The best recipes for children with milk allergies

Approximately 5% of children suffer from cow's milk allergy. This product contains many ingredients that can potentially cause an allergic reaction, but the most common reaction is to cow protein. During the normal process of digestion, food entering the stomach and then the intestines is broken down into enzymes, which are individually absorbed into the body. A child’s imperfect digestive system is sometimes unable to separate milk into enzymes. This situation creates an allergy to cow protein. It usually affects children aged from birth to one and a half years. And, as a rule, the symptoms of an allergy to cow protein go away on their own when the baby is about five years old. At this time, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, and it begins to produce the necessary substances to resist hostile elements. But sometimes milk intolerance lasts a lifetime. It should be noted that an allergy to cow protein can be a true allergy or a pseudo-allergy. True implies intolerance by the body of any amount of cow's milk protein. Pseudo-allergy is a condition when an allergic reaction occurs only after the child has “overeaten”, that is, a certain amount of milk enzymes has been digested normally, but the body cannot accept the excess.

Children with allergies to cow protein can be given fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese. The enzymes contained in cow's milk break down into their components during the preparation of the fermented milk product. And the child’s body can try to digest these components. When offering your baby yogurt or cottage cheese, observe his reaction. If symptoms of an allergy to cow protein appear (rash, itching, nausea or vomiting), then the product should be excluded from the diet for now.

Menu for children with milk allergies

Creating a balanced and complete diet for a baby with milk intolerance is not so difficult, although it is a traditional component of most children's dishes. And, more importantly, a very valuable food product for the child. “Milk is ideal in terms of the ratio of calcium and phosphorus for building the musculoskeletal system,” says Natalya Fadeeva, nutritionist-endocrinologist, MD, author of the book “Is the child overweight?” “It contains more than 90 useful substances: 20 amino acids, 18 fatty acids, 13 vitamins, almost all enzymes found in nature, minerals and milk sugar.” To ensure that the body of a child with a milk allergy does not suffer from a deficiency of the necessary components, the menu will have to be compiled especially carefully.


The most popular dishes to start the day are all kinds of porridges: oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, rice, corn, wheat, millet, etc. For children, they are usually boiled in milk or water with milk - it helps the vegetable proteins of the grains to be absorbed. In our case, you will have to cook only with water (3 parts of water for 1 part of cereal). Instead of cow's milk, you can try using soy, oat or rice milk. “Choose whole grain porridges, they are healthier: they have a lot of fiber, they are digested more slowly and provide energy for a longer period, so you don’t feel hungry for a long time after them,” says Natalya Fadeeva. — Instead of whole grain oatmeal, you can use Hercules flakes, which are boiled for at least 10 minutes. Porridge cooked in water can be served with a small amount of yogurt, cottage cheese, a piece of cheese or any fermented milk product.” Do not replace whole grain cereals with refined products (muesli, cereal, instant cereals). The child quickly gets used to their sweet taste, and switching him to a less tasty, but much more healthy educational porridge is much more difficult than immediately accustoming him to proper food. Berries, finely chopped fruits, a small amount of honey or jam will help improve the taste of the dish.

Buckwheat krupenik

Ingredients: 150 g buckwheat, 175 g cottage cheese (up to 5%), 1 egg, 30 g 4% fat yogurt, 1/2 tsp. salt, 10 g butter.

Instructions. Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge, add cottage cheese, pureed with egg and salt. Mix everything, place on a greased baking dish and bake in the oven or microwave. Serve with yogurt. If the dish is intended for lunch, it is good to add a vegetable salad or soup with vegetables to it.

Pancakes with nuts

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. soy or rice milk, 2 quail eggs, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1.5 tbsp. corn flour, sugar, salt, vanilla to taste. For filling: 5 walnuts, 1 tsp. jam.

Instructions. In a blender, beat eggs, salt, sugar, milk, butter and vanilla. Then add flour, stirring constantly. Prepare the filling by chopping the nuts in a blender and mixing them with the jam. Fry the pancakes in a “dry frying pan” without oil. They should be voluminous. Make a cut in the pancakes and fill with filling.

Berry sauce

Ingredients : 290 g of any berries (strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, etc.), 1 tbsp. powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. lemon or orange juice.

Instructions. Mix all ingredients and grind with a blender. Serve with cereals and fruit salads.

Hypoallergenic diet: recipes

Such a nutrition system should not be monotonous. From the allowed list of products you can prepare delicious dishes for every day.

Chicken and spinach soup

To prepare the first dish you need the following ingredients:

  • chicken broth (not too rich);
  • 150 g fresh spinach;
  • 1 onion;
  • 70 ml low-fat sour cream;
  • 20 g butter;
  • dill greens.

Chicken and spinach soup is a simple, healthy and easy dish.
Bring the broth to a boil. During this time, sauté the chopped onion and spinach in butter. Add the resulting mixture to the broth. Before serving, top with sour cream. The soup can be pureed.


Cauliflower soup has a mild taste, so it can be prepared even for a child.
You will need the following products:

  • 300 g fresh cauliflower;
  • 50 g oatmeal;
  • 25 g butter.

It is recommended to include cabbage more often in the daily menu.
Boil cabbage in salted water. Do the same with oatmeal. Next, mix the ingredients and turn into puree using a blender. Bring the finished thick mixture to a boil over low heat and season with butter.

Steamed meat cutlets

To prepare the second dish you need:

  • 500 g minced meat (it’s better to use chicken, but a mixture of pork and beef is also suitable);
  • 2 slices of bread;
  • ½ tbsp. milk;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg.

Steaming chicken cutlets is not difficult.
Place the bread in a bowl, add milk, and after 15 minutes combine with the minced meat. Add chopped onion and egg to the mixture. Mix the minced meat thoroughly and form it into small cutlets. Cook in a double boiler or steam oven. This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Poultry “hedgehogs” with zucchini

To prepare flavorful, juicy dietary meatballs you need:

  • 1 medium zucchini;
  • 1 chicken breast (you can use turkey meat);
  • 3 tbsp. rice;
  • fresh herbs and spices.

Poultry “hedgehogs” with zucchini is a dietary dish.
Using a blender, grind the meat and zucchini. Add boiled cereal to the mixture. Salt the minced meat, add finely chopped herbs, stir, then form into meatballs. You can bake the dish in the oven or steam it.

Cottage cheese casserole

This casserole can be consumed by both adults and children.
Along with the dish, the body will receive not only energy, but also a large amount of protein. First prepare the ingredients:

  • 400 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • ½ tsp. semolina;
  • 10 g baking soda;
  • 5 ml vinegar;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • sugar to taste (you can cook without it).

Cottage cheese casserole can be consumed by children.
Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat in a blender so that there are no sticky lumps left in the mass. Then add semolina, egg whites, raisins, mix thoroughly. Add baking soda to the mixture and quench it with vinegar.

Now the curd mass can be transferred to a baking dish and placed in the oven (casserole is often prepared in a slow cooker).

Baked apples

This healthy sweet dessert can be prepared in 40 minutes.
The ingredients for the dish are as follows:

  • apples;
  • skim cheese;
  • honey (or other sweetener if you are allergic to this product).

Baked apples are an incredibly delicious recipe.
Wash the fruits and cut out the core from them, thus making “molds”. Peel the apple pulp, chop it, mix with cottage cheese and syrup. Stuff the apple molds with the resulting mixture and place in the oven.

Sweets for allergy sufferers

An allergy diet does not exclude the consumption of sweets.
But the choice of products must be taken responsibly. It is better to avoid chocolate and milk-based desserts. They can be replaced with dried fruits, marshmallows, marshmallows, gingerbread cookies, and gluten-free baked goods. When buying sweets, pay attention to the composition: the products should not contain harmful additives.

The following dyes and flavors can provoke an allergic reaction:

  • E 321 - butylated hydroxytoluene;
  • E 200 - sorbic acid;
  • B 500-553 - flavorings;
  • E 210-219 - benzoic acid and its derivatives;
  • E 249-252 - nitrates;
  • E 621-625 - glutamates.

Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits.

Dinner and supper

Lunch is the second main meal, with which the child receives the necessary energy from noon to evening. The basis of a proper, healthy lunch is soup and a protein dish (fish, poultry or meat). “The soup should be low-fat,” says Natalya Fadeeva. — It is best if it is a vegetarian vegetable soup without meat broth, a low-fat vegetable puree soup, a lean fish soup, a soup with meat in a second broth. For the second course you can serve a cutlet, meatballs, casserole, or soufflé. Lean fish (cod, icefish, haddock, pike perch, hake, blue whiting, pollock), lean poultry without skin (chicken, turkey, guinea fowl), and lean meat (veal, beef, rabbit) are best suited for them.” A necessary addition to a protein dish for lunch is a starchy side dish, such as boiled potatoes, brown rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta, and whole grain bread. You can make casseroles from vegetables. The ideal side dish is a combination of a starch-containing component with thermally processed vegetables or vegetable salad.

In the evening, the body prepares for sleep. “Therefore, you should have dinner with small, light, non-stimulating food,” says Natalya Fadeeva. - For dinner there must be a protein dish - the same low-fat fish or poultry. Cottage cheese (up to 5%) and eggs are suitable. It is better not to give your child red meat in the evening - it excites and takes a long time to digest. As a side dish for dinner, it is best to serve thermally processed vegetables or vegetable salads; you can make casseroles from vegetable and protein components. It’s better to avoid starchy side dishes.”

Fruit and vegetable salad

Ingredients: 100 g fresh pumpkin, 1 medium carrot, 1 green apple, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 3 orange slices.

Instructions. Grate the vegetables and apple on a coarse grater and mix. Add lemon juice and chopped orange slices.

Lentil soup

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. red lentils, 1.5–2 liters of water, 1 medium onion, 1 medium carrot, 1 stalk of celery (or 50 g of root), black peppercorns to taste (5–6 peas), 3–4 bay leaves, 1 parsley root , spices to taste, herbs (dill, parsley).

Instructions. Pre-soak the lentils for several hours (overnight is possible), then rinse thoroughly, cover with cold water and cook over moderate heat. Bring to a boil and add roots. After five to ten minutes, add chopped onion and coarsely grated carrots to the soup, cook over low heat for about another 10 minutes. Add bay leaf, pepper and remaining spices. Once the lentils are completely cooked, turn off the heat and let simmer for 5-8 minutes. Add salt to taste and serve with finely chopped herbs.

Chicken or turkey breast medallions

Ingredients: 400 g chicken (turkey) fillet, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 0.5 tsp. curry and cumin, 1 tbsp. olive oil, salt to taste.

Instructions . Cut the fillet across the grain into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick. Place in a bowl and season with lemon juice, oil, sauce, curry, cumin and salt. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. Place the pieces in a cold, oil-free frying pan with a thick bottom and cook them covered for 20 - 25 minutes. Serve with vegetables and brown rice.

Fish cutlets

Ingredients: 400 g lean fish fillet (cod, pike perch, haddock), 1 medium onion, 1 egg, 1 medium potato, spices, herbs to taste.

Instructions. Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder twice. Also grind onions, potatoes, herbs in a meat grinder (or blender), add egg, spices, and salt. Mix everything thoroughly, form cutlets and cook them in a “dry frying pan” lightly greased with vegetable oil (you can cook in a double boiler, slow cooker or bake). Serve garnished with chopped herbs.

Baked apples with lingonberries

Ingredients: 5-6 apples (Antonovka is best), 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 100 g lingonberries, 100–150 g water, 1–2 tbsp. Sahara

Instructions. Cut the top of the apples into a cone with an indentation. Place lingonberries (can be chopped) inside the fruit, add cinnamon and sugar. Place in a heatproof pan, add water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. If you bake apples in the microwave or oven, you don’t need to add water.


Puréed green cabbage soup (from 12 months)

Potatoes – 40 g, turnips – 20 g, leafy greens 50 g each, vegetable broth – 200 ml, quail yolk (if tolerated) – 1 pc., breast milk, dill – 3-5 g.

Wash various leafy greens (spinach, young nettle leaves, lettuce) thoroughly and boil in slightly salted water, then rub through a sieve. Separately, simmer in a small amount of water under the lid, and then wipe the potato and turnip pieces. Add the grated leaves to them, add vegetable broth or water, add salt and put on the fire for another 810 minutes. Add the yolk of a boiled quail egg, herbs and breast milk or a hypoallergenic mixture to the prepared cabbage soup. You can grind cabbage soup in a blender.

Cream soup

Potatoes – 40 g, squash – 30 g, cauliflower and pumpkin – 20 g each, breast milk – 50 ml, vegetable broth – 100 ml, melted butter – 5 g, dill.

Cut the washed and peeled potatoes and squash into large slices, disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences. Boil the potatoes along with the cauliflower. Sauté the squash and scalded pumpkin. Rub the prepared vegetables through a sieve, combine with vegetable broth and breast milk or a hypoallergenic mixture prepared using technology and bring to a boil. Salt the finished soup cream, season with butter and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Cauliflower soup with oat flakes

Oatmeal – 60 g, cauliflower – 50 g, water – 170 ml, breast milk (hypoallergenic infant formula) – 80 ml, quail egg (if tolerated) – 1 pc., melted butter – 3 g.

Peel the cauliflower from leaves, rinse and boil in water, rub through a sieve. Pour oatmeal into the vegetable broth, cook for 10 minutes, then combine with cabbage mixture and egg, let it boil. Mix the finished soup with breast milk or a hypoallergenic mixture prepared using technology, add salt and butter.

Broth with rice dumplings

Rice cereal – 100 g, hypoallergenic baby formula – 200 ml, melted butter – 3 g, quail egg (if tolerated) – 1 pc., flour – 10 g, vegetable broth from any vegetables allowed for the child – 100 ml.

Cook the rice in water or a hypoallergenic mixture prepared using technology and season with butter. Add the egg to the finished porridge and stir. When the mixture has cooled, make small balls and, roll them in flour, cook in salted boiling water. Place the finished dumplings in a plate and fill with vegetable broth or breast milk.

If necessary, chop the dish.

Chinese cabbage and zucchini soup

Chinese cabbage - 60 g, zucchini - 50 g, corn flour - 1 tsp, vegetable oil - 5 g, breast milk or GA mixture - 100 ml.

Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds, cut into cubes, finely chop the Chinese cabbage. Place everything in a saucepan, add water and simmer over low heat until done. Dilute corn flour with breast milk (or a hypoallergenic mixture prepared using technology), pour into boiling vegetables and simmer for another 35 minutes. Then rub the hot mixture through a sieve, combine with the vegetable broth, bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Vegetable broth with noodles

Noodles – 10 g, vegetable broth – 200 ml, greens.

Prepare a vegetable broth from vegetables allowed for your child. Boil the noodles, rinse them with cold water and place them in boiling vegetable broth, add chopped herbs and salt. Keep covered for 10 minutes so that the broth is saturated with the smell of greenery.

Rolled cream soup

Hercules – 100 g, hypoallergenic mixture – 200 ml, melted butter – 3 g, quail egg yolk (if tolerated) – 1 pc., water – 200 ml, fructose – 3 g.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt and oatmeal. Cook them over low heat until done. At the end, add the hypoallergenic mixture prepared using technology and cook for another 23 minutes, strain. Grind the quail egg yolk with oil and fructose until smooth. Bring the strained soup to a boil and carefully pour in the yolk, stirring constantly.

If necessary, grind the dish in a blender.

Pumpkin soup with buckwheat

Pumpkin – 80 g, buckwheat – 50 g, fructose – 3 g, butter – 3 g, hypoallergenic infant formula – 100 ml.

Peel the pumpkin, grate it, put it in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cook until half cooked. Remove from heat, rub through a sieve. Pour boiled water into this pureed mass, add fructose and boil for 23 minutes. Remove from heat and season with butter. Mix pumpkin with boiled buckwheat porridge, add breast milk or formula.

If necessary, grind the dish in a blender.

Potato soup

Potatoes – 100 g, hypoallergenic mixture – 200 ml, water – 200 ml, wheat bread – 20 g, butter – 5 g.

Wash the potatoes, peel, rinse, cut into strips, place in a pan with boiling salted water and cook for 30 minutes, then add the heated hypoallergenic mixture. Cook the soup at low simmer for 23 minutes. Place a piece of butter and wheat bread croutons or wheat flakes into a bowl of soup.

If necessary, grind the dish in a blender.

Cauliflower soup

Cauliflower – 100 g, water – 100 ml, corn grits – 30 g, hypoallergenic baby formula prepared using technology – 100 ml, butter – 5 g, wheat bread (for croutons) – 20 g.

Remove leaves from cauliflower, divide into small florets, rinse, and place in boiling salted water. Cook until the cabbage becomes soft. Place the finished cabbage in a sieve. Add sifted corn grits to the hot broth and cook until the corn grits are ready. Add warmed hypoallergenic milk mixture and boiled cabbage, boil for 23 minutes. Add melted butter and wheat bread croutons to the hot soup (if tolerated).

If necessary, grind the dish in a blender.

Puree soup “Rabbit with broccoli”

Rabbit meat – 80 g, broccoli – 70 g, zucchini – 60 g, baby instant rice porridge, water.

Boil the rabbit meat until cooked, add broccoli and zucchini at the end of cooking. Mash everything, rub through a sieve or grind in a blender. To obtain the desired consistency, add baby instant rice porridge prepared in water using technology (without additives) or mashed potatoes.

Winter soup

Cauliflower – 50 g, broccoli – 30 g, leek – 30 g, potatoes – 25 g, turnip – 30 g, dry, frozen or fresh herbs, olive oil.

Place washed and chopped vegetables in a saucepan: cauliflower - in small inflorescences, broccoli - in whole heads, leeks - in thin rings, potatoes and turnips - in thin slices. Pour boiling water and cook until done. In 1 min. Until the end of cooking, add finely chopped herbs and a little olive oil.

Turnip soup with apples

Turnip – 80 g, apple – 40 g, quail egg yolk – 1 piece, vegetable broth or water – 1/2 cup, teaspoon flour, melted butter or olive oil – 3 g.

Peel the turnips, add a small amount of water, cook until tender and grind in a blender. Pour the egg yolk beaten with flour into the hot vegetable broth or water in a thin stream and bring to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and pour into the mashed turnips. Bring the mixture to a boil. Peel the apples, grate them on a fine grater, put in puree, season with oil and beat thoroughly until smooth.

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