fluorine, iron, sodium, magnesium, folic acid). There is also phosphorus, calcium, and potassium that are very useful for our bones and teeth. It contains vitamins (group B, A, K), their importance for our body is difficult to overestimate, they participate in metabolic processes and are needed to prevent many diseases.

The amino acids tryptophan and methionine are useful for hematopoiesis and are very important for stabilizing our nervous system.

There are other additives too. Today, the industry produces curd mass with a number of fillers: vanilla, raisins, dried apricots, berries and fruits. They not only give a pleasant, unique taste to the product, but also increase the amount of nutrients in it. Sugar is often added to these types of curd mass, which significantly increases its calorie content.

How to use on a diet

Since cottage cheese is rich in nutrients, it is recommended to include it in the diet during a diet.

Example of a diet based on cottage cheese with low calorie content (5%)

How to use:

  • The fermented milk product has a minimal amount of fat and enough protein. For an evening meal, a vegetable salad of greens, cucumbers and tomatoes with the addition of this product is perfect.
  • It is better not to use cottage cheese with 0% fat content either when fighting excess weight or when following proper nutrition standards. A healthy body needs fats. If there is a shortage of them, men may develop sexual impotence, and girls may experience infertility or problems with bearing a child. That is why cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5 percent and a moderate calorie content is best suited for use on a diet. In the process of losing weight, the daily intake of 5% cottage cheese is up to 0.5 kg per day. This dish contains about 120 kcal. This will not affect your figure, even if you mix the product with berries, vegetables or lettuce.
  • To add to cottage cheese, it is better to choose vegetables that do not contain starch (beets, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes).
  • It can be consumed as a separate dish or made into a healthy smoothie. To do this, just blend the cottage cheese and berries (both frozen and fresh) with a blender. As a healthy snack, you can mix parsley or dill with cottage cheese and spread the resulting mixture on bread.
  • You can prepare casseroles or cheesecakes with minimal addition of harmful products. A good option would be cottage cheese muffins with oatmeal, pumpkin or zucchini.

An example of a cottage cheese diet designed for 3 days:

  • morning meal: tea without sugar, 0.5 grapefruit, 1 soft-boiled egg;
  • lunch: 250 g soft cottage cheese, 1 medium-sized tomato, unsweetened tea;
  • evening menu: vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, package of cottage cheese, tea without added sugar.

On such a diet you can get rid of a couple of kilograms in just 3 days.

Selection and storage of cottage cheese 5%

You should pay attention to the friability and soft consistency of the fermented milk product. This indicates its freshness. Cottage cheese may contain some whey. It should have a creamy white hue.

In a store or market, you should pay attention to the following factors that indicate spoilage or violation of storage conditions for cottage cheese:

  • smell and taste of musty product;
  • bitter taste;
  • large amount of whey;
  • taste of yeast or vinegar;
  • too sour or, on the contrary, bland taste;
  • mold and mucus in the product.

Long-term storage of cottage cheese at room temperature is prohibited.
Fermented milk products can be kept in a freezer at -18°C for up to 6 months. An opened package of cottage cheese can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Low-fat products with various additives are stored for up to 7 days. If the shelf life of the cottage cheese has come to an end, it is advised to mix it with cream. You can soak it in milk for 2.5 hours, then squeeze it well.

Recipes for dietary dishes made from cottage cheese 5%

To lose excess weight, it is good to eat cottage cheese casseroles or steamed cheesecakes.

Chicken cutlets with cottage cheese

Cottage cheese 5 percent (its calorie content is ideal for getting rid of unnecessary kilograms) can be added to chicken cutlets.

To prepare this dish you will need the following products:

  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 pack of cottage cheese (250 g);
  • 1 egg;
  • 0.5 small bunch of dill;
  • ground allspice: on the tip of a knife;
  • salt: to taste.

The ingredients are for 10 servings.

You can make chicken cutlets with cottage cheese using the step-by-step guide:

  1. You need to rinse the fillet under running cold water, cut it into small pieces and twist it into minced meat.
  2. In the resulting mixture you should add cottage cheese, a chicken egg, allspice, table salt and dill.
  3. Mix everything well.
  4. With wet hands, make small cutlets. Then you need to fry on both sides in a non-stick frying pan without adding vegetable oil.
  5. The last step is to transfer the cutlets into a small saucepan and simmer for 7 minutes with water so that the middle does not remain raw.

Cutlets should be served hot with fresh vegetables, buckwheat or rice. You can decorate with parsley and dill.

Omelette with cottage cheese

For 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 10 tbsp. milk;
  • a pinch of table salt;
  • 1 sprig of parsley and dill.

Basic steps for making an omelet:

  1. The cottage cheese should be ground until smooth (you can beat it with a blender).
  2. Next you need to pour in the milk, add eggs, herbs and salt.
  3. The mixture must be poured into a hot frying pan. The omelet is cooked covered over low heat.

The dish should be served as a separate side dish. You can garnish with finely chopped green onions, tomato slices or bell pepper slices.

Cottage cheese casserole with banana or apples

To bake the casserole, you need to purchase the following products (the quantity is for 4 servings):

  • 1 pack of cottage cheese (250 g);
  • 1 banana;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 1.5 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 1 egg.

Cooking instructions:

  1. First you need to combine the fermented milk product, sour cream, sugar and chicken egg. After this, you need to mix the resulting mixture well.
  2. Next, you should cut the bananas into slices (instead, you can add 2 apples, peeled and cut into slices).
  3. Place the fruit in a baking dish and pour in the curd mixture. You can add any chopped nuts if you wish.
  4. Next, you need to preheat the oven to 200°C and place the casserole for 60 minutes. The readiness of the dish is checked with a match (if it is dry, then the dish is completely baked).
  5. After turning off the oven, leave the casserole in it for 15 minutes.

Sour cream can be replaced with natural yogurt. You should not buy completely low-fat cottage cheese. It is recommended to take a fermented milk product with a low fat content. In addition to the main ingredients, you can put a handful of raisins in the casserole, but then you need to put a little less sugar.

This dish is usually served cold along with homemade jam, honey or low-fat sour cream.

Curd morning dessert with strawberries in the microwave

To prepare a dessert of cottage cheese and strawberries in the microwave, you need the following components:

  • 200 g granular cottage cheese;
  • medium-sized strawberries: 5 pcs.;
  • 20 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 10 g semolina;
  • soda: on the tip of a knife.

Yields 6 servings.

You can bake the casserole as follows:

  1. You need to combine all the ingredients and blend with a blender until smooth. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes for the semolina to swell.
  2. Next, pour a drop of sunflower oil into small muffin tins and fill them halfway with the curd mixture.
  3. The dessert should be placed in the microwave for 2 minutes. In this case, the power should be set to 500 W. It is necessary to pay attention to ensure that the dough does not go beyond the molds.

The dessert is served cooled. It goes perfectly with condensed milk, sour cream or chocolate melted in a water bath.


Cottage cheese 5 percent, the calorie content of which is important for following the principles of a healthy diet, is the main ingredient of the soufflé.

For 2 servings you should take the following products:

  • cottage cheese: 400 g;
  • gelatin: 15 g;
  • milk: 100 ml;
  • vanilla sugar: 5 g;
  • granulated sugar: 2 tbsp.

The soufflé is prepared as follows:

  1. Gelatin needs to be filled with purified water (about 40 ml).
  2. Using a blender, you need to beat the cottage cheese until a soft mass forms.
  3. Pour milk into this mixture, and add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. The curd mass is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Gelatin should be heated over low heat until it is completely dissolved.
  5. After this, you need to slowly pour it into the cottage cheese and stir immediately to avoid the appearance of lumps.
  6. The cottage cheese mixture is poured into small molds and refrigerated for three hours.

When serving, the soufflé can be decorated with mint leaves, raspberries, strawberries or currants.


Necessary ingredients for 2 servings of cheesecakes:

  • 400 g soft cottage cheese;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 90 g flour;
  • ¼ tsp. table salt;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • 65 ml sunflower oil.

Detailed cooking diagram:

  1. You need to mix all the ingredients except vegetable oil.
  2. Next, add flour to the curd mixture. If the cottage cheese is too wet, add another 30 g of flour. No more is needed, because cottage cheese should be felt in cheesecakes.
  3. With wet hands, you need to mold the balls, slightly flattening them on both sides.
  4. The next step is to roll them in prepared flour and fry on both sides in a hot frying pan until golden brown.

Cheesecakes are transferred to napkins in order to get rid of unnecessary fat.
The dish is best served with sour cream, jam or sprinkled with powdered sugar. Cottage cheese is very important in the diet of every person. It provides the body with all nutrients.

It is best to consume a product with a fat content of 5 percent. Its calorie content is not too high and is suitable even for dietary dishes.

Author of the article: Ekaterina Pisarenko


Cottage cheese 5% is considered a completely dietary product; it is used in preparing dishes for people with diabetes. Use it to make delicious cake layers, cheesecakes, brownies, casseroles and cottage cheese desserts. Cheesecakes made from fresh cottage cheese will perfectly replace store-bought cookies. Cottage cheese is added to the dough for yeast pies, buns, and Easter cakes. For example, the famous Easter cottage cheese with candied fruits, poppy seeds, cream, chocolate.

Cottage cheese is versatile in preparation; it can be baked, used as a filling and eaten raw.

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