What foods contain omega-3 (table)? Comparison of the amount of omega-3 and omega-6 in foods


Our hit parade is headed by the beloved herring. It can be consumed in any form, including grilled. True, in the latter case you will have to get fresh herring, otherwise you will end up with a dish that is popular in Vietnam, but very specific. Herring is also an excellent source of protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, niacin, vitamin B-12 and selenium. Champion, in a word. Material on the topic: 5 ingenious dishes with common herring .


What you need to know about Omega-3 in fish

Fish contains 25% protein, vitamins and minerals, amino acids of varying composition. Its meat is easily digested, without loading the digestive system, and does not deposit “bad” cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. The value of fish is explained by the omega-3 content in its meat.

Omega-3 chemical composition: the most important and valuable for the human body are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The body does not produce them on its own, and you can only get them from food.

fatty fish, such as mackerel, are the best source of omega-3

Fatty fish are the best source of omega-3. Eating fresh seafood is preferable to dietary supplements.

Fish accumulate omega-3 from the algae they feed on. Often the diet of fish raised in captivity does not meet the standards, so it is better to eat seafood caught in natural reservoirs.

How much fish and seafood do you need to consume to fill your body with omega-3? One 100 g serving of the valuable whitefish contains 3 daily values ​​of omega-3 for a healthy adult. Salmon, chinook salmon, and sockeye salmon contain the same amount.

Less valuable but rich in omegas are mullet, trout, horse mackerel, mackerel, sea bass, and halibut. Some may contain more than 3 daily values ​​of omega-3, and some may contain less. Shrimp, other crustaceans and invertebrate sea creatures also contain healthy dietary fat. For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs only 2 fish days a week so that he receives a sufficient amount of omega-3. On other days of the week, you can add canned fatty fish to salads and sandwiches.

You can replenish your body with omega-3 through medical means, but regular consumption of fish will bring more benefits to the body.

Benefits of Cold Water Seafood

Cold sea fish, rich in omega-3, live in natural conditions on free grazing, so their content of beneficial acids is high.

This kind of fish is caught:

1.In the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans:

  • salmon;
  • pink salmon;
  • whitefish (wild Atlantic salmon);
  • sockeye salmon (red salmon, has a bright red tint of meat);
  • chum salmon;
  • omul;
  • tuna;
  • pollock;
  • Atlantic herring;
  • Atlantic anchovy;
  • spring capelin;
  • oceanic sardine;
  • squid, mussels and others.

2.In the Barents, Bering, Okhotsk, Baltic, Marmara, White, and Japan seas:

  • mackerel;
  • black halibut;
  • hake (silver hake);
  • saury;
  • mullet and others.

3.In cold waters of lakes and rivers:

  • whitefish;
  • grayling;
  • Chinook;
  • trout;
  • perch, etc.

fish that live naturally in the waters of cold seas are more useful

Cold water contains more oxygen than warm water. In cold sea waters there is a lot of algae containing components that form the basis for the synthesis of docosahexaenoic acid, which is necessary for marine life to maintain heat. This is the main omega-3 component. Fish that live in the cold waters of oceans, seas, lakes and mountain rivers are the most valuable and richest in omega-3.

Are there omegas in river fish? Valuable varieties of river fish that live in cold waters:

  • perch;
  • whitefish;
  • grayling;
  • Nile perch;
  • trout;
  • carp;
  • zander;
  • pike, etc.

They also contain healthy fats, but are inferior in omega-3 content to oceanic and sea varieties.

Fatty fish are the best source of omega-3

Fatty varieties such as mackerel, sardine, whitefish (wild Atlantic salmon), salmon, tuna, and bold ones are the most valuable in omega-3 content. Fatty acids are present in the fish anchovy, capelin, pollock, cod, Nile perch, and Atlantic halibut. Fresh seafood is the healthiest, but when canned, omega-3 increases, so they are also sources of these valuable acids. Canned fish meat soaked in oil contains a lot of omega-3. Canned anchovies contain more fat than fresh seafood.

During heat treatment, omega-3 is partially destroyed

Cooking has a negative impact on the quality of seafood. When heated, the omega-3 they contain is partially destroyed.

Great sources of omega-3s include oysters, squid, lobster, shrimp and shellfish.

Dependence of the value of fish on the places of catch and food supply

In Russia, commercial rocks are mined near the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands, and Sakhalin Island. Seafood caught in the cold waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, in the basins of the Okhotsk and Barents seas, are particularly valuable products.

No less important are the factories where conservation is carried out. Factories in the Far East and northern regions of the country are located on the coast; they process and preserve fresh product immediately after its extraction.

Some varieties of fish are grown artificially. They are less rich in omega-3 than those obtained from the sea, because... They feed on fishmeal with additives and antibiotics due to the lack of algae in the areas where they are grown. This has a negative impact on quality.

artificially grown varieties of fish are of the least value, as they contain less omega-3 necessary for humans

Dangerous Toxins

The danger to marine life comes from the toxic substances on which it feeds. Particularly harmful is mercury, which some of them accumulate in their meat. This:

  • grouper;
  • marlin;
  • swordfish;
  • fishhead;
  • king mackerel;
  • shark;
  • hoplostet.

These breeds are not recommended for consumption, especially by pregnant women and small children.


You can prepare a lot of different dishes from salmon Or you can simply put a piece of lightly salted fish on a piece of bread and eat it like a sandwich. Here's a quick recipe for homemade gravlax - sprinkle salmon fillets with sea salt, freshly ground pepper, and coarsely chopped dill. You can add a little (teaspoon) brown sugar. Wrap in foil and put in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you can eat. Material on the topic: how not to make a mistake when buying lightly salted salmon .


Table of foods high in Omega 3. Fish and Seafood

Table of foods high in Omega 3 and high Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio.

Many studies now suggest that a diet with a high ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 may lead to a reduction in the risk of occurrence and even prevention of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, various types of inflammation and inflammatory processes, developmental disorders and cognitive disorders .

Currently, in modern Western nutrition, that is, ours, most people in their diet have a ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 from 1:15 to 1:35, in some countries even 1:50. But scientists insist that the ratio between these two important elements should ideally be 1:1 - 1:4 , the upper limit is 1:7 - 1:10 and no more! Anything that exceeds this ratio is, at a minimum, very unhelpful for our body, and at a maximum leads to the development of serious diseases!

These tables contain products with a high content of Omega 3 and the best ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6. Products with an Omega 3: Omega 6 ratio of up to 1:10. The tables will help you better select the best foods for your diet. The remaining products not included in the table either contain very little Omega 3, or the Omega 3: Omega 6 ratio is beyond the upper limits of the healthy norm, so there is no point in recording them in the tables.

And remember that in plant and the predominant mass of animal sources there is only Alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA). EPA and DHA are found only in fish and seafood! Read the post about Omega 3 and Omega 6. The minimum daily intake today is 1.5-3 grams.

Reminder. The quantitative content figures in these tables are relatively accurate, since much depends on the country of origin, on the type of meat/poultry/plant, on the type of feeding* and cultivation, on the use of drugs or fertilizers in production, and so on and so forth. The tables show numbers from the USDA National Nutrient Database for a standardized American manufacturer. There are no Russian data on this issue.

* The content of Omega 3 and Omega 6 significantly depends on the type of feeding of animals and poultry. Animals on mixed feed have a lower percentage of Omega 3 and a high percentage of Omega 6. Animals and birds of meadow grazing, on the contrary, have a higher amount of Omega 3 and lower Omega 6. Also, an increase/decrease in the level of Omega 6 and a decrease/increase in the level of Omega 3 largely depends on type of culinary processing. Frying foods significantly increases Omega 6 levels. Full information here

This table is a storehouse of those products that we need to correct and increase the presence of Omega 3 ( EPA and DHA ) in our body!

Fish and Seafood Product nameOmega 3 (EPA and DHA) in grams (per 100 grams)Omega 6 in grams (per 100 grams)Omega 3 : Omega 6 ratio
Salmon oil371,524 : 1
Oil from menhaden (small ocean fish)29,3214,5 : 1
Sardine fat26213 : 1
Fish oil (mixture: cod, herring, etc.)25-231-1,525 : 1 — 15 : 1
Cod liver oil19,70,922 : 1
Herring fat13,51,112,3 : 1
Fish caviar, red and black6,80,0885 : 1
Fish roe, cooked3,10,03783 : 1
Mackerel (Mackerel), Atlantic2,80,214 : 1
Pacific herring, cooked2,70,2411 : 1
Atlantic salmon, wild2,60,0832 : 1
Atlantic Herring2,50,1615 : 1
Atlantic salmon, cage2,30,2210 : 1
Anchovies, canned2,10,365,8 : 1
Sablefish, cooked2,10,2110 : 1
Tuna1,70,682,5 : 1
Pacific oysters, cooked1,60,642,5 : 1
Mackerel (Mackerel) Pacific1,60,1114 : 1
Trout, cooked1,20,226 : 1
Sardine1,40,1112,7 : 1
Swordfish1,10,147,8 : 1
bluefish1,10,0618 : 1
Striped Bass, Cooked0,90,0245 : 1
Sea bass cooked0,90,0330 : 1
Oriental oysters, cooked0,90,0910 : 1
Blue mussels, cooked0,90,0330 : 1
Pacific oysters, raw0,80,0326 : 1
Wild shrimp0,60,00966 : 1
Sturgeon, cooked0,60,087.5 :and 1
Pollock, cooked0,60,01250 : 1
Squid, raw0,50,003166 : 1
Squid, fried0,51,41 : 2,5
Lobster, cooked0,50,01729 : 1
Smoked salmon0,50,471 : 1
King crab, cooked0,50,00862 : 1
Kamchatka crab0,460,0223 : 1
Various shellfish, cooked0,420,03213 : 1
Octopus, cooked0,380,01817 : 1
Prawns, cooked0,30,21,5 : 1
Pacific cod, raw0,20,00633 : 1
Atlantic cod, cooked0,20,00633 : 1
Algae Irish moss0,0460,00223 : 1
Algae Lover0,080,00420 : 1
Wakame seaweed0,190,0119 : 1
Cancers0,180,092 : 1

Meat and Poultry Nuts and Seeds Dairy and Eggs Vegetable and Animal Fats Vegetables and Fruits

Be healthy!

Yul Ivanchey


In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, mackerel contains many other important vitamins and minerals. Most often it is consumed smoked, but this fish is good in any other form. Fresh mackerel is best prepared by fishermen in Istanbul - they fry the freshly caught fish right in the boats, and then put it in a fresh bun, burger-style. Incredibly delicious! Related material: How to cook mackerel: 15 recipes that will make you fall in love with this fish.


Where is the most Omega-3?

What is the Omega-3 content in fish of various varieties? To replenish your reserves of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), experts suggest eating cod, tuna and mackerel twice a week. Fish that swim in the seas and rivers are also very useful, but mainly those that have a sufficient amount of healthy fat.

If you eat fatty sea fish every day, this will be a good prevention of heart disease.

Can children drink Omega-3 if they are allergic to fish? In general, children do not like the smell that is present in expensive salmon varieties of fish. In any case, you can replace the fats it contains with any seafood.

Of course, the question is which fish contains a lot of Omega-3? - is very relevant. After all, this is an indicator of how important fish is for health.

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