The eternal struggle with excess weight. How did Paul Bragg lose weight?

Paul Bragg, an alternative medicine activist, actively promoted the idea of ​​fasting to improve health. In his book “The Miracle of Fasting” he touched on the topic of cleansing the body and healthy eating in general. He expressed his views on what is beneficial for the human body and what is harmful. The idea was new and caused a strong reaction in society. Paul Bragg did not have a medical education, however, his method of therapeutic fasting was successful.
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The best proof of the effectiveness of the technique was the author himself, who lived to the age of 81 in perfect health.


Why distilled water?

Distilled water, according to Bragg, is most suitable for fasting, since it is pure and does not contain impurities of inorganic minerals. Water containing impurities negatively affects the kidneys and creates stones. But it is the kidneys that have to work a lot and hard. For the sake of your own favorable condition, it is better to cleanse with distilled water.

Paul was convinced: distilled water does not wash away organic substances from the human body. On the contrary, it is good for health, supports vitality and youth.

Advantages and differences of the Paul Bragg technique from other fasting methods

About the Paul Bragg technique

Most methods of therapeutic fasting and weight loss courses do not involve the introduction of a special diet. However, Paul Bragg's method includes a mandatory transition to a new system based on the doctor-recommended 60:20:20 scheme. This allows you to avoid excessively frequent and prolonged hunger strikes, as well as:

  • Stabilizes body weight and prevents gaining extra pounds;
  • Allows you to receive a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • Corrects eating behavior;
  • Helps maintain normal vitamin levels;
  • Promotes the production of sufficient energy for mental and physical activity;
  • Becomes an important preventive measure against most diseases;
  • Prolongs life and youth;
  • Improves well-being and emotional mood.

Changing your diet is not the only difference between the Bragg fasting method. Preparation for abstaining from food in this case turns out to be as simplified as possible and does not require a long-term fasting diet. In addition, following the doctor’s diet for a long time, it turns out to be much easier to enter a period of fasting.

Distilled water, which Bragg recommends during fasting, cannot negatively affect the well-being and results of the course. This is another important advantage of his technique over others.

How long does hunger last?

In his research, Paul Bragg came to the conclusion that few people can give accurate information about the timing of fasting. Nutritionists in this area have not developed a common point of view; opinions differ greatly. Different countries have their own deadlines.

Thus, English doctors claim that the optimal period is 30 days. Cleansing takes place with a low-active lifestyle, in a lying position; doing exercises and giving the body physical activity is not recommended. The Germans fast for 3 weeks, and the French for 2, while the Americans adhere to a method that lasts a month.

Paul Bragg believed that 3 weeks (or more) of unforced fasting is sheer nonsense and should be resorted to in case of emergency.

In his book, Paul Bragg wrote that fasts lasting >10 days should be avoided by unprepared people. You should start small, from one day. It is not recommended to fast for 3 weeks until you have completed 6 ten-day cycles with breaks of 4 months, then the body will be more or less prepared for further cleansing. But even experienced practitioners are not advised to extend the fast beyond 15 days.

Paul Bragg considered ten-day fasts 4 times a year sufficient for himself, while during the 3-month breaks the author of the method did not eat much. Paul advised not to eat until you feel very hungry, no eating of emotions. Eating out of nothing to do is the body’s worst enemy.

Bragg was confident that it was possible to cleanse and heal the body with the help of one-day fasts, provided that there was a healthy lifestyle during the breaks.

Paul’s book “The Miracle of Fasting” is interesting and easy to read; it is worth reading all the author’s thoughts on healthy eating, and not just the section on therapeutic fasting. It describes a case that confirms the cleansing properties of hunger: as a child, Paul was sick a lot, he was often treated with mercury-based medications. One day the author had a terrible stomach ache, and his body expelled all the substances that had accumulated while taking medications in childhood.

Consequences of fasting

Regular fasting according to Paul Bragg gives an incredible effect:

  • Improved digestion.
  • Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Rejuvenation – slowing down the aging process.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • General strengthening of the body.
  • Getting rid of chronic ailments.

If you are interested in the technique, you should read Paul Bragg’s book “The Miracle of Fasting.” It contains a lot of useful information and secrets for the full recovery of the body, as well as weight loss.

Before you start fasting, you need to visit a doctor and get examined. He will eliminate possible contraindications, and if there are some restrictions, he will select the best option for cleansing.

Fasting for 1 day

During fasting, you are allowed to drink pure distilled water, you can add 5 grams of natural raw honey and 10 ml of lemon juice, these products will help cleanse the body. After the expiration date, the first meal will be a salad of grated carrots and white cabbage seasoned with citrus juice. No salt or spices.

For the second meal, it is recommended to take boiled vegetables (possibly stewed) and greens. The main thing is not to eat food of animal origin (meat, cheese, fish, eggs); nuts and seeds will also not be beneficial in the first days after hunger.

For the first 2 days after 24 hours of drinking distilled water, you should not take acidic foods.

Positive aspects of the Paul Bragg diet

Studies and observations of experimental groups of volunteers have shown that short-term fasting causes short-term stress in the body. It reacts by activating metabolic processes and producing substances that stimulate cell renewal. Simply put, short-term dietary restriction mobilizes health, rejuvenates and prolongs life.

Meanwhile, the mechanisms of rejuvenation of the body during fasting have been studied in detail quite recently. This process is called the term “autophagy,” which literally stands for self-criticism. Its meaning is that during fasting, the body's cells get rid of outdated internal structures - organelles, proteins and cell membranes. These components simply decompose and are removed from the cells, and they are replaced with new ones. The autophagy process is stimulated by the hormone glucagon, which is the opposite of insulin and is produced during fasting. Intake of at least one amino acid from food inhibits autophagy.

It is believed that autophagy is activated even with intermittent fasting of 8-16 hours; fasting for 24 hours is even more effective. It is convenient to practice 24 hours from 5 pm one day to 5 pm the next, while drinking water is allowed. From a medical point of view (in the absence of contraindications), it is safe and beneficial to carry out such fasts once a week. 8-16 hours without food (intermittent fasting): 1-2 times a week, skipping one or two meals. This also triggers autophagy.

Interestingly, for the discovery of the mechanisms of this process, on October 3, 2021, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi.

Fasting for 3, 7, 10 days

During a three-day fast, it is important that you have the opportunity to rest. It is better to adhere to the system in solitude. The body will begin to remove substances that poison it, and your health may worsen. At this time, you cannot load your brain with additional work - reading, having fun with friends, watching TV, you will have to give up this for 3 days. It is not necessary to withdraw from society and become a hermit for 3 days; it is enough to remain in complete peace, solitude and in nature.

Bragg believes that poisons are eliminated through the kidneys, so they need to be protected and not overloaded in everyday life. You will feel better as soon as your body gets rid of congestion and toxins.

The gastrointestinal tract does not work during hunger; it has nothing to process. This fact worries most people, because then the functions of the intestines and stomach will have to be resumed, and this can cause discomfort. With the right approach and exit from cleaning, this will not happen.

Paul Bragg had a negative attitude towards enemas and did not believe in their benefits. The author believed that food residues should not be removed by taking laxatives; this can harm the digestive system.

The intestines have antiseptic properties, so food residues are neutralized during hunger without additional intervention. After the cycle is completed and normal nutrition begins, the gastrointestinal tract will begin to function regularly and better than before cleansing.

To properly overcome hunger, your food should (at least) consist of fiber (vegetables and fruits). It is not recommended to consume animal products >3 times every 7 days. You can achieve protein balance in the body with the help of nuts, seeds and other plant proteins, and eat sprouted wheat.

Bragg calculated that he had 75 days of fasting per year, which is quite enough to restore the kidneys, pancreas and other internal organs.

Paul Bragg's book describes in detail examples of the effects of hunger on his patients. After complete cleansing of the body, the bad breath caused by the high content of toxins disappears. The author believed that it is better not to bring the body to a state where so many poisons have accumulated that an unpleasant odor emanates from the whole body. It is better to prevent contamination of the body and begin the fasting system while the body is still healthy.

Features of the Bragg technique

The basis of Paul Bragg's method is not only fasting itself, but also a special nutritional scheme that allows you to prolong life, get rid of diseases and carry out prevention against them. According to his theory, each person's diet should consist of about 60 percent fresh vegetables and fruits, and 20 percent should be animal products, cereals and beans. In addition, he recommends completely avoiding refined white sugar and chemical components in food, and also limiting salt intake.

The technique does not imply any other special restrictions or prohibitions. Meat eaters are allowed to eat meat, but it is important that the number of such meals per week does not exceed three or four. Eggs in the amount of two or three per week are also acceptable in the diet. Elderly people are advised to reduce their consumption of fatty dairy and fermented milk products.

Fasting according to Paul Bragg, according to his own methodology, should be carried out as follows:

  • One day every week;
  • One week every three months;
  • At least three to four weeks annually.

Refusal to eat should be accompanied by plenty of clean water. Thus, the body gets rid of old poisons and toxins, waste. Fasting also renews joint and bone tissue, improves the functioning of the heart and digestive system, respiratory system and nervous system.

A way out of a week's hunger

At the end of a seven-day fast, both the stomach and intestines are greatly reduced in volume, so it is necessary to return to the usual diet gradually. On the last day, closer to afternoon tea (5:00 p.m.), take 4 medium-sized tomatoes, cut into large pieces and place in a saucepan with boiling water so that the water covers the tomatoes. When the water and tomatoes have cooled down and become room temperature, then you can eat them. There are no restrictions, you can use 4 pieces.

The next morning, prepare a cabbage and carrot salad with a citrus juice dressing. This dish also helps cleanse the body, after which you can eat steamed greens or 2 crackers (toast) for breakfast. During the day, do not forget about distilled water. For lunch, eat carrots with celery + 2 boiled vegetables. Skip dinner.

On the 2nd day after fasting, breakfast can consist of fruits; it can be sweetened with honey. Lunch is the same as the previous day. For dinner (no later than 18:00) - lettuce with lemon juice, toast, a couple of tomatoes and boiled vegetables.

Instructions for use

Like other methods, the Bragg fasting course has its own instructions, which require special preparation and recovery from a hunger strike.


Drinking fluids when entering fasting

The most important factor in preparing for fasting is being results-oriented and ready to take action. As stated above, the day before starting the fast, you need to give up solid food and also consume more liquid to speed up the elimination of toxins. It is best to move the last meal to an earlier time (18-19 hours). In this way, the body will be better prepared for subsequent stress.


Fasting can only be water fasting. Paul Bragg believed that dry fasting was not only harmful, but also dangerous, so he recommended only the classic wet method. For those who are preparing to conduct a course for the first time, it is recommended to study the following Breg fasting rules for beginners:

  1. The course should be carried out only under the supervision of specialists or people who constantly practice the technique.
  2. Opportunities for rest should always be provided. First of all, it is important that the practitioner is not exposed to any stress and is freed from physical work. Bed rest is also necessary if he feels unwell.
  3. It is best to avoid noisy companies, as they can cause unnecessary stress for the practitioner. If this measure is not possible, it is recommended to notify those around you about the upcoming event.
  4. Physical energy should be spent as sparingly as possible.

Good sleep will help you get rid of illness and maintain a positive attitude. In case of painful symptoms, it is recommended to move to the stage of exiting fasting ahead of schedule.

Breaking out of fasting

Breaking out of fasting

Exiting Breg fasting involves a special scheme containing the following points:

  1. On the last day of the hunger strike, for dinner at 17:00 you need to prepare five tomatoes, having previously peeled them. You will need to eat them slowly, chewing the food thoroughly.
  2. The next day you will need to prepare a vegetable salad from carrots and cabbage without adding oil, salt or seasonings. It can be seasoned with a small amount of orange juice. For the first meal, a small cup of this salad is enough. Later, you are allowed to eat a couple of slices of whole grain bread. The next meal will consist of another serving of salad, as well as a small cup of chopped celery and steamed vegetables.
  3. It is useful to start the morning of the next day with a couple of spoons of sprouted grains. You are also allowed to eat any unsweetened fruit. For lunch, it is recommended to prepare the same cabbage and carrot salad and add to it a portion of steamed vegetables (or stew without adding oil) and two slices of whole grain bread. For dinner you will also need to prepare a hot vegetable dish (stew, vegetable soup, grilled vegetables), as well as a cup of tomato salad with herbs without oil.

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At this point, the main stage of breaking fast according to the method is completed and the practitioner is allowed to switch to their usual diet. However, to consolidate the result (the question concerns the effect of health improvement and weight loss), a diet that excludes harmful foods will help:

  • Fast food and any semi-finished products;
  • Fried and fatty foods;
  • Meat products and liver with high fat content;
  • Fermented milk and dairy products with high fat content;
  • Excess eggs in the diet.

It is in this case that the 60:20:20 meal plan becomes especially relevant. However, if possible, it is best to switch completely to vegetarian cuisine. It is recommended to minimize the amount of salt in the diet as much as possible.

Paul Bragg advises completely abandoning this practically useless additive in favor of aromatic natural seasonings and fresh herbs. If you continue to adhere to this diet, you will not need a long fast of more than 10 days.

Breaking a Ten-Day Fast

The difference between a week-long cleanse and a 10-day fast is not great, but it is there. The solution is generally the same, stewed tomatoes on day 10, 11 and 12 correspond to 8 and 9. Important: do not eat more than what you think is necessary, food for the sake of food is not what your body needs. The psychological desire for food should not confuse you; focus on your stomach.

Since the digestive tract is reduced in volume, it does not need large amounts of food. It will take some time for the body to adjust to its daily routine of digesting food.

Preparing for miracle fasting according to Paul Bragg

Bragg himself said that when a person is internally disposed to fasting positively and views it as a method of cleansing from waste and toxins, then success is guaranteed. In his opinion, such an attitude will lead to the fact that every cell of the body will “meet” fasting with joy and accept it.

When starting a Bragg fast, you should not inform many people about it, and you should not ask for unnecessary advice. You just need to tune in correctly, listen to your body and sensations. And the main thing is to firmly believe in the success of the miracle of fasting.

Don't worry about your gut

Restoration of bowel function may not begin immediately, but you should not worry about this. People who adhere to the method have small stools after the first meal, however, everything is individual. There is no strict schedule regarding the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after the cessation of hunger; digestion returns to normal after 3-4 days (provided that it is done correctly).

Bragg advised not to have breakfast immediately after waking up, wait about an hour and eat some fruits and greens. Prunes and dried apricots work well. An hour later, the author recommended eating something else of the same type, perhaps with boiled vegetables.

Paul Bragg argued that by consuming raw vegetables and fruits at the beginning of each meal, body tissues will be renewed, and the body as a whole will receive an antioxidant effect.

Bragg allows the consumption of animal protein, but no more than 20% of all food (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products); overdoing it with nuts and seeds is also not recommended. 60% of food should come from raw vegetables and fruits, the remaining 20% ​​includes grains, oils, natural sugars in the form of dried fruits and honey.

Bragg fasting options

Breg fasting is carried out in three main versions: one-day, 10 days and 21 days. The simplest option is preventive, while the other two help eliminate toxins and waste from the body, as well as diseases of various etiologies.

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One-day fasting

A weekly refusal to eat for 24-36 hours is an excellent measure for preventing obesity, prolonging youth and maintaining health and beauty. With the help of a one-day fast, during which you are allowed to drink exclusively distilled water, the body quickly gets rid of slagging, and its tissues regenerate faster.

For one day of fasting, special preparation also requires only one day, during which you will need to completely give up solid food. The entry day menu should consist only of pureed vegetables and fruits. Paul Bragg is categorically against various laxatives and enemas, so they should not be used.

During fasting, in addition to clean water, as an exception in case of severe discomfort, you are allowed to drink a glass of water with the addition of a spoonful of honey or lemon juice. Honey must be natural, since a product with added sugar can only harm the entire process.

At first, it may seem difficult for a practitioner to completely abstain from food for 24 hours. This is due to slagging in the body, which is eliminated gradually. It is this that causes dizziness, pain and nausea. However, as you apply the method, all unpleasant symptoms will gradually decrease and eventually disappear completely.

Note: Paul Bragg recommended abandoning enemas and laxatives, since he himself practiced a raw food diet. Thanks to it, the body cleansed itself of old feces with the help of plant fiber. Therefore, consuming plant foods during fasting is mandatory.

Fasting 10 days

This Bragg fasting method for losing weight and cleansing the body should be practiced only after mental and physical preparation through shorter periods of fasting. This period should be spent only in maximum comfort. It is advisable that it falls on holidays or vacations.

Entering long-term fasting is carried out in a similar way. However, in this case it will take at least ten days for normal preparation. The use of enemas and other cleansing agents is not required.

During fasting, you will need to drink distilled water in an amount of at least two liters per day. Also for a comfortable experience you need:

  • Daily walks in the fresh air;
  • Refusal of physical and mental work;
  • Refusal from TV, music and other entertainment;
  • Long sleep and rest.

When the first signs of illness occur, you should go to bed or simply stay in bed. It is recommended to monitor your general condition and well-being with a doctor throughout the course. If prolonged negative effects occur, it is necessary to gradually end the hunger strike and consult a doctor if the symptoms do not disappear after this.

21 day fasting

A longer Breg fast should only be carried out under close supervision. Paul Bragg in his articles and book does not recommend using long periods at all. He considers short-term hunger strikes with breaks for regular meals to be the best option. However, if it is still necessary to carry out a 21-day fast, you should be prepared for a long three-week start on a plant-based diet, where most of the meals will be unprocessed food.

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Typically, such a long period is necessary in cases of severe obesity, as well as the presence of serious diseases of the body. However, if you constantly follow Paul Bragg's method, such extreme practices will not be required.

Paul Bragg's attitude to fasting

In the book “The Miracle of Fasting,” the author devoted an entire section to hunger as a healing system, but fasting is not a means to treat serious diseases. The author did not believe that fasting was therapeutic, to the fullest extent of the word. However, cleansing the body and maintaining natural processes in it in itself leads to healing.

The body cleansing system will help get rid of bad habits, addiction to nicotine, alcohol, and sweets by getting rid of excesses.

After a fasting cycle, a person begins to feel better, more energetic, headaches, migraines, and gastrointestinal problems go away. But you should not count on curing cancer or any other serious illness.

First of all, cleaning returns vitality to a person, gives energy, health and the desire to live.

Hunger is a natural process designed to help the body eliminate toxins coming from outside. After completing the cycle, the mind becomes clearer, it is easier for the brain to work, process signals coming from the outside world, and make decisions. Cleansing the body is a good way to train willpower and patience, as well as a chance to acquire a healthy body and live a long life. You should fast for your own sake.


Fasting period

The approach should also be different for different periods of abstinence from food. But it is important to take all the advice into account, because the success of the process largely depends on them.


Bragg recommends starting the daily fasting period with lunch or dinner and ending the next day at lunch or dinner. On this day you need to completely eliminate all drinks and food. You need to drink only distilled water. Once a day, you can add one teaspoon of lemon juice or honey to the water. This will help dissolve toxins and mucus.

Mild malaise should be considered normal, as the release of harmful substances from the body is activated.

After the fasting day is over, you need to eat a light salad of carrots and cabbage with lemon juice. It will help stimulate digestion and cleanse the intestines. Instead of this salad, you can also eat stewed tomatoes without bread. You should end your fast only with these dishes.

Long lasting

First of all, it is important to prepare for it theoretically and practically. It is best to fast for a long time, especially if we are talking about the first experience, under the supervision of doctors. In any case, a specialist should be visited at the beginning and at the end of the process.

It is necessary to provide the opportunity for rest, because it may be needed at any moment when the first signs of illness appear. When abstaining from food, Bragg advises bed rest.

During the fasting period, it is advisable to provide yourself with the opportunity to spend the maximum amount of time alone with yourself. It is easier for a person to be in a positive mood and with an attitude of success if he is not distracted from this by the people around him, Paul Bragg believed. During a period of prolonged hunger, it is not recommended to watch TV, have unnecessary conversations and practice actions that distract from the main process.

At this time, you need to try to conserve energy without spending it on stress or physical activity. However, if a person feels well, you can walk in the fresh air. It is not recommended to sunbathe or simply stay in the sun for a long time at this time.

On the Internet you can find detailed stories and videos on how to act to make long-term fasting successful.

To properly exit a long fast, on the last day at 17:00 you need to eat five small tomatoes, which need to be peeled, cut into halves and kept in boiling water for a few seconds.

The next day's menu includes: for breakfast - a salad with carrots and cabbage, sprinkled with juice from half an orange, for an afternoon snack - a slice of whole grain bread. For lunch, you can add a little celery to the same salad. Also on this day you need to eat a dish of boiled vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, or peas.

The next day you also need to follow a diet. For breakfast – a fruit of your choice and a few spoons of sprouted wheat with honey. For lunch - the same salad as the previous day, and a hot vegetable dish. For dinner, you can prepare any vegetable dish and a salad with tomatoes and lettuce leaves.

Then you can practice your usual diet, consuming any dishes from vegetarian cuisine.

It is very important to be in a good mood during this period and believe in success. In Paul Bragg's book there are tips on how to focus yourself on the positive, repeating some phrases, the essence of which is to tune the body to cleanse, renew and feel happy.

After a long period of hunger, a person may realize that his usual appetite has disappeared. This is quite normal, and after a while the usual desire to eat will return.

Bragg does not recommend using an enema or taking laxatives to stimulate the intestines. If the whole process goes correctly, the intestines will work normally on their own.

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