Recipe for dietary glazed cheese curds. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.

This delicious and healthy dessert will be a real salvation during the hot season! Preparing cottage cheese from cottage cheese is quick and easy, but it has plenty of benefits! Many people ask, is it possible to have glazed cheese on pp? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary!

Firstly, this is a truly protein dessert, because it is prepared on the basis of cottage cheese!

Secondly, only dietary ingredients are collected here, no harmful additives, dyes, sugar, etc.

Well, the calorie content of such cheese curds is several times less than that of a ready-made store product. But in order for glazed cheese curds to turn out truly dietary, you need to know the following rules:

  • We use low-fat varieties of cottage cheese. The maximum we can afford is 5% fat cottage cheese.
  • No sugar! We replace it with honey or any other natural sweetener!
  • Only natural cocoa. If you are preparing chocolate pp cheese curds, then use only natural cocoa. Ready-made mixtures contain a lot of sugar and other harmful additives.
  • Low-fat coconut flakes. Coconut lovers will happily treat themselves to coconut curds, but be sure to take low-fat coconut flakes. Regular chips contain about 600 calories! But in low-fat it’s about 70!
  • And, of course, we use dark or dark chocolate. This will be more useful!

Glazed cheese curds for weight loss

What are glazed cheesecakes with cottage cheese made from, and how many harmful chemical additives do they contain? Is this product healthy and how many calories does it contain?

Composition of glazed cheese curds

So, here's what they contain: cottage cheese, sugar, vegetable fat, modified starch, sodium alginate, guar gum, flavoring identical to natural vanillin, potassium sorbate, palm oil, cocoa powder, lecithin.

Nutritional value and calorie content per 100 g: proteins - 8 g, fats - 27 g (in curd base 23 g), carbohydrates - 32.2 g (including sugar - 24 g); energy value – 396.8 kcal. Serving size – 50 g, caloric content per serving – 198 kcal.

The benefits of glazed cheese curds

It would be wrong to talk about their benefits, since the only “non-harmful” ingredient in their composition is cottage cheese. But this is far from ordinary pure cottage cheese, but a mixture of it with cheap vegetable fats and sugar.

Everything else in the composition is a huge amount of harmful sugar and cheap fats, as well as starch, dyes and flavors and emulsifiers (substances that help mix water and fat). Even cocoa powder contains very little.

Harm of curd cheeses

An examination carried out by the “Test Purchase” program revealed that preservatives not indicated on the packaging were found in the cheese brand “Rostagroexport”, and in the cheese brand “Danon” the amount of yeast was 7 times higher than the norm.

In addition, glazed cheese curds “Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant” and “Karat” contained coliform bacteria. Not to mention the fact that mold was found in the Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant brand cheese.

Glazed cheese curds recipe

If you want to prepare a healthy alternative to glazed cheese yourself, then you will need the following products: cottage cheese - 400 g, butter - 150 g, dark chocolate - 150 g, powdered sugar - 70 g, vanilla sugar - to taste.

Mash the cottage cheese and add grated chilled butter, as well as a little powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Form curd sausages, pour over preheated chocolate and place in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Is it possible to eat glazed cheese curds?

Glazed curd cheese is nothing more than a fairly high-calorie dessert, containing almost 200 kcal. It contains a minimum of healthy protein - only 4 grams per serving, and everything else is cheap vegetable fats and sugar.

If you care about your figure or health, it is much easier to completely exclude this product from your diet, because there are many alternative, and much healthier, products containing cottage cheese.

Glazed curd cheese actually contains a minimal amount of useful substances, and its basis is vegetable fat and sugar. In addition, experts often find dangerous ingredients in cheese curds that are not listed on the packaging.

Is it possible to eat glazed cheese curds on a diet and proper nutrition? When on a diet, it is not very advisable to add them to your diet, but just a little is possible. But if you are on a healthy diet, then why not treat yourself to something sweet? Let's see how to choose the right glazed cheese curds.

How much flour can you eat while losing weight?

I wouldn’t consume milk that’s expired even by a day—it’s a lottery, it’s dangerous. As for meat, if it was purchased chilled, but then thrown into the freezer for a long time, it will most likely be edible, even if it was overdue by a week. The main thing is to check it for any unpleasant odor after defrosting; if it has spoiled, you will feel everything right away. If the meat was simply stored in the refrigerator and it’s two days overdue, this is already bad, it’s better not to eat it, and again, you’ll feel it by the smell.

It is very difficult for those with a sweet tooth to lose extra pounds - the lack of taste sensations leads to a painful desire to eat something forbidden.

In order to lose weight, the basis of your diet should be low-calorie foods. It is advisable to focus on vegetables, fruits and lean meat. Most women don’t know whether cheese can be consumed during diets and how it will affect their figure, so most often they simply refuse it. And in vain, because cheese is not a prohibited product for weight loss. The main thing is to know which cheese you can eat while losing weight, and which one is better to avoid. It is difficult to find a person indifferent to cheese. The variety of cheeses and their compatibility, beneficial properties - this is, perhaps, a whole science.

Selection rules

If you love delicious cheese curds with a glazed chocolate filling, then here are a few rules when buying them:

  • Initially, pay attention to the packaging itself: the paint on it should not rub off;
  • the packaging should not be torn anywhere, because this violates all the rules for storing cheese curds;
  • inscriptions in the style of “luxury”, “premium”, “extra”, “bio” are just a marketing ploy to attract buyers;
  • The correct name for the cheese is: Glazed curd cheese;
  • incorrect name: glazed cheese curd (which means instead of butter and milk it contains vegetable ingredients);
  • if you notice drops of moisture on the cheese, it means it has been frozen and defrosted many times;
  • the product must be completely covered with glaze;
  • high-quality products resemble the taste of ice cream and melt in your mouth;
  • good cheese should contain a minimum of food additives;
  • cheese curds with jam and condensed milk contain many artificial additives;
  • there should be no vegetable fats in the composition;
  • A high-quality cheese curd should contain only milk, butter and sugar;
  • the average weight of the cheese is 40-50 grams (10 grams goes for icing);
  • good glaze is made only from cocoa butter and grated cocoa powder;
  • If the shelf life of the cheese is more than 10 days, then it contains a lot of artificial additives.

Glazed cheese curds on a diet: how to choose the right one?

To curdle milk in the stomach and intestines, the body needs to spend additional resources, effort and time, while in cottage cheese this process is already completed and the body receives useful and necessary substances in a form convenient for absorption.

And if you add to this the sweet, pleasant taste of the curd and its appearance, reminiscent of candy or a chocolate bar, then such a dessert can be considered an excellent addition to a child’s diet. For adults, the benefits of curd cheese are also obvious. Perhaps the only disadvantage of curd cheeses is their calorie content. Containing sugar and milk fats, they provide the body with energy that most consumers do not have time to spend. Therefore, overweight people or those who suffer from diabetes should be careful with curd cheeses.

In addition, today the composition of curd cheese in most cases is an abundance of preservatives and synthetics, which retains little in common with a natural, healthy product. And you need to stay away from such substitutes. The curd cheeses produced in the Soviet Union were natural and fully consistent with their status as a healthy delicacy. Very often, instead of popsicle ice cream, children with a cold were given just such cheese curds.

In Soviet times, attempts to avoid adding preservatives to curd cheeses led to a battle among producers of these sweets over the long shelf life of curd cheeses. Hermetic packaging was developed, storage conditions for curd cheeses were regulated - and all this in order to provide children and sweet-toothed adults with a delicacy devoid of canned ingredients.

Here you need to carefully read the composition on the package of the cheese and check that it does not contain any components whose origin is not clear to the buyer.

We all remember this product from childhood. Curd mass, poured chocolate on top.

Some natural desserts are offered by European manufacturers, but these products are among the most expensive. It is possible to buy the curd mass itself without the shell, but calling it a dessert is quite a stretch.

But if the question is about the environmental friendliness and healthiness of the diet, it makes sense to fork out a little on imported cheeses or tinker in the kitchen and cook them at home. The recipe is not at all complicated. And now a few words about the filling... If you cannot refuse cheesecakes with fillings, give preference to chopped fruits, nuts or poppy seeds, they will be natural.

From my point of view, the main characteristics of the product we are considering can be divided into external and internal.


Let us first describe the external ones:. In addition, the candy wrapper itself should not stain your hands, and if you see traces of paint on your fingers, refuse to purchase; The first place in the composition should be cottage cheese, which a priori guarantees quality, a little worse if low-fat cottage cheese is first on the list, and very bad if it’s a cottage cheese product; In practice, such cheese curds are very rare; most often they are stored from 90 to days, and therefore they obviously contain preservatives;

Therefore, be sure to look at the real weight of the product at home, it should be g, and do not estimate by eye; Chilled cheese curds can be stored for up to a week, but frozen ones can be stored for up to three to four months. So, in general, curd cheese is a very high-calorie product, there are more kcal per g, and unfortunately, under current production conditions, it cannot be called useful, so its consumption should still be limited.

The release container is a rectangular cardboard package. Depending on the weight, two versions of curd cheeses with the same composition are produced: 40 grams and 40 grams, respectively. They are sold in a set with a toy. There are 6 pieces in total, 25 grams each. Total weight of the cardboard box with the toy is grams. Shelf life 15 days. It is also one of the most high-calorie foods - kcal in grams.

Curd cheesecakes appeal to many people. Indeed, this delicacy is not cloying, not overly sweet, but at the same time it is accessible and, unlike many sweets, really healthy. But it is much less popular than the famous ice cream, chocolate and candies.

Many try to find excuses, like: “it’s genetics.” I also used to blame everything on “genetics.” This is all nonsense. You need to look after yourself. So, your first step should be to completely change your diet once and for all.

You will not eat harmful foods and switch to a completely healthy diet. Tea with ginger weight loss reviews Show more. Audrius weight loss Show more.

Selection rules

If you love delicious cheese curds with a glazed chocolate filling, then here are a few rules when buying them:

  • Initially, pay attention to the packaging itself: the paint on it should not rub off;
  • the packaging should not be torn anywhere, because this violates all the rules for storing cheese curds;
  • inscriptions in the style of “luxury”, “premium”, “extra”, “bio” are just a marketing ploy to attract buyers;
  • The correct name for the cheese is: Glazed curd cheese;
  • incorrect name: glazed cheese curd (which means instead of butter and milk it contains vegetable ingredients);
  • if you notice drops of moisture on the cheese, it means it has been frozen and defrosted many times;
  • the product must be completely covered with glaze;
  • high-quality products resemble the taste of ice cream and melt in your mouth;
  • good cheese should contain a minimum of food additives;
  • cheese curds with jam and condensed milk contain many artificial additives;
  • there should be no vegetable fats in the composition;
  • A high-quality cheese curd should contain only milk, butter and sugar;
  • the average weight of the cheese is 40-50 grams (10 grams goes for icing);
  • good glaze is made only from cocoa butter and grated cocoa powder;
  • If the shelf life of the cheese is more than 10 days, then it contains a lot of artificial additives.

Glazed cheese curds: how to determine that quality ingredients have been replaced in the curd and glaze?

Kristina Bovina:

Hello, my name is Kristina Bovina, on the air “Habitat”. Our program allows you to take a fresh look at products and everyday goods; we will tell you how to read labels correctly, navigate the assortment, how not to become a victim of marketers, and also independently check the quality of your purchases.

This dessert is familiar to everyone since childhood: a delicate curd filling with notes of vanilla or cocoa, covered with the thinnest chocolate layer - this is a glazed cheese curd. How can you tell if quality ingredients have been replaced in the cottage cheese and glaze? Why can even low-fat glazed cheese curds lead to obesity? And why do manufacturers of glazed cheesecakes love to refer to secular GOST?

Glazed cheese curds in our country are a traditional delicacy for children and adults. Every day, for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, more than 2 million chocolate-covered curd bars are sold. This dessert is in high demand among students and employees, that is, among those who want a quick meal. and have a tasty snack. Curd cheeses are not stored for long, so they are produced by local dairy enterprises, which is where we are going now.

Nowadays, glazed cheese curds are one of the favorite treats not only for children, but also for adults. To make a quality product, manufacturers must use only natural ingredients. According to GOST, glazed cheese curds must be made from natural cottage cheese, butter, sugar and chocolate glaze.

First, the cottage cheese is pressed at a temperature no higher than 6 degrees to reduce humidity and adjust the taste.

Alla Rzaeva:

We get ready-made cottage cheese. The acidity of today's cottage cheese, for example, may be slightly different from yesterday's, and here we already have the opportunity, before starting to make batches, to slightly adjust the recipe, for example, to slightly reduce the amount of sugar so that it is not cloying.

Kristina Bovina:

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% is added to the cottage cheese; depending on the recipe, manufacturers can supplement the composition of the curd with cocoa, vanillin and various fillers, then the resulting mixture is sent for molding; curds with jam, boiled condensed milk, dried apricots, and prunes are produced in special machines - in They form a tube of cottage cheese, into which the filling is pressed, then the products are covered with chocolate glaze.

Alla Rzaeva:

The glaze should be applied evenly, so there is airflow, then the cheese, already under the glaze, goes into the refrigeration tunnel, the temperature is 5-6 degrees, where the glaze hardens.

Kristina Bovina:

After control weighing, the curds are fed to the loading conveyor of the packaging machine, where they are placed in foil polypropylene film.

Alla Rzaeva:

We already see this at the exit - packaged cheese, which is then placed in a box, the box is pasted over and immediately placed in the refrigerator.

Kristina Bovina:

To prevent glazed cheese curds from spoiling, they are transported to stores at a special temperature – no higher than 4 degrees Celsius.

According to the survey, the first thing buyers pay attention to when choosing glazed cheese curds is the price, then the appearance of the product, and only then the expiration date. Now let's find out what you really need to look at to truly enjoy the frosted cheesecake? And Oksana Goncharenko, associate professor of the Department of Commodity Science and Commodity Expertise at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, will help us with this. Oksana, tell me, on which shelf should I look for quality cheese curds?

Oksana Goncharenko:

In order to buy high-quality cheese, you need to look for it on a refrigerated shelf, since GOST recommends a storage temperature of 4-5 degrees. The second factor - I would still recommend paying attention to the packaging, for example, several of our today's samples are packaged in so-called laminated foil, which does not provide airtightness; therefore, if the valves are not tightly closed, or consumers have already taken this object, then the product may become contaminated foreign microflora at best, but even banal dirt - ordinary mechanical contaminants that can get on the surface of the cheese, and in modern conditions I would still advise the consumer to purchase the product in sealed packaging.

Kristina Bovina:

But is it worth overpaying for double packaging?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Cardboard packaging provides mechanical strength, that is, such cheese is more protected from pressure during sale, and the internal polymer ensures complete tightness. The next factor is the composition of the product, because it is the composition that will tell us a lot about the future quality of what we buy and, ultimately, eat.

Kristina Bovina:

But glazed cheese curds can be made with either milk fat or a substitute, right?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Glazed curds are produced both with and without milk fat substitutes, and the product labeling must indicate: a curd product or a milk-containing product, in the worst cases - a dairy product, but, unfortunately, just like information about the composition of the product, it may be printed in extremely small letters.

Kristina Bovina:

Let's look at the ingredients of our cheese curds - is everything good?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Let's start with the cheese that costs the least, the cheapest.

Kristina Bovina:

These are the cheapest ones - 5-10 rubles. It must be said that the packaging indicates that the product contains a milk fat substitute.

Oksana Goncharenko:

Yes, this is a milk-containing product with a milk fat substitute.

Kristina Bovina:

What is used to replace milk fat?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Milk fat substitutes are made on the basis of palm or palm kernel oils in order to reduce the cost of the product by combining vegetable oils in such a way as to achieve a low melting point, closest to milk fat, but also in the composition of the glaze...

Kristina Bovina:

Yes, some cheese curds in laminated foil contain vegetable fat in the glaze.

Oksana Goncharenko:

Of course, cocoa butter and chocolate are expensive glazes, so they produce glazes with cocoa powder, but with vegetable fats, that is, vegetable fat can be part of both the glaze and the inner curd body.

Kristina Bovina:

Let's also look at samples and read the compositions, for example, this one.

Oksana Goncharenko:

In the composition of this cheese we see: “cottage cheese, sugar, milk chocolate” and the components of this chocolate are listed in brackets - “sugar, cocoa butter, whole milk powder, cocoa mass, emulsifier - soy lecithin, natural flavoring - vanilla” - almost one hundred percent corresponds to the composition of the curd produced in accordance with GOST, firstly, and secondly, to the composition of a high-quality curd product.

Kristina Bovina:

Is it normal if there is an emulsifier?

Oksana Goncharenko:

The soy emulsifier, lecithin, is present in chocolate; it must be said that lecithin is a traditional additive, and its presence is completely justified for chocolate glaze.

Kristina Bovina:

Here I have in my hands a cheese that contains gum. What it is?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Guar gum or any other gums are thickeners, and with regard to such cheese, you need to be a little wary: why should the manufacturer thicken it additionally? That is, apparently, some moisture is released, the curd is not compressed enough and this moisture needs to be bound and retained in the curd so that it does not leak out, giving consistency and, of course, increasing the mass of the product.

Kristina Bovina:

What else should you be wary of in the composition of glazed cheese?

Oksana Goncharenko:

The use of starch, of course, is completely unacceptable, but, unfortunately, in our time no one is protected from anything. You need to understand that if the label says that this is cheese curd with strawberries, then it is unlikely that there will be whole strawberries, at best it is a berry preserve, again its composition should be indicated in parentheses, described in detail and all components listed. If we see gelatin there, this will also mean that it is not a very high-quality preparation.

Kristina Bovina:

Now let's find out the history of this delicacy and why they once changed the original recipe for glazed curds.

Little is known about the origin of curd cheeses; all sources agree that the birthplace of the dessert is the Soviet Union. The first mention of this delicacy dates back to the 30s of the last century; according to some sources, it was invented in order to replace Easter cake, which was irrelevant in an atheistic society. Mass production of glazed cheese curds began in the 50s, but then they were not widespread, and even in the post-war period, the recipe could not include high-quality and expensive ingredients. The first intermediate GOST for curd cheeses lasted about 10 years and was replaced by the one that lasted almost the entire Soviet period: for the filling - high-fat cottage cheese, butter of the highest category, white sugar, for glaze - natural cocoa powder. Now GOST allows you to add honey, nuts, candied fruits, spices, jam, halva and cookies to curds; the curd base is covered with chocolate, confectionery glaze, and various toppings. The European and Asian markets have no analogues to our curd and butter candies covered in glaze. The latest technologies have found application for glazed cheesecakes in the confectionery industry, but, unlike newfangled cheesecakes, glazed cheesecake is a truly mass-produced and democratic product.

I suggest choosing several samples of glazed cheese curds without additives and opening the package to see what they are like inside.

Oksana Goncharenko:


Kristina Bovina:

We took the first sample - the one that you liked in terms of its composition, the composition of which is almost ideal.

Oksana Goncharenko:

Yes, the composition of which is as ideal as possible. By the way, on the lower part we see an acceptable defect - translucency in the lower part, associated with the contact of the mesh, on which they are laid out while pouring chocolate glaze or chocolate.

Kristina Bovina:

So this is acceptable?

Oksana Goncharenko:

This is an acceptable defect, it is even specified in GOST.

Kristina Bovina:

Shall we cut?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Yes, let's cut it and look at the composition.

Kristina Bovina:

How do you like the curd consistency inside the cheese?

Oksana Goncharenko:

We see a very uniform consistency of a uniform color, but for curd cheeses a delicate consistency is important, that is, the processes of grinding cottage cheese, butter, sugar in the production of curd cheeses are quite long, it is this duration that provides a specific silky consistency, and the presence of such a consistency indicates a very correct production technology. Visually, this cheese has a consistency very close to GOST requirements.

Kristina Bovina:

Let's open the following sample: the cheese is packed in laminated foil, which is not very good, right?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Yes, we don't have airtightness here.

Kristina Bovina:

First sample with milk chocolate?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Yes, in milk chocolate.

Kristina Bovina:

It doesn't say what kind of chocolate it is.

Oksana Goncharenko:

This is probably chocolate glaze, judging by the amount of cocoa products, because this glaze is dark, but just like in the first, the glaze adheres tightly to the curd body, there are no separations, no crumbs of individual components.

Kristina Bovina:

And if there is condensation on the chocolate, what does this mean?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Small droplets of condensation are allowed for defrosted product. You need to understand that these droplets during further storage will cause changes, including in the composition of the product, redistribution of moisture will occur, the glaze will peel off, and such a product will still have a short shelf life.

Kristina Bovina:

That is, most likely, it was frozen and thawed?

Oksana Goncharenko:

The presence of droplets on the surface will almost 100% guarantee that this product has been defrosted.

Kristina Bovina:

How do you like this sample - sample No. 2?

Oksana Goncharenko:

There are no defects, no uncovered areas of the surface, let's see what's in the lower part: in the lower part we see a single gap, of course, complete translucency, that is, GOST does not allow until white spots appear.

Kristina Bovina:

Shall we cut it?

Oksana Goncharenko:

This cheese curd has a softer glaze, meaning there was no need to make any effort to cut it, despite the fact that the layer of glaze is slightly thicker in this sample compared to the first curd cheese.

Kristina Bovina:

And the fact that it is so soft compared to the first sample, what does this tell us?

Oksana Goncharenko:

Most likely, in this sample more moisture was left in the curd part.

Kristina Bovina:

So this is water?

Oksana Goncharenko:

This is banal water, that is, the cottage cheese was not compressed enough, and the moisture increased the yield of the product, that is, it improved the economic indicators, but for the consumer, moisture is water that will not affect the nutritional value.

Kristina Bovina:

And we open the third option.

Oksana Goncharenko:

The cheese is completely covered with glaze, the glaze has no gaps and among all our samples, please note, in color - this is the darkest glaze, that is, this sample contains the largest amount of cocoa mass, that is, cocoa powder.

Kristina Bovina:

Quite plastic chocolate.

Oksana Goncharenko:

Yes, but at the same time it is not as viscous and loose as this second sample, which even slightly leaked out of the body.

Kristina Bovina:

There are grains here.

Oksana Goncharenko:

Yes, it has a less homogeneous consistency, a little less homogeneous, that is, it does not have any such dense curd grains, and, perhaps, manufacturers achieved this effect by shaping the perception of the product of Soviet times.

Kristina Bovina:

Is it possible to say that an expensive cheese will be a high-quality cheese?

Oksana Goncharenko:

We want to believe that when we buy expensive products, we are buying high-quality ones. Unfortunately, this relationship does not always work, and often manufacturers, having conquered the market and proven the quality of their product, begin to save on raw materials, and their products are not of very high quality, therefore, Of course, we always have to try and in the end we vote with our rubles whether we should buy this cheese next time.

Kristina Bovina:

Oksana, thanks for the useful information!

Manufacturers of glazed cheese curds use many tricks to present their product in the most attractive way. Marketers are successfully using a long-standing, Soviet stereotype - sweet dairy products are considered a delicacy with a good reputation. Professionals warn: not all statements should be believed.

“Soviet means the best” - marketers very successfully use this stereotype in promoting glazed cheese curds.

Nicholas Corot:

Nostalgia for the Soviet past against the backdrop of glazed cheese curds, or more precisely, through the visualization of their packaging, does not have any ideological background - it is simply a reflection of the picture principle of a time when the grass was greener, mom was younger, and in general everything was cool.

Kristina Bovina:

Please note that the abbreviation “GOST”, which is indicated in large letters on the front side of the label, does not oblige the manufacturer to anything, but if on the back it is noted in small print that this cheese is produced in accordance with a certain GOST, do not be lazy - check if there is Is there such a thing in nature, and what does it mean?

Nicholas Corot:

Always read, if there is some big promise on the front of the package, look for an explanation for this promise, if not, ignore it.

Kristina Bovina:

In most cases, we realize that glazed cheese curds are not considered dietary or fitness products, but we are still happy to be deceived.

Nicholas Corot:

This is just an appeal to the consumer's dreams of what, probably. There are products with sugar, with milk, tastier, fattier, and even with chocolate, and at the same time you can lose weight without going to the gym.

Kristina Bovina:

The range of glazed cheese curds is now incredibly extensive: they are produced with condensed milk, coconut, cookies, nuts, waffle crumbs and various toppings - with such additives this delicacy is more expensive than those produced according to the traditional recipe, and this is a marketing ploy, because the most expensive ingredients are cottage cheese , butter and chocolate.

According to GOST, glazed cheese curds can be from 5 to 26 percent fat content and do not forget about sugar, which is in both the filling and glaze; 100 grams of such a dessert contain more than 400 kilocalories, and although the weight of one glazed curd cheese is 40-50 grams, nutritionists strongly advise count how much you have eaten.

Nutrition experts say that you should not be against glazed curd cheese, but if you want to enjoy it, then such a dessert will replace a full meal and it is better not to eat more than one cheese curd per day and do not be fooled if you see the words “low-fat” on the label of glazed curd cheese "

Svetlana Zenina:

A low-fat product is not a dietary product, glazed cheese consists not only of cottage cheese, it also contains sugar, and a very large amount of sugar, there is chocolate icing, but in any case it will be a high-protein, high-fat and high-carbohydrate product, it is quite filling - In no case is this a dietary product.

Kristina Bovina:

Some unscrupulous manufacturers add stabilizers, stabilizers and starch to their products, often without indicating this on the label. To detect, for example, hidden starch in a cheese curd, it is enough to drop iodine onto the curd core: if the curd turns blue, it means there is starch in the composition, which gives the curd a dense consistency.

Svetlana Zenina:

And there is also a very bad component that is often replaced with natural cocoa butter or butter - this is hydrogenated fat. Vegetable fat, through which hydrogen is passed, becomes solid - it is very cheap, but it is this fat, another name for “trans fat”, that causes the formation of plaques on your blood vessels.

Kristina Bovina:

The most prominent representative of trans fats is margarine, but even if it contains natural and high-quality ingredients, glazed cheese curds are contraindicated for those who have diabetes, are overweight, or are on a diet.

High-quality glazed cheese curds do not contain a milk fat substitute; they are hermetically packaged in laminated foil. The curd filling in this dessert should be dense with a pleasant milky smell and sweet taste; it is better if the glaze is matte or glossy and does not crumble. At a temperature no higher than 4 degrees, this dessert can be stored for 2 weeks, and in the freezer - up to six months. It is better to defrost cheese curds in the refrigerator or in any cool place; they do not lose their taste after defrosting. And don't forget: this dessert is very high in calories. If you do not have problems with excess weight or diabetes, you can allow yourself one piece of cheese 2 times a week. This is Habitat, I'm Christina Bovina and don't be fooled!

Not Recommended Products

Unfortunately, most of the options that are on store shelves are not at all suitable for diet or proper nutrition.

❌Curd cheeses with different additives are not suitable.

❌Also cheesecakes.

❌ Glazed cheesecakes “365 days” are not the best option for proper nutrition.

❌Curds from Prostokvashino are also not suitable.

❌ Unfortunately, the product from Luxus is also not suitable.

❌And this GOST too.

❌And also products from “Svitlogorye”.

Do you eat glazed cheese curds on a diet? Treat yourself to something tasty so that the diet does not go so sad and sad. Let your extra pounds leave you forever.

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Daily calorie intake: should you eat glazed cheese?

Effective diets can be based not only on the principle of counting calories; for many, the method of eliminating foods or eating according to a specific plan drawn up by the authors of the diet works. However, diets in which we count and write down remain among the most popular. What is the reason?

The fact is that such diets are very flexible, and also allow you to eat absolutely all foods, which appeals to lovers of sweets and fatty foods who find it difficult to give up their little weaknesses. However, this approach has many disadvantages that force many to lose faith in calorie counting.

Firstly, anyone who decides to go on such a diet is faced with the need to calculate such a value as the daily calorie intake. Many sites offer to calculate it for us. However, there is a fly in the ointment that spoils everything. Even if age, height and weight are taken into account in the calculations, the values ​​obtained when calculated using different formulas are different, and this difference is sometimes more than 200 kcal. And this is the calorie content of a small bun or glazed cheese, which you can eat for breakfast or not. And based on the results of the calculations, we don’t know for sure whether we can afford morning pleasure or not.

Secondly, the daily calorie intake will be calculated correctly only if your weight is normal. If it is significantly higher than the norm, the figure you receive will be “lying” by 20-25 percent. And this is a very significant value: for the average usually calculated value of the norm of 1800, this could be 450 kilocalories. Why is the figure overestimated? The fact is that fat cells, which make up a large part of the mass in the body of a very fat person, do not require a large amount of energy to maintain their vital functions. And the calculations include much larger values, because muscles consume three times more energy for vital activity. The other side of the problem is that the norm will not be enough for girls with an athletic build, because the calculations include costs for an average percentage of muscle mass, and not a high one.

Thirdly, these formulas do not always take into account the fact that different types of food require different amounts of energy to digest. And this value goes into the minus, that is, if protein foods make up a large share in the diet, you will need a lot of energy to absorb it. The Kremlin diet is very effective not only because the diet is low in carbohydrates, but also because a person has to eat proteins, which forces the body to spend a lot. Although in general this diet is very harmful to the kidneys and liver, so it is better to count calories.

Fourthly, a significant problem in calculations is “double-entry bookkeeping”: the fact is that calorie consumption tables often already include basal metabolic rates. That is, if you see that 450 kcal per hour is consumed when going up and down the stairs, you need to take into account that this already includes about 60 kcal per hour for breathing, heart function and other involuntary processes that occur at rest. “Unadvanced” users of tables do not know this and add the energy spent on the load to the basal metabolic rate figure.

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Effective diets can be based not only on the principle of counting calories; for many, the method of eliminating foods or eating according to a specific plan drawn up by the authors of the diet works. However, diets in which we count and write down remain among the most popular. What is the reason? The fact is that such diets are very flexible, and also allow you to eat absolutely all foods, which appeals to lovers of sweets and fatty foods who find it difficult to give up their little weaknesses. However, this approach has many disadvantages that force many to lose faith in calorie counting.


Glazed cheese and curd cheese have been synonymous for a long time. By glazed cheese curd, most consumers still mean sweet curd cheese covered with chocolate glaze. Modern food manufacturers offer us a huge range of cheese curds in various types of glaze, with fruit and nut fillings, with coconut flakes and condensed milk. But what is hidden under the sweet glaze and behind the flavoring additives? Is it possible today to put an equal sign between glazed cheese and a product made from cottage cheese?

In accordance with GOST R 52790-2007 “Glazed curd cheeses. General technical conditions", glazed curd cheese is a molded curd mass obtained from pressed cottage cheese, coated with food glaze, weighing no more than 75g

And here is what is included in the glazed cheese curd : cottage cheese, sugar, vegetable fat, modified starch, sodium alginate, guar gum, flavoring identical to natural vanillin, potassium sorbate, palm oil, cocoa powder, lecithin.

Is it possible to eat cottage cheese while losing weight?

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The content of the article

The ancestor of curd cheese is ordinary curd mass, widely used in the cuisines of many countries around the world since ancient times. Today it can be bought in supermarkets by weight, and it is produced with the addition of raisins, dried apricots and vanilla.

Cheese is a nourishing and high-calorie product, which, nevertheless, is often present in diet menus. Doctors also recommend not to give it up, since with a poor diet, practically no minerals, trace elements and protein enter the body. And cheese will become their supplier.

By filling such a curd mass with cocoa glaze at home and waiting until this shell hardens, you can get a typical glazed curd cheese. In general, the properties of curd cheese are determined by the properties of the cottage cheese itself, which is included in the sweet as the main component.

And the benefits of cottage cheese are primarily related to its digestibility. It is known that milk proteins in cottage cheese are absorbed by the body much more fully and quickly than the same proteins when consuming milk.

Benefits and calories

It would be wrong to talk about their benefits , since the only “non-harmful” ingredient in their composition is cottage cheese . But this is far from ordinary pure cottage cheese, but a mixture of it with cheap vegetable fats and sugar. Nutritional value and calorie content per 100 g : proteins - 8 g, fats - 27 g (in curd base 23 g), carbohydrates - 32.2 g (including sugar - 24 g); energy value – 396.8 kcal. Serving size – 50 g, caloric content per serving – 198 kcal.

Everything else in the composition is a huge amount of harmful sugar and cheap fats , as well as starch, dyes and flavors and emulsifiers (substances that help mix water and fat). Even cocoa powder contains very little.

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