How effective is parsley decoction for weight loss? Recipes

Beneficial properties of parsley

Parsley is very useful for women. Its extracts are actively used by manufacturers in their cosmetic creams and lotions, and representatives of the fair half of humanity lighten and soften their skin with decoction and frozen cubes. If you use it internally, the beauty effect will be no less. The plant has a number of beneficial properties for the body:

  • contains few calories;
  • activates lipid metabolism;
  • rich in vitamins, especially ascorbic and folic acid;
  • reduces blood sugar concentration;
  • contains many minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, etc.);
  • has diuretic properties.

Another remarkable property of the plant is its spicy aroma and taste. It will improve any dish, make it attractive and appetizing.

Why is it useful?

In addition to the fact that parsley promotes active weight loss, it has beneficial properties related to the overall health of the body:

  • heals wounds;
  • relieves pain and inflammation due to cystitis;
  • prescribed for inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • relieves hangover;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • freshens breath due to the abundance of chlorophyll;
  • increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestines, uterus, bladder;
  • relieves attacks of nausea;
  • preserves vision;
  • increases bile secretion, which makes it possible to use it for the treatment of dyskinesias (all types) of the gallbladder;
  • strengthens gums;
  • improves the condition of atherosclerosis, strengthening the walls of capillaries;
  • reduces sweating.

In the 19th century, it was used to produce a complex-action medicine that was prescribed for malaria, neuralgia and dysmenorrhea.

Through the pages of history. According to ancient Greek mythology, the first shoots of parsley grew from the blood of Archaemorus, a hero who died in a battle with a dragon. This explained the beneficial effect of the plant on the circulatory system and blood vessels.

So, by including this plant in your diet, you can count on medicinal properties. They are due to their rich chemical composition. Thus, the leaves contain more vitamins and other useful substances than many fruits and vegetables:

  • ascorbic acid (its content is not inferior to citrus fruits), carotene (as much as in carrots), thiamine, pectin, riboflavin, retinol, nicotinic acid;
  • iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectin substances;
  • phytoncides;
  • fatty acid.

On a note. 2 tbsp. l. Greens contain 153% of the daily value of vitamin K.

How parsley helps you lose weight

This plant has a positive effect on the body in several directions at once, helping to lose extra pounds:

  • The decoction dulls the feeling of hunger, especially if consumed between meals.
  • Parsley is a fairly strong diuretic. It removes excess fluid from the body, eliminates swelling, thereby reducing weight.
  • Stabilizes the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland. Malfunctions of these organs are often to blame for excess weight.
  • Like any herbs and spices, it promotes active digestion and makes the intestines work better.
  • Fresh leaves act as a mild laxative. Therefore, cleansing from toxins and various toxins is guaranteed if the aromatic herb is permanently included in the diet.
  • Regulates fat metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels.
  • A high dosage of vitamin C strengthens the immune system.
  • It is also important that dishes with this plant and its infusions improve appearance, thereby increasing mood and self-confidence. And this is so important when fighting excess body weight.

There is no part of this green plant that would not be used for body shaping.

Important! In the seeds and rhizomes of parsley, the concentration of essential oils and other substances is much greater than in the leaves. Therefore, they should be consumed in small quantities or begin weight loss with the help of the herbaceous part.

Greens are good fresh, frozen or dried. Parsley root and its leaves are often added to dishes, especially salads and smoothies. Only infusions and tea are prepared from the seeds. Green leaves will be a useful addition to vitamin cocktails made from vegetables and fruits. If it is not possible to prepare delicious dishes and you need quick results, then decoctions of the plant will come to the rescue.

To make the result noticeable, you can’t do it with just herbs. You need to move more actively, reconsider your diet, eliminate harmful foods, and adhere to a low-calorie diet.

Decoction for weight loss

This method for losing weight is the most affordable. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction, and the benefits for the body are invaluable.

You will need:

  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 1 liter of water.

The greens must be thoroughly washed to remove all harmful substances from the leaves.

Finely chop the parsley and add boiling water. Boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Let cool, strain and drink when you feel hungry. This decoction can reduce the feeling of hunger for several hours. Any unused solution should be stored in the refrigerator.

See also

How to fight aphids on parsley on the windowsill and garden beds, and how to treat themRead

How to brew parsley for weight loss

For brewing, the leaves of the plant are often used, sometimes the seeds. During the warm season, it is better to use decoctions and infusions of fresh herbs, because they are available in abundance. For the winter, it is worth drying the stems with leaves to pamper yourself with natural, tasty and healthy tea. The second option is to stock up on the crushed product in the freezer. Storage at low temperatures will protect against loss of nutrients.

Parsley decoction

This is the simplest way to use it, one of my grandmother’s ancient recipes. It is enough to cut fresh herbs, mash them a little with a mortar so that the juice begins to release, and pour boiling water over them. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, then strain and cool. Proportions: for every glass of water, 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs. Drink 100 ml of parsley decoction throughout the day as soon as you feel hungry. Treatment course – 2 weeks.

Parsley infusion

Prepared in a similar way. 2 teaspoons of chopped leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, but not boiled, but infused. After 10 minutes, filter the parsley infusion. You can add lemon juice.

The duration of taking this remedy is 1 month. The infusion should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Prepare a tincture using also parsley seeds at the rate of half a teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Drink the liquid, dividing it into two doses.

Parsley tea

This is an option for the winter fight against unwanted kilograms. For tea you need dried herbs. It has a calming effect, which is especially important at the end of the working day.

Simply brew 1 tablespoon of dry herb in a cup with boiling water and wait 15 minutes. The aromatic parsley tea is ready and can be consumed up to 2 cups per day. In a month, both the waist and the nervous system will be normal.

Parsley for weight loss

The beneficial properties of parsley are used to reduce body weight. This is explained by the product’s ability to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Thanks to the inulin content, it is possible to improve metabolism. The herb strengthens blood vessels, gives strength and energy, and strengthens the immune system. Greens stimulate digestive enzymes, causing a feeling of fullness, which suppresses appetite. All of these qualities play a fundamental role in stabilizing weight.

Parsley in any form is included in the diet. It is used for preparing first courses, salads, and snacks. Thanks to the minimum calorie content, it is possible to obtain nutritious, easily digestible food. The herb activates fat metabolism in tissues. When undergoing a comprehensive program that includes proper diet and physical activity, it helps burn stored reserves.

Experts recommend parsley not only as an ingredient for enriching the body with vitamins. Greens are carefully introduced into many dishes in order to obtain a fat-burning effect.

Fat burning cocktail

The cooking process takes no more than 5 minutes. Its essence is to grind the following ingredients with a blender.

Parsley40 g
Ginger powder1 tsp.
Lemon1 PC.
Cucumber1 PC.

All components are thoroughly rinsed under running water. The tails of the cucumber need to be cut off; the skin is removed only if it is bitter or very hard. Thick stems are cut from parsley sprigs (thinner ones can be left). Squeeze the juice from the lemon, pass it through a sieve if necessary (to remove seeds). An alternative way to use lemon is to remove the skin, bones and membranes and then add all the pulp to the blender. To lighten the taste, it is recommended to add purified water (100-150 ml) to the blender bowl.

To stimulate metabolic processes, you need to drink this cocktail in the morning for 1-2 weeks. You can alternately drink several drinks that provide a similar effect.


The process of making a smoothie begins with washing and cleaning the ingredients.

Parsley40 g
Celery2 stems
Carrot1 PC.
Green bean50 g

Place the prepared ingredients in a blender bowl and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Parsley provides a diuretic effect. This helps eliminate swelling and get rid of excess fluid in the body. Water retention is a symptom of obesity. Therefore, establishing water balance is a priority task.

During the first two weeks of losing weight, the body intensively gets rid of excess fluid. To start the process, stimulants are needed in the form of products that provoke cleansing.

Parsley decoction

Parsley decoction also helps in weight loss. The mechanism of action of the product is based on removing excess fluid from the body and restoring metabolic functions.

The cooking process begins with chopping a small bunch of greens with a knife. Next, pound the parsley in a mortar until it releases juice. Add a glass of boiling water to 2 teaspoons of the resulting mass. The mixture is put on fire, after the start of boiling it is boiled for 15 minutes. Direct boiling can be replaced by heating in a water bath (for 30 minutes).

The broth is cooled and filtered through a sieve. It is recommended to take it in moments of feeling unbearable hunger, when appetite becomes obsessive. Single dose – 100-125 ml. The product relieves the condition for 2 hours or more. This allows you to give up constant snacking.

You need to take the decoction in a course. To lose weight, 2 weeks are enough. You can use the product once on the days of unloading.

Reference! A decoction made from parsley has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, which helps regulate intestinal function.

How to take correctly

Negative reviews about the insufficient effect of herbs on excess weight are often associated with the fact that they are taken incorrectly. Here are the main recommendations:

  1. You need to use parsley products regularly, without breaks or omissions.
  2. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks, usually it lasts a month. After such a time, the result is noticeable.
  3. Infusions should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach and between meals in 100 ml portions.
  4. Vitamin cocktails can be drunk at night, infusions - during the day or in the morning, otherwise, due to their diuretic properties, you will not be able to sleep.
  5. Once a week, no more often, you should have a fasting day and eat only crushed plant roots mixed with vegetable oil.

A little fresh herbs can be added to any dish throughout the day. It’s even better to create a menu for the week in advance. A fragrant sprig would not be out of place even in an ordinary sandwich. And a smoothie in the morning with her participation will add strength and vigor.

Mechanism of weight loss

Parsley is primarily used as a diuretic. It removes salts and excess fluid from the body, eliminating swelling.

It contains coarse fibers, which perfectly cleanse the intestines of the “garbage” that has accumulated there, which also promotes weight loss. However, with regular use in large quantities, expect a slight laxative effect. Fiber also normalizes digestion, which plays an important role in the body's metabolic processes.

Thanks to the acceleration of metabolism, weight loss with the help of parsley occurs at a faster pace. So, if you want to improve the effectiveness of your diet, include its leaves or roots in your diet.

Calorie content of greens is 47 kcal, roots - 51 kcal. The glycemic index of greens is 5, the root is 10. These indicators allow you to fearlessly include parsley in various diets: it is low in calories and will not contribute to the deposition of fat reserves.

There are discrepancies about its effect on appetite. Some sources claim that it suppresses it, while others claim that it stimulates it. It sounds paradoxical, but both of these statements are true. Thanks to fiber, it promotes long-term satiety and allows you to refrain from unnecessary snacking. At the same time, it normalizes the functions of the thyroid gland and adrenal cortex, thereby increasing the synthesis of the hunger hormone - ghrelin, which actively manifests itself under diet conditions. Compliance with the daily intake allows you to avoid problems with appetite stimulation.

Athletes must be careful. On the one hand, its consumption before training will reduce sweating, which will ensure the comfort of the workout. On the other hand, everyone knows that sweat removes all harmful substances from the body.

Some sources attribute fat-burning properties to this plant, but there is no scientific evidence for this. Adipocytes will be broken down, but this process is a consequence of the acceleration of metabolism.

You can also use the seeds and roots as a means of losing weight. The latter contains apigenin (has a calming effect, helps cope with compulsive overeating and insomnia) and mucus (improves digestion).

About the origin of the name. The word "parsley" is of Latin origin: "petroselinum" means "growing on stones." This indicates the unpretentiousness of the plant.


This plant, although familiar to many, has a number of contraindications in large dosages. It should not be taken:

  • in the presence of acute diseases;
  • pregnant women, so as not to provoke an abortion;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • for diseases of the genitourinary system, especially stones due to their pronounced diuretic effect.

Those who do not have the listed diseases should be attentive to their well-being during a weight loss course, starting with minimal dosages.


The biggest “plus” of greens is that they can be combined with almost all foods. In any dish it will have a positive effect on the body and weight. For example, you can make “green” butter. To do this, just beat the softened butter in a blender with leaves. It will become so fragrant.

Important! To enhance the fight against excess weight, it is better to combine it with foods containing little fat. Mix chopped greens well with low-fat cottage cheese or oatmeal.

It will be a great addition to smoothies made from various fruits, especially kiwi with a pinch of cinnamon for a zesty taste. Parsley should be included in all freshly squeezed vegetable juices. And to quench your thirst, this emerald plant can be mixed with mineral water in a blender, you will get a refreshing drink of a soft green color.

Kefir with parsley

Greens do not go as well with milk as they do with fermented milk products. These two simple ingredients make a delicious mixture that perfectly satisfies hunger.

  • chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • low-fat kefir – 300 ml.

Kefir with parsley is ideal for summer: it refreshes and reduces weight. You can add another tablespoon of chopped celery or cucumber, and use plain yogurt instead of kefir.

Lemon and parsley

This acidified decoction has a pleasant taste. You can add a teaspoon of honey to it; it is allowed in small quantities for those who are losing weight.

  • 50 g fresh parsley;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • half a lemon (for juice).

Boil the greens in water for about 10 minutes, strain. Cool until warm and mix with lemon juice. You cannot add it to boiling water; this will kill the vitamin C contained in lemon. It is enough to drink a few sips between meals or when thirsty.

Important! After 10 days of such therapy, you should take a break. Lemon and parsley are an excellent tonic duo, rich in ascorbic acid.

Cucumber, lemon, ginger, parsley

This vitamin cocktail will speed up your metabolism and help you quickly lose weight. It is best to use it before bed.

  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • parsley - a few fresh sprigs;
  • ginger – 1 teaspoon of grated fresh root or dry powder;
  • water (boiled or mineral) – 100 ml.

All these components are easy to mix until smooth in a blender. This green mixture cannot be stored.

Dill with parsley

You can combine fresh herbs in any recipe. It is better to make tea from dried herbs. To do this, pour 1 tbsp into the teapot. spoons of dried dill and parsley, pour boiling water over them. After 10-15 minutes, you can drink this decoction instead of the usual black tea. It is not recommended to consume more than 1.5 liters per day. After all, in dried plants the concentration of active substances is high. This mixture has strong diuretic properties.

Smoothie Recipes

Multi-ingredient parsley-based smoothies reduce cravings for sweets. To prepare a tasty and refreshing drink you will need :

  • one apple;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 stalk of celery;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 lemon;
  • a bunch of fresh mint, parsley, dill;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Peel the apple, cucumber, lemon and orange, chop the celery, finely chop the greens and place in a blender bowl. The resulting mass is diluted with water and drunk in a glass throughout the day.

With cucumber and pineapple

Beat a large bunch of parsley, 200 g of pineapple pulp and 1 cucumber in a blender and add 1 liter of water. The drink is drunk during the day, 100-200 ml.

With cucumber

Place parsley root and a large bunch of herbs, one apple and 1 cucumber in a blender bowl, beat until smooth and add 1 liter of water. If desired, you can add a pinch of turmeric or cinnamon. Drink 200 ml of the drink throughout the day.

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