Effective mono-diet for 10 days


There are quite a lot of various techniques for losing weight, reducing volume and eliminating puffiness. The so-called mono-diets are very popular and deservedly trusted, since they really provide good results and help you lose excess weight in a short time. Today we will look in more detail at the mono-diet for 10 days.

We will find out how to properly adhere to this diet, what exactly are its basic advantages, and whether there are any disadvantages and contraindications. In addition, we will provide several menu options so that later you can safely try this method of losing weight. We will outline all the key rules and recommendations of experienced nutritionists.

The essence of a mono-diet

First of all, it is necessary to understand what the essence of this nutritional method is, what its distinctive features are. Here are the significant points:

  1. A mono-diet for weight loss for 10 days will help very well if there is a need for accelerated figure correction.
  2. When there are serious problems with excess weight, excessive volumes, it is advisable to select a different nutrition system. With a mono-diet, it is difficult to guarantee sustainable weight and volume loss.
  3. The basic principle of mono diets is the consumption of one main product for a long time.
  4. Fasting days and mono-diets are often confused. We can note that fasting involves a one-day change in diet, but the mono diet is aimed at longer periods.
  5. Often people prefer to choose a regime in which the diet is based on a single product. Be extremely careful: you must adhere to the time frame so as not to harm the body.
  6. Specialists and experienced nutritionists write that you cannot create a menu with one basic product for a period exceeding 3 days. This is the maximum period after which it is necessary to change the main product.
  7. When a mono-diet lasts a long time, the basic products are changed. This happens every two to three days. Let’s say a person makes a kefir menu for two days, then changes kefir to apples, and then apples to buckwheat.
  8. It is allowed to supplement the base product with other foods, but only in strictly limited quantities. So, a diet of fresh fruit is supplemented with a slice of rye bread.
  9. Obviously, with a menu with additions, the mono-diet will no longer be classic. However, it is precisely this principle of nutrition that presupposes the most balanced menu, which will have a positive effect on metabolic processes, digestion and the functioning of internal organs.
  10. The results of using the technique may vary. Much depends on the initial weight and excess volume. People who lose weight using this method note that they were able to get rid of three to ten kilograms in 10 days.

It is extremely important to take into account the numerous individual characteristics of the body so that the new diet brings only benefits and does not provoke unpleasant side effects. The optimal solution is to consult an experienced nutritionist, as well as your attending physician, and, if necessary, undergo additional examination.

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This comprehensive approach allows you not only to maintain health, but also to achieve better results and a prolonged effect when losing weight.

Types of mono-diets

  1. Dairy mono-diets involve drinking only milk (1 liter per day) or only kefir (1.5 liters per day). Allowed to drink water. These diets are designed for 3-4 days.
  2. Cereal mono-diets allow the consumption of rice or buckwheat without salt and spices (1 glass of raw cereal per day). Water is allowed, you should stop eating 4-6 hours before bedtime. The duration of the diet is 3–4 days.
  3. Fruit mono-diets include, for example, the consumption of watermelon (1 kg per day, 3–4 days) or apples (up to 2 kg per day, 6–7 days).
  4. Mono-diet complexes are usually designed for 7–9 days. They regulate foods, each of which must be eaten from one to three days in a row. Such diets include the summer mono-diet (apples, chicken, vegetables, zucchini, milk, oatmeal, watermelon), the winter mono-diet (potatoes, carrots, kefir, vegetable soup, meat, apple juice, oatmeal), the mono-diet of Margarita Koroleva (three days of rice, three days chicken, three days vegetables), color diet (one day - foods of the same color).
  5. Extreme types of mono-diets include juice and chocolate mono-diets.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any unusual nutritional method has its disadvantages and advantages. Let's start with the positive properties. Availability is of great importance: you do not have to increase financial investments or purchase expensive or scarce products. The diet is simple: you don’t need to prepare unusual dishes, spend a lot of time on it, or create a complex schedule or daily routine.

A huge advantage is the complex effect on the body, cleansing. In the process of implementing this technique, toxins, toxic compounds, and numerous harmful substances are removed from the body.

Of course, weight loss itself is of significant importance here, because this is precisely why people switch to such an unusual diet. Indeed, the weight comes off quite quickly. There is a decrease in swelling and elimination of excess volumes. The figure becomes sculpted and toned.


It is customary to highlight quite a lot of disadvantages of mono-diets for losing weight for 10 days. Unfortunately, this effective technique also has its opponents. And here are the risk factors they indicate:

  • Sleep disorders;
  • Lethargy;
  • Decreased overall level of performance;
  • Weakness, loss of strength even after habitual, minor exertion;
  • Deficiency of substances valuable to the body;
  • Negative emotional background;
  • Lack of prolonged effect, which makes it much more difficult to maintain the achieved result;
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stomach upsets;
  • Failure in the balance of intestinal microflora;
  • Depressant effect on the cardiovascular system.

Ardent opponents of this nutritional system claim that because of it the entire body is under attack, health is in serious danger: there is a lack of oxygen and glucose, the kidneys work with great difficulty and do not have time to eliminate the accumulated waste products, and the nervous system is depressed... In fact , everything completely depends on the regime, your nutrition schedule and a well-designed menu. Of course, if you eat just one product, for example, cottage cheese, for all ten days, this will definitely have a negative impact on the body. But here the approach is completely different.

Our 10-day mono-diet for weight loss is really useful, effective, and completely safe for the body.

It is necessary to alternate basic products, use supplements, and carefully monitor the level of vitamins, valuable substances, and minerals. Then you will only restore the functioning of the body, all internal organs, improve metabolic processes and speed up metabolism, strengthen your health.

The effectiveness of a mono-diet, pros and cons

The effectiveness of the mono-diet has been proven by the experience of many people. Strict adherence to the rules allows you to lose up to three kilograms of subcutaneous fat.

The undoubted advantages of this approach are the speed and short duration of the diet itself. In addition, consuming the same product gives a significant respite to the gastrointestinal tract due to the fact that only one enzyme is produced during digestion.

Extra pounds are lost due to the fact that the body suddenly stops receiving the usual amount of food. In addition, the 3 by 3 mono-diet involves eating only one product, and it does not always contain all the elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In this regard, it is strictly not recommended to exceed the diet limits.

To ensure that the diet does not cause too much harm to the body and does not cause serious side effects, it is recommended to drink a lot of drinking water daily (up to two liters), eat food in small portions (no more than 200 grams), but often - up to 5 times a day.


Remember all the basic recommendations of nutritionists so that the new diet is easier for you, does not cause resistance and does not depress the nervous system. Follow all the rules, consult with your doctor or nutritionist. Then you are guaranteed a decent result:

  1. Start with the right choice of basic products. Since our mono-diet is designed for 10 days, there will be at least four of them. And each of them should be loved by you and evoke positive emotions. In this case, it will be much easier to adapt to a new diet.
  2. Assess your capabilities right away. The diet will consist of several stages, but the total duration is quite long - ten days.
  3. Pay attention to all restrictions and shortcomings. You might want to try a less restrictive regimen first to let your body adapt.
  4. It is important to immediately determine the acceptable amount of food consumed for one day. For example, this could be a kilogram of apples. They can already be cleaned, cut, baked, and distributed into portions.
  5. Be sure to carefully follow the drinking regime. Remember that it is recommended to drink about two liters of purified water throughout the day. It can be mineral, but only without carbonation.
  6. Try to make your lifestyle more active. Exercise moderately, go for walks, and spend more time in the fresh air.
  7. If you feel worse, you should immediately consult a doctor and return to your normal diet.

Be sure to read: How does the hormone insulin affect weight loss?

When all the rules are followed, it is quite acceptable to practice such mono-diets for 10 days regularly, for example, once every three months. This will allow you to always stay in great shape.

Optimal time

In various articles and recommendations from nutritionists, you can read that the best period for a mono-diet is three days. It is noted that during unloading the nutritional principle is different, but if the specified period is exceeded, side effects may develop and malaise may occur.

A mono-diet for 10 days must necessarily consist of several blocks. We change the base product at least once every three days. Ultimately, this nutrition system is a single cycle of several small mono-diets. And it is completely safe, even healthy.

In addition, we recommend abandoning the classic option. It is best to use a small amount of additional products. This will significantly improve not only your mood, but also the general condition of the body, allowing you to speed up your metabolism and restore normal metabolic processes at the same time.


Let's look at a specific menu to make it easier for you to go on a mono-diet for 10 days. It is believed that it is best to select about eight products as base ones. Moreover, each of them must be dietary. For example, these could be light vegetables that do not contain starch, low-fat fermented milk drinks, cereals, and lean meats. Here is one of the most popular diet options:

  1. Day 1. Boiled lean fish. You can steam it or bake it in the oven.
  2. Day 2. Boiled chicken, beef. Only white chicken is allowed, as the legs are too fatty.
  3. Day 3. Low-fat cottage cheese. There is no need to buy low-fat, because it contains very few nutrients.
  4. Day 4. Boiled eggs. Choose fresh chicken eggs. It is advisable that they are no more than three days old, since such eggs contain many valuable microelements.
  5. Day 5: Baked Potatoes.
  6. Day 6. Fresh vegetables. In this case, potatoes should be excluded.
  7. Day 7. Boiled chicken breast.
  8. Day 8. Fresh fruit, except grapes and bananas.
  9. Day 9. Low-fat kefir.
  10. Day 10. Fruits and vegetables, green tea.

Be sure to read: Weight loss according to your body type - nutrition programs and the best diets

Light vegetable and fruit salads should be used as additional products. You can also diversify the menu with porridge for two or three days.

Five in one

Another good option is to alternate five small diets combined into one for 10 days. Allow a couple of days for each:

  1. For the first two days, eat low-fat cottage cheese, supplement it with two glasses of kefir a day.
  2. Then move on to vegetables. You can choose tomatoes as the base, and complement them with cucumbers and fresh herbs.
  3. Devote the next two days to lean fish. It is boiled and baked in the oven. You can supplement with apples as a snack twice a day.
  4. Cook lean meats, such as beef or white chicken, for a couple more days. Pair with broccoli.
  5. Dedicate the final two days to porridge. It is best to diversify them with fresh berries and green apples.

Be sure to remember to follow the drinking regime.

Mono-diet for 10 days

  • 1 day – eggs;
  • 2 – boiled chicken fillet;
  • 3 – low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 4 – steamed fish;
  • 5 – fresh vegetables, salads, with the addition of lemon juice dressing;
  • 6 – soft, low-fat cheese;
  • 7 – fruit menu: fresh fruits, salads with lemon juice, smoothies, fresh juices;
  • 8 – boiled beef pulp;
  • 9 – kefir with a low fat content;
  • 10 – only rosehip decoction.

We outlined the mono-diet by day. Now we’ll tell you how to use it, using the example of the first day. The main products are eggs. This means that in the morning you are only allowed to eat this product boiled or cooked like an omelette without adding oil. You can eat no more than 3 chicken eggs per day. This means one for breakfast, the second for lunch, and the third for dinner. Meat day suggests that no more than 100-120 g of boiled product should be consumed at each meal. The daily amount of cottage cheese or cottage cheese is calculated using the same principle. Kefir, vegetables and fruits can be consumed as much as you want, but within reasonable limits.

A mono-diet for 10 days imposes many prohibitions regarding food, but you cannot limit the body in drinking. You should drink only clean water in the recommended amount - two liters. You should drink regularly and in small doses, avoiding thirst. By the way, this way you can reduce the feeling of hunger. After all, the human body very often gives a signal that it wants to eat, when in fact it may just be thirst.

Getting off the diet correctly

A competent way out of such an unusual regime is also of great importance. You need to try to maintain discipline, because this is the only way to compensate for all the existing disadvantages of the diet, as well as to achieve a prolonged result of the diet. A good solution is to stick to a pre-designed menu and regimen for at least two weeks after the mono-diet. Thus, fractional meals, a drinking regimen, as well as exercise and frequent walking are recommended.

Expanding your diet should be thoughtful. Here are the most important points:

  1. Avoid frying in oil.
  2. Completely exclude sweets, confectionery and alcoholic drinks, as well as fast food and all kinds of semi-finished products.
  3. Make basic low-calorie dishes with minimal fat content.
  4. Gradually include in the menu exactly those foods that you had to give up during the diet. For example, if a carbohydrate product has become the base product, begin to gradually increase dishes with a high carbohydrate content in your diet.
  5. Don't drink sparkling water at all. This is harmful and causes weight gain and swelling.

All your actions will be aimed at gradually returning to a perfectly balanced menu. But it is advisable to gradually give up unhealthy foods, smoked and fried foods, and sweets. Proper nutrition helps not only to maintain slimness, but also to prolong youth and improve overall health.

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