Raise the temperature: vegetables that are best eaten boiled

In this article we will talk about the effects of boiled vegetables on the figure, their benefits, harms and contraindications, and also share delicious dietary dishes and a sample diet menu exclusively based on boiled vegetables.

Vegetables are the edible part of plants essential to the human diet. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, which help the body function well. Vegetables are very beneficial for skin, hair, nails and figure. They promote weight loss and are low-calorie, so they are ideal for combating those hated kilograms. There is even a diet based on boiled vegetables, which is very common among women.

Benefits and contraindications

One of the disadvantages of such a diet is low calorie content, which can cause weakness, headaches, and a depressed emotional state. It is not recommended to stay on this diet for more than fourteen days, since the body needs fats and carbohydrates, which are practically absent on this diet.

It should also be noted that such weight loss is contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, gastritis and ulcers. And children and teenagers under 16 years of age are strictly prohibited from losing weight in this way.

Pros of the diet:

  • losing several kilograms in a short period of time;
  • normalization of stool and improvement of sleep quality;
  • improving the color and condition of skin and hair.


  • low calorie diet;
  • lack of healthy fats and carbohydrates for the normal functioning of the body;
  • the likelihood that all the lost kilograms will come back;
  • weakness, increased sensitivity and irritability;
  • increased likelihood of disruptions due to strong restrictions;
  • slowing metabolism due to a severe calorie deficit.


It doesn’t really matter whether you cook vegetables in their jackets or already peeled, in any case, some vegetables will affect the taste of other vegetables, there will also be dressing, so the presence of the skins will not affect the taste much. Vegetables in their jackets are often boiled to maintain their shape, even if the housewife did not keep track and the potatoes were overcooked. But in general, it’s better not to overcook vegetables; cook them less, then they won’t fall apart and they will retain more nutrients.

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You can easily cook carrots and potatoes together, I don’t see any obstacles. You'll just get smaller vegetables out of the pan sooner. It is better not to put beets in a pan with other vegetables, but to cook them separately. It will not affect the quality of cooking, but it will definitely color other vegetables.

It is better to put vegetables in hot water, then they will begin to cook immediately, without waiting for the water to heat up. The only thing is that if you cook sprouted carrots, they may be a little bitter (it’s better, of course, not to cook such carrots or at least cut off the green parts and sprouts, but anything can happen). In this case, it is better to put such carrots in cold water - the bitterness will go away.

You should not allow the water to boil strongly. The cooking temperature from high heat under the pan will not rise much. Strongly boiling water is 98-99 degrees, low boiling water is about 95 degrees. At this temperature, vegetables will cook easily. And strong bubbling will only dirty your stove, and the vegetables may fall apart in the pan, and then take in too much water.

The most important tip: don’t be afraid to check the readiness of vegetables. Toothpick, wooden skewer. Do this several times. A small hole, even in every potato, will not harm the taste of vegetables. There may be several of these holes, but you will cook the vegetables exactly the way you need them. They can be soft, they can be al dente - a little crispy.

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What is healthier for weight loss - raw or boiled vegetables?

Despite the fact that it is generally accepted that raw vegetables are healthier than boiled ones, this is not entirely true. Both raw and cooked vegetables can cause harm and benefit. The fact is that heat treatment can increase the availability of one beneficial substance by completely destroying another.


  • Cooked carrots are easier to digest and serve as a natural laxative; beta-carotene contained in carrots is absorbed much better when cooked than raw. Raw carrots contain pectin and polyphenols - antioxidants that will be destroyed by any heat treatment;
  • raw beets contain iron, calcium and magnesium. But beneficial minerals and vitamins from boiled beets are absorbed better than from raw ones. It should be noted that beets are a very strong laxative; they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and remove toxins from the body by cleansing the kidneys and blood.
  • Broccoli is the fruit that contains the highest amount of glucosinolates. It is most useful when steamed. Broccoli is also a dietary product and is often found on weight loss menus.

Are more nutrients always better?

Raw vegetables often contain more nutrients. Therefore, many people think that they are healthier. And sometimes it's true. But the reality is more complex.

The point is not what you eat, but what our body can absorb.

A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on a group of women some following a regular Western diet, others a healthy diet (based on healthy eating guidelines) and a third group following a raw food diet found that more nutrients were not always better.

For example, participants in the raw food group consumed more beta-carotene per day than participants in any other group. But participants in the healthy eating group absorbed most of this essential antioxidant.

When we cook vegetables, some nutrients are lost. But, at the same time, others begin to be absorbed more easily.

Basic principles of this diet

It should be noted that this diet has several variations, but the most common of them is the protein-vegetable diet. Its main principles are listed below.

  1. On a vegetable diet, the consumption of almost all types of vegetables is allowed, with the exception of very starchy ones. But preference should be given to those that contain the least amount of sugar.
  2. Vegetables can be boiled, eaten raw, or stewed. Boiled vegetables are very effective for weight loss, as they contain a low amount of calories and are also beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to introduce more low-calorie vegetable soups, fresh salads, and boiled vegetables into the diet.
  3. It is allowed to consume lean meats, eggs, olive oil, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and milk.
  4. It is necessary to drink as much pure non-carbonated water and herbal teas as possible. Coffee and freshly squeezed juices are also allowed.
  5. You must consume at least a kilogram of boiled and fresh vegetables per day, and the calorie content of your diet should not exceed 1300 kcal.

How to create a diet based on vegetables and water

What about enzymes in raw foods?

Proponents of a raw diet often point out that raw plant foods contain natural enzymes. These enzymes have digestive and other health benefits that are destroyed by heat. And from a certain point of view they are right.

Heating destroys enzymes. But we ourselves produce digestive enzymes, and healthy people have no problems synthesizing the enzymes necessary for digestion. In addition, most plant enzymes are destroyed in the human intestine anyway.

So, although consuming enzymes found in raw fruits and vegetables may provide some digestive benefits, there is little evidence to support that this is the main reason for eating raw foods. Of course, there are other good reasons to include plenty of raw foods in your diet.

The best way to ensure you have enough enzymes to support digestion is to maintain overall digestive health. (To improve your gut health, read this article.)

Sample menu for three days

Below is a sample menu of boiled vegetables for a diet for weight loss.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: two-egg omelet in soy milk with bell peppers and tomatoes, 2 whole grain breads;
  • Snack: vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with sesame seeds, dressed with olive oil;
  • Lunch: stewed chicken breast + boiled beet salad with garlic;
  • Snack: low-fat cottage cheese 150 grams with jam;
  • Dinner: sauté of eggplants, bell peppers and tomatoes + a glass of low-fat fermented baked milk.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: rolled oats boiled in water with honey and fresh berries + freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • Snack: two green apples;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew from zucchini + boiled rice with onions and carrots;
  • Snack: a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: steamed fish + boiled carrots, sprinkled with olive oil.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: two boiled eggs + cucumber and tomato salad;
  • Snack: natural yogurt with nuts and honey;
  • Lunch: boiled potatoes, boiled in their skins + baked chicken breast in a sleeve;
  • Snack: fresh berries: blueberries/strawberries/raspberries/watermelon;
  • Dinner: diet Olivier without mayonnaise with natural yogurt dressing with chicken breast + a mug of natural coffee.

Which vegetable is healthy - fresh or boiled?

In most cases, fresh vegetables are good for the body. Why? The answer is simple: when cooked, vegetables lose a lot of nutrients, in particular vitamin C.

Fresh vegetables contain fewer calories, are a good source of dietary fiber, and are rich in fiber, which helps prevent the development of cancer cells. Broccoli is especially useful in this regard.

Vegetables contain gum and pectin, they dissolve in water, forming a gel-like matrix, and it absorbs bile acids and cholesterol, cleansing the body. Therefore, we can say that there are certain benefits of boiled vegetables for the body.

Dietary dishes from vegetables

Boiled vegetables for weight loss are often recommended for inclusion in the diet, as they have low calorie content and are very healthy. Below are simple and delicious dishes made from cooked vegetables:

  • Stuffed peppers with rice and champignons. Method of preparation: remove the core from the pepper and stuff it with champignons, rice and onions. Cook until done. Can be served with tomato sauce and fresh cilantro;
  • Sweet salad of boiled carrots with garlic, seasoned with low-fat sour cream;
  • Vegetable puree pumpkin soup. To prepare you will need boiled carrots, pumpkin, spices and low-fat cream. Boil all the vegetables until tender, fry the onion in a drop of olive oil and then blend everything in a blender until smooth;
  • Okroshka on low-fat sourdough with chicken breast and herbs.

In conclusion, it should be noted that boiled vegetables for weight loss are very useful.

Despite heat treatment, most vegetables retain vitamins and minerals and do not lose their beneficial properties.

Therefore, losing weight on boiled and raw vegetables is optimal and does not harm the body. And if you use your imagination, you can eat a very varied diet and prepare many suitable dishes.

The article was checked and approved by Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, a practicing family doctor - see the authors of the site

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Boiled vegetable dishes - recipes

If you decide to use boiled vegetables for weight loss, this does not mean that you will have to eat only them all the time. In fact, from such heat-treated products, you can prepare many tasty and healthy dishes that will satisfy your hunger for a long time and promote effective weight loss.

Preparing dishes from boiled vegetables is a simple but fascinating process. They can be combined with each other in different ways, combined with various spices, spices and herbs to get completely unexpected and interesting tastes. The only condition that must be observed by everyone who wants to lose weight is that you should not add too much salt to dishes made from boiled vegetables, but it is better to avoid using it altogether.

The following recipes will help you prepare tasty and healthy dishes that will help you lose weight and burn extra pounds.

"Bon soup"


  • 1.5 l. water;
  • onion;
  • olive oil;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. caraway;
  • 1 tbsp. l. curry;
  • 500 g white cabbage;
  • 300 g tomatoes;
  • 300 g cauliflower;
  • 150 g green onions;
  • 170 g carrots;
  • 170 g celery;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped coriander;
  • 200 g tomato paste;
  • 1 tsp. soy sauce;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 1-2 pods of dried red pepper;
  • ginger;
  • cilantro;
  • parsley.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan and put on fire.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and lightly fry in olive oil.
  3. Add to it 3-4 cloves of fresh garlic, chopped in any way, 1 tablespoon of cumin and the same amount of curry powder.
  4. Simmer the resulting mixture a little, stirring it constantly, then add it to boiling water.
  5. Place there 0.5 kilograms of shredded white cabbage, 300 grams of tomatoes and the same amount of cauliflower, 150 grams of green onions, 170 grams of carrots and the same amount of celery.
  6. You also need to place 1 tablespoon of crushed coriander, 200 grams of tomato paste and 1 teaspoon of soy sauce in the water.
  7. In addition, to enhance the taste, if desired, you can add a couple of bay leaves, 1-2 dried red pepper pods, as well as a little ginger, cilantro and parsley.
  8. After adding all the necessary ingredients, mix the soup thoroughly, wait until the water boils again, and then cover the pan with a lid and cook until done. “Bon soup” is not only very tasty, but also healthy and nutritious.



  • 200 g rice;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • 200 g bell pepper;
  • 150 g canned corn.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse 200 grams of rice thoroughly, place in a saucepan, add enough cold water and place on fire.
  2. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Don't salt the rice!
  4. Cut 1 onion into half rings and place in a deep frying pan.
  5. Add 1 medium-sized carrot, cut into small cubes or grated on a coarse grater.
  6. Fry lightly in a little olive oil.
  7. After this, add 200 grams of bell pepper, cut into small pieces, 150 grams of canned corn and boiled rice to the onions and carrots.
  8. Pour all the ingredients with water, cover the pan with a lid and let the rice and vegetables simmer for at least 20-30 minutes.
  9. The finished rice can be lightly sprinkled with soy sauce and garnished with fresh herbs.

In addition, there are many salad recipes based on boiled vegetables. They are very easy to prepare, satisfy hunger for a long time and are also extremely tasty and healthy.

The benefits of steamed vegetables

If you cook in a steamer, you don't have to worry about losing water from the vegetables—they retain as much of their nutrients as possible. In 2009, a group of researchers found that steaming (in this case broccoli) is a superior method of cooking compared to boiling, sautéing, or microwaving. With this treatment, vitamin C is not destroyed, and the antioxidant content increases. Thus, steamed vegetables are beneficial for the body.

On this topic:

  • What do you know about the benefits of olive oil?
  • How many eggs can you eat per day?
  • Why you shouldn't count calories

Grilled vegetables - benefits and great taste

Good news for those who love to grill their vegetables: keep grilling your veggies! This cooking option does not require adding water, so the mineral content of the vegetables will be preserved. And roasting is a good way to preserve vitamins. It is important to lightly fry foods, because beneficial vitamins and microelements will be lost from the vegetables with the liquid.

How to preserve nutrients in vegetables:

  • Limit your water use;
  • Avoid prolonged boiling;
  • Refrain from reheating food;
  • Do not remove the peel before cooking.

Vegetables are one of the main suppliers of nutrients to the body. And if you cook them correctly, you will get the maximum benefit. Cook differently and have fun!

Photo: bigstock.com

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