Thrifty housewife: 7 pearl barley dishes for the whole family plus secrets of its preparation

Pearl barley is barley peeled from the hulls, essentially its ground and polished core. Thanks to their oval or round shape, and white color with a yellowish tint, the cereal really lives up to its name, which comes from the French perle (“pearl”).

Pearl barley

The barley cooks for a long time – at least 60 minutes, increasing in volume by 3-4 times. For 1 cup (150 g) of barley you will need at least 1 liter of liquid - for crumbly porridge. If you want to get a more viscous barley, reduce the amount of liquid by 300-400 ml.

Pearl barley porridge with milk

Amazing breakfast for children and adults.

You will need:
1 glass of pearl barley, 4 glasses of milk, 0.5 tbsp.
sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. butter. Preparation:

Rinse the pearl barley well and boil in plain water for 10-15 minutes. Drain it in a colander and pour it into hot milk. Salt, add sugar and cook, stirring, for another 15-20 minutes. Let the porridge brew under the lid and add oil at the end.

Recipes for proven dishes with barley

Mushroom soup with turkey and barley

Barley, turkey, which can be replaced with chicken, vegetable broth and frozen porcini mushrooms (fried champignons or oyster mushrooms can be substituted) are the basis of a light but satisfying soup .

Mushroom soup with turkey and barley

Lenten mushroom soup with barley

Lenten mushroom soup with barley is so aromatic and tasty that even those who do not restrict themselves in diet will like it. In addition, it is very filling and thick, which, again, will appeal to many. If you like a thicker version, simply reduce the amount of water or broth.

Lenten mushroom soup with barley

Greek salad with pearl barley

Greek salad is one of my favorite salads. Bright, tasty and easy to prepare. We suggest making it more interesting. Vegetable salad with pearl barley will pleasantly surprise everyone.

Greek salad with pearl barley

Lenten cabbage rolls with mushrooms and pearl barley

Lenten cabbage rolls with mushrooms and pearl barley will appeal not only to those who strictly observe Orthodox traditions or vegetarians, but also to convinced meat eaters. To save money, use only champignons or oyster mushrooms.

Lenten cabbage rolls with mushrooms and pearl barley

Barley stewed in milk

Porridge cooked in a water bath. Tender, creamy, healthy for children and adults.

Barley stewed in milk

Barley with vegetables

This is exactly the case when pearl barley is fried in a dry frying pan and then boiled. You can see the result in the photo. Isn't it delicious?! And here is the recipe . If you want, you can add not only these vegetables to the pearl barley, but also pumpkin, eggplant or zucchini.

Barley with vegetables

Porridge with barley and mushrooms

We recommend taking several types of mushrooms at once.

You will need:
250 g pearl barley, 200 g mushrooms, 200 g carrots, 100 g onions, spices.

Finely chop the mushrooms and onions, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry everything until golden. Boil the pearl barley until tender over low heat, mix with vegetables, season and heat together.

Barley porridge with chicken

This porridge turns out more crumbly. Especially for those who don't like viscosity!

You will need:
1 glass of pearl barley, 350 g of chicken, 2 onions, 2 carrots, spices.

Cut the chicken into medium pieces and fry with chopped onion. Add the carrots cut into strips, continue to fry until they are soft, and season. Place the washed barley for frying, add water 1-1.5 cm above and cook under the lid until done.

How to cook pearl barley porridge in the microwave

Place the cereal in a microwave-safe bowl. Fill with water in the required proportion and make sure that the liquid does not reach the top of the bowl. Cook for 10 minutes on maximum power. Then stir the porridge, add sugar or salt and spices. Continue cooking for another 10–20 minutes, depending on the power of your device.

To make pearl barley porridge with milk in the microwave, also place the cereal in a suitable bowl. Fill with hot liquid so that it does not reach the top. Make sure that the milk does not boil away during the heating process. Do not cover the dish with a lid and cook in the same way as with water.

After cooking, leave the pearl barley porridge in a closed microwave for about 15 minutes.

Find out all the details

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