How to make homemade cottage cheese from milk or kefir. 6 easy ways

Cottage cheese on a diet with what to eat. What to eat cottage cheese with

There are a lot of recipes in which the main component is a dairy product, so choosing what to eat cottage cheese with on a diet is easy.
You can always choose the most healthy and low-calorie ones. Add raisins and almonds to the cottage cheese, sweeten with a spoon of honey, and you will have an excellent breakfast. A few herbs and spices will make for a satisfying snack. You can eat cottage cheese with bananas, apples, dried apricots, and prunes.

There are nutritious recipes for dairy products with fish and meat. Include green tea and kefir in your diet for greater benefits.

Honey is used as a natural sweetener. It is rich in calories, but since during diets it is eaten in small portions, the body is not oversaturated. Cottage cheese with honey is an excellent source of energy, vitamins, and microelements. It is suitable for everyone who wants:

  • wean yourself off constant unhealthy snacks, as it saturates the body until the next meal;
  • effectively replenish energy reserves;
  • Monitor calories closely while dieting.

Previously, honey was not on the list of healthy foods for weight loss due to its high sugar content. Currently, nutritionists agree that it is very useful because it provides a person with the necessary enzymes.

The waste product of bees is absorbed quickly, in just 20 minutes, without loading the body and without affecting weight loss when a person is on a diet.

For some diseases, doctors recommend consuming lactic acid products with honey.


The curd and honey combination can always be varied. Fruits that are placed raw or baked, nuts and other tasty ingredients will help with this.

For example, the following recipe will bring you a lot of pleasure, 523 kilocalories and will take 5 minutes of cooking time: cut prunes (7 pieces) into large pieces into a plate, put 100 grams of a dairy product on top (2% fat), pour over 3 tablespoons of honey, add if desired cinnamon

What goes perfectly with cottage cheese, and how to serve dishes with this product

Home/Articles/What goes perfectly with cottage cheese, and how to serve dishes with this product

Everyone knows the benefits of such a product as cottage cheese. But not everyone can prepare dishes from it or know how to combine it with other products. But many people do not like to eat cottage cheese in its pure form because of its specific taste. And this all means that such a valuable and healthy product is not eaten so often.

The texture of cottage cheese is not to everyone's taste. After all, cottage cheese is often lumpy, and the consistency is slightly moist. You can spread cottage cheese on bread, because they are crispy, but in combination with cottage cheese they will become softer. At the same time, the cottage cheese will taste better if you mix it with honey and lightly decorate it with jam on top.

Of the berries that go best with cottage cheese, it is blueberries. These two useful products together simply turn into a storehouse of vitamins. Cottage cheese and blueberries are mixed in equal quantities in a bowl, and all this is flavored with honey and lemon, which in turn makes the dish even healthier and tastier. You can eat this mixture directly from the bowl, or you can eat it along with the same bread or toast.

Smoked salmon is truly the food of aristocrats. Its combination with cottage cheese looks simply gorgeous. Beat the cottage cheese with a blender, add spices, herbs and chopped smoked salmon fillet. You can also add brown bread crackers here. If you don’t want hard crackers, you can spread this mixture on slices of fresh black bread.

And with this recipe you can get a large portion of protein. It will especially appeal to those who love something unusual and original. You need to take a bunch of fresh basil, cottage cheese, a little olive oil, a handful of pine nuts and mix it all. This dish is absolutely harmless to your figure; you can eat it even before bed.

For those who do not want to dress their salad with heavy cream or store-bought mayonnaise, there is an excellent alternative - cottage cheese whipped with a blender. This cottage cheese gives the salad airiness and a pleasant light texture. The salad can be made from boiled potatoes, a bunch of celery, or green meadow. It is suggested to season this dish with whipped cottage cheese and a pinch of Dijon mustard.

And those who love sandwiches very much, but constantly refrain themselves from eating them because of the calories and harm to their health, can make this dish safer for their health. A regular chicken salad should be seasoned with cottage cheese, avoiding mayonnaise. Next, this salad is placed between two pieces of bread. Here is a light version of the harmless sandwich is ready. These snacks are good for an outdoor picnic, or you can take them with you on the road.

Macaroni with cheese dressing is, of course, a very tasty dish. But it is harmful for the figure. Therefore, for those who care about a slim figure, it would be advisable to replace cheese with cottage cheese. The dish will be no less tasty, but it will be more satisfying and healthier. And nothing will threaten your waist. In general, many Italian dishes can be prepared with the addition of cottage cheese. It turns out useful and elegant. So, for example, in lasagna you can also make a curd filling instead of a cheese filling. Cottage cheese goes well with dough, meat and vegetables.

This product can also be used for preparing first courses. It is especially pleasant to enjoy this soup in the summer. After all, it is distinguished by its lightness and delicate texture. For this soup, fresh cucumbers, herbs, cottage cheese, garlic and spices are suitable. You can also add a little low-fat yogurt. It should be served cold.

And to please children with a sweet tooth, you can prepare curd mousse. The cottage cheese is whipped with melted chocolate and decorated with berries. Cottage cheese is an amazing product that can be used to prepare different dishes.

AlinaAuthor of the article

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What to eat cottage cheese with for breakfast. What to cook with cottage cheese for breakfast: recipes from Yura Negrich

A full, hearty breakfast can set a good rhythm for your body for the whole day! But what to cook for breakfast? Healthy and nutritious cottage cheese is perfect for the first meal: it is well absorbed by the body and is rich in proteins, calcium and vitamins. And dishes made from cottage cheese are delicious and varied: cheesecakes, casseroles, pancakes, muffins and dumplings. For detailed recipes on what you can make from cottage cheese for breakfast from the super finalist, read our material.

Curd casserole with berry sauce


  • cottage cheese - 500 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin - to taste
  • raisins - to taste

Ingredients for berry sauce:

  • berries - 250 g
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • lemon juice - a few drops


  1. Beat the eggs, add sugar and gradually add cottage cheese, and then semolina. Add raisins and vanilla. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place the curd mixture there and smooth it out.
  3. Sprinkle melted butter on top of the casserole and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  4. Bake the casserole for 25-30 minutes.
  5. Prepare the sauce: wash the berries and grind in a blender. Place on the fire, add sugar, lemon juice and simmer until the sugar dissolves.
  6. Serve the casserole with the cooled berry sauce on top.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 50 g
  • kefir - 300 ml
  • soda - 1/3 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin - to taste


  1. Beat the egg with sugar.
  2. Add cottage cheese, kefir, soda and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add flour and knead the dough, the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. Place the dough in a preheated frying pan using a tablespoon and fry on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Serve pancakes with sour cream or topping.

More on the topic: Oatmeal for breakfast - recipes

Curd pancakes with spinach


  • spinach – 250 g
  • cottage cheese - 250 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • corn flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Heat the spinach in a frying pan until soft. Let it cool.
  2. Beat the eggs and mix with the cooled spinach. Then add pre-sifted wheat and corn flour, cottage cheese, salt and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Place the dough in a heated frying pan using a tablespoon and fry for 2 minutes on each side.
  4. Serve pancakes with sour cream.

Lazy dumplings with berries and mozzarella


  • cottage cheese - 300 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 2/3 cup
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 50 g
  • dried rosemary - 1/3 tsp.
  • frozen berries - 250 g
  • mozzarella – 50 g


  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind in a blender. Add the egg, 25 g of melted butter, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, rosemary and flour. Knead soft dough.
  2. Sprinkle a board with flour, roll out thin dough sausages on it and cut them into pieces 1 - 2 cm long. Roll the pieces in flour.
  3. Boil the lazy dumplings in salted boiling water for a few minutes.
  4. Prepare the sauce: chop the berries with 1 tbsp. l. sugar in a blender.
  5. Place lazy dumplings in a baking dish and top with berry sauce. Top with remaining butter and sprinkle with grated mozzarella.
  6. Place the pan in the preheated oven for a few minutes.

Curd cupcakes


  • cottage cheese - 150 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • butter - 150 g
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • flour - 1 cup
  • baking powder - 1 tsp.


  1. Beat eggs with sugar.
  2. Add melted butter and cottage cheese, mix thoroughly.
  3. Add the sifted flour combined with baking powder and knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. Grease muffin tins and fill them 2/3 full with batter.
  5. Bake the cupcakes for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Read more interesting news in and STB.

How to replace cottage cheese when drying. Squirrels

1. Egg whites

Eggs are the best source of easily digestible protein. The calorie content of 1 piece is about 80 kcal, while protein accounts for about 20 kcal. You can also eat yolks, but it is better to limit yourself to 1-2 yolks per day (they consist mainly of fats).

2. Chicken breast

Chicken breast is present in the diet of almost every athlete. There is minimal fat in it, so the calorie content is much lower than in chicken legs.

3. Fish and seafood

Fish is another easily digestible source of protein (it is digested many times faster than meat). You can choose both low-fat (mostly “white” fish - pollock, tilapia, etc.) and fatty (salmon, trout). The latter also contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential in your diet (they can even have a fat-burning effect!). But under no circumstances buy canned food containing salt, sugar and oil. Excess salt leads to water retention, and butter and sugar will add unnecessary calories, which are already limited during drying. The exception is canned tuna, but be sure to look at the ingredients and do not buy tuna in oil.

4. Lean beef

Red meat is one of the best sources of creatine (necessary for the growth of strength and muscle mass), but it takes a long time to digest, which makes the process of breaking it down into amino acids quite lengthy. Therefore, the stereotype that in order to grow muscles, you need to eat as much meat as possible at any time of the day or night is not entirely true. Firstly, the meat should be lean (especially if you are cutting), and secondly, there is a time during the day when the muscles need proteins quickly - in the morning or after training. At this time, it is better to eat egg whites, protein or lean fish.

5. Protein

Whey and casein protein can be used during cutting as a snack replacement, especially when you need to consume protein, and you are on the road and have nothing but chocolate and rolls on hand.

6. Cottage cheese

To dry the body, it is best to buy cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%. Try to compare the calorie content of regular 18% cottage cheese and 0%. The difference is more than double! Protein from cottage cheese takes a little longer to digest than egg or whey protein isolate, but faster than meat or chicken. Cottage cheese plus some berries is a great breakfast/dinner/snack.


If you have problems with excess weight or blood sugar levels, or if you suffer from type 2 diabetes, stevia is your product. It has no sugar or calories. Moreover, it is a 100% natural sweetener, as it is made from the leaf of the plant. There are different types of stevia sold on the market - always pay attention to ensure that it does not contain harmful ingredients. To do this, choose a reliable manufacturer with a good reputation.

I primarily use stevia when I go on a detox 2-3 times a year, during which I eliminate all foods that cause my blood sugar to spike. I can usually add it to smoothies or desserts like chia seed pudding.

What to eat cottage cheese with at night. Is it possible to eat cottage cheese at night?

Is it possible to have cottage cheese and kefir at night? Some say no. And why? Let's sort it out piece by piece!

Myth 1: “Cottage cheese and kefir have a high insulin index”

The concept of “insulin index” is not used in evidence-based medicine as nutrition control because it does not have sufficient effectiveness and scientific basis.

Moreover, even the glycemic index has recently been recognized as not the best method of control in patients with diabetes; rather, it is better to focus on bread units or even on nutrition in general. What can we say about healthy people?

Myth 2: “Cottage cheese and kefir cause fermentation”

Let me start with the fact that fermentation is a natural and not dangerous process for us. Fermentation is caused by bread, cheese, legumes, all raw vegetables, fruits and berries. But that doesn't mean these foods should be avoided!

If you feel bloated after drinking kefir, don’t drink a lot of it. 150 g of cottage cheese or 300 ml of kefir per day is the optimal portion

Myth 3: “Kefir and cottage cheese eaten at night make you gain weight”

There is no product that will make you gain weight or lose weight. You can even eat cookies for dinner! It's about quantity and balance throughout the day. If you overeat at night and also eat kefir with cottage cheese, then you will gain weight, but not from kefir, but from overeating.

Therefore, eat to your health if you want!

Do not create false prohibitions for yourself and do not believe unfounded fictitious myths! The more time we spend on unclear rules, the less time we devote to the quality of food.

How can you replace sugar?

A large number of scientific studies have confirmed the negative effects of refined sugar on the human body. Many people, listening to the informed opinion of doctors, decide to change their diet and think about the question - what to replace sugar with?

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There is a large list of suggested sweeteners, including sucralose, aspartame, xylitol, sorbitol and stevia extract. Their use is justified by the fact that they have lower calorie content compared to regular sugar. But, like sugar, they have their pros and cons. Disputes about the dangers and benefits of such sweeteners do not subside; there is a constant discussion about the ambiguity of their use as a substitute for sugar. The only exception is perhaps stevia, which has shown good results when used for medicinal purposes.

In cooking, maple, Jerusalem artichoke, agave, date syrups, concentrated fruit and berry juices, honey, dried fruits, and stevia extract, which is called steviol or stevioside, are often used to replace sugar. It is necessary to take into account some features of the listed products.

For example, honey is not recommended to be added to dishes that are cooked at high temperatures. It is best used when serving already prepared pancakes, pancakes or cheesecakes.

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Cooks and confectioners use different combinations and options to replace sugar.

In baking

Try baking a sponge cake or charlotte using date paste. To do this, pour 200 g of pitted dates into 1/2 cup of hot water, leave for 5 minutes and grind with a blender. Ready date puree is used in the same proportion as sugar. Dates will enrich baked goods with fiber.

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Molasses is an excellent substitute for sugar in yeast, shortbread and gingerbread dough. You can vary the amount you add according to your own taste. Adding a little starch syrup to the dough will sweeten the baked goods and give them color. To obtain a more pronounced sweet flavor, use more molasses, focusing on the same volumes as in the case of baking cookies, gingerbread and bread with sugar.

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In pancakes and cheesecakes

Instead of sugar, you can add Jerusalem artichoke syrup to the pancake dough or curd mass for cheesecakes in the same volume in which you usually use granulated sugar. Ground pear syrup contains healthy pectins, inulin, which is a prebiotic, and vitamins.

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In desserts

You can add sweetness to desserts using spices and seasonings, such as cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg. Almonds and cocoa, crushed citrus zest are also used for the same purposes. They not only sweeten brownies or cupcakes, but also add a wonderful flavor. Add to taste.

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To make jelly, use fruit or berry juice, such as orange or strawberry. They contain large amounts of glucose and do not require additional sugar.

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You can use erythritol instead of sugar in meringues. For one egg white, 35 g of this non-carbohydrate sweetener is added.

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In creams

Stevia extract, 1 g of which is equivalent to 100 g of sugar, is an excellent substitute for sugar in creams. Manufacturers have achieved, using new manufacturing technologies, that stevioside does not have a bitter aftertaste, which is appreciated by consumers.

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With proper nutrition

Having decided to give up the harmful carbohydrate that is sugar, it is important to remember that a reasonable approach is needed in everything. Introduce dried fruits, fruits, and berries into the menu, which contain pectins, dietary fiber, and vitamins. But remember that their quantity should be very moderate, because they contain a large amount of fructose.

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Dark chocolate, which contains healthy organic acids, theobromine alkaloid, caffeine, tannins, and flavonoids, will help cope with the lack of sugar in the menu. It naturally increases the level of endorphins, hormones of joy, which leads to improved mood. It is enough to eat 3-4 pieces of dark chocolate to provide a boost of energy and performance for the whole day without compromising your health and figure.

How to replace brown sugar (muscovado)

Brown sugar crystals are coated with molasses, which adds color and has a caramel flavor. You can replace unrefined cane sugar with viscous and aromatic maple syrup, which is a bit like bee honey, or maltose molasses, made from potato or corn starch - it is used in the manufacture of marmalade, jams, and marshmallows.

When you decide to replace sugar in your diet with artificial sweeteners, sweeteners or natural products containing sucrose, fructose and glucose, carefully study the composition, properties, side effects, pros and cons, reviews, because any product can greatly influence the health and performance of the body.

Even preschool children know that sugar is harmful. But only a few are able to become ascetics, almost completely eliminating sweet foods from their diet. But no one forces you to give up something familiar and tasty, even when losing weight: there are healthy or at least less harmful substitutes for sugar. Natural and artificial substitutes include honey, stevia, maple syrup with dextrose, etc.

What can you eat cottage cheese with for dinner? What can you eat with?

Those who are losing weight are constantly wondering why they don’t eat anything, but their weight stays the same. And the reason for this is the improper use of dietary products, as well as evening breakdowns. As evening approaches, it becomes harder to give up junk food. An excellent alternative to unhealthy treats can be cottage cheese with honey. Honey will slightly reduce your cravings for sweets. It helps normalize sleep. The products complement each other at the chemical level, enhancing their beneficial effects on the body.

A tasty and healthy dinner would be a curd-banana mixture. The products taste well together and enhance each other’s beneficial effects. This dish promotes weight loss and helps remove harmful substances from the body.

To improve digestion and normalize weight, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese with herbs. It is not recommended to add salt to the mixture in the evening, as it promotes fluid retention in the body. To prepare, you can simply mix the curd base with any types of greens. To make the dish not so dry, low-fat sour cream is added. You can use a blender to obtain a more uniform texture. The dish can be eaten on its own or in addition to a vegetable salad. Cottage cheese with sour cream without various additives and sugar is an equally tasty dinner alternative.

It is allowed to mix cottage cheese with unsweetened fruits. It should be remembered that the latter are a source of carbohydrates, so when losing weight it is better to consume them in the first half of the day.


Honey can be called a complete food. It contains amino acids, antioxidants, antimicrobial components and many other nutrients. The main thing is to buy high-quality honey, preferably from local farmers whom you trust.

Most honey found on supermarket shelves does not contain pollen and is poor in nutrients.

If you take 1 teaspoon of honey a couple of times a day, your body will not only not suffer, but will also receive many benefits. I like to add honey to ready-made porridges, smoothies, or slightly cooled tea.

Cottage cheese for drying bodybuilding. Cottage cheese for bodybuilders: how much, when and how?

Thanks to its unique set of nutritional components, cottage cheese has proven itself to be a universal means of building mass in bodybuilding - it is used as a pre-workout concentrate, as a snack after a workout and before bed. The dish goes well with whey isolates - many people add it to protein shakes to enhance the anabolic effect.

Our ability to digest high-protein foods is limited, so there is no point in endlessly increasing consumption standards. For maximum protein absorption, we recommend dividing the daily intake into two or three doses - for example, before or after training and at night.

Cottage cheese before training is eaten half an hour to an hour before going to the gym. Slowly soluble carbohydrates increase the athlete's strength potential, and protein creates a reserve for super-recovery of muscles. On the other hand, the energy boost lasts for about five hours, so don't despair if you only have time to eat 3-4 hours before class.

Low-fat cottage cheese is an excellent option for closing the protein-carbohydrate window. In addition to casein, fast proteins are also found in the curd curd - emergency aid for damaged fibers. Try to have a snack within half an hour after training - then the muscles will respond to feeding with explosive growth. Cottage cheese souffle mashed or whipped with a mixer with condensed milk or bananas can be used as a gainer, which is taken twice or thrice a day.

Prolonged absorption of casein eliminates the taboo on evening snacking. Low-fat cottage cheese, eaten before bed, maintains a feeling of fullness and prevents you from overeating in the morning. The only note is that you should not indulge in fat-containing delicacies late in the evening, so as not to burden the pancreas. How much cottage cheese to eat at night is a matter of appetite, but you should not get carried away beyond measure: swallowing more than 200 grams of any high-protein food, you risk disturbing your sleep.

Curd dishes: benefits and harms on a diet, weight loss and proper nutrition

In the tides of modern stores and hypermarkets, you can most often find the following varieties of this fermented milk product:

  • low fat (0%);
  • low-fat (1.8%);
  • classic (4-18%);
  • fat (19-23%).

Expert opinion

Taisiya Galushina

general practitioner, nutritionist, transfusiologist, expert of the project

When following a diet, you should consume cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5%. The minimum percentage of fat prevents the normal absorption of calcium (vitamin D); a large amount of phospholipids and lecithin are lost. Products with 0% fat content are a dummy, since they do not contain fat-soluble vitamins.

Fat cottage cheese is more balanced. It contains retinol and tocopherol, which are not present in the low-fat variety. However, the high fat content (more than 50%) does not allow its use during the period of losing excess weight. In addition, this product is contraindicated in a number of pathologies.

The harm and benefits of cottage cheese are determined by its chemical composition. It contains:

  • vitamins;
  • enzymes;
  • nutrients;
  • lactose and galactose.

The proteins contained in cottage cheese are easily digestible. The fermented milk product is quickly digested without burdening the digestive system. This happens thanks to tryptophan, which helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritionists recommend introducing cottage cheese into the diet, but only with strict adherence to its fat content. This product is a mandatory element of the diet of diabetics. And these are not all of its beneficial properties.

He is capable of:

  • improve the condition of teeth, hair and nail plates;
  • increase stress resistance;
  • maintain normal hemoglobin levels;
  • stabilize the functioning of the visual organs;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • restore intestinal microflora;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Curd products have a positive effect on the reproductive functions of women and increase testosterone levels in men, thanks to the selenium and zinc they contain.

Their consumption leads to a decrease in the level of bad cholesterol and a reduction in the risk of atherosclerosis. The nutrients contained in cottage cheese strengthen the heart muscle and thin the blood, preventing blood clots.

Nutrition experts recommend consuming this fermented milk product with almost any diet. However, if previously it was believed that it could be eaten even at night, recent studies have revealed the presence of a high insulin index.

Expert opinion

Taisiya Galushina

general practitioner, nutritionist, transfusiologist, expert of the project

Cottage cheese causes a very large release of insulin, although it has a low glycemic index and contains virtually no carbohydrates. That is, cottage cheese slightly increases blood sugar, but there is still a strong insulin response. This is a very important point, especially if you want to burn fat, because insulin interferes with weight loss. If you want to achieve good results, then when planning your diet you need to take both indicators into account, since each is important in its own way.

If we talk about harm, then first of all the product is contraindicated for people with lactase deficiency. In some older people, the casein contained in cottage cheese causes swelling. An expired product can cause serious poisoning.

This is interesting! Cottage cheese contains casein, a protein that accelerates muscle growth, so this product is included in the diet of all professional athletes.

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