Inna Volovicheva: “I was offended by the offer to do liposuction and I went on a diet”

Fans of the infamous television project Dom-2 know firsthand Inna Volovicheva, a bright and purposeful girl who has today transformed into an exquisite socialite and, part-time, a popular video blogger and weight loss coach.

The current beauty with a chiseled figure began her journey in domestic show business from the disgraced House-2, where she came to find her love. In the project, she was significantly different from most of the thin participants; 115 kilograms with a height of 180 cm made her a real black sheep among the girls. However, the image of a charming plump woman only added to her popularity, including after leaving the reality show.

Despite the fact that Inna has long found her love abroad, got married and gave birth to a lovely daughter, the girl’s popularity is soaring higher and higher.

Fans, and now also followers, respect Inna for her incredible willpower and desire to change for the better - the brunette managed to lose as much as 36 kilograms in a matter of months, moreover, without surgery or taking unsafe miracle drugs.

Volovicheva has transformed beyond recognition; comparing her “before” and “after” photos is almost pointless, these are really two different people! Inna has changed dramatically - both in her face and in her figure. The crazy transformation of the star speaks for itself - her technique works, and is absolutely safe for health.

Who is Inna Volovicheva

Inna Volovicheva is one of the participants in the television project “House - 2”. Having decided to go to the project, she had a lot of complexes about her curvy figure, since she had gained a lot of weight after her unsuccessful marriage.

After meeting Vlad Koni on the show, Inna seemed to get a second wind, the guy instilled confidence in her and helped her believe in herself. It was thanks to this short-lived romance that the girl found her new body. How did she manage to lose about 40 kg almost in front of amazed TV viewers?

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Inna Volovicheva’s diet has reviews, almost all of which are positive. We analyzed what girls say about this weight loss system and here is what almost all of them note:

  • in 7 days 2-4 kg are actually lost;
  • the daily diet is tasty and varied;
  • the diet is easy to use and healthy;
  • the body is always saturated with vitamins;
  • weight loss plan is affordable and economical.

In a word, the reviews and results of losing weight using Inna’s diet are very often positive. What do you think about this diet?

Photo: Instagram

Features of Volovicheva's diet

Inna developed her diet for herself, and here are her basic principles:

  • The allowed number of calories per day is up to 1500, that is, in order to monitor your daily calorie intake, you will have to be patient and have a calculator;
  • Drink plenty of water (1.5 to 2 liters per day). Water helps remove unnecessary toxins from the body and dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • Forget about heavy dinners before bed. The approximate time of the last meal is 18-00, although this is an arbitrary figure. It all depends on what time you go to bed. It is important that there are about 3-4 hours between dinner and bedtime;
  • It is recommended to eat food often, 4-5 times a day in small portions, at the same time, so you won’t even have time to think that you are hungry and there will be no temptation to throw in everything that comes to hand;
  • Be sure to do physical activity three times a week in the gym or at home, whichever is convenient for you. At least an hour;
  • A weekly visit to the bathhouse or sauna will also help you lose weight. This pleasant procedure helps you relax, removes toxins from the body, improves skin condition, accelerates metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system;
  • Carry out procedures to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin: massages, peelings, masks, scrubs;
  • Do fasting days with milk tea twice a week. Brew tea with skim milk and drink without sugar throughout the day in any quantity;
  • The serving size should not exceed 300 g, so be sure to purchase a kitchen scale. You will need them at the initial stage, then you will be able to determine the weight by eye;
  • During so-called recessions, when the weight stays the same for a long time (for a week or two), Inna advises doing a cheating or “loading” day - eating any, even prohibited, foods, with a reasonable increase in the daily amount of calories;
  • Eliminate salt or reduce to a minimum;
  • Steam, boil, bake.

Photo of how Inna Volovicheva lost weight

Basic principles

The effectiveness of the diet lies in avoiding salt, high physical activity and reducing calorie intake. The technique is considered low-calorie, designed for a month, the expected weight loss result is about 3-4 kg in 7-10 days. It took the author less than a year (some sources say 4 months), during which time she managed to lose almost 40 kilograms, which was made possible by following these recommendations:

  1. The daily calorie content of such a diet varies from 1100-1200 to 1400-1500 kilocalories, depending on the individual menu.
  2. The maximum portion size limit for 1 meal is 300 g.
  3. The desire for a healthy and active lifestyle without bad habits.
  4. Before starting a diet, you must undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor.
  5. Staying in the fresh air, walking in a park or forest, avoiding the elevator and taking public transport.
  6. Be sure to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of still water per day.
  7. Organize meals every day at the same time with equal intervals.
  8. Compliance with the daily routine, sleep and proper rest.
  9. Methods of preparing food - boiling, stewing, steaming or grilling.
  10. Before cooking chicken, the skin must be removed.
  11. Everything that does not require heat treatment is best consumed fresh (fruits, vegetables, etc.).
  12. Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed) - this fruit is included in the diet, as its beneficial properties in the fight against cellulite and fat deposits are widely known. It is also useful to consume other fresh vegetable and fruit juices.
  13. Eating after 18:00 is prohibited - if you feel hungry, you can eat 1 grapefruit or drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  14. When at work, you need to organize your food consumption in 3 meals with small snacks.
  15. There is a point in the area between the upper lip and nose, the stimulation of which will help satisfy the feeling of hunger.
  16. The following are allowed for snacks: kiwi, pineapple, apples, pears, until 14:00 and unsweetened fruits after lunch.
  17. Active sports – at least 3 workouts in the gym per week, preferably under the supervision of a qualified trainer. In Inna’s version, it was daily jogging, strength training in the gym, cardio exercise, and even strip-plasty lessons.
  18. Organize fasting days twice a week - the author of the technique spent them on milk tea and water (a method of brewing tea with hot boiled milk).
  19. Additional measures to care for the skin of the body to prevent sagging and the appearance of stretch marks - massages, the use of cosmetics, body wraps and other procedures - will not be superfluous.
  20. It is useful to visit a sauna or bathhouse (at least once a week), or a swimming pool.
  21. In case of a “plateau” effect (a stop in weight loss that lasts a week or more), “cheating” is allowed - days on which you can eat whatever you want.

They say that Volovicheva, in parallel with losing weight, also decided to quit smoking. In the first few days of quitting cigarettes, you can suppress the craving for nicotine by eating a few pieces of dried fruit.

In her books, Inna advises doing one simple technique that will make it psychologically easier to cope with dietary restrictions. You need to buy a beautiful outfit several sizes smaller than usual and periodically take it out of the closet to try it on. This will serve as excellent motivation and will keep you striving for the figure of your dreams!

Diet stages

Inna divides the entire weight loss process into three mandatory stages:

  • Stage 1 - preparatory. At this stage, the body gradually prepares for a new diet: gradually reducing portion sizes and eliminating prohibited foods from the diet. Duration of the stage - 1 week;
  • Stage 2 - compliance with all nutritional rules. Duration - up to 1 month;
  • Stage 3 - stabilization and preservation of the results obtained by gradually expanding the menu. Duration - up to 30 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to nutritionists and those losing weight, the advantages of Inna Volovicheva’s diet are as follows:

  • smooth weight loss without sudden weight fluctuations and deterioration in well-being associated with excessive fasting;
  • a balanced diet rich in beneficial microelements, vitamins, minerals and fiber;
  • product availability;
  • the ability to independently plan your meal schedule;
  • menu variety;
  • having a clear weight loss plan;
  • a clear example in the person of the author of the methodology.

Disadvantages of the diet include:

  1. the diet is not suitable for older people, as well as for those who have contraindications to physical activity, since the method involves constant visits to the gym;
  2. It is also contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  3. a long-term version of the diet, designed not for a week or 14 days, but for 30 days or more, is aimed at people with a strong will, who are able to avoid breakdowns and resist the desire to leave the fight against extra pounds halfway;
  4. there is a possibility of regaining lost kilograms after finishing the diet.

Positive and negative sides

Pros of the diet:

  • Lack of hunger;
  • Balanced menu;
  • Smooth weight loss without sudden jumps, which prevents sagging skin;
  • available range of products.

Disadvantages, contraindications and limitations:

  • Not recommended for older people, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, people with diseases of the digestive system. If you have other chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor;
  • There is a possibility of gaining back the lost kilograms if the stabilization stage is not carried out correctly;
  • It is not recommended to stick to the diet for longer than 1 month.

Contraindications and precautions

Compliance with this diet is not recommended in the following cases:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the presence of direct contraindications to undergoing dietary programs in terms of admission to strength training;
  • elderly people;
  • chronic diseases;
  • work associated with heavy mental and physical stress;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases and circulatory problems;
  • patients with allergies;
  • athletes (due to the risk of muscle loss);
  • kidney diseases.

Grocery list

Below is a list of acceptable and prohibited foods while on a diet.

Basis of the diet (allowed foods)

What you can eat:

  • Fruits, berries (except for grapes and bananas);
  • Vegetables (except potatoes);
  • Dried fruits, nuts;
  • Cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal);
  • Dairy products with fat content up to 2%;
  • Coffee, tea without sugar;
  • Lean meat (veal, chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit). Be sure to remove the skin from chicken and turkey before cooking. It is better to use fillet;
  • Lean fish, seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • Rye bread.

Products to exclude

It’s not hard to guess which foods you should remove from your diet. Their list can be outlined by paraphrasing one famous phrase “everything that is not permitted is prohibited.” If a product is not on the approved list, then it is not worth consuming.

Just in case, let us remind you that Inna Volovicheva excluded from her diet:

  • everything is fat;
  • fried in oil;
  • salty;
  • flour (including any types of pasta);
  • refined sugar and everything that contains it in large quantities (confectionery);
  • alcohol;
  • canned food;
  • butter.

These products can only be consumed during “loading” days, if the need arises for them.

The diet menu, regardless of duration, is compiled according to the same principles. It can be followed as one-day variants of fasting days in your normal diet, or for a week or two or a month. Inna is not limited to a longer duration, but this is not recommended by nutritionists.

The number of main meals is 3, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between them you can make snacks from dried fruits, kefir, natural yoghurts, any citrus fruits or pineapple.

The results of Inna Volovicheva's diet

Diet menu for the day

  • Breakfast is porridge made from oatmeal, buckwheat or rice. They should be cooked in water or low-fat milk, but without adding salt or sugar. The amount of porridge is no more than 150 g. You can choose a cup of coffee or tea as a hot drink.
  • Lunch can consist of an omelet with milk, lean meat or fish, stewed vegetables without vegetable oil and spices. You are allowed to drink a cup of coffee with milk or tea, but without sugar.
  • Dinner involves eating low-calorie foods. You can alternate between days low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, vegetable salad with seafood, steamed omelettes, vegetable casseroles, fruit mixes (salads), kefir or low-fat milk.

Inna emphasizes

One meal is 150 - 200 g of food, the maximum total amount (for example, soup and salad) is 300 g. If there is a strong feeling of hunger that is not relieved by a glass of water, then you can eat a sour apple, grapefruit or drink 100 ml of low-fat kefir . After each workout, you need to eat 50 g of protein food, for example, a piece of boiled fish or a little cottage cheese.

Inna Volovicheva's diet menu

Below is the diet menu for 1, 7 and 30 days.

Sample menu for the day

BreakfastOatmeal with water, some fruit (preferably kiwi, apple or citrus fruits), natural orange juice (the packaged ones have a lot of sugar).
DinnerSteamed fish or meat with stewed, boiled or steamed vegetables, citrus juice.
DinnerSeafood with fresh vegetable salad

Menu for the week

MondayBreakfast: oatmeal on water with raisins, black tea with milk (no sugar).
Lunch: pollock fillet with vegetables, cooked in a double boiler.

Dinner: Baked egg white omelet, a glass of skim milk.

TuesdayBreakfast: brown rice with herbs, black coffee
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad, apple

Dinner: fresh coleslaw, roasted turkey

WednesdayBreakfast: cucumber and tomato salad with lemon juice, boiled buckwheat with soy sauce
Lunch: zucchini and eggplant stew, a piece of boiled veal

Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with low-fat yogurt

ThursdayBreakfast: 2-egg steam omelette, fruit salad
Lunch: vinaigrette, pink salmon, baked in the oven

Dinner: Seafood salad, low-fat yogurt

FridayBreakfast: oatmeal porridge on water with fresh or frozen berries, grapefruit, yogurt.
Lunch: steamed chicken cutlet with vegetable stew, 1 pear.

Dinner: beet salad with walnuts and prunes, dressed with yogurt.

SaturdayBreakfast: a sandwich made from a piece of whole grain bread, a tomato and a piece of boiled chicken, black coffee
Lunch: stewed hake with cabbage salad, carrots and onions, 2 kiwis

Dinner: cottage cheese with prunes, orange

SundayBreakfast: fruit salad, cottage cheese, tea
Lunch: chicken baked in a pot with apples and prunes

Dinner: a glass of kefir, a few almonds, an apple

Using this seven-day option, you can independently develop a menu for yourself for a 30-day diet or use this:

30 days diet - menu by day

Like the previous one, this menu is designed for 3 meals, don’t forget about snacks. Fasting days are provided twice a week. Remember about the possibility of cheating (just don’t abuse it).

1 Week
11. buckwheat in water with tomato, black tea with milk (no sugar).
2. steamed hake fillet with vegetables.

3. baked protein omelette, a glass of low-fat kefir

21. boiled rice with mussels, black coffee
2. 2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad, 2 pears

3. fresh cabbage salad, baked chicken breast

3unloading (milk tea)
41. steam omelet from 2 eggs, fruit salad
2. vinaigrette, salmon baked in the oven

3. Seafood salad, bifidok

51. rolled oats porridge in water with fresh or frozen berries, orange, yogurt.
2. steam cutlet with grilled vegetables, 1 kiwi.

3. beetroot salad with walnuts and prunes, dressed with yogurt.

61. sandwich made from a piece of whole grain bread, tomato and parsley, black coffee
2. boiled herring with cabbage salad, carrots and onions, orange

3. cottage cheese with prunes, peach

2 week
81. cucumber and tomato salad with lemon juice, boiled chicken with soy sauce
2. zucchini and cabbage stew, a piece of boiled beef

3. cottage cheese casserole

91. fruit salad, cottage cheese, tea
2. chicken baked in a pot with apples and prunes

3. a glass of kefir, a few almonds, an apple

111. oatmeal with water and raisins, black tea with milk (no sugar).
2. pollock fillet with vegetables, cooked in a double boiler.

3. Protein baked omelet, a glass of skim milk.

121. brown rice with herbs, black coffee
2. 2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad, apple

3. fresh cabbage salad, baked turkey

131. steam omelet from 2 eggs, fruit salad
2. vinaigrette, salmon baked in the oven

3. Seafood salad, green tea


Next, you should alternate the menu of the first and second weeks. This 30 day diet will help you lose most of the excess weight.

Menu for the week

If your diet contains unloved foods, they can be replaced with similar ones in composition. Salt, sugar and other additives are prohibited.

When considering the one-day diet menu of Inna Volovicheva, you can use the following schedule as a guide:

  • Breakfast: fruits (apples, citrus fruits, kiwi), oatmeal cooked in water (0.2 kg) and freshly squeezed juice. Juice can be prepared from grapefruit or orange.
  • Lunch: stewed vegetables with fish or poultry, fresh vegetable salad, a glass of grapefruit juice.
  • Dinner: 0.2 kg boiled chicken breast or seafood, low-fat cottage cheese, fresh vegetables.
Day of the week Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 Green apple and boiled rice Omelet based on 4 eggs, milk and herbs, salad with vegetables, tea Dinner-style omelette, green tea
2 Green apple and boiled rice 0.25 kg boiled beef, tomato, glass of tea Boiled beef, seaweed and carrots, a glass of grapefruit juice at night
3 Buckwheat on kefir Boiled chicken fillet and a glass of coffee Boiled chicken fillet and boiled broccoli, a glass of orange juice
4 Oatmeal with apple, green tea Boiled beef, salad with seaweed, glass of green tea Boiled chicken fillet, fresh tomato, green apple
5 Oatmeal and a glass of tea Boiled sea fish, a glass of green tea An omelette based on 3 eggs, a salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage, a glass of coffee. Before bed - a glass of grapefruit juice.
6 Green apple and boiled rice Boiled seafood, a glass of green tea with lemon Chicken fillet, boiled zucchini and onions, a glass of green tea
7 Boiled rice and green apple Boiled beef, 0.2 kg canned peas, a glass of tea A glass of grapefruit juice, a glass of low-fat yogurt


Alexandra, 28 years old

I was on Inna Volovicheva’s diet for a week. In the end, I lost only 5 kg. I think this result is worthy. Also, during the diet, I actively engaged in sports, namely, I walked in the evenings and ran in the mornings.

Regina, 32 years old

She only lasted a day on Volovicheva’s diet. I didn’t like the diet at all, I wouldn’t recommend it even as a fasting diet.

Olesya, 36 years old

Inna Volovicheva's diet helped me part with the hated excess weight. In a month of dieting, I lost 28 kg, I think this is an amazing result. Before, I was on different diets (liquid, coffee, Galina Vishnevskaya, Vera Brezhneva and English), but they only helped me lose 5-10 kg.

So, strict adherence to all the rules of Inna Volovicheva’s diet will allow you to see minus 35 kg per month on the scales, plus self-confidence, good mood and the beginning of a new life.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Fans of Volovicheva’s diet, who saw with their own eyes her transformation into a real beauty, leave positive reviews on various forums dedicated to weight loss. But there are also those who do not believe in such a transformation of the author of the system; they arrange heated arguments, accusing Inna of performing liposuction surgery and reducing the stomach, taking miracle pills.

Alexandra, Norilsk

For several years now I have been a fan of the TV show “Dom-2”. When Inna Volovicheva came to the project, I practically did not pay attention to her. Fat, ordinary and unattractive. But when she began to change for the better before my eyes, she began to arouse my admiration. When I saw the result of her transformation with my own eyes, I found it on the Internet and read about her method of losing weight. I decided that I could do it too. I approached the diet armed: I gradually began to remove harmful foods from my diet in advance, signed up for a gym near work, bought a new dress 2 sizes smaller and approached the second stage with a planned plan of action. I will say that the menu is not hungry, fruit snacks are very pleasing. The first month of eating this way helped me say goodbye to 5 kilos. There is a little more, but I think that even after completing the course I will try to adhere to a similar regime, since I really want to be desired by my loved one.

Irina, Murmansk

I think Inna is very smart, because it was very difficult to throw off such a heavy burden. It took her a lot of moral and physical strength so that we could see her now as such a beauty. I didn’t have that many extra pounds, so I didn’t need such an excessively strict menu. I allowed myself small deviations from the diet, but then I honestly worked on everything on the simulators. Within a month, my figure had noticeably changed, I was pleased to see myself fit and slim. There are still a couple of months ahead of my marathon, but I am already so accustomed to proper and tasty food and going to the gym that I am confident in further losing weight and achieving my goal.

Galina, Odintsovo

Despite the many contradictory comments, Inna is admired simply because she was able to pull herself together, gather all her will into a fist and start taking care of herself. It is the psychological factor, the mood, that is very important here, otherwise a breakdown and continued overeating will not take long to occur.

The birth of children, the life of a housewife - and I almost completely stopped caring for and taking care of myself. She turned into a grumpy aunt in an old robe. My eyes were literally opened to the world - I realized that if I didn’t shake myself up and start losing weight, then only failure awaited me. My health, family and relationship with my husband were at stake. Protracted depression was nevertheless overcome - a visit to a specialist, enrollment in a fitness center, a radical change in diet and titanic work on oneself. It took me a year and a half to see the admiring eyes of my man. 27 kg is a thing of the past, I now have so many interesting things ahead of me!

Alena, Perm

Like many, I will not argue - the result of the participant in the show deserves respect and praise. I think that this transformation of hers has become an excellent motivation for many women who want to lose weight. I was no exception and also joined this diet. In 4 weeks I lost 4 kg, my sides and stomach were noticeably tightened. No matter what detractors say, the program is effective and efficient. In general, if you adhere to the basic requirements of proper nutrition and do not sin by eating fast food and sweets, you can also reduce body weight well. The main thing is to include sports activities in this, then your figure will be admired.

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