Fitness after 40 - how I achieved maximum results with minimal injuries

Edited by an expert:

Nadezhda Primochkina, nutritionist - 05/19/2021

Fitness after 40 is necessary to maintain the body's activity. It is very important not to neglect your health, because later the diseases will worsen, and expensive treatment will not fully help. At this age, every 10 years a person loses 15% of muscle mass, his motor ability decreases by 3-4 times and health problems begin: high blood pressure, sciatica, joint pain, and if he is also overweight, it’s worth thinking about. On the threshold of this age, I decided to study the issue in more detail in order to know exactly what and how to do. Moreover, the reasons began to appear one after another.

Benefits of exercise

Recently, American scientists conducted such a study: they invited volunteers over 40 years of age to engage in fitness and take part in an experiment. One group was involved only for an hour a week, the second - 2 hours, the third - 4 hours. After 3 months, it turned out that all participants had improved well-being, coordination of movements and even intellectual abilities. Moreover, they devoted 3 days a week to physical education.

Changes in the body

According to studies, a woman in the period from 40 to 55 gains 7 kg, and the calorie content of food does not increase.

Physical activity helps cope with age-related changes:

  1. Decreased metabolism and loss of muscle mass lead to extra pounds. Fitness strengthens muscles and speeds up metabolism.
  2. Bone density decreases - physical exercise strengthens bones and prevents osteoporosis.
  3. Exercise reduces venous insufficiency, which prevents you from walking or standing for a long time.
  4. Well-being improves and performance increases.

I myself felt how, as I approached this age, I became less energetic, tired faster, my weight gradually increased, my blood pressure increased, irritability, shortness of breath, swelling appeared, my immunity decreased, my skin became sluggish and saggy. My favorite dresses were hanging in the closet; I couldn’t fit into them anymore. The understanding that something urgently needed to be solved came naturally.

In addition, a work colleague of the same age looked slim and fit and did not complain of illness. It turned out that she has been going to the gym for a long time, eats right, and, if possible, goes to the pool and skating rink.

Interesting fact! Fitness was invented in the USA in the 70s of the last century; the government became seriously concerned about the health of its citizens and began to develop special training programs.

Strengthens the heart and lungs

The cardiovascular system functions worse at age; heart disease is the cause of death in 40% of people aged 65 to 75 years. By the age of 80, the heart cannot pump blood as well as before. Regular exercise can prolong the work of the heart and provide cells and tissues with the necessary volume of blood, nutrition and oxygen.

The vital capacity of the lungs decreases with old age in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Constant aerobic exercise provides the body with oxygen for normal tissue function.

Reduces the risk of female diseases

According to an analysis by the World Health Organization: in 30% of women, the causes of neoplasms in the breast, uterus, and intestines are excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle. Due to decreased estrogen production, the accumulation of belly fat increases. Regular exercise can solve these women's problems.

Improves figure

Usually, in order to look better, females resort to diets. But, in the absence of physical activity, the body sags and there is no pronounced relief.

Having made sure that fitness for women after 40 has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart, maintains normal blood circulation, prevents fat deposition, stimulates cell renewal and collagen production, I was inspired to start exercising.

What happens to your body after 40?

You may have already realized that you're under 20 and can't afford to eat the way you want, not exercise, and still stay in shape. But why is this so? For what reason did your body turn against you and stop “listening” to you? The reason is that in the period from 35-40 to 50 years, the female body undergoes many hormonal and physiological changes:

1. Loss of muscle mass and bone density.

After 35-40 years, the body begins to gradually lose muscle mass. And since muscle is a metabolically active tissue, its loss leads to a slower metabolism.

Additionally, bone mass and density peak at age 35. From this point on, about 1% of bone mass is lost annually, and after menopause the process can accelerate to 2-3% per year. This, of course, inevitably increases the risk of injury and bruises.

2. The percentage of body fat increases.

Body fat begins to gradually increase, and by menopause it can increase up to 30%. The distribution of fat throughout the body also changes - subcutaneous adipose tissue decreases and visceral adipose tissue increases (fat is deposited around the internal organs).

3. Changes in the hormonal environment.

During the transition to menopause (called perimenopause), the ovaries begin to produce less and less estrogen. When estrogen levels begin to fall, cortisol and insulin levels rise. High levels of these two hormones significantly promote fat storage, especially the visceral adipose tissue we talked about.

As we age, the thyroid gland also becomes dysfunctional, causing it to produce too little or too much hormone, leading to obesity, heat or cold intolerance, fatigue and digestive problems.

4. Sleep disturbance and poor recovery.

During perimenopause and menopause, sleep cycle disturbances are observed. Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night - all these factors contribute to the accumulation of fatigue. Chronic lack of sleep increases cortisol levels.

Organization of loads

First you need to decide where you plan to exercise: at home or in the gym. You need to train 3-4 times a week.

Exercises at home

You can exercise not only in the gym, but also in the swimming pool, cycling, and dancing. If you can’t go anywhere, you can do it at home.

Fitness for beginners after 40 at home has its advantages:

  • do not waste time on the road;
  • study when it’s convenient for you;
  • you don’t have to be ashamed of your figure;
  • workout to your favorite music.

Disadvantages - there is no desired equipment, exercise equipment, homework is distracting. And I consider another significant disadvantage to be the lack of recommendations from a professional trainer.

Group training in the gym

After working out at home, I learned from a colleague who regularly attended group classes about the positive aspects of group training.

These include:

  1. Availability of specially designed programs for each muscle group.
  2. A professional trainer who controls the process, advises and monitors the correctness of the exercises performed.
  3. There are no concessions or concessions. At home you can rest for about 5 minutes, there you only had a minute, you give it 100%.

Well, the main plus is that my rivals motivate me to achieve, and looking at slimmer women my age and older, I feel embarrassed about my appearance. There is a desire to prove to yourself that you can change and should!

Swimming and water aerobics

Swimming gives your body a complete workout. In one hour of exercise at an average pace, you can burn up to 600 calories. In addition, swimming helps build muscle mass. This is due to the resistance that water provides, because it is 800 times denser than air. Accordingly, in the pool the muscles work more intensely, including increasing the load on the heart and lungs, which pump oxygen throughout the body. This allows you to improve your cardiovascular health.

Another distinguishing feature is that swimming and water aerobics have a low impact on the joints. This allows women who are overweight, pregnant, injured or suffering from chronic joint pain to move comfortably. Largely because of this, aquatic exercise has become more accessible than cycling, jogging or strength training on machines.

Research has shown that swimming is also very beneficial for menopausal women. It helps reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes, pain, combat fluctuations in body temperature that occur due to hormonal changes, and counteract the appearance of bad mood.

What to choose and how to train

The main mistakes of beginners, which often lead to injuries, are too high loads in the first days of training. If you haven’t even done exercises before, you need to start gradually, an hour a day, then two, and so on. You should not take long breaks between classes. Choose a simpler program first. After a month or two, switch to another, more intense one, gradually increasing the load.

Interesting! According to studies, physical exercise normalizes blood sugar levels in seven minutes.

Types of fitness

Fitness comes from the English “fit” - healthy, fit, suitable. It is based on physical activity, proper nutrition, and giving up bad habits. Fitness after 40 years for women is aimed at improving not so much a woman’s appearance, but her health and well-being.

Interesting fact! The ancient Greeks began practicing to music; they noticed that such exercises were more effective. Popular yoga (the philosophy of harmonious development of soul and body) came to us from Ancient India.

For ladies over 40 years old, experts recommend gentle activities, such as water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, step aerobics, dancing, strip lifting, Nordic walking, bodyflex, swimming, cycling. Do strength training 2 times a week, unless there are contraindications. The main thing is your desire and focus on results.

How to exercise correctly

In order not to be disappointed in your classes and achieve results, you need to follow some rules.

They are simple but very important:

  1. Eat 1.5–2 hours before training, do not starve.
  2. Add vitamin complexes to your diet.
  3. You should not expect quick results; they will become noticeable only after 1–2 months.
  4. Do a warm-up at the beginning.
  5. Train moderately, without harming your health, every other day so that your muscles have time to recover.
  6. Monitor your well-being and don’t get overtired.
  7. Do not make sudden, jerky movements.
  8. Increase loads gradually.
  9. During classes, drink water in small sips.

It is important to perform the exercises without mistakes. To do this, watch the video carefully if you are studying on your own at home. Or follow the trainer's recommendations if you go to the gym.


Nutrition also needs serious adjustment: include lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, kefir, and buckwheat in the menu. Steam, oven or slow cooker. Don't forget to eat vegetables and fruits every day. It is important not to starve, but also not to overeat. The statement that you need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger is very relevant for those over 40.

Expert Nadezhda Koltyrina, @dietolog_nadezhda, nutritionist-nutritionist, Pskov: “No matter how trite it may sound, movement is life. And physical inactivity is precisely a disease of modern society, when watching TV and hanging out on gadgets is preferred to walking in the fresh air. At a young age, this is not so felt, due to the fact that the body has enough internal resources to feel normal. With increasing age, a permissive attitude towards oneself both in nutrition and in physical activity produces results in the form of excess weight, health problems and a decrease in overall tone. Activity, no matter what type it is, must be present in a person’s life. After 40, fitness classes will benefit absolutely the whole body. The main thing here is not to overdo it, especially if you were not an ardent sports fan before. If it’s a gym, then be sure to do it under the guidance of an experienced trainer to avoid problems due to incorrectly selected loads. If you don't like going to the gym, there are other alternatives: swimming pool, dance classes (many varieties and possibilities), yoga, Pilates, Nordic walking, or even just walks and games, for example, with children on the street. Moreover, moderate and obligatory physical activity (fitness or other) will help to more easily tolerate the hormonal changes that occur in the female body during menopause, and for men to maintain testosterone levels. Let’s add here a good stable metabolism thanks to sports and, voila, you are cheerful, beautiful and full of strength to implement all your plans!”

Contraindications, warnings, recommendations

In the body after 40, and for some even earlier, irreversible processes of natural aging begin. It is not yet possible to stop them, but regular exercise can significantly slow down their development. However, it is precisely these changes that must be taken into account when choosing the direction of fitness, so that training brings benefits to the body and not harm.

  • Slow metabolism, obesity. Typically, excess weight begins to appear around the age of 40. The process begins after 30, but at first the slow gain of kilograms is almost imperceptible. People begin to notice the problem when they have to buy clothes a couple of sizes larger than before. For people with significant excess body weight, gentle types of fitness are suitable: water aerobics, yoga, Pilates.
  • Worn joints, brittle bones. Joint diseases become especially problematic after the age of 50. But this is not a reason to give up physical activity. Moreover, strength exercises, which are performed without overload, serve as an excellent prevention of osteoporosis. And if you start exercising at least immediately after 30, then your joints and bones will remain in excellent condition for a long time. But those types of training that heavily load the musculoskeletal system: crossfit, step aerobics, interval running, strength training, should be treated with caution after 40.
  • Fluid retention, swelling. The genitourinary system after 45 years also begins to function not as actively as before. By this age, many people have sand or stones in their kidneys, which can cause pain during intense physical activity. Therefore, at this age, moderate exercise is recommended: dance forms of fitness, classical or water aerobics, swimming. Exercise bikes with a horizontal seat and exercises on orbital tracks are also useful.

But no matter what style of fitness you choose, the main thing is that the exercises are enjoyable and do not overload the body. It is enough to train 2-3 times a week, and if you wish, you can do simple gymnastics every morning.

My training and results

At first I didn’t have enough time to go to the gym. I bought a few CDs and did the exercises in front of the TV. There are also a lot of videos on the Internet for fitness after 40 with programs that include Pilates, yoga, callanetics and much more.

I only had a hoop, a jump rope, and small weights. I started with a regular workout with a warm-up, exercises for the arms, legs, abdomen, squats, push-ups, and some stretching. After the first lesson, all my muscles ached, and for the next workout I had to overcome myself and continue. After two weeks it became much easier.

Then I became interested in callanetics - classes are aimed at stretching muscles. I really liked the calm types of exercises, reminiscent of yoga. This involves the hips, back, abs, buttocks, shoulders, and forearms. Those muscle groups that do not work every day, even with physical activity at home and at work.

But, despite the seriousness of my intentions, homework was not regular, and the children were constantly distracting. And I decided to go to the gym and work out with a group, where I saw a lot of acquaintances and made new friends. And after talking with the trainer, I realized a number of my mistakes when practicing at home and became convinced that my decision was correct.

Now I see the results of my studies and I know for sure that now I will not quit. After all, training in the gym is not just exercise for the body, it is also positive - communication in moments of rest and after finishing, discussion of problems, support of like-minded people. Is it possible to refuse this?!

As a result, after three months, I have already gotten used to classes, I don’t miss a single one, although there is no control, and no one forces me. I managed not only to lose weight by 8 kg, but my figure became toned, my posture improved, on the beach I no longer cover my body with a pareo, I bought a two-piece swimsuit.

Recently I was pleasantly surprised when people addressed me with the word “girl”. Walking or climbing stairs is no longer a problem, shortness of breath has disappeared, and lightness has appeared throughout the body. Friends, colleagues and acquaintances constantly compliment me and are surprised by such changes in my appearance and mood.

Of course, there were times when I didn’t want to exercise, I wanted to lie down in front of the TV or read a book, but I forced myself and did not train. But now training has not just become a habit, it has become my way of life.

Sports after 40 years. A woman must exercise

Throughout life, the female body experiences a much heavier load than the male body. Representatives of the fair sex work, bear and give birth to children, and run the household. A woman's body wears out faster. Aging also occurs faster. But it can be stopped if you exercise regularly. Sports after 40 help make the skin more elastic, get rid of excess weight, and restore healthy joints.

Cardio training is what is recommended for women over 40 years old. It's better to start with simple exercises that don't require much muscle effort. However, after two to three months of regular exercise, you need to add exercises with weights. Dumbbells of 2-3 kilograms will increase the intensity of the sport several times. Muscles will begin to increase, and fat deposits will be burned more efficiently. This will solve the problem of muscle imbalance, flexibility, etc. Strong muscles easily keep the spine and internal organs in the correct position, which helps to avoid many serious diseases.

Collagen Ultra cream with glucosamine will relieve muscle tension and soothe inflammation of joints and ligaments.

After your first workouts with dumbbells, your muscles may become very sore. This effect is provided by lactic acid, which is formed in muscle tissue during intense exercise. Collagen Ultra cream with glucosamine will relieve pain . It will relieve muscle tension and soothe inflammation of joints and ligaments. It is recommended to use Collagen Ultra cream after each workout.

Exercising after 40 is dangerous due to injuries, so you need to increase the pace of your workouts gradually. Only after 2-3 months will the body gain the desired shape and you can start training with weights. And from the very beginning of training, do not neglect sports nutrition and Collagen Ultra dietary supplement. This drug will help increase the effect of sports several times.

Do men need fitness?

Fitness for men after 40 is no less important than for women. Using the example of my husband, I noticed: they also suffer from excess weight, joint pain, muscles weaken, fatigue and shortness of breath appear.

Attention! A sedentary lifestyle, alcohol and smoking lead to increased blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, which in turn provokes a decrease in testosterone levels and, as a result, problems with men's health.

Abdominal exercises, pull-ups, push-ups are important for men. You should select a program depending on your training and health status. Start with minimal loads, gradually increasing them. Do not neglect swimming, cycling, walking, give up bad habits.

Fitness for beginners after 40 is available to everyone; if you don’t have the money or time for a gym, you can exercise at home. At the same time, work with breaks, change programs, do not exercise occasionally and lead a healthy lifestyle. If you do everything correctly and consistently, the results will be visible within a month. Don't sit at the computer, let's go for a walk!

How to eat right to restore hormonal balance?

Let's go back to estrogen again. This is a really interesting hormone. In addition to being responsible for the development of typically female features such as the bust and female figure, it is involved in many other processes:

1. Regulates appetite. Studies in mammals have shown that animals with low estrogen levels eat significantly more food than animals with normal levels.

2. Regulates the accumulation of adipose tissue. Low estrogen levels lead to increased absorption of lipids from the bloodstream.

3. Regulates insulin response. The main function of insulin is to remove excess glucose from the blood. When insulin resistance develops, the body stores excess glucose in body fat.

4. Reduces energy consumption during physical activity. Other studies have shown that estrogen-depleted animals move less and burn fewer calories during physical activity than animals with normal estrogen levels.

But what does nutrition have to do with it? It's very simple - if you want to lose weight and maintain your weight during perimenopause and menopause, you need to eat to control your estrogen and insulin levels and prepare your body for the changes to come.

Here are some tips on how this can happen:

1. Limit your intake of sugar, salt, caffeine and alcohol.

These 4 substances are especially dangerous for people with hormonal imbalances. You don't have to get rid of them completely, just limit them to safe doses and you'll feel an almost immediate change.

When your estrogen levels are low, you are more likely to turn excess sugar into fat. Excessive salt intake will lead to fluid retention. Alcohol and caffeine, in turn, interfere with the fight against osteoporosis and further disrupt your sleep.

2. Eat enough protein.

Protein stimulates muscle protein synthesis. To maintain and stimulate muscle growth, you will need 20-40 grams of protein in your main diet (depending on physical activity and weight). It is important to distribute your protein intake evenly throughout the day. Also, never forget to add protein to your post-workout diet.

3. Control your carbohydrate intake.

Replace high glycemic index foods (baked goods and processed foods) with low glycemic index foods. This will help control your blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes. Eat carbohydrates primarily at breakfast and after exercise, when they are less likely to be stored as fat.

4. Experiment with dairy products.

For many women, limiting dairy products eliminates the problem of bloating. However, you should not exclude them completely, because due to the increased risk of osteoporosis, the body requires more calcium (about 1200 mg per day). In most cases, bloating occurs due to lactose intolerance, so you can skip fresh yogurt and switch to other dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, which contain less lactose.

5. Increase your consumption of soy products.

Phytoestrogens are substances found naturally in plants that are similar in structure to the estrogen produced by your body. Theoretically, phytoestrogens may alleviate symptoms associated with low estrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause. We advise you to obtain phytoestrogens from food, and not isolated in the form of supplements. Natural soy products are tofu, soy milk, tempeh. Although the effects of phytoestrogens on the body are many times weaker than those of estrogen, it is good to include soy products in your diet for a month or two and see if you feel better.

6. Eat legumes.

Beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas are rich in fiber and protein. This will help you maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. Additionally, they are low in calories and contain many B vitamins, including folic acid (B9) and pyridoxine (B6), which serve as cofactors in estrogen metabolism.

7. Increase your vegetable intake.

Vegetables easily fill you up thanks to their fiber content and help you get calcium and magnesium, which are so important for bone metabolism. It's good to include vegetables in every meal - just choose the most traditional ones that are in season.

Belinda Benn

Popular American fitness model and trainer Belinda Benn began training at the age of 37 and achieved incredible results. Now she is the owner of a young, beautiful body and looks 20 years younger than her 55. Belinda has developed the Get Lean healthy eating program to help those who want to be slim and strong, be in excellent physical shape, change their diet and lifestyle as she did it. Her own career began at the age of 44, after competing in a fitness bikini competition. Since then, she has not left the covers of popular glossy magazines.

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