"PRANA Food works on an intellectual level"

Protein diets are becoming so commonplace that they no longer excite the imagination. Although quite recently this method of weight loss seemed fantastic. Of course, quick weight loss without hunger, with delicious dishes on the table. However, this system also had a downside. Imagine a product that consisted only of protein. It's difficult, isn't it? Meat, fish, milk are all also sources of fat. But the use of the latter just negates all a person’s efforts. The author of the famous Dukan system analyzed this and offered us a new one. This is the Prana diet, which is based on the consumption of balanced protein shakes.

Pure Protein

This is the real dream of any woman. The highest quality protein is in a convenient jar. There is no need to prepare it, just dilute it in a shaker and you can drink it. Such foods are tasty and very healthy, because they provide your body with a kind of building material, which is often completely excluded during a diet. This is an excellent source of energy. Everyone remembers how hard it is to wake up on the fifth day of a strict diet. Only by lunchtime do you realize that the night is already over. The Prana diet is completely free of such disadvantages. You will feel full of strength and energy until the evening.

This leads to another important effect. Excellent health and energy ensure that you will be at the peak of activity all day. That is, the body's costs are high, metabolism accelerates day after day, and the weight simply melts before our eyes. And all this is the Prana diet!

An alternative to “one-sided” nutrition

Most often, in order to get rid of hated fat accumulations, a person resorts to mono-diets. It is much easier and cheaper than going to a nutritionist, developing a special menu, purchasing vegetables and grains, lean meat and fish, cottage cheese and herbs. It’s easy to lose weight with mono-diets - you cook yourself a glass of rice, and that’s it, your diet for the day is ready. But the next day there is a rapid exit from the diet.

A limited diet is not so depressing if protein shakes are included in it. Thanks to this innovation, the Prana diet offers its followers to survive the entire two weeks without much effort and emerge victorious. In addition, you will be spared the need to prepare several dishes at once.

"PRANA Food works on an intellectual level"

Today we talked with Yana Lazurnaya, Marketing Director of the Reborn company, which created a young, but already very well-known product among fans of a healthy lifestyle, PRANA Food.

— Yana, for me PRANA is associated with you. Of course, we all know the founder, Yakov Marshak , but for me you are the person who actively promotes this everywhere. Please tell me how you came to this?

- In fact, I ended up with Prana when Prana did not yet exist. The story was this: I was involved in events and was a raw foodist during this period. I, like all raw foodists at the beginning, had a wave when you want to show everyone what food addiction is. This, of course, is maximalism, but, apparently, the reason for this is the psychological difficulty of giving up habitual food. Plus there were internal torments, weighing right and wrong, etc. And at the very moment when the questions apparently reached the right point, the answer came!

We were sitting at lunch with Felix Pak at the Russian Wave festival, where I acted as an organizer and Felix as a yoga teacher. And I, eating a huge plate of cabbage, shared my conclusions about humanity’s dependence on food. And then Felix began to tell me about the idea of ​​a wonderful product, about Marshak and his “Food of the Gods.” Excellent functional nutrition, which was created by Yakov Immanuelevich about 12 years ago, but few people knew about it because marketing tools were not used. The effect of “Food of the Gods” was the same as that of PRANA food: satiation, getting rid of food addictions, plus you can do sports and yoga. But there were components that are not entirely suitable for vegetarians and can also cause allergies. And together with Felix Marshak, he came up with an upgrade, the working name of which was “can.” It was during that conversation that my whole gut felt: this is what I need! Felix offered to join the creative group. Of course, at that time I was involved in events and did not quite understand how I could take part in this project, however, I agreed.

Then I flew to India for two weeks and already started writing texts, comprehending them, and started coming up with names. There were many of them, but we decided to proceed from the essence: those components that fill the product and the vitality that they give. At some point it became obvious that all this was united by the word “PRANA”, to which “food” was soon added.

In fact, I am a freelancer for life, so with the advent of PRANA food, everything gradually began to change for me. This project has become our common child, whom we love and believe in.

Everything happened gradually and before my eyes, we recruited employees, expanded, and improved. Of course, there were some things that put me off a little at first, it had to do with network marketing. But one day Felix told me one interesting thing: network marketing is a convenient structure through which you can convey to people not only a product, but also an idea. And since we are trying to convey the idea of ​​awareness not only in nutrition, but also in life, through the product, the value of this marketing is quite high, people will learn the information online. In addition, PRANA food is an intelligent product that works at different levels of consciousness. At first you understand that it replaces meals, it’s tasty, you’re in a cheerful state, and your body perceives it well. And then it starts to work differently, you stop wanting to eat junk food, you begin to treat your body with deep respect and care. Your internal dialogue stops. Marshak created an innovative formula, the composition of each component of which is unique. I'll try to explain how it works. There are sedative and stimulant products. Sedatives cause a state of bliss, and stimulants give a feeling of vivacity and even energy, without fluctuations. This equalizes the human condition. What causes bad habits, be it eating sweets, fatty foods, drinking alcohol or smoking? The answer is simple: mood swings, uneven condition. It is for this reason that most addictions arise, including drug addictions, as well as food addictions. PRANA food suppresses such surges due to the fact that it is a product with a high content of vegetable protein. And among other things, PRANA food is suitable for people suffering from diabetes.

— I often see PRANA food on sale in supermarkets. Please tell me, was it difficult to bring such a unique product to the mass market?

“At first we were surprised ourselves by how quickly the product spread. We have made efforts to this, but this does not relate to the material side of the issue. Many people are “attracted” to us by higher powers and help us. Of course, first of all, we distributed products to yoga centers, since yogis are searching, open people, ready to accept new and useful things. Here, of course, the personality of Yakov Marshak, the story of his success and the knowledge of many people about him played a role. Sales at yoga centers were effective in terms of product awareness. Next, we used event marketing to promote the brand. We participated in festivals, exhibitions and other events. People found out about us very quickly. Of course, there are people who are initially negative about such things. But those who try it no longer forget about our product. Some become our regular customers, others buy the product occasionally, and distributors also appear regularly. Our ideology is being adopted very quickly.

— It turns out that you are represented in many Russian cities?

— Yes, there are representative offices in the largest cities: St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Astana. There are many cities where there are our representatives who you can contact and order.

— How is PRANA food perceived in the regions?

— It’s different everywhere, sales went very dynamically in Novosibirsk. For sales, it is important that this captures the person-seller and can be trusted by other people. The perception of a product very much depends on what thought the person presenting it conveys. It's nice to see people get excited about an idea and pass it on.

— If one of our readers wants to become a PRANA food representative, what does he need to do for this?

— Call our office and tell us about your desire. Our company is open to any forms of cooperation. To open a representative office, you need to check on our website whether there is a representative office in a given city, and if the city is not occupied, then you can become our official representative by calling the development department Chestnov Artem. For business development and the convenience of partners, there may be several representative offices in one city, each of which may have dealers who join sales later. Thus, the official representatives have a bonus. Of course, we are now starting to filter everyone who is interested, of which there are a sufficient number. We get a lot of requests from other countries, for example, from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, Italy, etc. We strive to reach the international level, but a person who wants to become a pioneer in one of the countries must have not just a desire, but a real one intention. You need to understand that you can do this, that you have resources, both financial and various marketing opportunities, connections. You need to talk a lot about the product; just advertising it is not enough. You need to find a trendsetter or become one yourself. For example, many celebrities speak positively about our product, but this is not a financial merit, the point is that they really like the product. All reviews are real, sincere and open.

I am very proud of our director Felix and our team. It is the position of non-aggression and gentleness that fascinates and attracts. Perhaps because I am more dynamic and active, this just sets the energy and balances their peace. Everything is in harmony! Someone will say that business is not done like that, business requires aggression, war. But it’s very cool when a person comes into business from yoga, he understands where to use force and where to use love. We always have a state of lightness, there is no heaviness, there is no need to go over our heads. And if any fluctuations arise within the team, we advise each other to lie down in shavasana. This, of course, does not compare with what happens when you do events.

—Are you preparing any new flavors? What awaits consumers?

— We are preparing new products, I won’t reveal all the secrets, I’ll just say that it will be aimed at rejuvenating the body. The products will be released in the form of dietary supplements, the components of which will actively participate in cell regeneration. Yakov Marshak is currently developing products, so new products are just around the corner. We had an idea to release an anti-glutton pill, but so far we have abandoned it because the cost is very high. I wouldn’t want to make very expensive products; everything should be accessible to people. PRANA food, for example, is a product of premium quality, but at an absolutely comfortable price. Although, I’ll rightly note that there is often such a reaction when a person says that 2000 rubles per can is very expensive. But after recalculating the cost of a portion, which is about 90-100 rubles, a revaluation occurs. Many people even buy PRANA food to save money. There is even a joke: when there are a few days left of your salary, you need to completely switch to Prana. (laughs)

— Do you have a favorite recipe with
P rana?
— Personally, I don’t, I love the product in its pure form, probably left over from the raw food diet. I try not to mix too many ingredients. But my friends have a super recipe: they make ice cream by adding banana and blueberry prana to a certain consistency, and then freeze it. So I recommend everyone to try it, it turns out very tasty!

Banana ice cream


Banana 1 piece

Nuts or dried fruits to taste

PRANA Food “Blueberry” 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

  • Cut the banana into small pieces and place in the freezer for several hours.
  • Then mix PRANA Food “Blueberries” with frozen banana in a blender. Add nuts or dried fruits to taste.

photographer Irina Smirnova


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"Prana food"

So much has already been said about protein shakes that there seems to be nothing more to add. Nevertheless, the researchers were very surprised by the Prana diet. Feedback from nutritionists suggests that they would never suggest that their patients replace regular food with sports nutrition. But after studying the origins of Prana products, they realized that they could really be trusted.

The compositions were developed by a group of nutritionists led by a biochemist. The result is a completely new product that is not only a source of protein, but also vitamins and minerals. The formula is also unique in that it reveals the properties of the ingredients gradually. The dosage of each of them is calculated so precisely that it ensures the activation of paired substances, as well as penetration into every cell of the body.

Difference from analogues

It is traditionally believed that behind good taste there is always its artificiality. With the help of dyes and additives, you can deceive the taste buds, but the body will suffer from a lack of beneficial substances and an excess of harmful ones. However, the results of the Prana diet for 14 days show that this is not always the case. Studies were conducted in which a person underwent comprehensive diagnostics before and after the course. As a result, we found out that Prana cocktails are indeed an exception to the rule. They are excellent in taste, quality and effect.

For diet and more

Drinks from this series have a complex effect on the human body. What is especially remarkable is the saturation of the body with essential substances and amino acids and a gradual decrease in appetite. This is logical: if organs and systems are provided with everything for full functioning, then there is no need to demand anything extra. The result is a pleasant satiety in the stomach, excellent health. Metabolism stabilizes and accelerates, and the nervous system calms down.

This product is suitable not only for those who adhere to a strict diet and want to lose weight. This is an excellent protein product that is beneficial for those with heart disease. It will be very useful for people with metabolic syndrome. If you have chronic diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, cholecystitis), then you should drink cocktails at least once a day.

What is the essence of the diet?

The Prana low-calorie nutrition system belongs to the category of protein diets based on the use of protein shakes. You can follow the diet for a long time for 2 weeks without harm to the body.

A gentle weight loss program developed by Yak Marshak requires regular use of special cocktails to reduce excess weight. The drinks are prepared from a powder that contains natural plant ingredients, high quality proteins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, phospholipids, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, during Prana diet therapy there is no need to take additional dietary supplements.

To create a fat-burning effect, the following are added to the cocktail:

  • flax seed flour;
  • ground pine nuts;
  • ginger root;
  • magnesium;
  • vegetable soy protein;
  • lecithin;
  • apple pectin;
  • fibergam;
  • multivitamin complex;
  • lactulose;
  • black pepper extract;
  • erythritol.

Thanks to the high content of plant fiber, the cocktail helps you cope with hunger pangs. After using the drink, appetite decreases for 3-4 hours. When plant fibers enter the stomach, they begin to swell, absorbing water from hydrochloric acid. Because of this, fiber is not digested and passes through the digestive tract, freeing it from food waste and toxic substances.

Swollen dietary fiber fills the free cavity in the stomach and begins to put pressure on its walls. Nerve impulses reach the food center in the brain and report the onset of satiety. As a result, a person begins to experience a false sense of satiety, the amount of food consumed per day is reduced, and the daily calorie intake drops.

To achieve a fat-burning effect, you will need to carry out a low-calorie protein diet in parallel with taking cocktails. To compensate for energy costs, the body will be forced to spend glycogen reserves in the liver and destroy adipose tissue from the subcutaneous tissue. Muscles are not destroyed during a diet, because a person regularly replenishes protein reserves from food and cocktails. Proteins maintain skeletal muscle tone, improve psycho-emotional control and increase resistance to stress.

To support a low-calorie diet, nutritionists have developed cocktails with a wide range of flavors. Drinks help diversify the diet menu and improve your mood. At the same time, no synthetic compounds, flavors, dyes or flavor enhancers are added to the products.

Before starting the diet, you will need to measure the initial volumes and calculate the BMI (body mass index). If the indicators are 15% higher than the norm, when creating a dietary menu you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the amount of protein consumed should be no more than 90 g per day;
  • you cannot take more than 65 g of fat per day;
  • The daily carbohydrate intake should reach 100-120 g.

Advantages of Prana products

  • The assortment includes cocktails with a wide variety of tastes. It could be soup, berry mix, milk dessert.
  • Products in this series do not contain heavy metals, mercury and parasites, nitrates and pathogens.
  • They are distinguished by a perfectly balanced composition. No preservatives or gluten.
  • One intake of Prana products is equal to a full breakfast, lunch or dinner. It contains enough calories to support the normal functioning of the body. But, of course, you can’t eat cocktails alone; they need to be combined with your regular diet.

Start of the diet

The first stage is the most important in the entire weight loss journey. Essentially, how you start is how success will be built. First of all, you need to find a starting point. That is, weigh yourself, measure volumes and calculate your body mass index. What does the Prana diet offer you for 14 days? Reviews emphasize that this is a tasty and very easy way to lose weight. If the body mass index is 15% or higher than normal, then the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Protein intake should not exceed 90 g per day.
  • Carbohydrates – 100 (120) g.
  • Fat – 65 g.

Stages of the two-week Prana diet

Initially, the pranic menu for two weeks for weight loss was developed for people with critically high body weight. Today, the technique is also used to improve the health of the body with the help of protein shakes.

To ensure a positive result, follow the sequence of stages: starting a diet, exiting it, maintaining and consolidating.

First stage

Before losing weight, you need to weigh yourself, measure your volume, and calculate your BMI (body mass index). Record all results in your food diary. Next, indicate even small positive changes. If BMI is 15–50% higher than normal, then BJU consumption per day should not exceed the following indicators:

  • carbohydrates – 100–200 g;
  • proteins – 70–90 g;
  • fats – 65–75 g.


  1. Breakfast . Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), oatmeal with water (150 g) or Prana vanilla, chocolate cocktail.
  2. Dinner . Any protein food: poultry, fish, eggs (200 g).
  3. Snack . Cocktail Prana gazpacho, broccoli, porcini mushrooms.
  4. Dinner . Vegetable salad with vegetable oil dressing, boiled egg or berry cocktail.

Quitting the diet

This stage of the Prana diet lasts a month. At the end of the program, do not immediately jump on food, because the weight will quickly return. Gradually introduce low-fat broths, water-based cereals, fruits, and vegetables into your diet. Only in the last week can you have dinner with boiled meat and salad. Before each snack and main meal, be sure to drink 200 ml of warm water with lemon juice. Diet:

  1. Breakfast . Cocktail or omelet from one egg with spinach (100 g).
  2. Snack (in an hour). Grated boiled carrots with flax seeds (100 g).
  3. Dinner . Cocktail (ceps, gazpacho).
  4. Dinner . Low fat cottage cheese (100 g), lazy cabbage rolls (100 g) or Prana cocktail.

Consolidate the result

To prevent the lost kilograms from returning after a diet, spend a fasting day at least once every 7 days on fish, cottage cheese, vegetables in combination with cocktails. Avoid sweet, smoked and fatty foods. If this is difficult to do, you can, for example, eat a piece of dark chocolate instead of a cake. Potatoes, ice cream, honey, alcohol, mayonnaise, polished rice, and white flour are prohibited.

Diet at the initial stage

Breakfast should definitely include cereals and cottage cheese as a source of protein. The best option would be oatmeal with water, low-fat cottage cheese and a serving of cocktail. In this case, a fruit or chocolate drink works well. This breakfast will give you energy for the whole day. Plus it is very tasty and not too heavy.

Lunch is the time for protein foods. A person should not eat just a cocktail, and this is a prerequisite. Meat, poultry, fish and eggs - they should alternate with each other. Salt should be reduced to a minimum. Lunch should be supplemented with a fruit or any other cocktail. It is both a treat and an excellent source of amino acids. In addition, it will keep you feeling full longer.

Dinner must end before 19:00, so that you have at least three hours left before bed. There are two options here. Either you can replace the evening meal with a cocktail, or stick to the diet menu. It would be most correct to include a salad of vegetables and vegetable oil in this meal. You can add an egg. This is how the Prana Diet begins. Reviews and results suggest that this is the best way to lose weight. The diet is very nutritious, the menu is varied, so losing weight becomes a joy. Everyone who has taken this course notes that it is very easy to withstand fourteen days.

Diet menu for 14 days

With the exception of the first day of the diet, during main meals you must prepare and consume any cocktail from PRANAfood products. If frequent use of the drink causes heaviness, you can replace it with lunch or afternoon snack.

Sample menu:

Diet Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 day. Hungry. On this day you are allowed to drink only mineral water. It is necessary to free the intestines from the remnants of digested food and prepare the body for the diet.
Day 2. Eggs in any form. Steam omelet with dill. A handful of dried fruits, a glass of milk. 2 boiled chicken eggs. Nuts and freshly squeezed fruit juice. 2 soft-boiled eggs, vegetable salad.
Day 3. Drinking. Berry-milk smoothie. Freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Milkshake. Fresh fruit. 250 ml low fat kefir.
Day 4 Protein. Fruit salad of apples, pineapples and oranges, omelet. Green tea with pieces of fruit. Steamed chicken cutlets, herb and vegetable salad. 2 cucumbers, tomatoes. Baked fish with tomatoes.
Day 5 Fruit. Pineapple, pear and mango salad. Orange. Boiled chicken breast, citrus fruits. ½ grapefruit. A glass of fruit juice, a salad of sweet and sour apples and citrus fruits.
Day 6 Drinking. Ryazhenka. Fresh juice. A glass of milk. Clear chicken broth. A glass of fermented milk drink.
Day 7 Vegetable. Leafy green salad. 2 cucumbers. Boiled fish, vegetable stew. Baked potato. Lenten borscht, cucumber and tomato salad.
Day 8 Fruit and vegetable. Sandwich with tomatoes, cheese and lettuce. Green tea, a handful of dried fruits. Fruit assortment. 250 ml kefir and nuts. Leafy green salad, 2 tomatoes.
Day 9 Cereal. Oatmeal cooked in water. 2-3 cucumbers. Boiled rice, vegetable salad. Tomato juice. Steamed buckwheat.
Day 10 Protein. Orange juice, low fat cottage cheese Grated carrots. Boiled chicken breast with dill. A glass of kefir. Seafood salad.
Day 11 Mixed. Cereal porridge cooked in water with pieces of fruit. Grain cottage cheese, vegetable juice. Baked fish with lemon juice, mushroom soup. 2 toasts, grapefruit. Fruit salad of citrus fruits, pineapple, apples and kiwi.
Day 12 Drinking. Semolina porridge, green tea. Freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Cream soup. Citrus juice. Fermented milk drink.
Day 13 Vegetable. 2 sandwiches made from rye bread toast, tomatoes, lettuce, grated carrots. Grated carrots. Vegetable stew, 2 baked potatoes. Potato and mushroom soup. Vegetable Salad. seasoned with lemon juice.
Day 14 Fruit. Fruit salad. Grated apple of sweet and sour varieties. Chicken egg, 2 oranges. Fresh juice. Apples baked in the oven stuffed with cottage cheese and honey.

Exit from the Prana diet

This is the most important stage. By completing the weight loss course incorrectly, you risk negating all the results achieved. It is advisable to stick to this diet for at least another month. The basis of nutrition is river and sea fish, eggs, cottage cheese and seafood, chicken breast and mushrooms.

Now let's look at the daily diet in more detail. Before eating, be sure to drink a glass of warm water with lemon. For breakfast you should drink a serving of your favorite cocktail. An omelet with spinach will complement the meal. An hour later - second breakfast (don't forget about water). The best option would be grated carrots with sprouted seeds.

Lunch is replaced with a glass of water and a serving of cocktail (ceps, gazpacho). But you can afford a more substantial dinner. These are vegetable cabbage rolls or green salad, low-fat cottage cheese and Prana cocktail. This set will allow you not to feel the pangs of hunger until the very morning, and you will also not overload your body with extra calories.

Third stage, consolidation

How much can you lose on the Prana diet? In fact, the result will depend on many factors, current weight, adherence to the regime. On average, one kilogram per day is considered normal. That is, for a full course you can lose up to 14 kg. However, it is very important to consolidate the result. To reduce the likelihood of rapid weight gain to zero, just follow simple rules:

  • Avoid fatty and sweet foods. If this is very difficult to do, then choose an alternative. A piece of pure chocolate instead of a multi-ingredient cake, a cracker instead of a waffle.
  • Alcohol and honey, ice cream and mayonnaise, rice and potatoes, as well as boiled beets and boiled carrots remain prohibited.

Additionally, once a week it is recommended to maintain one day of mono-diet on vegetables, cottage cheese or fish. One meal a day can be replaced with a cocktail, and once a month you can spend the entire day on Prana products. To summarize, I would like to say that this is a truly effective system, tested by dozens of men and women around the world.

How to get out of a diet: protein diet

When following the Kremlin diet or the Dukan protein diet, you must immediately come to terms with the fact that leaving the diet will be long and will last for six months or more. The fact is that diets that limit carbohydrate intake give quick results, but not everyone knows how to get out of the diet without gaining back the lost weight by consuming carbohydrates. It is necessary to understand that daily carbohydrate consumption should not exceed 60 g per day, and if overeating occurs, then the next day should be a fasting day. Since you can only quit a protein diet over a long period of time, to speed up this process you can introduce two-hour fitness classes three times a week, which will increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed to 120 g per day. However, consumption of high-carbohydrate foods such as cakes, pastries and other confectionery products can occur in small quantities once a month and no more.

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