Lunar calendar for losing weight and starting a diet in 2021: favorable and unfavorable days by month

The lunar weight loss calendar will help you choose the right time to start a diet. Follow the lunar chart and the results will be immediate.

Regardless of the time of year, every woman dreams of starting to lose weight. This is difficult to do, as you need to put in a lot of effort, limiting food and doing strenuous exercise. But it is much easier to stick to a diet if you follow the advice of the lunar calendar

The table is compiled based on the lunar phases. Taking them into account during your diet can help you lose weight quickly and without health problems.

Advice: Start losing weight during a favorable period. Adjust the menu in advance, for example, for a week or a month.

Important: Be sure to visit the gym on the days prescribed by the lunar calendar - this will help you see the first results in 3-4 weeks.

Lunar calendar for weight loss for 2021: influence of the Moon

Lunar calendar for weight loss

  • The body of an overweight person is polluted with toxins and other harmful substances. Therefore, it is important to cleanse it so that weight loss is beneficial to your health.
  • This can be done by consuming less salt, simple carbohydrates and unhealthy vegetable fats.
  • It is important to adhere to the lunar table at this time, and the Moon will help you in removing toxins and excess water.

Remember: There are 4 phases of the moon - all people who are going to lose weight should know this.

Our well-being, the state of the body, and even a woman’s menstrual cycle depend on these phases.

You should know : Many nutritionists are sure that it is better to start losing weight on the waxing moon or immediately after the end of menstruation.

Like the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans, the Moon affects the fluids of our body. On a waxing Moon, liquid increases; on a waning Moon, it decreases . Read on to find out how this can be used for weight loss.

So, the lunar phases and their effect on a losing weight:

  • New moon - the smallest amount of fluid in the body. The body is weakened, the immune system is weakened, the physical body, the greatest emotional decline. You don’t feel any appetite, so it’s easy to fast on this day and go hungry. The only condition is to drink a lot of water. This one-day fast will be equivalent to a 2-week diet. If you are not going to do this, then it is better not to consume salt, sweets and foods based on harmful vegetable fats on this day. During this period, you need to prepare your own food, mainly liquid food - liquid soups, liquid porridge. Don’t burden yourself with difficult workouts in the gym—a half-hour morning walk is enough.
  • Growing Moon - The body comes to life, accumulates everything. Liquid comes, strength comes, mood improves, appetite grows. It's time to go on a diet, because during this period you can easily gain extra pounds. If a diet specialist has prescribed capsules for weight loss, then it is during this period that you can start taking them. Watch your calories strictly. Do not eat a lot at once, it is better in small portions (female portion - 250-300 grams, male portion - 300-350 grams). Work out hard on the machines and do cardio exercises. The energy of the growing Moon will help you in all your endeavors. The diet consists mainly of protein foods from animal and plant proteins; under no circumstances should you eat fatty foods, sweets and baked goods, everything will remain in the body on your sides and waist. However, it is very useful to drink vitamins and multivitamin complexes with microelements, amino acids in protein shakes. This will improve metabolic processes and nourish the body with everything useful for it.
  • Waning Moon - fluid from the body begins to decrease. This is not the best period to start a diet. A person may not feel hungry, and therefore the risk of overeating is much less. Together with the liquid, the body removes waste and toxins. During this period, nothing is retained in the body and you need to use the time to cleanse it. Do all the necessary cleansing procedures - go to the bathhouse, give a cleansing enema, eat a laxative. You can eat anything that is healthy. You can even eat a little fatty foods. During this period of the Moon, it breaks down well and the excess is removed. However, we don’t eat sweets and flour and count calories. We drink more water and liquids than on the waxing Moon. Follow the laws of proper nutrition in combination with moderate exercise in the gym under the supervision of a trainer. This will allow you to lose weight without harming your health. 3 days before the new moon (the last 3 days of the waning moon), devote to pumping your abs. The effect will be equivalent to a month's training.
  • Full moon - the most fluid in the body. The person has a strong energy boost and emotional overload. Drawn to scandals, conflicts, inappropriate actions. On this day, eat only healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, drink water and limit salt. Everything eaten that is unhealthy will remain in the body. Avoid medications if you can, as the side effects will be 5 times stronger on this day. It’s better to fast, fast, or fast on this day.
  • During solar and lunar eclipses there are days of crisis. Don't plan anything new in your diet. Unloading, fasting, fasting, cleansing are encouraged.

In 2021, these are the dates : May 26 and November 19 - lunar eclipses. And June 10 and December 4 are sunny.

The constellations in which the Moon enters also affect the body, and you need to adhere to certain nutritional rules in different zodiac signs.

  • Under the air signs - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra - fatty foods of plant and animal origin are welcomed, but in moderation, according to the calories of your diet. Carbohydrates and salty foods are not allowed during this period.
  • Under the signs of fire - Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, protein foods of plant and animal origin are welcomed, also in moderation, according to the calories of your diet. Carbohydrates and fats are not allowed during this period.
  • Under the signs of water - Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, carbohydrate foods are welcome, but not baked goods, flour, sweets (simple, fast carbohydrates), but slow complex carbohydrates from vegetables, cereals, durum wheat, and also in moderation, according to your calories. Fats are not allowed during this period.
  • Under the earth signs - Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, the body requires salty food. But remember that everything needs moderation. Don’t load up on salty foods, just add a little more salt to your dishes these days and eat some pickles. You can eat everything, but only healthy foods, dishes from proper nutrition and without going beyond the calories of your diet.

When is the best time to start losing weight according to the lunar calendar 2021?

In mid-February, the breakdown processes occurring in the body take precedence over the absorption of food, so the digestion of fats and proteins is difficult.

The zodiac sign Pisces is responsible for eliminating used energy through the skin and lymphatic system. Therefore, on fasting days, all cleansing procedures, including baths and saunas, bring maximum benefit. A one-day fast every seven days benefits every person. But for those whose horoscope indicates problems with the bladder or kidneys, dry fasting is contraindicated. Only people free from these problems can afford a one-day course of complete abstinence from food and water.

Lunar calendar for weight loss for 2021: table

Lunar calendar for weight loss for 2021 indicating favorable and unfavorable days.

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
January14-271-12, 29-311328
February12-261-10, 281127
March14-271-12, 29-311328
May12-251-10, 27-311126 - moon eclipse
June11-231-9, 25-3010 — solar eclipse24
July11-231-9, 25-311024
August9-211-7, 23-31822
September8-201-6, 22-30721
October7-191-5, 21-31620
November6-181-4, 20-30519 - moon eclipse
December5-181-3, 20-3104 - solar eclipse19

Tip : Be sure to count calories, drink at least 2 liters of water per day and give preference to self-cooked food. Avoid surrogate products - these are all kinds of sweets and starchy products from the supermarket.

Now let's look at the lunar table by month of 2021.

Diet during the waxing moon

During the waxing moon, appetite increases significantly, but at the same time a person feels an incredible surge of strength. Therefore, the lunar calendar for weight loss 2021 recommends that during such a period, in addition to a carefully compiled menu, be sure to start playing sports.

In the morning you can eat natural cottage cheese, vegetable salad and 2 boiled eggs. For lunch, it is best to prepare soup with vegetable broth and a small piece of boiled chicken fillet. But for dinner you can eat white fish and fresh vegetables. Cottage cheese and low-fat cheese are offered as snacks. And 2 hours before going to bed you should drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Since the proposed diet consists of a large amount of protein, you will need to increase your activity. Therefore, if during such a period it is not possible to play sports, you need to at least walk more, or increase your household workload.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in January 2021

Gastroenterologists also prohibit the use of surrogate products - this negatively affects the functioning of the digestive tract.

Remember : The simpler the dish you prepare, the healthier and more valuable it is for the body.

Tip : No need to stand near the stove and fry, for example, chops for hours. Just boil a piece of chicken fillet - it's healthy, tasty and simple.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in January 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
January14-271-12, 29-311328

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in January 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
January dates5, 6, 14, 15, 23-251, 2, 10, 11, 18-20, 28, 297-9, 16, 17, 26, 273, 4, 12, 13, 21, 22, 30, 31

Lunar phases of January 2021 for weight loss.

January 1, 2 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Leo. January 3, 4 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo. January 5, 6 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Libra. January 7, 8, 9 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Scorpio. January 10, 11 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Sagittarius. January 12 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Capricorn. 13 is the new moon. Moon in Capricorn. January 14, 15 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aquarius. January 16, 17 - the phase of the moon is growing in Pisces. January 18, 19, 20 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aries. January 21, 22 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Taurus. January 23, 24, 25 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Gemini. January 26, 27 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Cancer. January 28th - full moon . Moon in Leo. January 29 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Leo. January 30, 31 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in February 2021

Nutritionists advise: “If you want to get yourself in order for the summer, start going to the gym in February. This way, you can lose extra pounds and tone your body without any problems for your body.”

Start losing weight on the prescribed days according to the lunar table.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in February 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
February12-261-10, 281127

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in February 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
February dates2, 3, 10, 11, 20, 216, 7, 15, 16, 25, 264, 5, 12-14, 22-241, 8, 9, 17-19, 27, 28

Lunar phases of February 2021 for weight loss.

February 1 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo. February 2, 3 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Libra. February 4, 5 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Scorpio. February 6, 7 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Sagittarius. February 8, 9 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Capricorn. February 10 - the phase of the moon wanes in Aquarius 11 - new moon. Moon in Aquarius . February 12, 13, 14 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Pisces. February 15, 16 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aries. February 17, 18, 19 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Taurus; February 20, 21 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Gemini. February 22, 23, 24 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Cancer. February 25, 26 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Leo. February 27th - full moon . Moon in Virgo . February 28 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo.

Nutrition during the new moon

Those people who adhere to a diet according to the lunar calendar know that it is certainly not worth torturing your body during this phase. After the waning moon, the activity of our body decreases, so strict dietary restrictions can negatively affect mood and metabolism.

The optimal nutrition option during the new moon is a low-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. But you need to monitor the amount of carbohydrate food. Otherwise, the scale arrow will creep up.

To avoid gaining weight, eat foods such as seafood, various types of meat, cheese and cottage cheese, eggs, and vegetables. Since your diet will not have enough fat, it is recommended to consume 1 dessert spoon of flaxseed oil in the morning or drink fish oil.

Example menu

If you want to start losing weight during the new moon, we recommend sticking to this diet. This menu is designed for 4 days, the intervals between meals are 2 hours. With its help you can lose up to 3 kg.

  • green tea with honey and cinnamon (the latter component helps speed up metabolism);
  • 2-3 boiled eggs;
  • green tea or kefir with sweet and sour apple;
  • a portion of poultry stewed with vegetables;
  • a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir;
  • green apple;
  • a glass of dry red wine;
  • a glass of kefir before bed.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in March 2021

In March there are still no fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, consume reserves in the fall: apples, carrots, beets. You should not get carried away with eating bananas, as they contain a lot of sugar, which will lead to weight loss or even increase.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in March 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
March14-271-12, 29-311328

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in March 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
March dates1, 2, 9-11, 19-21, 28, 295, 6, 14-16, 24, 253, 4, 12, 13, 22, 23, 30, 317, 8, 17-18, 26, 27

Lunar phases of March 2021 for weight loss.

March 1, 2 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Libra. March 3, 4 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Scorpio. March 5, 6 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Sagittarius. March 7, 8 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Capricorn. March 9, 10, 11 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aquarius. March 12 —the phase of the Moon wanes in Pisces. 13th is the new moon. Moon in Pisces. March 14, 15, 16 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aries. March 17, 18 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Taurus. March 19, 20, 21 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Gemini. March 22, 23 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Cancer. March 24, 25 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Leo. March 24, 25 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Virgo. March 28 is a full moon. Moon in Libra. March 29 —the phase of the Moon wanes in Libra. March 30, 31 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Scorpio.

How not to gain weight during the “growth” of the moon

Some people who are especially sensitive to lunar changes note that it is during this phase that their weight increases. This is explained by the fact that as the moon grows, our appetite also grows. Therefore, if you do not strictly control your diet and food volumes, then your centimeters at the waist and hips will mercilessly increase.

It is recommended to switch to a low-carb diet for weight loss and drink at least 2 liters. water per day. Also, during the waxing moon, metabolism slows down. To activate it, eat grapefruit, and also drink water with lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. This lunar phase mercilessly hits the immune system, so feel free to drink ginger tea and eat raw vegetables.

For good health and weight loss during the lunar diet, it is recommended to eat raw fruits and vegetables. You can also prepare juices based on them. Cherries, cabbage, carrots, celery, apples - fresh juices from these products will help cleanse the blood and protect the body from viral infections.

Avoid fast food and sweets. Instead of sugar, eat dried fruits and honey. If you can’t imagine drinking tea without sugar, replace it with stevia.

Meal option for weight loss

To lose 4 kg during the waxing moon, follow this menu:

BreakfastOmelet with vegetables and grainy cottage cheese with unsweetened tea.
Lunch30-50 g of hard cheese (just remember that fatty varieties are undesirable at this time).
DinnerIn summer - beetroot soup or okroshka (without adding potatoes). In the cold season - rich soup in chicken broth with vegetables.
Afternoon snackKefir with flax seeds and chopped fruit (low glycemic index).
DinnerStewed fish with vegetables or chicken breast with fresh salad. Since your diet for weight loss contains a lot of protein, for better absorption, eat greens.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in April 2021

April - the first truly warm days appear. You can go outside for physical exercise. This will help saturate the body with oxygen and speed up metabolism.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in April 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
April13-261-11, 28-301227

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in April 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
April dates6-7, 15-17, 25, 261, 2, 10-12, 20-22, 29, 308, 9, 18, 19, 27, 283-5, 13, 14, 23, 24

Lunar phases of April 2021 for weight loss.

April 1, 2 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Sagittarius. April 3, 4, 5 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Capricorn. April 6, 7 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aquarius. April 8, 9 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Pisces. April 10, 11 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aries. April 12 is the new moon. Moon in Aries. April 13, 14 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Taurus. April 15, 16, 17 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Gemini. April 18, 19 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Cancer. April 20, 21, 22 - the phase of the moon is growing in Leo. April 23, 24 - the phase of the moon is growing in Virgo. April 25, 26 - the phase of the moon is growing in Libra. April 27 - full moon . Moon in Scorpio. April 28 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Scorpio. April 29, 30 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Sagittarius.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in May 2021

Choose the right days to start your diet. It's time to get yourself in order, because beach season is coming soon, and a woman should be at her best.

Important: It’s easy to lose weight at this time, since fresh vegetables are already on sale, from which you can make a tasty and healthy vegetable salad.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in May 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
May12-251-10, 27-311126 - lunar eclipse

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in May 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
May dates3, 4, 13, 14, 22, 23, 30, 318, 9, 18, 19, 26, 275-7, 15-17, 24, 251, 2, 10-12, 20, 21, 28, 29

Lunar phases of May 2021 for weight loss.

May 1, 2 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Capricorn. May 3, 4 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aquarius. May 5, 6, 7 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Pisces. 8, 9 - the phase of the Moon decreases in Aries. May 10 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Taurus. May 11 is the new moon. Moon in Taurus. May 12 - Moon phase is growing in Taurus. May 13, 14 - the phase of the moon is growing in Gemini. May 15, 16, 17 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Cancer. May 18, 19 - the phase of the moon is growing in Leo. May 20, 21 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Virgo. May 22, 23 - the phase of the moon is growing in Libra. May 24, 25 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Scorpio. May 26 – full moon, lunar eclipse . Moon in Sagittarius. May 27 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Sagittarius. May 28, 29 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Capricorn. May 30, 31 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aquarius.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in June 2021

June is the beginning of summer. If you started losing weight in winter, then your body is already becoming perfect. If you don’t have enough time or willpower to go on a diet, then do it right now on the prescribed days according to the lunar table.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in June 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
June11-231-9, 25-3010 — solar eclipse24

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in June 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
June dates1, 9, 10, 18-20, 27, 284, 5, 14, 15, 23, 242, 3, 11-13, 21, 22, 29, 306-8, 16, 17, 25, 26

Lunar phases of June 2021 for weight loss.

June 1 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aquarius. June 2, 3 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Pisces. June 4, 5 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aries. June 6, 7, 8 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Taurus. June 9 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Gemini. June 10 - new moon and solar eclipse. Moon in Gemini . June 11, - the phase of the Moon is growing in Cancer. June 14, 15 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Leo. June 16, 17 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Virgo. June 18, 19, 20 - the phase of the moon is growing in Libra. June 21, 22 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Scorpio. June 23 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Sagittarius. June 24th - full moon . Moon in Sagittarius. June 25, 26 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Capricorn. June 27, 28 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aquarius. June 29, 30 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Pisces.

Diet according to the lunar calendar for every day

Scientific astrology, or Magi star fasting, involves using the natural oppositions of the planets in a person’s horoscope for an effective diet.

  • For those born on Tuesday (the day is ruled by Mars), fasting is prescribed on Friday (the planet is ruled by Venus).
  • Those born on Friday should choose Tuesday for a one-day diet.
  • Those whose birthday falls on Wednesday (Mercury) need to fast on Thursday (Jupiter). When the date of birth falls on Thursday, then the day of refusal of food is Wednesday.
  • Those born on Sunday (the day is ruled by the Sun) need to cleanse the body on Monday (according to the Moon)
  • If your birthday falls on Monday, you need to choose Saturday (ruling planet is Saturn).
  • And if a person was born on Saturday, refusing food is effective on Sunday (according to the Sun)

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in July 2021

Starting to lose weight in July is a pleasure. An abundance of vegetables and fruits, from which you can make tasty and healthy dishes, helps everyone lose weight.

Important : Instead of going to the gym, you can go to the sea and go swimming. This is an excellent cardio exercise that allows you to cope with obesity at different stages.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in July 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
July11-231-9, 25-311024

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in July 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
July dates6-8, 16, 17, 24, 251-3, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29, 309, 10, 18, 19, 26-284, 5, 13-15, 22, 23, 31

Lunar phases of July 2021 for weight loss.

July 1, 2, 3 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aries. July 4, 5 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Taurus. July 6, 7, 8 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Gemini. July 9 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Cancer. July 10 is the new moon. Moon in Cancer . July 11, 12 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Leo. July 13, 14, 15 - the phase of the moon is growing in Virgo. July 16, 17 - the phase of the moon is growing in Libra. July 18, 19 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Scorpio. July 20, 21 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Sagittarius. July 22, 23 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Capricorn. July 24th - full moon . Moon in Aquarius. July 25 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aquarius. July 26, 27, 28 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Pisces. July 29, 30 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aries. July 31 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Taurus.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in August 2021

Women are always very worried about cellulite on their body. But you can fight it, and summer is a great time for this.

Tip: While at the resort, make an appointment with a professional massage therapist. Also massage problem areas under water, as if “driving” water up and down, for example, in the abdomen or thighs.

Water massage gives very good results in the fight against fat deposits.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in August 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
August9-211-7, 23-31822

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in August 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
August dates2-4, 12, 13, 20-22, 30, 317-9, 16, 17, 25, 265, 6, 14, 15, 23, 241, 10, 11, 18, 19, 27-29

Lunar phases of August 2021 for weight loss.

August 1 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Taurus. August 2, 3, 4 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Gemini. August 5, 6 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Cancer. August 7 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Leo. August 8 is the new moon. Moon in Leo . August 9 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Leo. August 10, 11 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Virgo. August 12, 13 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Libra. August 14, 15 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Scorpio. August 16, 17 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Sagittarius. August 18, 19 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Capricorn. August 20, 21 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aquarius. 22 - full moon . Moon in Aquarius. August 23, 24 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Pisces. August 25, 26 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aries. August 27, 28, 29 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Taurus. August 30, 31 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Gemini.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in September 2021

Autumn is beginning, but don’t be discouraged, because continuing to lose weight at this time of year is easy and simple. There are still plenty of vegetables, so prepare dishes from steamed eggplants, zucchini and sweet peppers. These fruits contain many vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in September 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
September8-201-6, 22-30721

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in September 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
September dates8, 9, 17, 18, 26-284, 5, 12-14, 21-231-3, 10, 11, 19, 20, 29, 306, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25

Lunar phases of September 2021 for weight loss.

September 1, 2, 3 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Cancer. September 4, 5 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Leo. September 6 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo. 7 is the new moon. Moon in Virgo . September 8, 9 - Moon phase is waxing Moon in Libra. September 10, 11 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Scorpio. September 12, 13, 14 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Sagittarius. September 15, 16 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Capricorn. September 17, 18 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aquarius. September 19, 20 - the phase of the moon is growing in Pisces 21 - full moon . Moon in Aries. September 22, 23 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Aries. September 24, 25 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Taurus. September 26, 27, 28 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Gemini. September 29, 30 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Cancer.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in October 2021

Second month of autumn. But don't get depressed after the warm summer days disappear. Sport helps to cope with a bad mood, and proper nutrition will maintain health at the proper level.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in October 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
October7-191-5, 21-31620

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in October 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
October dates6, 7, 14, 15, 23-251, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28-308, 9, 16-18, 26, 273-5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 31

Lunar phases of October 2021 for weight loss.

October 1, 2 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Leo. October 3, 4, 5 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo. 6 is the new moon. Moon in Libra . October 7 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Libra. October 8, 9 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Scorpio. October 10, 11 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Sagittarius. October 12, 13 - the phase of the moon is growing in Capricorn. October 14, 15 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aquarius. October 16, 17, 18 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Pisces October 19 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aries. 20 - full moon . Moon in Taurus. October 21, 22 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Taurus. October 23, 24, 25 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Gemini. October 26, 27 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Cancer. October 28, 29, 30 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Leo. October 31 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in November 2021

Don't forget to visit the gym. You can devote to sports every day (one or two hours), and if you lack time, it is enough to go to a fitness trainer three times a week.

Important: This amount of time will be enough to perform exercises to burn fat and restore metabolism.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in November 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
November6-181-4, 20-30519 - moon eclipse

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in November 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
November dates2, 3, 10, 11, 20, 21, 29, 306, 7, 15, 16, 25, 264, 5, 12-14, 22-241, 8, 9, 17-19, 27, 28

Lunar phases of November 2021 for weight loss.

November 1 - Moon phase wanes in Virgo. November 2, 3 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Libra. November 4 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Scorpio. 5 is the new moon. Moon in Scorpio . November 6, 7 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Sagittarius. November 8, 9 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Capricorn. November 10, 11 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aquarius. November 12, 13, 14 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Pisces; November 15, 16 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aries. November 17, 18 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Taurus. 19 – full moon and lunar eclipse . Moon in Taurus. November 20, 21 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Gemini. November 22, 23, 24 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Cancer. November 25, 26 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Leo. November 27, 28 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo. November 29, 30 - the phase of the moon wanes in Libra.

Menu for the lunar diet

This diet should begin 3 days before the full moon and continue until the third day of the new moon.

There are no restrictions only on the consumption of freshly squeezed juices, green tea, and still water during any day.

  1. On day 1 - you can only eat raw, steamed vegetables - cabbage, radishes, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, etc.
  2. Day 2 - fresh, not canned pineapples and nothing else.
  3. 3rd day - only boiled mushrooms are allowed.
  4. On the 4th day, any foods are excluded again. You can only drink freshly squeezed juices, green tea, and still water.
  5. Day 5 again only pineapples
  6. Day 6 – boiled mushrooms

Diet during the full moon

The full moon phase is characterized by heavy digestion of food. Experts recommend following a salt-free, low-calorie carbohydrate diet during this period.

Drinking plenty of fluids is encouraged (about 2 liters of clean water daily). The total caloric content of the diet should be 400-500 kcal less than your individual caloric intake.

  • Prohibited: smoked meats, pickles, pickled foods, store-bought sweets, alcohol.
  • Allowed: cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley), light vegetable dishes, fermented milk products, green and herbal teas (mint and lemon balm) without sweeteners.

From the evening before the full moon until midnight the next day, it is not recommended to eat any solid food. During these days you need to drink only water, green or herbal tea. The total amount of liquid drunk should be approximately 2.5-3 liters.

Such unloading in just one day will allow you to get rid of 1 kg of excess weight and restart all body systems. In the following days, it is necessary to compose a diet from the listed permitted products.

Sample menu for the day, serving sizes depend on a person’s individual daily caloric intake: Breakfast: oatmeal + tea. Lunch: buckwheat + glass of kefir. Dinner: fresh vegetable salad + low-fat cottage cheese.

On the waning moon

The period of the waning or “aging” moon is characterized by an unprecedented surge of strength. This time is ideal for starting strict diets and heavy physical activity. You should eat fractionally, that is, 5-6 times a day in small portions.

It is also recommended to drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters of clean water daily). The diet should be balanced, and caloric intake should not exceed 1200 kcal.

  1. Prohibited: store-bought sweets, alcohol.
  2. Allowed: all dishes prepared according to the principles of “proper nutrition” (PP).

Approximate daily diet for the waning moon:

  • Breakfast: 70 g of dry oatmeal + 30 g of nuts or dried fruits + tea.
  • Snack: 1 medium-sized fruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g pearl barley with mushrooms + 2 boiled eggs + 2 slices of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: up to 30 g of any nuts. Dinner: 200 g of fresh vegetable salad + 100 g of boiled chicken fillet.
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir (if you have a strong headache, you can drink a glass of fermented milk product, preferably with low fat content, 2-3 hours before bedtime).

On the new moon

The new moon period is extremely unfavorable for strict dietary restrictions and active sports.

It is recommended to focus on protein foods throughout the week, and it is important to maintain water balance. In addition to 2 liters of plain water, you should drink green or herbal teas daily.

During the new moon, it is recommended to adhere to your individual calorie intake.

  1. Prohibited: foods high in carbohydrates (store-bought sweets, alcohol, polished cereals).
  2. Allowed: meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, vegetables - fresh, steamed, baked, in the form of salads.

Recommended diet plan for the new moon for 1 day:

  • Breakfast: granola with low-fat milk (no more than 200 ml) + tea
  • Snack: 1 medium-sized fruit or handful of nuts.
  • Lunch: brown rice + boiled eggs (no more than 2 yolks) + tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew + baked mackerel.
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir or homemade yogurt.

Diet during the waxing moon

The waxing moon phase is characterized by increased appetite. Failure to maintain daily calorie intake can result in overeating and gaining extra pounds.

The daily norm of kilocalories during the waxing moon should be in the range of 1000-1200. It is recommended to reduce physical activity to moderate.

We should not forget about maintaining water balance; you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water daily.

  1. Prohibited: alcohol, pickles, fatty, fried foods.
  2. Allowed: fruits and vegetables (fresh, steamed, baked, in salads), small amounts of low-calorie protein foods without added salt.

Menu for the day for weight loss according to the lunar calendar during the waxing moon:

  • Breakfast: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese + 40 g dried fruits + tea.
  • Snack: 1 medium-sized fruit.
  • Lunch: 200 ml of vegetable soup, 50-100 g of boiled chicken fillet.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 medium-sized fruit.
  • Dinner: 200 g fresh vegetable salad + 100 g boiled fish.
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir.

The last day of the diet, like the first, is recommended to be a fasting day. You should avoid eating solid food for the whole day.

Instead, you need to drink clean water in sufficient quantities, green or herbal tea, and vegetable broths are allowed.

Such a shake-up will prepare the body to exit the diet according to the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in December 2021

December - winter has arrived, cold weather, and New Year is coming. Prepare yourself for the fact that there will not be a magnificent feast, otherwise later it will be difficult to “get back on track” again.

Tip: A week before the holidays, cleanse your body with a “broom” salad (carrots, beets and cabbage in equal proportions, with the addition of a teaspoon of vegetable oil). Make this salad every day for dinner. This will help you lose some weight before the upcoming holidays.

Favorable days for losing weight and starting a diet in December 2021:

Month of 2021Days that are great for starting a diet and training in the gymIt is not recommended to start losing weight, training is limited, but it is a very good period to cleanse the body (excess water and toxins are removed)New moon (best day for fasting, fasting)Full moon
December5-181-3, 20-3104 - solar eclipse19

Table for eating food for weight loss according to zodiac signs in December 2021.

2021Fatty foods are welcome, but salt and carbohydrates are limited (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra)Protein foods are welcome, but restrictions on carbohydrates and fats (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)Carbohydrate foods are welcome, but restrictions on fats and fast carbohydrates (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)Salty foods are welcome, but in moderation (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo)
December dates1, 8, 9, 17-19, 27, 284, 5, 12, 13, 22, 23, 312, 3, 10, 11, 20, 21, 29, 306, 7, 14-16, 24-26

Lunar phases of December 2021 for weight loss.

December 1 - Moon phase wanes in Libra. December 2, 3 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Scorpio. December 4 – new moon and solar eclipse. Moon in Sagittarius . December 5 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Sagittarius. December 6, 7 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Capricorn. December 8, 9 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aquarius. December 10, 11 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Pisces; December 12, 13 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Aries. December 14, 15, 16 - the phase of the Moon is growing in Taurus. December 17, 18 - the phase of the moon is growing in Gemini. December 19 – full moon . Moon in Gemini December 20, 21 – the phase of the Moon is waning in Cancer. December 22, 23 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Leo. December 24, 25, 26 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Virgo. December 27, 28 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Libra. December 29, 30 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Scorpio. December 31 - the phase of the Moon wanes in Sagittarius.

Raw vegetables for weight loss are delicious and healthy. Follow the lunar calendar and introduce vegetable salads and other vitamin-rich dishes into your diet - this will help make your figure beautiful and your health strong.

Lunar Diet Basics

An unusual method of losing weight is based on drawing up a diet in accordance with the characteristics of the lunar calendar, reflecting the beginning and end of the 4 main phases of the moon for 7 days. The duration of the entire cycle is 28 days.

Each phase is characterized by certain physiological processes and chemical reactions at the cellular, tissue, and organ levels. It was they who served as the basis for drawing up a diet according to the lunar calendar.

This amazing nutritional system takes into account the peculiarities of changes in the human body during the lunar cycle, and is worth nutritional recommendations based on the advice of nature itself. Some people use the lunar calendar diet to cleanse the body of toxins, while others use it to lose weight.

  • Full moon. This period is indicated by the presence of a bright round ball in the sky. It is generally accepted that it is at this time that the cellular and intercellular space of the body is filled with liquid, and tides occur in nature.
  • Waning moon. The night luminary looks like an inverted letter “C”.

    During this period, excess fluid and metabolic products, including toxins and wastes, are removed from the body at a more accelerated pace.

  • A new moon is characterized by the absence of the moon in the sky. The time is especially favorable for renewing the body. Damaged or depleted systems are better restored. Great time to normalize your diet.
  • Waxing Crescent. The night star looks like the letter “C”. The period when the body is able to fully absorb all the beneficial substances from foods and respond well to physical activity. At this time, all metabolic processes intensify, wounds heal faster, and overall tone increases.

The lunar diet calendar for weight loss for 2021 was developed taking into account these features.

It is generally accepted that it is best to start losing weight during the waning moon and finish when a new phase arrives.

About the lunar phase

You need to start losing weight not from the beginning of the week or month, but in accordance with a specially designed weight loss calendar.

This day changes every year. So when should you start losing weight? The best time to diet in 2021 will be on the following days:

  1. in January – 1–11, 29–31
  2. in February – 1–10, 27, 28
  3. in March – 1–11, 29–31
  4. in April – 1–10, 27–30
  5. in May – 1–10, 26–31
  6. in June – 1–8, 25–30
  7. in July – 1–8, 24–31
  8. in August – 1–6, 22–31
  9. in September – 1–5, 21–30
  10. in October – 1–4, 20–31
  11. in November – 1–3, 19–30
  12. in December – 1–2, 19–31

In addition, astrologers also found out what is the best day to choose to cleanse the body, unload, remove waste and toxins:

  • January – 12
  • February – 11
  • March – 11
  • April – 11
  • May – 11
  • June – 9
  • July – 9
  • August – 7
  • September – 6
  • October – 5
  • November – 4
  • December – 3

Based on this table, a diet for a week or a month is compiled, always taking into account the nutritional characteristics according to the phases of the Moon.

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