A simple way against sagging cheeks. MASKS /loose skin will tighten instantly after these procedures/

Causes of sagging skin

Sagging skin occurs due to several reasons:

  • natural aging processes;
  • postpartum period (flabbiness of the abdominal skin is noted);
  • after losing weight (loose skin on the thighs, buttocks, neck, abdomen, arms and chest);
  • up to the age of 30 years (wrinkles are observed on the face, neck, décolleté and inner surface of the arms);
  • after the age of 40 (sagging becomes noticeable and the skin requires mandatory care).


Probably each of us at least once wanted to change something in our appearance. With age, such thoughts come more often; questions become relevant: how to restore elasticity to the skin of the face, how to tighten sagging skin on the neck, or how to improve the tone of the skin on the chin. There are many products known in modern cosmetology, the results of which are very impressive. However, there are both indications and contraindications for any method, so only an experienced specialist can choose the optimal means of restoring the elasticity of the skin on the face and neck in each specific case.

Signs of sagging skin

Flabbiness of the skin of the body is manifested by the following signs:

  • decreased skin tone and moisture;
  • reduction of fat reserves under the dermis;
  • decreased turgor and muscle activity of the skin;
  • the appearance of fine wrinkles with gradual visibility of the vascular network;
  • sagging of the epidermis;
  • pore expansion;
  • paleness and pigmentation of the skin;
  • thinning and swelling of the dermis.

When the skin sagging, the chin loses its clear lines, causing the cheeks to droop. Wrinkles are visualized on the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the mouth and near the outer corner of the eyes.


If you have loose skin on your face, what should you do? Consult a cosmetologist to choose the optimal correction method. Hardware methods, injections of drugs with different properties, thread lifting procedures (non-surgical tightening), chemical peelings and various skincare procedures can improve the elasticity of the skin of the face and neck. As a rule, injections are used in combination with hardware techniques for the most optimal and long-lasting effect.

Hardware rejuvenation technologies at GMTClinic

Thermage. A technology in which radio waves from the ThermaCool CPT device specifically heat the deep layers of the skin to a temperature of 60°C, stimulating neocollagenesis (the formation of new collagen fibers). This gives a noticeable rejuvenating effect and tightens the skin.

Ulthera System against sagging facial skin and developing jowls. This is an ultrasonic lifting, in which ultrasound, using three sensors, penetrates to a depth of 4.5 mm and reaches the SMAS (muscular aponeurotic layer). The result is visible almost immediately, while the lifting effect increases over 3-4 months (as new collagen is produced). The effect of the procedure lasts approximately 18 months or more, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient.

Sciton (laser technologies). Depending on the device module, several methods are used:

  • BBL. A photorejuvenation procedure aimed at improving skin quality. Warming the dermis with high-intensity BBL light leads to an immediate lifting effect. The procedure not only affects the appearance and elasticity of the skin, but also slows down the aging process.
  • SkinTyte. Skin thermolifting is a technique in which infrared light acts on the collagen of the dermis, deeply heating the skin. Due to this, it quickly tightens, smoothes, and produces its own collagen, which prevents it from sagging.
  • Halo. Rejuvenation technique with a hybrid fractional laser: a quick and lasting effect, the relief is evened out and the tone of the skin increases, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

Lumenis M22. IPL technology (photorejuvenation) for the correction of wrinkles, including deep ones, and the elimination of skin defects. Can be used on the face, hands and other parts of the body.

DermablateMCL-31. A technique that eliminates scars, post-acne, wrinkles, and sagging skin using a sixth generation erbium laser.

FraxelDual. Fractional laser “works” in the deep layers of the epidermis and restores the skin, eliminating blemishes.

MultiPulse CO2. Fractional peeling, in which the laser acts on both the epidermis and the upper layer of the dermis. The skin quickly tightens and rejuvenates, acquires smoothness and a healthy appearance.

Infini. Skin rejuvenation and tightening using fractional needle RF lifting.

Thread lifting - how to tighten sagging skin on the neck and face

Thread lifting is successfully used as a separate method of skin tightening and rejuvenation, however, with pronounced age-related changes and deep wrinkles, it is worth combining it with hardware and skincare procedures. Implantation of threads into the skin is performed for effective non-surgical tightening, while the lifting effect lasts from two to four years, depending on the type of threads and the individual characteristics of the patient. The threads form a strong frame and fix soft tissues, without disturbing the natural facial expressions. The procedure for implanting threads is practically painless, and there is no risk of their rejection by the body. The procedure helps with sagging skin of various parts of the body, helps smooth out wrinkles and correct the shape of the face.

GMTClinic for comprehensive problem solving

GMTClinic also uses anti-aging injection techniques, chemical peels and various skin care treatments to restore skin elasticity on the face and neck. Biorevitalization, bioreparation, plasmolifting, bioreinforcement with fillers, botulinum therapy, thread lifting, etc. are used in combination with hardware techniques for the most optimal and long-lasting effect.

Benefits of using Sculptra

Sculptra is a French drug based on artificially synthesized polylactic acid. Manufactured by Sanofi Aventis in powder form in a sterile bottle.

The corrective drug Sculptra is characterized by the following advantages:

  • excellent biocompatibility with the body;
  • long-term presence in tissues;
  • filling the intercellular space in the area of ​​wrinkles and folds;
  • replenishment of lost volume in the injection area;
  • activation of the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

Compared to other fillers, Sculptra does not cause facial asymmetry.

Reasons for decreased skin turgor

It is important to know that the most important thing is to prevent sagging skin on your face or neck. Solving this problem is more difficult than preventing it. Therefore, timely procedures aimed at lifting the skin will help prevent sagging skin and keep it youthful longer.

To understand the reasons for the appearance of sagging skin, it is necessary to analyze in more detail the processes occurring in the various layers of the epidermis. Fibroblasts are responsible for the level of firmness and elasticity of the dermis - cells, the number of which directly depends on the level of the hormone estrogen. Fibroblasts participate in the process of synthesis of collagen and elastin - proteins that form the natural framework of the skin.

Fibroblasts also influence the process of producing hyaluronic acid, a unique substance, one molecule of which is capable of attracting and holding up to 10 molecules of water in the intercellular space. Every day, the body loses up to half a liter of fluid through the pores of the skin. The optimal amount of hyaluronic acid ensures skin hydration from the inside. Excessive loss of moisture leads to excessive dryness of the skin, and, as a result, to a decrease in overall turgor. Thus, the main reasons for loss of elasticity include:

  • excessive insolation
  • hormonal disbalance
  • dehydration of the skin caused by prolonged exposure to dry air (for example, in a constantly air-conditioned room)
  • stress
  • unfavorable environmental situation
  • presence of bad habits
  • age-related changes in the body

The human body is a complex mechanism, the coordinated work of all organs and systems of which ensures normal well-being. Any disruption of internal processes, provoked by external influences or diseases, is immediately reflected in the appearance.

Contraindications to the procedure

Body correction with Sculptra is not carried out if there are several contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammation and wounds at the injection site;
  • individual intolerance to filler components;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin inflammation;
  • neoplasms;
  • tendency to keloid scarring.

To avoid negative consequences of the procedure, it is recommended to inform the doctor in advance about contraindications.

Skin, hair and nails

Even before the onset of menopause, the body begins to experience a deficiency of estrogen, which does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The skin is the first to come under attack, since estrogens regulate many processes:

Estrogens are normalEstrogen deficiency
Responsible for the density and elasticity of the skin.Loss of skin elasticity, many wrinkles, loss of facial contours.
Helps skin cells renew themselves.The skin ages quickly and loses its tone.
Helps skin retain moisture and stay hydrated.Dry skin, “gray”, tired appearance, tendency to irritation.

Hair and nails suffer no less from a lack of hormones. How it works

Estrogens are normalEstrogen deficiency
Ensures hair growth and cell renewal of hair follicles.Hair growth slows down, hair becomes thin and loses volume.
They regulate sufficient blood supply to the skin, which means excellent nutrition of the hair follicles.Hair loss increases and split ends appear. Hair looks dull and loses its natural shine.
Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and oiliness of the scalp.The scalp becomes drier and dandruff may appear.
They regulate the blood supply to the nail bed and are responsible for the nutrition and growth of the nail plate.Nails become brittle, grow worse, cracks, chips appear, loss of elasticity of the nail plate and cuticle, ribbing of the nails, and susceptibility to fungus.


All these changes are exacerbated by hormonal imbalances. For example, the condition of hair is affected not only by a deficiency of female hormones, but also by an excess of male hormones (androgens). It is because of this that women in menopause may experience bald spots (male pattern baldness), which is not easy to correct later.

It may seem that changes in appearance are irreversible, because the natural hormonal “cocktail” in the body is already different. In fact, skin, hair and nail problems can be prevented and even completely eliminated.

You should not wait for real problems with hair loss and skin aging, because preventing changes is much easier than correcting what has already happened.

The condition of the skin, hair, and nails can deteriorate even at a young age under the influence of external factors (solar ultraviolet radiation, poor quality water, household chemicals) or during certain periods of life (pregnancy, postpartum period), but after 40 years they can be very severely affected. for disrupted hormonal levels.

Saturating the skin with beneficial substances using creams, injections and procedures, “tightening” the skin can bring good results, but it will be short-lived if the internal problem (hormonal imbalance) remains unresolved. The problem needs to be addressed in a comprehensive manner: both from the inside and the outside. Then the appearance, like a mirror, will reflect the impeccable internal state of the body, and the effect of this approach will delight you for decades.

It is the correct ratio of estrogens, testosterone and other hormones that ensures youthful skin, firmness, elasticity and the absence of wrinkles.

How to improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails?

Skin, hair, nails

  • Dietary supplements based on collagen, peptides, lipids, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, biotin, calcium and other beneficial substances are prescribed orally in
    courses, depending on the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Changing your diet. A diet rich in vitamins and microelements, also balanced in the amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and calories.


  • Active cosmetics and medications based on glycolic and retinoic acid to stimulate cellular metabolism and the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin.
  • Cosmetic procedures using hyaluronic acid preparations to correct facial contours.
  • Introduction of placental preparations with a high content of mucopolysaccharides, minerals, nucleic and organic acids, which are easily absorbed by the skin and have a rejuvenating effect (Laennec, Melsmon).
  • It is mandatory to use sunscreens with broad spectrum UVA/UVB filters with zinc/titanium oxides (SPF at least 30).


  • Special products and methods to strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss.
  • Physiotherapy to stimulate hair growth.
  • Mesotherapy and other cosmetic procedures to improve hair growth and quality.


  • Strengthening treatments for nails.
  • Prevention and treatment of fungal nail diseases.

TN-Clinic doctors first identify hidden problems in the body, the levels of various hormones, and only then prescribe correction, select the necessary microelements, and make changes to the diet. This is the secret to the success of this therapy.

How is the procedure performed?

Before carrying out the manipulation, it is necessary to stop using anticoagulant drugs, as well as laser procedures, chemical and mechanical peels.

Injection rejuvenation is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • preliminary consultation with a dermatocosmetologist;
  • make-up remover and antiseptic treatment of the skin;
  • local anesthesia of the dermis;
  • injection of the drug under the skin (linearly Sculptra is applied to the area of ​​folds and deep wrinkles, the fan injection technique is used to eliminate crow's feet on the skin);
  • light massage of the corrected area;
  • antiseptic skin treatment;
  • applying a moisturizing and regenerating mask.

The duration of the procedure does not exceed 30-45 minutes. To obtain the maximum rejuvenation effect, you will need to undergo 3 sessions with an interval of 4-6 weeks.

2.How do tightening face masks work?

The principle of operation of lifting masks is that their active components act on the top layer of the skin and cause increased blood circulation, due to which useful substances - vitamins and microelements - reach the surface of the skin through the capillaries, and the cells are filled with oxygen.

This stimulates the production of your own collagen and elastin.

Almost all tightening masks have the property of hardening on the face in the form of a film. In this case, the skin is fixed in a certain position and this gives the effect of instant tightening.

Therefore, it is very important after applying a tightening mask to take a horizontal position so that your face does not “float” down.

After the procedure, the skin fixes this position and within a few hours the face will be elastic and toned.

Before applying the tightening mask, the face must be cleaned of cosmetics and impurities.

Each mask requires a specific application technique, some of them are applied in several stages.

Therefore, it is very important to follow all the rules for their application.

After applying the product, you must take a horizontal position (without a pillow) and relax your face as much as possible.

Under no circumstances should you strain your facial muscles and talk. Turn on some pleasant music and lie quietly for the prescribed amount of time.

If you do not follow the conditions for applying the mask and carrying out the procedure itself, you can achieve the opposite effect and instead of a tightened face you will get creases and wrinkles and a more sagging face.

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