Facial skin mesotherapy: pros and cons

Mesotherapy is a technique of introducing special medicinal compounds or, as they are commonly called, “cocktails” of homeopathic preparations, plant extracts, complexes of vitamins and microelements, under the skin. Hyaluronic acid can also be added to the composition.

The author of the technique is French doctor Michel Pistor. He even came up with a motto for her: “Peu, rarement au bon endroit.” Translated it sounds like this: “Rarely, little and in the right place.”

“Rarely” means that the procedures are performed once every few days (usually a week), “few” means that each injection is performed with a small amount of the drug, and “in the right place” means that the medicine is injected directly where it is needed to treat the problem. or other problem.

And Mesotherapy can solve a variety of problems - from rejuvenation and healing of the body to getting rid of excess weight.

Mesotherapy is carried out on such areas of the body as buttocks, abdomen, waist, back, shoulders, hips, arms.

Drugs used in body mesotherapy procedures

Vascular drugs. These are drugs that have lymphatic drainage, vasodilating effects, normalize blood circulation, and strengthen the walls of vascular tissue.

Lipolitics are means that stimulate fat cells to destruction, and also prevent the formation of new fat deposits and lymph stagnation.

Preparations that loosen the connective adhesions between lumps of fatty tissue, which create the “orange peel” effect.

Preparations that strengthen and tighten the skin.

A specially selected complex of microelements and vitamins to strengthen the immunity of the entire body and skin.


Mesotherapy is a technique in which a drug in microscopic doses is injected under the skin to a shallow depth using thin, short needles. This allows it to actively act where the ingredients of conventional cosmetics that are applied to the surface of the skin do not act. Mesotherapy at the SM Clinic combines extreme effectiveness with almost complete painlessness and has no age restrictions.

Mesotherapy will allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of:

  • wrinkles
  • dullness and swelling of the skin,
  • acne,
  • age spots,
  • vascular "stars"
  • cellulite and stretch marks,
  • bags under the eyes,
  • double chin
  • hair loss,
  • dandruff.

As a result of undergoing the mesotherapy procedure:

  • the skin is significantly rejuvenated, becomes toned and acquires a healthy color;
  • inflammation and acne disappear;
  • oiliness of the skin is normalized, pores are narrowed;
  • small wrinkles disappear completely, and large ones are significantly reduced;
  • the oval of the face improves.

Advantages of mesotherapy at SM Clinic

  • High qualifications and extensive experience of our specialists guarantee optimal effectiveness, painlessness and harmlessness of the procedure;
  • the procedure is performed with disposable needles of very small diameter, which ensures comfort and eliminates the slightest possibility of infection;
  • high precision of the procedure gives 100% effect of getting the necessary substances into the problem area.

The effectiveness of mesotherapy at the SM-Clinic is ensured by the fact that so-called “medicinal cocktails” of homeopathic preparations, plant extracts, a complex of vitamins, amino acids and microelements are used for injections. The composition of medicinal cocktails will be selected for you strictly individually, and all components included in their composition are absolutely harmless and do not cause allergies or addiction.

Due to the fact that the composition of the therapeutic cocktail is selected individually and injected directly into those areas where it is necessary, the effect of the procedure occurs as quickly as possible, and its results are preserved for a long time.

To achieve the optimal effect, it is advisable to carry out a course of 4-10 procedures for facial mesotherapy and a course of 10 procedures for body mesotherapy, while the result of mesotherapy is observed after 2-3 procedures and increases with each subsequent procedure.

A new word in mesotherapy

Now at the SM-Cosmetology clinic you can take a course of non-injection mesotherapy (electromesotherapy)

is an effective, painless, non-invasive procedure without the use of needles. Innovative technology for electric pulse opening of cell pores has made it possible to easily and safely deliver the active ingredients of mesolithic preparations into the cells of the dermis without injections.

Preparations for mesotherapy

SM-Clinic specialists will select the composition of the meso-preparation for you and develop an individual treatment program to solve your problems in the minimum time, with minimum costs and maximum efficiency.

In collaboration with the laboratories of Spain, a world leader in the development and production of drugs for mesotherapy, SM Clinic presents a series of the latest therapeutic cocktails:

Rejuvenating regenerating cocktail

It has a pronounced moisturizing and rejuvenating effect to prevent aging, starting from 25-30 years. Increases tone and restores elasticity to the skin, increases the protective properties of the skin, prevents moisture loss, and powerfully promotes skin renewal at the cellular level.

Lifting and antioxidant cocktail

Restores skin elasticity, improves facial contours. Eliminates stretch marks, stimulates the production of skin collagen, serves as an excellent prevention of sagging, and has a tightening effect.

Lipolytic cocktail

Effective for eliminating lipomas and fat deposits in the double chin, riding breeches and abdomen. It has proven itself to be an excellent alternative to liposuction.

Hair mesotherapy course

The most effective method of treating baldness. A cocktail of superactive ingredients ensures direct delivery of therapeutic components directly to the hair follicle, the combined action of which stimulates the growth and appearance of new hair, improves hair structure, and stops hair loss. Effective for hair loss, including those associated with stress, fatigue, pregnancy, as well as dry, tired hair.

Mesotherapy at the SM Clinic gives an excellent and lasting rejuvenating effect.

Prices for (Moscow)

Name of servicePrice, rub.)Mesotherapy of face / bodyfrom 4700 / from 3600

You can find out more details and sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone

Vascular Mesotherapy

The goal of this type of Mesotherapy is to normalize blood circulation and eliminate precapillary spasms, saturate skin cells with oxygen, cleanse the body of toxins, relieve swelling, improve overall well-being, and gain strength.

Drugs are used that normalize blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and have a lymphatic drainage effect.

The result is improved metabolism in the body, beautiful glowing skin, and excellent health.

Vascular Mesotherapy is also suitable for combating rosacea. Cocktails are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

How is the procedure performed?

The mesotherapy procedure can be performed manually or using technological means. The manual procedure involves the mesotherapist introducing a special cocktail under the skin. The drug must be administered with high precision, since the depth of penetration of the drug and its effectiveness depend on this. An experienced cosmetologist does not injure blood vessels. Body mesotherapy for weight loss is used to eliminate deposits in the arms, neck, décolleté and face.

The introduction of meso-cocktails using special devices reduces the feeling of pain and discomfort. Hardware mesotherapy is completely safe and leaves no marks on the skin.

The body mesotherapy procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Treatment of skin with antiseptics.
  2. Application of local anesthesia.
  3. Introduction of therapeutic cocktails.
  4. Repeated treatment with antiseptics.

Anti-cellulite Mesotherapy

According to research, 2/3 of patients who want to undergo a course of Mesotherapy complain of cellulite.

Cellulite appears when metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin are disrupted. Impaired blood microcirculation, damage to capillaries, and insufficient supply of nutrients lead to the development of edema in the tissues, and compression of the lymphatic vessels and veins occurs. Over time, swelling increases, metabolic products accumulate, and local hypoxia and degeneration of individual processes in cells develop.

To treat cellulite, lipolytics or other substances that can break down fat cells are mainly used. The drugs act in stages - first, some of them dissolve cell membranes, and then others convert solid fats into emulsified fats (lecithin), providing them with ease of removal and breakdown.

Preparations for body mesotherapy

  1. Lipolitics are drugs that stimulate the destruction of fat cells and block the process of their formation.
  2. Vascular drugs - these include vasodilators, lymphatic drainage and venotonics, as well as drugs that normalize microcirculation and have a vasoprotective effect.
  3. Acting on the structure of connective tissue - loosening connective tissue adhesions between the lobules of adipose tissue.
  4. Preparations that act on the epidermis and dermis - tightening the skin.
  5. Vitamins and microelements.

A separate group consists of homeopathic preparations, which include homeopathic remedies in various dilutions, biological catalysts, nosodes, organomedicines, and potentized allopathic preparations.

Cellulite , in most cases, begins with damage to capillaries and deterioration of microcirculation. As a result, edema develops in the tissues, and lymphatic vessels and venules are compressed. This leads to an increase in edema, accumulation of metabolic products in tissues, and the development of local hypoxia and degenerative processes. The drugs used at this stage mostly have a lymphatic drainage effect, help improve venous outflow, and stimulate the elimination of metabolic products (toxins). Both ready-made “cocktails” and those prepared immediately before the procedure are used. Ready-made “cocktails” can contain both lipolytics and lymphatic drainage drugs in one bottle and have multidirectional effects.

If there is developing sclerosis of the interlobular septa with the inclusion of fat cells in the connective tissue, treatment begins with a main cocktail, which includes drugs that loosen the connective tissue septa between the lobules of adipose tissue. If a pronounced “orange peel” is present, a proteolytic enzyme is additionally introduced into the connective tissue adhesions, which increases tissue permeability and facilitates the movement of fluids in the intercellular space. Depending on the density of fat deposits and the age of cellulite, this cocktail is recommended from 1 to 3 sessions.

With stage 3-4 cellulite, when micro- and macronodes are forming, the skin becomes cold to the touch and pain appears when palpating these areas on the day of mesotherapy, before the classic session, injections are made along the spine and vascular axes with vasodilator drugs. In the presence of varicose veins of the lower extremities, telangiectasias, swelling and trophic changes, drugs are introduced into the cocktail that affect blood rheology, reduce venous stagnation, strengthen the wall of blood vessels, and restore tissue trophism.

With cellulite, adipose tissue loses its ability to break down fats and release fatty acids due to deterioration in the permeability of the cell membrane of the fat cell due to changes in its structure. To enhance lipolysis and accelerate metabolic processes in fat cells, lipolytic cocktails with multidirectional effects are used. Do not forget about the condition of the skin in problem areas. Sometimes, due to the slowdown in cell renewal of the epidermis and dermis, the skin does not have time to tighten. This is often observed in women approaching menopause. Therefore, when skin elasticity decreases, lipolytic cocktails alternate with cocktails that tighten the skin.

Body mesotherapy is carried out once every 7-10 days. The older the patient and the more concomitant diseases, the longer the intervals between procedures. It is important to know how the liver functions, whether its parameters are changed in order to correct them in time, since the liver takes first place in the disposal of fat cell breakdown products.

Body mesotherapy goes well with hardware methods, anti-cellulite peelings, massage, and algae wraps. But you need to remember that after a mesotherapy session, it is not recommended to do any procedures in the treated area for 3-4 days. When treating cellulite, good results are obtained by combining RF lifting using the Reaction device and mesotherapy. The interval between procedures varies from 2 to 10 days depending on the area, the day of the menstrual cycle, and the pharmacological characteristics of lipolytic drugs.

Mesotherapy for weight loss

It is known that the stomach is the most problematic part of both the female and male figure. In the summer, when you want to be especially beautiful and elegant, extra pounds in the abdominal area are perceived especially acutely, driving you into real depression.

But, as you know, despondency will not help matters! We need to pull ourselves together and start the fight for harmony! Mesotherapy of the abdomen is the breakdown of fats and the return of firmness and elasticity to the skin in this problem area.

Lipolitics are mainly used for weight loss. For example, sodium deoxycholate belongs to the group of lipolytics that actively promote the process of rupture of the membrane of fat cells, and phosphatidylcholine is a lipolytic, with the help of which solid and refractory fat contained in fat cells is transferred into the liquid phase and removed from the human body.

With the help of Mesotherapy, you can also remove local fat deposits in the waist, back, buttocks, shoulders, thighs, and arms. Mesotherapy helps tighten the skin after sudden weight loss and after childbirth.

Body mesotherapy - reviews


I have suffered from cellulite for a long time, and

I'm trying to fight it in every possible way. During a course of lymphatic drainage massage (LPG) procedures, I fell for the master’s persuasion, saying that everything is so neglected, and hardware massage alone will not help, and I decided to try mesotherapy.

Oh my God!!!

I thought I was strong!!!

This means that the master carried out the procedure exclusively while standing , which made the torture seem even stronger and more unbearable. I asked if I could lie down, but the answer was an affirmative NO!

A small insulin needle and many small but terribly painful injections are made into problem areas, in my case - the area of ​​​​the thighs and buttocks. IT HURTS INCREDIBLY!!!

And then instantly all my irresponsibility towards my body floated before my eyes - insufficient exercise, ice cream cakes, wine, stress, etc.)))

I mentally swore to myself that from now on I would be more selective and cultured in this regard)))) And even then I clearly understood that there would be no second procedure! Enough!

And that is not all. After I was injected, the master told me to walk another 5 km to speed up the process! Well, imagine - everything hurts, my wounds ache ((((And I walked like a beaten warrior, but I walked...

Injection marks , multiple bruises that last a long time, more than a week (that’s how my skin is)

Oh yes, “pleasure” is not cheap!!! One cocktail, as cosmetologists like to call it, cost me 200 dollars. !!! The second one, she said, will be at a discount)

NO, NO AND NO - for my money they will still torture me like this!!!

At the same time, of a result , which is understandable, there was only one procedure ((((

In general, as a result, I will say - dear ladies, if you still decide to take such an extreme measure as mesotherapy, then get ready to part with a significant amount of money and a significant bundle of nerves!!!




Helps against cellulite


Expensive, leaves bruises

Good afternoon. In the process of endless weight loss, I decided to try mesotherapy. I decided to pierce the inside of my legs, that is, my riding breeches. This is the most painful place. I knew it, but I tried it. The cosmetologist immediately warned me that no one had ever withstood 5-7 procedures as expected. The first time it was tolerable. Then for some reason it really hurts. Although my pain threshold is normal, I do not jump from every injection. The reason is that when facial mesotherapy is done, an anesthetic cream is applied. When performing body mesotherapy, anesthetic cream is not applied. I went through three procedures. I didn’t see any particular effect. Cellulite smoothed out. Has the property of accumulating the drug. We probably need to do more procedures. Bruises remain - this is also a minus. Recommended to combine with massage. But such weight loss methods are available only to wealthy ladies. At least combine it with training.




Not found


Cost, Bruising and swelling for a long time, not effective.

I will tell you my sad experience with such a procedure as Mesotherapy with lipolytics. Let's start with the fact that I gained a lot of weight, and my wedding was supposed to take place in a couple of months. So I decided to go for such an expensive and painful procedure. As cosmetologists said, the effect will only be in combination with diet and physical activity. That's exactly what I did. The procedure itself is incredibly painful, because it is done with a small special syringe and a small needle for it, it comes in different sizes (if my memory serves me correctly, I had one, 1.5 cm). They pierced my arms (outer and inner), stomach, under the breasts, thighs (inner and side) and I admit honestly, it was too much. I walked around covered in bruises and swelling, there was no living space on me (my family even thought that my husband was beating me). I felt the effect of mesotherapy on myself after probably 3 weeks, when my body simply malfunctioned. My digestion was disrupted, I couldn’t eat normally, I even ran to the toilet after a cup of tea with a cookie (sorry), although I followed all the beautician’s rules. The funny thing is, I haven’t lost a single centimeter or a single kilogram. So my dear ladies, believe me, it’s not worth it. I'm still trying to recover.



“A couple of years ago I decided to undergo a course of mesotherapy. I didn’t have any particular cellulite, but I wanted to achieve absolute perfection. The procedure is terribly painful! And after it, my legs began to bruise and swell. In general, a simple anti-cellulite massage gives the same results, but it doesn’t hurt as much.”



NO EFFECT, BUT THERE ARE SIDES!!!! Cellulite on my butt I’m slim, cellulite was left over from improper diets, etc... When I did it, I went on a diet as advised, in the end, the fat still melted very little and for sooooo long, but it didn’t leave the body at all, it went down to the bottom of my butt in the form of swelling (((((half a year has passed... I really scold myself for doing this disgusting thing, I spent so much money, but it got even worse, and I suffered after the procedures, I couldn’t sit..., now I go to cardio training, my butt is back to normal. NOT TORTURE YOURSELF UNINSTALLED!



I did meso for cellulite. The effect was temporary, but then it was terrible! In those places, the injection caused pits to form, like cellitis. It seems that the money, and quite a lot of it, was given to add to, rather than eliminate, this problem! Considering that before meso there wasn’t much cellite, now I want to cry! But I don't lower my head. I do massages, including honey, Phineas, and proper nutrition, of course, I hope to improve everything that I’ve done!



My war with fat on the thighs and cellulite with the help of mesotherapy ended in favor of the latter. I decided to have a salon procedure, not knowing what kind of torture I was dooming myself to.

The cosmetologist promised mountains of gold: the body will become slim, cellulite will go away, stretch marks will disappear, and in general - even if you apply for a top model tomorrow.

My career on the podium did not work out, alas. Because the procedure was the first and the last. Even though the Spitz needle is as thin as a hair, the injections are very painful, especially since they puncture the area twice - first they inject the drug into the fat layer, then small and frequent punctures over the entire surface.

But these are minor things compared to how the drug works—everything under the skin begins to burn unbearably. It hurt so bad you couldn't even scream.

But most importantly, the next morning a terrible allergic reaction began - the places where they were injected became red, hot and impossible to touch. I felt like a broken trough and could only lie down and drink cold water.

After 2 days it went away, but the hemorrhages from the injections lasted for a very long time. As for losing weight, there was none. Perhaps the result will be achieved in several procedures, but I couldn’t bring myself to go through it a second time.



Mesotherapy does not work at all as a fat burning agent. Yes, I noticed that the skin became firmer, more velvety, more hydrated, but the volumes were and remained the same.

By the way, the procedure is not painless! Liters of blood are draining, I can barely wait until the end of the execution session. But this procedure was recommended to me by a gynecologist after childbirth, for a safer restoration of the abdominal muscles and skin turgor.

The purpose of using mesotherapy is to saturate the skin with useful substances, improve skin turgor, remove extra centimeters from the waist, remove loose skin after childbirth, and bring yourself back to normal in a short time, without harm to breastfeeding.

As a result, I got moisturized skin with a lot of cuts. A slight allergic reaction to vitamins, a lot of financial investment.

In my opinion, the game is not worth the candle; it is dangerous to perform this salon procedure anywhere. I don’t trust the treatment of needles and equipment in a beauty salon, aseptic and antiseptic.

15 sessions were done, every other day. Maybe I met an unqualified doctor, and the wrong drug was chosen for me (I honestly don’t remember the name; it was a cocktail mixture), so I didn’t have any effect other than smooth skin, but in general I’ll look for a more humane procedure.



I am very afraid of injections, so it took me a very long time to decide on mesotherapy. The extreme point was the successful weight loss experience of my sister.

I contacted a clinic that had good reviews and paid for 4 procedures. This is the minimum amount for visible results.

For me, the procedure turned out to be very painful; it was unrealistically difficult to withstand such torment. I endured it only because a lot of money was paid.

After the third procedure, redness appeared at the injection sites, in addition, these areas became so painful that it was impossible to touch them.

The cosmetologist said that this happens, and it will pass without any problems in a few days. That's why I decided to do the 4th procedure.

After it, huge bruises and persistent swelling appeared in the injection area.

The 4 kilograms I lost were not at all pleasing.

All the consequences after mesotherapy disappeared within about a month.

And only after 2 months I was able to completely return to normal.

At the clinic they explained to me that this happens, although it is extremely rare. These are the individual characteristics of my body; they could not have foreseen this.

Now I am even more afraid of injections and never want to repeat mesotherapy again.



There are several types of mesotherapy, that is, non-surgical chemical liposuction, I decided to get injections with the drug “Lipoten”, which was supposed to make my legs slender and my stomach toned. The advertising, of course, as well as the salon master, promised amazing results. Fan injections are performed every two weeks; for optimal results, a minimum of 5 sessions is required. I survived 3 and stopped this torture.

Well, I knew that I had to either endure the pain from the injections, but the fact that after that it was better not to show myself in public or wear tight clothing was a surprise. After the first “fan”, my body from waist to knees resembled the skin of a leopard from bruises at the injection sites. They passed in only two weeks, and now - welcome to the second injection. In general, the bruises have returned.

What else - the drug, of course, dissolves fat, but somehow unevenly. It completely dissolved at the injection sites, even forming pits on the skin, but within a radius of three centimeters from the punctures the fat remained. The surface of the problem areas generally turned out to be lumpy, like a leper’s. To even out the skin texture, I later had to go for special massages and wraps. Well, the volumes, if they have gone, are quite small. to the naked eye and imperceptibly.

How is Mesotherapy performed?

A small amount of the prepared drug is injected into problem areas (buttocks, arms, abdomen, shoulders, thighs). The composition for injection is selected individually. The injection is administered using 0.3 mm thick microneedles no deeper than 1-3 mm under the skin. Penetrating into the layers of the skin, the meso-cocktail substances begin to act in a specific area, stimulating lymphatic drainage, breaking down fat, improving blood circulation and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

After the procedure, the skin is disinfected and lubricated with cream to soften it.

The method of performing Mesotherapy is painless. However, much depends on individual sensitivity to the drugs used in the “mesococtail”. If the injections cause discomfort, a special anesthetic cream is used.

Expert opinion

Kolesnichenko Tatyana Vladimirovna, dermacosmetologist

“Mesotherapy for weight loss is used quite often, and this method has proven itself to be one of the most effective ways to lose weight quickly and almost painlessly. More than 10 thousand real specialists in this field work in Russia today. The use of meso-cocktails really helps to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas. By eating right and leading an active lifestyle, you can extend the result up to 6-8 months, after which the need for the procedure may arise again.”

Experts speak positively about mesotherapy for weight loss

Ultrasound Mesotherapy for the body

In addition to manual (manual) administration of drugs, there is also hardware. For example, at A Clinic, Ultrasound Phonophoresis is very popular among patients. This is one of the varieties of Mesothepapy, the introduction of medicinal cosmetics into the deep layers of the dermis under the influence of ultrasound.

The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus and individually selected medications. The device acts on cells like a massage, activates cellular metabolism, lymphatic drainage, and local blood circulation. At the same time, it accelerates regeneration processes, reduces swelling, and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Due to this, medicinal substances introduced into the tissue act on the skin more intensely.

Thanks to microheating of tissues, improved nutrition, oxygen supply to muscles and skin, a rejuvenating effect is also achieved. Ultrasound therapy triggers the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

Ultrasonic micromassage stimulates intracellular metabolism, tones the dermis and promotes the long-term effect of cosmetics or medications.

Under the influence of ultrasound, the fibrous framework around cellulite cells is destroyed, local blood circulation is stimulated, and, as a result, fat deposits are reduced and skin turgor is increased.

What is body mesotherapy?

This procedure is performed on such areas of the skin as: face, buttocks, abdomen, shoulders, hair, thighs or arms. Body mesotherapy is a technique in which a drug containing a certain amount of several biologically active substances combined is injected under the skin. Typically these are vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, enzymes and essential microelements. Such substances are necessary in order to normalize blood circulation and improve skin nutrition. The prepared “cocktail” allows you to more intensively produce collagen and elastin. This leads to natural skin rejuvenation.

Oxygen mesotherapy for the body

Oxygen mesotherapy for the body at A Clinic is carried out using Jet Peel gas-liquid peeling technology.

Jet Pil is both cleansing and rejuvenating of the skin. Gas-liquid peeling affects the skin with a directed stream of water with oxygen. This allows you to combine several effects at once: exfoliation and removal of dead epidermal cells, massage, micromassage, lymphatic drainage massage, elimination of edema, tightening effect.

Active oxygen comes with a stream of water. It activates metabolic processes and also disinfects, that is, has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. The high pressure of the gas-liquid jet completely cleans the pores at great depths.

You can also add various vitamin and mineral complexes to the apparatus for the procedure.

The massage effect of a directed flow of water improves lymph flow, blood circulation, and metabolic processes. Therefore, Jet Peel gas-liquid peeling is one of the rare technologies that combines the cleansing effect with rejuvenation and healing.​

Body mesotherapy for weight loss

Body mesotherapy for weight loss is used in places where removing fat deposits and treating cellulite poses certain difficulties - the inner thighs, lower buttocks, knees, waist area and breeches.

If the patient is faced with the task of reducing the overall weight of excess fat, then this method can be successfully combined with diet therapy, fitness classes, therapeutic massage, acupuncture and other methods.

The cocktails used for injections and treatment of cellulite mainly use lipolytics or substances that can break down fat cells. Weight loss drugs act in stages - first, some of them dissolve cell membranes (bile salt), while others convert solid fats into emulsified fats (lecithin), making them easy to remove and break down.

Body mesotherapy for weight loss and cellulite treatment is well tolerated by people with high blood sugar levels. The presence of implants is not a problem, which becomes an obstacle to many other cosmetic technologies. A huge advantage is that this treatment can be used for any problem area. And for the abdominal area, this is practically the only method of influence. Most often, patients come to clinics with reduced levels of turgor and the rate of cell regeneration. It is also credited for weight loss, improving abdominal contours, and reducing fat deposits in certain areas. With its help, stretch marks and cellulite are treated.

How many procedures are needed?

Mesotherapy is usually carried out in courses of 4 to 10 procedures. The required number of procedures is selected by the doctor in accordance with the specific problem. The break between sessions is from one to one and a half weeks. This is due to the gradual resorption of medicinal drugs injected under the skin of the body. The next administration is advisable after the already administered “cocktail” has completely dispersed throughout the body. In one procedure, it is possible to introduce from five to twenty cubes of the medicinal composition (“meso-cocktail”), which again depends on the specific case. After the procedure, you should refrain from visiting the sauna and bathhouse for 3 days.

There are no age-related contraindications for Body Mesotherapy, so the sooner you start regular courses, the more pronounced the results will be!

During one course of mesotherapy, the body loses up to 12 centimeters in volume. This effect can be maintained for a long period of time if you additionally adjust your diet.

It should also be noted that it is advisable to combine Mesotherapy with methods such as vacuum, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite massages, underwater shower massage, Charcot shower (to increase skin turgor), thermolifting (to increase the level of skin elasticity, as well as muscle tone).


Ekaterina, Nizhny Novgorod

“Due to fat deposits in the abdominal area, which brought me discomfort and developed complexes, I decided to undergo mesotherapy. I completed the full course, which consisted of 10 sessions every 8 days. The total volume decreased by 4 cm, the skin became more elastic. Before getting the injection, I was given a lymphatic drainage massage for half an hour, which helps reduce weight. A noticeable result appears on the 3rd day after each procedure. At the same time, mesotherapy has a cumulative effect, so the effect continues for a long time.”

Girls are usually satisfied with the procedure

Victoria, Moscow

“I read reviews about mesotherapy for a long time and eventually decided to do it myself, since I have a double chin, which I would happily get rid of. They gave me injections under my skin. I had enough for 6 procedures, after which I decided to stop the sessions. There was practically no result, but a lot of money was spent. The procedure does not cause severe pain, but a couple of days after the injections, bruises appeared, which caused severe pain. Perhaps this method just doesn’t suit me.”

Marina, Tula

“I decided to undergo a full treatment course to eliminate fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs and arms. They gave a large number of injections, and sometimes I experienced severe discomfort. As a result, I was only pleased with my stomach - it became smaller in volume by as much as 5 cm. To prevent side effects, it is worth warning a specialist in advance about any allergic reactions.”

Mesotherapy for weight loss pleases with the results

Veronica, Krasnodar

“When I gave birth to my second child, I still couldn’t get into shape. I went to the gym, but my stomach still hung. The doctor advised me to undergo mesotherapy treatment to get rid of abdominal fat. During the session I was given 45 injections of varying depths. The break lasted 15-18 days, during this period I did a vacuum massage, drank flaxseed oil in the morning, adjusted my diet, and gave up bad habits. As a result, in 3 months I lost 4 kg, my stomach became toned. We plan to do a couple more procedures.”

After pregnancy, you can quickly restore your shape through mesotherapy

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