Diet lunch to combat excess weight and maintain good physical shape

A proper diet lunch will help you successfully fight extra pounds or maintain good physical shape.

To have a slim body, you don't need to starve yourself, it's important to eat right.

Lunch should be light, contain nutrients in the right quantities, bring taste pleasure and energize. This meal also helps to avoid evening overeating.

Tasty and healthy quick recipes will help you diversify your diet lunch for weight loss. And lunch menu options will help you organize your meals properly.

What does a healthy lunch mean with proper nutrition?

A diet lunch should be hearty, but light and healthy. After this meal, a person no longer feels hungry, but energy remains, and there is no feeling of heaviness from overeating. In order for the third meal per day to bring only benefits for weight loss, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Before eating (30 minutes before), it is recommended to drink filtered water, herbal or green tea (without sugar) or vegetable juice. Drinking prepares the digestive organs for a meal, creates a feeling of slight satiety, slightly reduces appetite, then you will eat a smaller portion.
  2. According to the rules of PP (proper nutrition), it is important to combine foods correctly and take into account the proportions of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. For a diet lunch, it is better to eat proteins and slow carbohydrates. The basis of the diet should be seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  3. It is recommended to include soup or other liquid hot dish in your diet lunch. It is easily absorbed by the body and allows you to eat less.
  4. A full meal should consist of a first and second course. If you ate vegetable broth without meat, then you can consume meat or fish later. If the liquid dish contained meat, then the second should be without it. To lose weight, you need to control the amount of flour products and potatoes in soups.
  5. You should not subject foods to excessive heat treatment, because this causes them to lose more nutrients. To retain more minerals and vitamins, it is recommended to cook with a lid.
  6. A diet lunch should not be supplemented with desserts, compotes and tea, as many are accustomed to. Such combinations cause digestive disorders, just like the above drinks. Diet lunch should not contain simple carbohydrates, which sharply increase blood sugar levels and cause lethargy and drowsiness. If you really want something sweet, then it’s better to eat a piece of dark chocolate, a handful of dried fruits or a little honey. Better yet, wait for afternoon tea.
  7. It is necessary to choose the right method of heat treatment of products. Nutritionists advise boiling, steaming, stewing, baking (without oil) or consuming them fresh.
  8. You should not wash down your food, as this can cause flatulence, heaviness and discomfort. After your meal you need to wait at least half an hour.
  9. Plan your meal so that it takes 30 minutes, chew each piece thoroughly, then the food will be easier to digest and you will not overeat. The interval between lunch and dinner should be 4 to 6 hours with a light afternoon snack in between.
  10. Try to eat at the same hours - from 12 to 15 hours. During this period, foods are easiest to digest and assimilate.
  11. The calorie content of a diet lunch should be within 450 kcal.
  12. If you eat not at home, but in a cafe, then try to choose the least calorie dishes or ask the cook to reduce their energy value, for example, by replacing mayonnaise with olive oil.

Interesting! If you don't want to count calories, you can use your hands to calculate an appropriate serving size. Pour a few tablespoons of dry cereal into your palm, then measure the amount of vegetables in the same way. According to nutritionists, lunch is a plate that is ¼ filled with porridge, ¼ with meat or fish, and ½ with vegetables. Also, the third meal may include soup with vegetable broth.

Follow these rules if you want to lose weight and maintain your new shape for a long time.

Be sure to check out: Diet cabbage salad: the best recipes Safe cleansing: flax seeds for weight loss Kefir on a diet: are alternatives possible Proper castling: how to replace high-calorie treats and allergenic foods on a diet


We bought tuna at O'Key for 63 rubles:

Friends, canned tuna is ok, you can eat it =) The ingredients of high-quality canned food are fish and salt. Study the marking: according to GOST, the date of manufacture, assortment mark, shift number and the letter “P” - the fishing industry index - must be stamped on the bottom or lid. It is important that these numbers are stamped from the inside and not painted on. This product is made in close proximity to the place where the fish are caught, right in the sea on an industrial platform.

What I like most about tuna is that for every 100 grams of it there are as many as 23.5 grams of protein and only 0.6 g of fat and 0 g of carbohydrates. Yes, there is salt, but not that much. Just don't add salt to other foods.

Crispbread instead of bread if you're really watching your calories. 45 rubles for a package of 10 loaves of bread:

Hummus is a very cool thing. This is a snack made from chickpea puree, which also includes olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, paprika, tahini sesame paste and a little salt. The energy value of hummus is small, but we still won’t eat it with tablespoons, but as a spread. 63.9 rubles per 200 grams:

Tomatoes for beauty and juiciness. 129 rubles per kg:

Our salad is a bit dry, but you can choose which one is better:

Bananas are also a healthy thing. They are high in potassium, vitamins, fiber, zero fat and high in carbohydrates. Bananas also promote the production of serotonin and are very inexpensive.

Take a yogurt that contains nothing but milk and some very beneficial fermented milk bacteria (i.e. we don’t use the usual “Activia”, “Miracle”, “Danone” with fruit fillings). Well, and the fat content should not be off the scale above 5% if you are on a diet.

Is it possible to skip meals during the day?

A proper diet lunch gives you a boost of energy and does not cause drowsiness. This is an important meal that should not be excluded from the menu, as it increases the risk of overeating during dinner. And if a person does not have lunch and is able to restrain himself from overeating during dinner, then this will have a bad effect on his psychological state. In addition, the body, protecting itself from hunger, will increase the amount of adipose tissue.

Some people think that the less food they eat in a day, the slimmer they will be. However, this opinion is wrong. For the fat burning process to be effective and stable, you need to change your diet. As mentioned, you need to eat often and in moderate portions. Then metabolic processes will not be disrupted, and the fat layer will become thinner.

Nutritionists have identified several reasons why it is not recommended to skip the third meal:

  1. If a person does not eat lunch, then the risk of consuming more food during dinner increases. Excessive calorie consumption during the evening meal negatively affects digestion, so fat cells begin to accumulate.
  2. Too long (6 hours or more) interval between meals slows down metabolism. It is better to eat often, but in portions that do not exceed 250-300 g.
  3. Rare meals are a signal to the body of hunger. As a result, it begins to actively accumulate fat cells.
  4. If a person is intensely involved in sports, then the third meal will help the body recover faster. A diet lunch is important when gaining muscle mass and losing weight.

Therefore, you should not deprive yourself of lunch, so as not to expose your body to stress and continue to lose weight steadily.

Is it necessary to have soup for lunch?

Soups have become a common dish during diet lunches. They are good for the stomach, are easily digested even by a weakened body, when properly prepared they contain many vitamins and nutrients, and prevent constipation.

First courses can be cold (okroshka), hot (anything eaten warm), in broth (from meat, poultry, vegetables, fish, smoked meats), puree soups, with noodles, cereals, fried or without it. The benefits of soup depend on the composition of the ingredients and the heat treatment time.

The most useful for a dietary lunch are soups made from fresh, natural products. Nutritionists highlight the following benefits of first courses for losing weight:

  1. A liquid dish with light broth or vegetable broth activates the digestive organs. After consuming it, the stomach warms up and digestive juice is produced faster.
  2. The first dishes are quickly and easily absorbed into the walls of the stomach.
  3. Soup helps maintain water-salt balance.
  4. During cold weather, soups contribute to the accumulation of thermal energy.
  5. During the preparation of a liquid dish, a large amount of nutrients that the body needs is retained.

Due to the fact that soups are easily digestible and contain many nutrients, they are recommended to be included in the diet of children, the sick, the elderly, and those losing weight.

Attention! If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, you should not constantly consume only warm soups during a diet lunch, as there is a risk of gastritis. After the first, you need to eat the second, the splitting of which will take all the juice.

You need to carefully choose meat, poultry or fish for preparing soup, since during boiling, heavy metals, carcinogens or even antibiotics get into the broth. These chemical compounds are poorly absorbed by the body and disrupt the functioning of the digestive organs and liver. This applies to vegetables and mushrooms, which may contain nitrates and toxins.

Soup for a diet lunch is prepared without frying. Otherwise, you will get a dish with cholesterol and carcinogens that does not meet the requirements of the PP.

If desired, instead of soup, you can eat fish or meat, as well as vegetables. The main thing is to eat often and in a balanced manner.

What can you eat while on a diet?

As mentioned, proper nutrition and diet are different concepts. In the first case, we are talking about dietary diversity, the correct diet and dosage of food, and in the second, strict restrictions are assumed. A dietary lunch should consist of the following products:

  • cereals, whole grain products;
  • products of animal origin, for example, meat, eggs, dairy products;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • nuts, seeds, vegetable oils.

A diet lunch should contain slow carbohydrates, which take a long time to digest and provide energy. For this purpose, use rice, buckwheat porridge, pasta (class A), boiled or baked potatoes, and lentils as a side dish. These products contain a lot of coarse dietary fiber, which cleanses the digestive tract of toxins and waste.

It is important to remember about protein foods during a diet lunch. You can cook lean meat (beef, veal), fish, poultry (chicken, rabbit, turkey). Vegetarians can eat eggs, cottage cheese, legumes, and broccoli instead of eggs. If you don’t have time to prepare a full diet lunch, you can take cottage cheese with dried fruits/nuts or a vegetable salad with chicken breast to work. It's simple, satisfying and healthy.

The optimal weight of protein food is approximately 150 g. It should be remembered that the weight of meat or fish should be the same as the side dish, but not less.

Diet lunch should include a minimum amount of vegetable fats. Their sources are fish (fatty varieties), eggs, nuts, vegetable oils, seeds. Avocado contains a lot of fat.

Interesting! Vitamins and minerals are found in vegetables, fruits, and berries. You can make a salad from the former, boil them, bake them, or cook them in a slow cooker. Fresh fruit (like green apple or citrus) makes a great dessert.

A diet lunch menu can be created based on a specific diet:

  1. According to the Dukan system, you can eat baked meat or fish, seafood, and vegetable salad.
  2. “Minus 60” – boiled poultry (without skin) or fish and porridge on water, soup without potatoes or even sushi.
  3. On the low-carb Atkins diet, you can eat chicken fillet baked with cheese and mushrooms, as well as vegetable salad.
  4. On a low-carbohydrate diet, lunch can consist of a salmon or trout steak baked with paprika, as well as a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, seasoned with sour cream.
  5. According to the Kremlin diet - squid salad with olives, baked pike perch with mushrooms, etc.

There are many menu options, as well as food systems.

The right lunch for weight loss

This may sound unexpected, but the basis of healthy weight loss is a nutritious, balanced diet, and not at all hunger strikes. To ensure that the weight goes away quickly and does not return, and at the same time you are cheerful and full of energy, you must eat properly and regularly, in no case skipping main meals.

Skipping lunch can increase cravings for sweets, leading to compulsive evening overeating and “breakdowns,” when a person loses the ability to control what he eats. Therefore, it is impossible to refuse this meal, because it is lunch that gives us the right amount of energy to feel good until the evening.

We tell you how a proper lunch should be arranged for those who are losing weight or simply watching their weight, and offer recipe options for healthy weight loss.

Why you shouldn't skip lunch

Lunch is the most important meal of the day. The energy received from breakfast is usually not enough for a long time - and it is even more impossible to sustain it until dinner. At the same time, many simply do not have time for a full lunch due to work or other matters. As a result, a full meal is often replaced with quick dry snacks, fast food, or even just a glass of coffee and cookies. To feel good, be energetic and lose weight properly, you don’t need to do this. Let's figure out why.

  • Skipping lunch is unlikely to reduce your total daily caloric intake lower. Many high-calorie snacks instead of a full meal provide only temporary satiety and ultimately cause an even greater feeling of hunger. Because of this, it is very easy to go beyond your daily norm and not even notice it.
  • In addition, hunger during the day forces a person to eat much more at dinner than he planned, which leads to overeating and imbalance of food intake. Nutritionists say that for effective weight loss, dinner should be made quite light, and the bulk of calories should come from lunch - that is, evening overeating should be avoided.
  • An equally important reason not to give up food during the day is the need to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar. Irregular meals and constant snacking on something sweet or high-carbohydrate cause fluctuations in the hormone insulin, which is responsible for processing glucose. This only increases the feeling of hunger, makes a person constantly feel tired, and in the long term can even lead to diabetes.

What are the benefits of a proper lunch?

  • It fills you up well, eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time, and gives you energy for the whole day.
  • Relieves weakness and fatigue caused by lack of nutrients, eliminates drowsiness.
  • Shows the body that it does not need to save energy and store reserves in the form of fat deposits.
  • Helps avoid snacking - which means reducing the amount of sugar and “empty” calories from sweets and fast food entering the body.
  • Gives energy for training and helps muscles recover more easily after exercise.
  • Increases mental performance.

Common Mistakes

Even if you choose a full meal rather than a fast food snack on the run, there is still a chance that you could make a few common mistakes. Let's figure out which myths about lunches for weight loss have no relation to reality.

  1. You don't want to cut the calories you eat at this meal too much. The energy value of lunch should be from 350 to 450 calories - this is enough to eat well and get all the energy you need, but without overeating and without causing a feeling of heaviness. If you eat less than this amount, you will most likely not have enough energy until dinner, and you will soon feel hungry again.
  2. There is no need to drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates. There is an opinion that a person gains excess weight solely because of carbohydrates. There is some truth in this, but it is not entirely true. You can gain weight due to excessive consumption of simple, “fast” carbohydrates, which have a very high calorie content and a low supply of nutrients. But the right “slow” carbohydrates are the most powerful source of energy available to us, so they must be present in the diet.

What to eat during lunch

A proper lunch for weight loss must be balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber, and also contain all the necessary microelements. It must contain the following components:

  • Carbohydrates . It is better to give preference to slow carbohydrates, which take longer to digest and contain more nutrients. These can be cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, pearl barley, etc.) or durum wheat pasta. It is better to avoid fast carbohydrates (potatoes, white bread, white rice, pastries) while losing weight.
  • Squirrels . Among protein foods, you should choose lean meat (for example, lean beef, veal or rabbit), poultry (chicken or turkey fillet), white or red fish and seafood (shrimp, squid, mussels). Protein of animal origin is better absorbed, but if necessary, you can supplement your protein intake with plant foods - for example, Brussels sprouts, lentils or chickpeas.
  • Fats . Proper vegetable fats in small quantities must be present in the diet for weight loss. They are rich in olive and flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados.
  • Fiber + vitamins . Vegetables are responsible for these two elements - and you should give preference to raw vegetables, since they have more fiber, and due to the lack of heat treatment, they retain all the beneficial substances. This can be any cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, celery, green beans, spinach and any greens.

How to make the right lunch delicious

Many people associate dietary nutrition with monotonous, bland, tasteless food - that same notorious boiled chicken breast with buckwheat and celery. But you won’t be able to stay on such a “diet” for long, because very quickly you will want to return to the world of normal, tasty food. However, meals for weight loss do not necessarily have to be tasteless - and even vice versa. How to make diet food tastier?

  • Use spices, herbs and seasonings . Onions, garlic or fresh ginger will not add many calories to lunch, but they will make its taste noticeably more interesting and voluminous. And the use of herbs and spices will allow you to make completely different, dissimilar dishes from the same products. Use curry, different types of peppers, plain or smoked paprika, cumin, dried ginger and garlic, bay leaf or nutmeg - and your food will sparkle with new colors.
  • Add greens and herbs . These ingredients will look good in any meal - soup, green salad, Italian pasta or stew. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s fresh or dried herbs - in any case, they will give the dish a unique taste and make it more appetizing. You can try basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme, parsley or arugula.
  • Don't forget about low-calorie sauces . On a diet, it is usually not recommended to use mayonnaise and ketchup, but they can be replaced with low-calorie tomato sauce or a dressing based on low-fat sour cream, spices and lemon juice. A few drops of light soy sauce will also complement the flavor of food (such as mushrooms or chicken).

Cooking methods

Like all other meals, lunch during a diet should be prepared in the most healthy and gentle ways possible. During frying, a lot of vegetable or butter is usually used - and this is an additional source of calories that will be completely unnecessary if you are planning to lose weight. Also, due to the very high temperatures and the peculiarities of this cooking method, frying produces substances harmful to the body. Therefore, it is better to replace this method with one of the following.

  • Cooking . The simplest method that preserves most nutrients and vitamins. However, boiled dishes alone may seem too bland, and such a diet can quickly become boring. Therefore, to diversify your diet, we recommend alternating cooking with other methods described below.
  • Steam cooking . This method is rightfully considered the most dietary, since it prepares food as delicately and sparingly as possible. Products processed in this way are easily digestible and do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, so they can be eaten even with gastrointestinal diseases. You can steam vegetables, meat cutlets or a side dish.
  • Stewing in own juice . This method is suitable for meat, chicken dishes and vegetable stews. When stewed for a long time under a lid over low heat, the meat becomes very soft and juicy, while the dish remains healthy and low in calories.
  • Baking in the oven . Another “correct” way that allows you to quickly prepare a low-calorie dish without the use of oils and harmful ingredients. You can bake food either openly - on a baking sheet, or in foil. In the first case, you will get an appetizing golden crust, and in the second, you will keep the food as juicy and aromatic as possible.
  • Grill . Cooking on the grill does not involve the use of oil, so this method also qualifies as dietary. Fresh vegetables, fish and various types of meat turn out especially well on the grill.
  • Frying in a pan without oil . Modern non-stick frying pans allow you to cook food without additional use of oil - this allows the dishes to remain just as tasty, but noticeably less in calories. Another option is to fry the meat in a frying pan, wrapping it in parchment - this way it will not stick or burn, and you will get a very juicy and tasty dish.

Lunch options for weight loss

A healthy diet lunch should have the following proportions. Approximately 40% of the dish should be slow carbohydrates, 30% protein and another 30% healthy fats. If necessary, you can slightly reduce the proportion of carbohydrates and fats in favor of protein.

You can be guided by the fact that a little more than a third of the plate should be a side dish, another third should be a protein dish, and the rest should be a salad of fresh vegetables with the addition of healthy fats - for example, high-quality olive oil or nuts. Combinations of ingredients can be any: choose the ones you like.

Option 1. Oven-baked red fish steak with a side dish of brown rice, cucumber and tomato salad with fresh herbs, whole grain bread.

Option 2. Beef stewed in a frying pan, side dish of buckwheat with mushrooms, green salad with vinaigrette sauce (olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar).

Option 3. Light vegetable soup, steamed chicken cutlets with a side dish of bulgur, cabbage and carrot salad with oil dressing.

Option 4. Durum wheat pasta with turkey in tomato sauce with basil, salad with bell pepper, Chinese cabbage and cherry tomatoes.

How to enhance the effect of proper nutrition

To make your weight loss process even more effective, supplement your healthy diet with workouts at home or in the gym. This way you will burn even more calories, and the effect of the diet will be more pronounced.

The international network FitCurves invites women to unique sports training, created specifically taking into account the characteristics of the female body. Classes using the FitCurves system allow you to quickly get rid of excess weight, making your figure athletic, slim and fit.

What foods are best not to eat?

With proper nutrition, there are not many prohibitions; those losing weight can even consume salt, however, it is advisable to reduce its amount or replace it with ground seaweed. The main thing is to observe moderation, because if consumed in excess, even the most healthy product will cause harm.

Nutritionists advise avoiding or limiting the amount of these foods:

  1. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, so you need to eat them in minimal quantities.
  2. Legumes can cause flatulence. Monitor your reaction during consumption.
  3. Fatty meat (pork, lamb, white duck, goose, etc.).
  4. Fried foods should be excluded from the menu.
  5. Butter, yeast baked goods, confectionery with cream and a large amount of chemicals (cakes, ice cream, candies, etc.) are prohibited.
  6. Diet lunch may contain animal fats, but in minimal quantities.
  7. It is better to exclude cream, milk, and fermented milk products with high fat content from the diet.
  8. Store-bought sauces are prohibited when losing weight.

In addition, a dietary lunch should not contain smoked products, sausages, snacks, semi-finished products, or alcohol.

Top 10 delicious, cheap and low-calorie dishes for those who are losing weight

Simple dietary lunch options can bring benefits and taste pleasure, this is proven by the following recipes:

  1. Turkey cutlets. Soak 3 slices of bread (without crust) in ½ cup of milk. Grind 450 g of turkey meat in a meat grinder, mix with bread, add a little onion and spices. Form cutlets and cook in a double boiler. In the same way, you can prepare cutlets from chicken or other lean meat.
  2. Fish with vegetables in pots. Cut the fillet into pieces, put it in a pot, cover it with several layers of vegetables, for example, potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, a little onion. Sprinkle each ball with seasoning, fill with kefir so that it does not reach the edge by 1.5 cm. Place in the oven for 60 minutes at 180°C.
  3. Cheese soup. Chop and simmer your favorite vegetables under the lid in water. Grate the processed cheese (low fat content), pour the vegetable broth over it, heat it until it dissolves. Then pour the thick liquid over the vegetables, add salt and spices if necessary. Simmer for another 1-2 minutes. This dish is prepared without meat.
  4. Cabbage casserole. Disassemble cauliflower into inflorescences, boil 200 g in salted boiling water. Separately, beat 2 egg whites, 2 tbsp. l. semolina and seasoning. Transfer the finished cabbage to a greased baking dish, pour in the egg white mixture, and bake at 180°C. The appetizer will be ready in 20 minutes; you can sprinkle it with chopped herbs.
  5. Salads for work. Grind and mix the following ingredients of your choice:
  • boiled chicken breast, lettuce, grapes, nuts;
  • boiled beets, shrimp, cucumbers, carrots;
  • boiled meat, egg whites, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, hard cheese;
  • boiled lentils or canned peas, cottage cheese, cucumber, tomato;
  • tuna (boiled or canned), boiled green beans, egg whites, red paprika.

To season the base, use your choice of soy sauce, olive oil with lemon sauce, yogurt or sour cream (low fat). It is recommended to season the dish before eating:

  1. Mix 200 g of cottage cheese, an egg, 20 g of raisins, chopped dried apricots or other dried fruits. Form into flat cakes, roll them in flour, lightly fry in a frying pan with butter, then bake at 180°C for 12 minutes.
  2. Grind 500 g cabbage, 4 carrots, 1 celery root, 2 paprika, onion, 5 tomatoes, 500 g green beans. Pour all the ingredients into 1.5 liters of tomato juice, place on the stove, and after boiling, cook over medium heat for 20 minutes, covering with a lid.
  3. Cut 3 medium pears in half, remove the core, place 50 g of cranberries in the cavities, pour honey or sprinkle vanilla on each half. Bake at 180°C for about half an hour.
  4. Cut out the core of a whole apple, stuff it with cottage cheese, pour honey, sprinkle with cinnamon. If desired, you can add some raisins or other dried fruits. Bake at 180°C for about 30 minutes.
  5. Chop your favorite fruits, such as strawberries, banana, apple, pear, mango, and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Separately mix 200 g of cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 2 tbsp. l. milk, egg, leave for 20 minutes so that the flakes swell. Pour over the fruit and place in the oven for half an hour at 180°C.

Thanks to the recipes described above, your diet lunch can be varied.

Lunch menu options for the week

At first, you can use the following diabetic lunch options for every day:

  1. Monday:
  • 200 ml “Ural cabbage soup”. Boil 90 g of pearl barley in boiling water for 25 minutes, then drain the water. Add chopped carrots, onions, 500 g of cabbage to the cereal, pour boiling water over it, add salt and spices. Cook for 20 minutes. Serve with herbs and a little garlic;
  • 100 g turkey cutlets, 2 slices bran bread;
  • 100 g of salad of cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, herbs, seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice.
  1. Tuesday:
  • 200 ml chicken broth, 100 g boiled meat, 2 rye toasts;
  • 100 g of cucumber salad, tomato, wigs, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.
  1. Wednesday:
  • 200 ml of tomato soup with celery, about 30 g of rye bread;
  • 100 g boiled poultry (without skin);
  • 100 g of white cabbage, cucumber, corn salad, seasoned with natural yoghurt or vegetable oil.
  1. Thursday:
  • 200 g steamed tilapia. Mix 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce with spices, dip the fillet in the liquid. Cook in slow cooker for 20 minutes;
  • 100 g of beetroot, shrimp, cucumber, carrot salad with vegetable oil or yogurt.
  1. Friday:
  • 200 g fish with vegetables in pots, 2 rye toasts;
  • 150 g stewed eggplant/zucchini or fresh cucumbers.
  1. Saturday:
  • 200 g cabbage casserole;
  • steamed chicken cutlets – 2 pcs.;
  • You can eat a couple of whole grain toasts.
  1. Sunday:
  • 200 rice and lentil meatballs. Separately, boil 200 g of rice and lentils. Mix the cooled ingredients, add 2 tbsp. l. flour, grind in a blender. Fry in a non-stick frying pan (with a minimum amount of oil) until golden brown;
  • 150 g avocado salad with dressing. Grind 40 g red cabbage, 80 g tomato, 80 g tomatoes. Mix 50 g of avocado pulp in a blender bowl with 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 20 g pumpkin seed kernels. Pour this mixture over the vegetables and stir.

It is recommended to constantly change dishes so that the diet is varied, then losing weight will be much easier and more enjoyable.

Menu options

There are many recipes based on different products, thanks to which you can prepare a complete nutritious lunch without harming your figure. These can be either simple dishes (for example, rice, boiled breast, vegetable salad) or complex (spinach and corn soup with rice noodles). Lunch for those losing weight should consist of a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


All fans of healthy eating will find several healthy recipes for weight loss. How to prepare a healthy lunch for weight loss? It’s very simple: select the required ingredients and follow all the steps in the recipe. Let's take as a basis the method of preparing salad with chicken breasts.


  • chicken breast – 0.5 kg;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • cabbage leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • pine nuts – 80-100 g;
  • garlic - a pair of cloves;
  • basil – 100 g;
  • spices, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare salad dressing (pesto) - basil, lemon juice and zest, spices, garlic, mix in a blender.
  2. Fry the nuts in a frying pan for a few minutes.
  3. Add half the pine nuts to the pesto and set aside the other half for decoration.
  4. Rinse the chicken fillet with water, dry, sprinkle with spices, salt, place on foil and place in a preheated oven (200 degrees) for half an hour.
  5. Cut the finished meat into cubes, mix with dressing and nuts.
  6. Place the salad on washed cabbage leaves and serve lunch.


Your daily meal should include foods high in protein. In this case, fish is perfect for lunch. If you are tired of standard dishes in the form of fillets or cutlets, prepare incredibly tasty curd rolls with tuna. The end result is a nutritious protein lunch for weight loss. This very easy-to-prepare dish is suitable for a daytime meal for any diet or diet.


  • tuna – 200 g;
  • cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese (low-fat) or cream cheese – 100 g;
  • nori (sheet) – 1 pc.;

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cucumber, peel and cut into strips.
  2. Divide the nori sheet into 2 equal parts.
  3. Spread the inside of the nori with cottage cheese or cheese so that one cm remains on one edge.
  4. Remove the tuna from the can, mash it with your hands or a fork, and place it in one horizontal strip along the middle.
  5. Place a few cucumber straws on top.
  6. Place the nori on a bamboo mat (if you have one) and use it to wrap the roll tightly.
  7. Cut each roll into 7-8 servings - cooking lunch for weight loss is complete!

Low calorie

Another dietary product is turkey, which is perfect as a main daily dish. The best solution would be to cook the bird in a slow cooker, which is increasingly appearing in the kitchens of many housewives. The result is a delicious, low-calorie lunch for weight loss, which you can take with you to work and not torment your body with fast food.


  • turkey (preferably fillet) – 250 g;
  • carrots, onions - 1 pc.;
  • champignons – 40 g;
  • cream – 60 ml;
  • spices/salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the turkey meat, divide into small pieces, and dry.
  2. Pour oil (vegetable) into the bottom of the multicooker bowl and place the meat.
  3. Finely chop the champignons, chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Mix everything in a bowl, add salt/pepper, and close the multicooker lid.
  5. Set the timer for 15 minutes, select the “Frying” or “Baking” mode.
  6. After the time has passed, pour the cream into the container with the meat, stir, set the “Stew” mode, and leave to cook for half an hour.
  7. The turkey stew is ready.


Due to the busy modern rhythm of life, not all women and men who want to lose weight manage to find free time to cook. In this case, you can resort to the help of services that provide a choice of ready-made meals. There are more and more such services every day; you just need to open a website or dial a number and within an hour delicious food will arrive directly to your office. However, there is one drawback - the cost of lunches including delivery can be quite high. Several options for what you can order:

  1. No. 1 – vegetable cream soup, chicken with beans, dried fruit compote.
  2. No. 2 – chum salmon fillet with rice, cucumber, green tea.
  3. No. 3 – buckwheat with meatballs (chicken-turkey), kefir.
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Main conclusions

A proper dietary lunch must meet the following requirements:

  1. Contain optimal proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  2. Consist of natural, high-quality products that are combined.
  3. The number of calories should not exceed 450 kcal.
  4. Consist of grains, animal foods (eggs, lean meat, milk and milk products, fish), vegetables or fruits, and a small amount of fat.
  5. Foods need to be boiled, steamed, stewed, baked or eaten raw.
  6. Do not contain too fatty foods, confectionery, smoked products, fast food, etc.

It is recommended to have lunch at the same time, chew food thoroughly, and drink liquid half an hour before lunch, and not during it. It is important to periodically prepare new tasty and healthy dietary dishes, experiment with ingredients, so that losing weight does not become a burden. If you are a supporter of proper nutrition, then share your rules for organizing a dietary lunch, as well as new recipes, in the comments.

What to eat for lunch when losing weight

The diet should be varied, include more healthy and nutritious foods. The best option for a dietary lunch is light soups and main dishes, steamed or in the oven. Such methods of heat treatment only slightly increase the calorie content of products, but help preserve vitamins and nutrients in them. Dishes for weight loss are aromatic, tasty, and low-fat.

Tips for creating a diet menu for lunch:

  1. Consider the individual needs of the body, lifestyle, energy costs, and initial weight. The more active the day is, the richer lunch should be.
  2. An important place in the diet for weight loss should be occupied by dietary meat - a source of potassium, iron, and animal protein. Choose low-fat varieties for lunch. Turkey, which contains 22% protein, is suitable. A good alternative is chicken breast, veal, lean beef, rabbit. It is recommended to combine meat for lunch with side dishes of non-starchy vegetables.
  3. Introduce dietary low-fat fish into your diet, such as trout or pink salmon.
  4. Do not dress salads for lunch with mayonnaise or rich sour cream. Replace them with natural yogurt, rice vinegar, flaxseed oil, lemon juice or soy sauce.
  5. If you are preparing a diet dinner on the stove, quickly fry the food in a wok or simmer. This way they will contain less fat.
  6. It’s better to cook according to regular recipes, replacing high-calorie ingredients with dietary ones. For example, make lasagna, but instead of sheets of dough, use thin slices of zucchini.
  7. Healthy dietary dishes, especially steamed ones, are very easy to prepare in a slow cooker.
  8. Squid is a great option for lunch. They contain a lot of protein, but a minimum of calories, are very healthy and nutritious.
  9. Be sure to diversify your lunch diet with classic and pureed soups. They are very beneficial for the digestive system, satisfying, and speed up metabolism. To reduce the calorie content of soups, cook them without frying in oil or in a thick, fatty broth. Put a minimum of legumes and potatoes.
  10. Refrain from baking with premium flour, sugar and products containing glucose.
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