Tomatoes for weight loss: benefits and harm. Is it possible to eat tomatoes while losing weight?

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The calorie content of scrambled eggs depends, first of all, on the number of eggs and additional products used as filler. The method of preparation and the amount of oil for frying plays a role.

100 g of raw product contains 155 kilocalories. One egg weighs on average 65-70 g, so one egg contains 110 kcal.

If you cook from one egg using 5 ml of vegetable oil (teaspoon), the nutritional value of the finished dish will be 44 kcal (5 ml of oil for frying) + 110 kcal = 154 kcal.

Based on the above calculation, you can determine the calorie content of fried eggs made from 2 and 3 eggs:

Calorie content of eggs (pcs.)220330
Calorie content of oil (5 g)4444
Total nutritional value264374

From the presented table you can see how much the energy value of a dish increases depending on the amount of product. For breakfast you need to eat about 500 kilocalories. It turns out that three scrambled eggs will take up most of your morning calories. All this must be taken into account when creating a menu for losing or maintaining weight.

There is a way to prepare it without oil. There are now special non-stick frying pans on sale that allow you to cook with minimal or no oil.

Energy value of scrambled eggs without oil:

Total nutritional value110220330

Some housewives use margarine instead of vegetable oil for frying, 100 g of which contains 717 kilocalories. To prepare the dish you will need about 5 g of product. Calorie content in margarine will be:

Calorie content of eggs (pcs.)110220330
Calorie content of margarine (5 g)35,835,835,8
Total nutritional value145,8255,8365,8

Thus, the energy value of a dish can be reduced by frying it in margarine, although not by much.

Harm of tomatoes

Due to their rich composition, tomatoes can cause allergic reactions. The fact is that they contain proteins similar to pollen . Therefore, people with allergies to plant pollen may experience an allergy after eating tomatoes - itching, swelling or sore throat. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Lycopene is safe in most cases, but should be used with caution by people with stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal conditions. Lycopene should also be avoided by people with bleeding disorders and be aware that it can cause low blood pressure.

Tomatoes contain malic and citric acids and can cause excessive gastric acid production. And this is fraught with the release of acid into the esophagus and attacks of heartburn. Thus, tomatoes can cause symptoms of acid reflux.

Tomatoes also contain oxalates - salts and esters of oxalic acid, which can provoke the formation of kidney stones. Because of this, people with kidney disease should not eat a lot of tomatoes.

But the story that tomato skins are very harmful to health and stick to the intestinal walls is just a myth. Yes, the skin is indeed not digested, like any fiber, but it is food for the “good” microflora living in our intestines.

It is not necessary to remove the skin from tomatoes, but sometimes it tastes better this way

Are scrambled eggs with vegetables lower in calories?

It is believed that scrambled eggs with tomatoes and other vegetables are lower in calories. In fact, this is not entirely true, since additional ingredients are added to the basic set. But in this case, the energy value will increase slightly, since most vegetables are the most dietary and low-calorie foods.

So, for example, the calorie content of scrambled eggs from 2 eggs and one tomato will be:

220 + 44 (5 ml oil) + 9 (1 small tomato) = 273 kilocalories

The difference between regular scrambled eggs (264 kcal) and with the addition of tomatoes (273 kcal) is insignificant, but you can get much more benefits from the second option. Firstly, the diet must include vegetables (fresh ones are preferable, of course). Secondly, the portion will increase due to the filler, and the dish will be more satisfying, which is important for those losing weight.

Energy value with tomatoes:

Calorie content of eggs (pcs.)110220330
Calorie content of oil (5 g)444444
Calorie content of tomato (1 piece - about 50 g)999
Total nutritional value163273283

If you fry scrambled eggs with tomatoes, but without adding oil, you will get a healthy low-calorie dish. Compared to the classic version, the nutritional value will decrease by as much as 40-50%:

Calorie content of eggs (pcs.)110220330
Calorie content of tomato (1 piece - about 50 g)999
Total nutritional value119229339

From plant products, greens, sweet peppers, and sometimes onions are also added to scrambled eggs. So, by adding a few sprigs of parsley, the nutritional value will increase by only 5-7 kilocalories, sweet bell pepper - by 10 calories, onion - by 8.

The dish can be prepared with frozen vegetable mixture. 100 g of Mexican mixture (green beans, peas, corn, peppers, carrots) contains 87 kcal. If you add 50 g of the mixture, the nutritional value will increase by 46.5 kilocalories.

The benefits of tomatoes

Tomatoes are the fruit of the plant Solánum lycopérsicum, and there are many varieties of it that vary in size, color, and taste.
But their composition is approximately the same. Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin A and vitamin K, as well as significant amounts of B vitamins, folic acid and thiamine. One tomato provides about 40% of the daily requirement for vitamin C. Tomatoes are also a good source of iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. Particularly important is the presence of a number of organic compounds in tomatoes, for example, lycopene, a pigment responsible for the bright color of these fruits. The carotenoid lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that can prevent free radical damage to body systems. Lycopene stops the oxidation of lipids in the blood serum, thereby protecting against cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of tomatoes or tomato juice can reduce the levels of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, which can be the main culprits of cardiovascular disease and can lead to the deposition of fats on the walls of blood vessels.

Many years of research have been conducted on the effects of lycopene on men's health . It turned out that this substance can reduce the risk of developing prostate adenoma and prostate cancer.

Tomatoes are essential for men's health

This vegetable is also beneficial for the heart due to its combination of iron, potassium and vitamin K , which help maintain normal blood circulation, normalize blood pressure and blood quality. Potassium can reduce tension in blood vessels and arteries, thereby increasing blood circulation and reducing stress on the heart. Vitamin K is, among other things, essential for blood clotting and bleeding control.

Vitamin A , present in large quantities in tomatoes, can help improve vision and prevent night blindness. Vision problems can arise, among other things, due to the negative effects of free radicals, but vitamin A can cope with this too - being a powerful antioxidant , it will save cells from destruction.

Tomatoes are also essential for intestinal , as they contain a lot of fiber . They can support a healthy digestive system, stimulate peristaltic movements in the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, and release gastric and digestive juices. It improves overall digestive health and protects against health problems.

Tomatoes can help maintain healthy teeth, bones, hair and skin . Topical application of tomato juice is known to treat severe sunburn. Consuming tomatoes daily can protect the skin from harmful UV rays and produces anti-aging benefits by stimulating collagen production.

Tomatoes rejuvenate

Scrambled eggs with sausages and meat products

Fillers in the form of sausages, sausages, ham, bacon and other meat products significantly “weight” the scrambled eggs.

Calorie content of two fried eggs with meat fillings:

With 50 g of doctor's sausage (100 g - 257 kcal)348,5
With one sausage weighing 50 g (100 g - about 230 kcal)335
With 50 g of turkey ham (100 g - 126 kcal)283
With 50 g of bacon (100 g – 500 kcal)470

If you add 30-40 g of grated cheese to a dish, 110-140 kilocalories will be added to the final nutritional value.

Is it possible to eat tomatoes raw?

Of course, you can eat tomatoes raw, but it is much healthier to eat them cooked. When heated, the beneficial lycopene is not destroyed, but, on the contrary, its amount increases 10 times!

If fresh tomatoes contain up to 50 mg/kg (10% of the daily value), then ketchup already contains up to 140 mg/kg, and tomato paste contains up to 1500 mg/kg (110% of the daily value). Therefore, dry, fry and bake tomatoes, not forgetting about tomato soups and stuffed tomatoes. Only if you decide to choose tomato paste as a source of lycopene, choose a product without salt, for example, tomato paste labeled “extra”.

Tomato paste is healthier than fresh tomatoes

Other useful qualities

Tryptophan is present in the pulp of tomatoes. This substance is an amino acid from which serotonin is formed in the human body. Why do you often crave tomatoes? Perhaps this is due to a lack of the “happiness hormone” in the body. Serotonin has a positive effect on the functions of the stomach and intestines, the nervous system, normalizes the process of blood clotting, helps prevent emotional instability, attacks of hemicrania, depression and many other mental disorders.

Eating fresh tomatoes protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight and early aging. The pulp of these fruits is a folk method for treating burns, ulcers and wounds. Vegetables have an anti-inflammatory effect. Experts often recommend that their patients include tomato dishes in their diet.

Tomato juice helps prevent anemia. The substances that make up the pulp of the fruit have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes, prevent the development of pathologies of the visual apparatus and help avoid cataracts, myopia and farsightedness even in old age. In addition, eating tomatoes is beneficial for the functioning of the brain and liver. Dishes made from this vegetable help cope with increased fatigue. Why do you want tomatoes? Craving for tomatoes can be caused by a deficiency of substances contained in the pulp of the fruit.

In what cases is the use of the product undesirable?

These vegetables contain a large amount of organic acids. Dishes prepared from tomatoes should not be eaten frequently by patients suffering from cholelithiasis, arthritis, pathologies of the urinary system, inflammation of the pancreas, or gout. Tomatoes for gastritis with high acidity are also contraindicated. Hypertensive patients and patients with heart muscle diseases are prohibited from consuming these vegetables in salted and pickled form. In addition, we should not forget that tomatoes often provoke individual intolerance. Therefore, people prone to allergies should exclude them from their diet.

According to experts, tomatoes cannot be combined with types of food such as meat, bread, eggs and fish.

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