Diet cocktails for weight loss in a blender, 35 delicious recipes

Best Whey Protein Shakes

Whey protein is especially popular among athletes and sports fans due to its high efficiency and affordable price. The composition of this sports nutrition includes whey, purified from fats and carbohydrates by filtration.

Rapidly digestible protein, taken before and after training, stimulates metabolism, improves immunity, breaks down fats and ensures rapid muscle growth.

Kevin Levrone Levro Whey Supreme



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All athletes will appreciate the benefits of taking this high quality whey protein concentrate. The secret of its effectiveness is a special manufacturing technology that combines cold pressing and whey filtration.

The result is a product containing 23.5 grams of protein per serving with a minimum of other unwanted components. The cocktail is presented in 4 flavor variations.

The manufacturer recommends taking the cocktail 2 times a day - before and after classes, diluting 1 scoop in 300 ml of liquid. This will charge the body with 119 calories, high-quality protein for muscle growth, as well as BCAAs and glutamine to neutralize catabolism and reduce post-workout recovery.


  • High protein content, minimum fat and carbohydrates;
  • Available in various flavors;
  • Neutralizes catabolism;
  • Stimulates muscle growth;
  • Does not form lumps.


  • The price is higher than analogues - 4 thousand for 2200 g.

Kevin Levrone's protein shake will be appreciated by bodybuilders looking to get lean and increase muscle size.

Maxler Ultra Whey



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Maxler's sports nutrition formula consists of 80% whey protein derived from cow's milk. The cocktail with a minimum of fat and carbohydrates includes 18 amino acids and 24 grams of protein per 1 serving. The product is available in chocolate, vanilla, lemon, raspberry, strawberry and other flavors. Diluted in a proportion of 30 grams per 250 ml of water and milk, it charges the body with 119 kcal.

By taking this drink before and after workouts, you can easily increase productivity, intensity and duration of exercise, and also provide your body with building material for quick recovery after exercise and increased muscle growth.


  • A lot of different tastes;
  • High protein content per serving;
  • Available in various volumes (from 450 to 1800 g);
  • Increases endurance;
  • Reasonable price - about 3,000 rubles for a large package.


  • Not suitable for allergy sufferers.

If you are new to sports, just starting your path to an ideal physique, taking a cocktail from Maxler before and after training will eliminate fatigue and increase muscle size after just a couple of months of training.


15 Best Sports Nutrition Products

Best Protein Milk Shakes

A type of sports nutrition that combines 20% whey protein and 80% casein, it is slowly absorbed by the body, providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Thanks to these properties, milkshakes are recommended in the evening, as they regulate metabolism, destroy fatty tissue and reduce appetite.

Milk protein is an ideal option for overweight people who want to lose weight, but are not looking for iron muscles.

Scitec Nutrition 100% Milk Complex



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Scitec Nutrition formula contains high-quality protein, amino acids and nutritional enzymes that improve endurance, immunity and gastrointestinal function. The product, available in 3 flavors, is diluted in the proportion of 1 scoop per 250 ml of liquid.

The cocktail is taken 1 to 4 times a day, the energy value of a serving is 115 kcal. In doing so, you'll load your body with 22.5 grams of protein and 19 amino acids for maximum endurance, energy boost and muscle strength.

Sportspit is enriched with bromelain and papain, which increase the effectiveness of the main components of the composition and improve metabolic processes. Regular intake of Milk Complex will ensure the growth and protection of muscle mass from breakdown, and will also reduce body fat.


  • Low calorie content;
  • High protein content and many amino acids in the composition;
  • Enriched with food enzymes;
  • Various tastes;
  • Regulates the ratio of fat and muscle mass.


  • The price is about 4800 rubles for 2350 grams.

Do you dream of losing weight with moderate physical activity? Scitec Nutrition milk protein will help you cope with excess weight.

QNT Protein Shake



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A ready-made cocktail from QNT is a godsend for busy people who care about their health and appearance. The 500 ml package contains a drink based on milk protein. The manufacturer recommends consuming the entire portion during the day, which will provide the body with 490 kcal and 53 grams of highly digestible protein.

Including Protein Shake in your diet will charge you with energy, building material for muscles, and will also shorten the post-workout recovery period. In addition, such a cocktail is an excellent alternative to high-calorie treats for those who are overweight.


  • Convenient product format - no need to dissolve the powder yourself;
  • Pleasant taste (vanilla, banana, chocolate, strawberry, etc.);
  • Forms muscles;
  • Reduces appetite;
  • Increases energy charge.


  • High in calories compared to regular powdered shakes.

If you are a busy person watching your diet, QNT's ready-to-drink protein shake will help balance your diet, eliminate cravings for high-carbohydrate foods and regulate your protein-to-fat ratio.

Fat burning drinks

In terms of dietary nutrition, fat-burning drinks for weight loss are effective aids in the fight against excess weight. They will also help with a standard diet, when you don’t want to go on strict diets, but need to lose weight. By following a healthy lifestyle with exercise and proper nutrition, you will lose those hated pounds, and fat-burning drinks will speed up this process.

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The best casein shakes

Casein has a low absorption rate, so it is recommended for evening intake in order to feed the muscles with “long-lasting” protein. Made from milk, it contains a large amount of calcium, therefore strengthening the athlete's bone tissue. Casein cocktails satisfy hunger for a long time and have an anti-catabolic effect, so they are especially recommended for those who are struggling with excess fat mass.

BioTech USA Micellar Casein



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A low-fat mixture based on micellar casein contains a mix of essential and essential amino acids that will nourish muscle tissue for a long time. The product is suitable for bodybuilders and people who want to lose weight to take before bed.

By dissolving 30 grams of powder in 300 ml of milk, you will satisfy your hunger and provide the body with 22 g of highly digestible protein at only 105 kcal per serving. The product is available in 4 flavors: cream and cookie, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavors.


  • 4 flavors;
  • Low calorie and no fat;
  • Long-term saturation;
  • Prevents catabolism;
  • Saturates the body with useful substances.


  • High cost (3 thousand per 900 grams).

If your workouts take place in the evening, following up with a protein shake will stop muscle breakdown and help you quickly improve your physique.

Galvanize Nutrition Max Casein



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Regular intake of Galvanize Casein Protein will prevent nighttime catabolism. The energy value of one serving is only 104 kcal while providing 21 grams of protein, BCAA, glutamine and digestive enzymes.

The cocktail formula contains stable micellar casein, which takes up to 12 hours to digest. As a result, the body will be charged with the necessary nutrients for muscle growth even while sleeping.

To prepare a delicious and healthy chocolate dessert, mix 30 grams of the mixture with 300 ml of water or milk and take the drink instead of a late dinner. It will relieve the feeling of hunger and soon replace the fat layer with the desired muscle mass.


  • Low calorie content;
  • Takes a long time to be absorbed by the body;
  • Rich amino acid composition;
  • Stable form of protein;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Regulates the ratio of fat and muscle tissue.


  • Only one taste.

Are you a professional athlete committed to active muscle growth? In this case, combine your fast protein intake during the day with Galvanize Nutrition micellar casein at night.

LevelUp 100% Casein



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The protein mixture from the Russian brand LevelUp contains pure micellar casein for long-term nutrition of muscle mass with essential amino acids. The manufacturer complies with quality standards in the manufacture of its products, offering high-quality and pure protein with a minimum of flavoring additives.

An evening drink (35 grams of powder per 250 ml of water or milk) will saturate the athlete with 130 kcal and 28.3 grams of pure protein. In addition to the rich amino acid matrix, the body will be charged with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B, E and H for strong bones, a healthy heart and nervous system.


  • High protein content per serving;
  • Clean composition;
  • Several flavor options;
  • Sold in various volumes (454, 908 and 2270 g);
  • Rich in vitamins and elements;
  • Optimal consistency.


  • Specific taste.

A serving of a protein shake from LevelUp will quench your appetite for a long time in the evening, ensure an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in fat mass, and at the same time improve your overall well-being.


13 Best Mass Gainers

Diet cocktails for weight loss

1. The classic recipe for diet cocktails for weight loss usually involves the use of exclusively natural and healthy ingredients. One such option is a ginger-lemon drink.

To prepare it, you need to peel a small piece of ginger root and add warm water. Leave it for a while to brew.

Meanwhile, you can squeeze the juice of a medium lemon.

Strain the ginger, add lemon juice and clean water.

This cocktail perfectly quenches thirst, but it is best to drink it no more than twice a week.

2. One great option for a light vegetable smoothie is pumpkin juice. It can also be supplemented with lemon or lime juice. You can add flax seeds or some chopped nuts to this drink to give it a thicker consistency and nutritional value.

3. Celery is a storehouse of healthy vitamins that are essential for losing weight. To prepare an incredibly easy and tasty vegetable smoothie, you need to wash a stalk of celery and put it in a blender. Add some fresh herbs to taste. Grind until smooth, and then pour in a glass of clean water or low-fat kefir.

You can start your day with this delicacy to feel cheerful and light.

Best Egg Protein Shakes

The protein mixture with the highest biological value is made from egg white. This product contains a sufficient concentration of vitamins and beneficial elements, saturates the body for a long time and has a better amino acid composition in comparison with other protein shakes.

Among the disadvantages of such sports nutrition are the high fat content and inhumane price. However, for people who are lactose intolerant, egg protein is the best fuel for muscle development.

Rich Piana 5% Nutrition Egg White Crystals



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Rich Piana's source of high-quality protein will be appreciated by athletes interested in quickly gaining muscle mass. The energy value of one serving of the cocktail is 90 calories with 20 grams of purified protein.

In addition to its high protein content, the product contains sodium, potassium, calcium and vitamin A, which increase the rate of absorption of the main components of the formula. The mixture, taken before and after training, gives the athlete tone, rapid muscle recovery and an increase in their volume, accelerated fat burning and excellent well-being.

Another advantage of this protein in comparison with analogues is the absence of fat. This sports nutrition is suitable for people with high cholesterol and allergies who want to lose weight and at the same time balance their diet.


  • Lack of fats and carbohydrates – minimal calorie content;
  • Enriched with useful additives;
  • Stimulates muscle growth;
  • Prevents muscle breakdown;
  • Suitable for allergy sufferers.


  • Specific taste.

Rich Piana 5% Nutrition egg mixture is ideal for allergy sufferers and people with a predisposition to atherosclerosis who engage in moderate physical activity to correct body weight.

Scitec Nutrition Egg Pro



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Are you lactose intolerant? With egg protein from Scitec Nutrition, your body will not experience protein deficiency even during grueling hours of training. The protein in this mixture contains a complete amino acid complex and a record concentration of nitrogen, which nourish muscle tissue, strengthen bones and reduce post-workout recovery time.

To prepare muscle fuel, combine 30 grams of protein with 300 ml of liquid, mix well and enjoy the excellent chocolate taste of the drink and a long-lasting feeling of fullness.


  • Hypoallergenic composition;
  • Low calorie content per serving (95 kcal);
  • High protein content – ​​22 grams;
  • Complete amino acid composition;
  • Pleasant chocolate taste;
  • Optimal cost for egg mixture.


  • Only one taste;
  • Contains aspartame.

Scitec protein, high-quality and rich in amino acids, will appeal to professional bodybuilders. Suitable for use after training.

Myprotein 100% Egg White Powder



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A serving of this cocktail will perfectly satisfy your hunger, saturating the body with 23 grams of protein in just 105 calories. The mixture is made using egg whites, which contain a rich profile of nutrients necessary for muscle growth and normal functioning of the body.

These include a complete matrix of essential and essential amino acids and elements that charge the body with energy and motivation for intense training.

By mixing 1 scoop of powder with 200 ml of liquid and taking the drink before and after training, you will see a noticeable increase in muscle mass and a reduction in fat mass after just a month of training.


  • Several flavor options (neutral, vanilla, chocolate);
  • Rich amino acid profile;
  • Minimum calories;
  • Suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • Provides muscle growth;
  • Affordable price - about 1500 rubles per 1 kg.


  • Contains cholesterol.

Are you an allergy sufferer just starting your journey to an athletic physique? Myprotein's egg white body fuel will help transform your figure in a short time without harming your health.


14 best fat burners

Fat burning drinks at home - recipes

A fat burning cocktail will be useful if you eat properly, even without following a strict diet. Fat burner properties can manifest themselves independently or during physical activity: cardio and strength training. There are many recipes for making cocktails at home. The drinks contain many different ingredients, so every girl will find something suitable for herself.

Cinnamon infusion with honey

The components of the drink are useful not only as a mixture, but also individually. Their benefits have been proven more than once, and the list of microelements with vitamins is amazing:

  • Cinnamon is considered a health spice. It includes essential oils, resin, tannins. The seasoning is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, and contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and other equally useful elements. The properties of cinnamon include the effect of natural antioxidants and antimicrobial effect. For weight loss, cinnamon spice is used because it accelerates metabolism, lowers glucose, cholesterol, and insulin levels.
  • Honey is a natural antiseptic and preservative containing more than 300 microelements: carbohydrates, organic acids and their salts, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, fatty and essential oils, phosphatides, styrene, terpenoids and other lipids. At the same time, it is a conductor of useful substances into cells.

Honey and cinnamon in a fat burning drink enhance each other’s effect, helping the substances to be absorbed better. When taken regularly, the infusion converts glucose into energy, quenches appetite, and gently cleanses the intestines due to its slight laxative effect. For this combination of ingredients to help with weight loss, you should prepare the cocktail correctly:

  1. Take 200 ml of cold boiled water, 1 tsp honey and 0.5 tsp cinnamon.
  2. Dissolve cinnamon in water, after which it should be left for 30 minutes.
  3. Add honey to the cinnamon and stir the drink well.

For effective results, take the infusion 2 times a day, half a glass. Infuse a new drink every day, because the beneficial properties are lost after 24 hours. If mucus or film forms on the surface of the infusion, change the cinnamon, which is either of poor quality, or cassia (Chinese spice). It’s better to buy cinnamon sticks, and to make a cocktail, grind it yourself in a blender or coffee grinder.

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Sassi water

Weight regulation with the help of beneficial components occurs when drinking Sassi water. The drink speeds up metabolism, removes toxins from the body, cleanses the blood, normalizes digestion and gives a feeling of satiety. It’s easy to prepare a vitamin cocktail:

  1. Grind 1 tbsp ginger root or take 1 tsp powder.
  2. Peel and cut 1 cucumber with 1 lemon.
  3. Tear a few peppermint sprigs with your fingers.
  4. Place the ingredients in a glass and fill them with water.
  5. Leave the drink overnight or 8-9 hours in a place without sunlight.

During this time, the drink will be enriched with minerals, vitamins and essential oils, and for the best effect from Sassi water, follow the following rules:

  • cocktail products must be fresh;
  • ginger is pre-cleaned;
  • Do not leave the drink in the sun;
  • You can consume no more than 4 liters of vitamin cocktail concentrate per day;
  • Drink 1 glass at a time, every 3-4 hours.

Fat burning drink for the lazy

There is also a fat burner for the lazy. The effect of the cocktail is manifested without heavy sports training, but proper nutrition and aerobic exercise are not canceled. To prepare the drink you will need:

  1. Take 1 kiwi, 2 pieces of lemon, 7 branches of peppermint and parsley, 100-150 ml of water, and honey if desired.
  2. Place the peeled kiwi in a blender, adding the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Drink the cocktail immediately after mixing.

Weight loss drink at night

Instead of your last meal or as a snack before bed, you can drink a cocktail of kefir, cinnamon and pepper, which is especially effective in the evening. The drink satisfies hunger, and its beneficial properties for the stomach and intestines ensure rapid weight loss. Mix the following ingredients into a cocktail and drink every evening:

  • 200 ml low-fat or 1% kefir;
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 0.5 tsp ground ginger;
  • red pepper on the tip of a knife, but if the cocktail turns out spicy, reduce the amount.

Best Soy Protein Shakes

Soy blends are an affordable alternative to whey protein recommended for lactose intolerant people and vegetarians. Due to the use of plant raw materials, the amino acid composition and biological value of such sports nutrition is inferior to its dairy counterparts.

The advantages of soy mixtures are a detox effect, a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and regulation of the production of female hormones, which will be appreciated by the fair sex.

Cybermass Nutrition Soy Protein Isolate



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Avoiding animal products in your diet? You can follow your beliefs even in choosing sports nutrition by purchasing a soy protein blend from Cybermass Nutrition.

One serving of the shake contains 95 kcal and 23 grams of protein. Moreover, its composition excludes fats and carbohydrates. This formula is ideal for people suffering from excess weight, high blood cholesterol and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The manufacturer recommends drinking the drink 3 times a day on training days and twice a day during the rest period to maintain muscle mass, stimulate metabolism and increase the amount of protein consumed.


  • Suitable for allergy sufferers and vegetarians;
  • Stimulates metabolism;
  • Low calorie content;
  • Improves the biochemical composition of blood;
  • Regulates the ratio of muscle and fat mass in the body;
  • Adequate price - 1300 rubles per 1200 grams.


  • Requires frequent daily dosing;
  • Digestibility is lower compared to whey protein.

Soy protein from Cybermass Nutrition is an excellent option for women who adhere to a healthy diet and are highly active during the day.

GeneticLab Nutrition Soy Protein



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Soy protein from GeneticLab is a godsend for women starting their journey to a chiseled waist and proper nutrition. The product is diluted in a proportion of 30 grams per 250 ml of liquid, which allows you to get a drink with a thick gel-like consistency that perfectly saturates the body.

By replacing one of your meals with this cocktail and consuming it before and after workouts, you will get rid of slow metabolism, lack of tone, problems with the reproductive system and excess weight.

The hypoallergenic and low-calorie formula has the only drawback - a bitter taste, which can easily be tolerated on the way to an attractive figure and excellent physical shape.


  • Low calorie content - about 100 kcal per serving;
  • Eliminates the feeling of hunger;
  • Nourishes muscles;
  • Minimum fats and carbohydrates;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • The price is about 1200 rubles per 900 grams.


  • Bitter taste.

GeneticLab Soy Protein is a rich source of protein for dieters, allergy sufferers and fasters who do not want to give up an active lifestyle.

Types of cocktails and principle of action

Let's consider what types of cocktails there are and the principle of their effect on the human body.

In general, cocktails can be divided into four groups: detox, fat-burning, nutritious, protein. They have one goal - to rid you of excess weight. The only difference is their approach to completing the intended task.

But all cocktails act almost the same. Firstly, they speed up metabolism thanks to specially selected ingredients. Cells are saturated with vitamins and minerals, and internal organs work in harmony. Secondly, such drinks significantly saturate our body. Fiber suppresses hunger for long hours and replaces several meals.

The Best Multi-Ingredient Protein Shakes

The compositions of such sports nutrition are a mix of several types of protein to provide the body with a complete amino acid profile. Among their advantages are an affordable price, immediate inclusion in metabolism, high nutritional value and the ability to take at any time of the day, regardless of physical activity.

BinaSport Excellent Matrix-7 Protein



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The balanced sports nutrition formula Excellent Matrix combines 5 components derived from whole cow's milk and 2 lactose-free ingredients. These include isolate, concentrate, whey hydrolysate, milk protein, casein, as well as egg and rice protein. The energy value of a serving is 110 kcal with 27.3 grams of protein. The cocktail is available in 13 flavors.

The mixture contains a full spectrum of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. The product is taken 2 times a day. This ensures uninterrupted nutrition of the muscles, their enhanced growth, absence of pain after exercise, long-term saturation and excellent well-being.


  • Wide selection of flavors;
  • High protein content;
  • 7 types of protein in the composition, plus additional healthy ingredients;
  • Nourishes muscles throughout the day;
  • Improves digestion;
  • Neutralizes catabolic processes.


  • Specific smell.

The multi-component protein from BinaSport Excellent will be appreciated by both bodybuilders seeking to reach a new weight category and novice athletes who want to increase endurance and muscle mass.

Syntrax Matrix 5.0



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The combination of casein, milk, egg and whey proteins with glutamine peptides is created for athletes who do not want to stop at the results they have achieved.

“Mint cookies”, “milk chocolate”, “cookies-cream” - these are just some of the flavor variations of this mixture, in abundance of which you will definitely find a drink that you will like.

To correct the ratio of fat and muscle in the body, take the cocktail up to 3 times a day. To prepare a serving, mix 30 grams of powder with 300 ml of liquid. As a result, you will receive a drink with an energy value of 110 kcal with 23 grams of protein with a complete profile of amino acids and elements.


  • An abundance of pleasant and unusual tastes;
  • Rich composition;
  • Activates muscle growth;
  • Promotes fat burning;
  • Reasonable price (2600-2700 rubles for 2.27 kg).


  • Requires long mixing.

Multi-component protein from Syntrax will be appreciated by bodybuilders who want to achieve maximum muscle growth and improve endurance.

SportExpert Protein Mix



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The formula of this product contains casein, egg and whey proteins, which supply the body with the necessary amino acids for the whole day.

Take the cocktail before and after training, diluting 30 grams of powder in 300 ml of milk. One serving will provide the athlete with 102 kcal and 24 grams of protein, as well as a full spectrum of amino acids, vitamins C, B and magnesium.

Regular intake of the mixture provides the body with building material for muscles, which stimulates its rapid growth, neutralizes catabolism and accelerates post-workout recovery.

The product has a pleasant vanilla taste, perfectly eliminates the feeling of hunger, and is suitable for use by men and women.


  • Pleasant taste;
  • Low calorie content;
  • Nourishes muscles throughout the day, ensuring their growth;
  • Available in various volumes (360 and 908 grams);
  • A large package costs about 1,600 rubles.


  • Only vanilla taste.

Multicomponent protein SportExpert Protein Mix is ​​an excellent option for those who are just starting to get acquainted with sports nutrition. At an adequate price, it does not have a narrow focus, but provides figure correction, a feeling of long-term satiety and replenishment of protein deficiency in the diet.

Comparison of the presented funds

For a more clear comparison of the types of cocktails presented above, we use a general comparison table.

Ratings on the topic: Rating TOP 7 best remedies for heartburn: which is effective, pros and cons, price

MeansTasteFat (g)Proteins (g)Carbohydrates (g)Price, rub)
Natural Balance Oriflamestrawberry1.57.56from 2,200 to 2,650
Chocolate Slimhot chocolate121057from 930 to 1,090
ISO-100 Dymatizevanilla251from 3,440 to 3,745
Fito Slim Balancepowdered milk51022from 880 to 990
HydroPure Nutrabolicsstrawberry242from 4,970 to 5,030
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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