Who is Tatyana Malakhova, and why does her “friendship diet” work?

Diet features

After suffering a serious illness in childhood, extra pounds haunted Tatyana Malakhova for many years. She tried different systems for losing weight, but could not achieve any visible results. I managed to lose excess weight only after using my own technique.

  • Tatyana Malakhova's weight loss diet has no analogues. The author is neither a doctor nor a nutritionist. She is a heating engineer who has managed to apply her engineering knowledge in the field of health and getting rid of extra pounds.
  • Tatyana Malakhova is sure that excess weight is not a disease, but the result of the fact that calories received from food are not accumulated into energy, but are stored “in reserve” in the form of fat deposits.
  • It is necessary to ensure that calorie consumption is greater than consumption, without harm to the body, psychological suffering and discomfort.
  • You can be in great shape without grueling fasts and strict restrictions. Therefore, the author’s method cannot be called a diet in its traditional sense; it is rather recommendations for proper nutrition.
  • Every woman who wants to lose extra pounds must independently develop a nutrition plan, using the appropriate recommendations. The author of the diet suggests taking a closer look at your body, finding out its needs and making “friendship” with it.
  • You should not starve yourself, exhaust yourself with workouts, prohibit unnecessary snacks, or insist on increased fluid intake. All harsh conditions, according to Tatyana Malakhova, lead to the opposite result, because the body closes, digestion stops, and metabolism is disrupted.

Due to the peculiarities of the diet, it is called heat engineering. The first thing the process of losing weight begins with is working through your eating habits and turning them to your advantage.

Adjusting habits leads to the following results:

  • improving metabolism;
  • weight normalization;
  • improving the body's immune response;
  • increasing overall tone;
  • removal of toxins;
  • coordinated work of all organs.

The first 10 days of the diet set the body up for proper functioning and activation of internal forces.

After 1–2 weeks you can see the first results:

  • disappearance of fat deposits in problem areas;
  • improved mood;
  • a surge of strength and energy.

Changing the nutritional system must be done gradually, excluding violence against the body.

The essence of the author's weight loss system

As a child, Tatyana suffered from obesity and was overweight until she was 40 years old.
She tried many ways to lose weight, but the weight came back. Then the woman created her own food system. Tatyana Malakhova's weight loss method is based on the principle of heat energy - the body burns as many calories as it needs, the rest are stored as fat deposits.

The goal of the technique is to form a healthy attitude towards food and completely change taste preferences. To do this, you need to get rid of food addiction, know what, how and when to eat. Ways to achieve the goal:

  • Choose foods that are slow digesting and low in calories.
  • Combine food - include the minerals and vitamins your body needs in 1 meal. The optimal daily ratio of BJU is 45/25/30.
  • Always have breakfast - this will fill your body with energy for the whole day.
  • Count calories - there should not be more of them than the body can spend on metabolic processes.
  • Observe the sequence and timing of food intake.
  • Lead an active lifestyle - walking, swimming, cycling are useful.
  • Take a night break between meals of at least 14 hours - dinner at 18:00, breakfast at 8:00.

Features of the technique

Tatyana Malakhova’s nutrition system is different from others. Features of the technique:

  • The ability not to give up your favorite food, even with a high calorie content.
  • Freedom of choice - the nutritional plan takes into account the individual characteristics of the body.
  • No exhausting training or restrictions.

How much can you lose?

Tatyana Malakhova's friendship diet is suitable for long-term use. According to nutritionists, it can be followed throughout life. Using this technique, according to reviews, in six months you can get rid of 10–15% of your initial body weight. For example, if your initial weight is 100 kg, in 5-6 months of losing weight on the Malakhova diet, you will lose 10-15 extra kg.

Basic Rules

You should eat 4-5 times a day, the last time no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. The weight of a single serving should be no more than 400 g.

Key principles of the system:

  • Psychological preparation and desire for results.
  • Adequate sleep - at least 8 hours.
  • Compliance with the diet with equal breaks.
  • It is recommended to eat slowly.
  • Balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (30–35 g of fat, 1–1.5 g of protein per kg of weight).
  • Consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Sufficient amounts of natural vitamins and minerals.
  • Refusal of processed and unhealthy foods (salt, sugar, coffee, food additives).
  • Fruits as a separate meal.
  • Large amounts of raw vegetables eaten at the beginning of each meal.
  • Drinking regime. 2 liters of clean still water in small portions and small sips. You should drink 15–20 minutes before meals and no earlier than an hour after. In the morning - a glass of warm water. After tea or coffee, you should drink 2 more cups of water.
  • Availability of physical activity.

Tatyana Malakhova's diet has a satisfying, nutritious diet and is easily tolerated. It is balanced in all respects and does not require the use of vitamin complexes or dietary supplements. Easily combined with physical activity and does not deplete muscle mass.

The essence of the diet

The duration of Malakhov's weight loss diet is 5 days, after which you can lose an extra 5 kg. Malakhov's diet is based on eating infusions of medicinal herbs. This infusion should be brewed every night at night.

The Malakhov weight loss diet has a big advantage compared to other diets - while following it, you can eat whatever you want, without restrictions. The only condition is not to overeat. But you will have to limit yourself when it comes to drinks, excluding everything from your diet except herbal infusions, even plain water.

What do you need

To prepare the herbal infusion, you will need:


Mistletoe willow;

Linden blossom;


Diet mode

For five days you will need to follow a strict regime.

1 day. Herbal infusion of linden blossom (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water)

Day 2. Herbal infusion of willow mistletoe (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water)

Day 3. Herbal infusion with ½ willow mistletoe and ½ linden blossom (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water)

Day 4 Herbal infusion of linden blossom and willow mistletoe with honey (1 tablespoon of all ingredients per liter of water)

Day 5 Herbal infusion of linden blossom, willow mistletoe and honey in a 1:1:1 ratio with the addition of ½ lemon.

By following the Malakhov Diet, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also improve the general condition of the body (remove waste, toxins, heavy metals and salts).


The diet has a minimum of disadvantages and contraindications. The main disadvantage is slow weight loss. In the first weeks, constipation and skin rashes may appear, which disappear over time.

Diet contraindicated:

  • people suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • teenagers;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • in the stage of exacerbation of gastritis;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • during professional sports;
  • with severe obesity;
  • with weak immunity.

Before using the technique, you should consult your doctor.

Dietary recommendations

During the diet, it is recommended to eat the most natural foods possible:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits in a wide range. Salads are seasoned with vegetable oil if there are vegetables and fish on the table. If vegetables are served with meat, then low-fat yogurt is used as a dressing.
  • Fermented milk products with reduced fat content. It is better to use them without additives, mixing them with fruit yourself.
  • It is necessary to include cottage cheese and low-fat cheeses in your diet.
  • Fish, quality seafood. They are sources of protein, microelements and Omega-3 fatty acids, and reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Whole grain products (bread, cereal, brown rice).
  • Legumes. They are sources of vegetable protein.
  • Seeds, nuts, dried fruits that can replace desserts and sweets. It is important not to overuse.
  • Natural seasonings: garlic, onion, spices, lemon juice, pepper. This can improve the taste of dishes and reduce salt consumption.

Instead of sweets and jam, you can use 25–30 g of dark chocolate (70–85%). It has a low glycemic index and promotes the production of the joy hormone.

Chocolate reduces stress hormone levels, improves performance, and restores energy potential.

Drinks are recommended to be consumed 20–30 minutes before meals and an hour after.

During the day you are allowed to consume:

  • vegetable and fruit fresh juices;
  • nectars;
  • berry smoothies and fruit drinks;
  • jelly and unsweetened compotes;
  • herbal teas;
  • ginger drink;
  • coffee beans;
  • cocoa;
  • mineral water.

Malakhova's diet does not require a sudden change in the usual menu.

Grocery list

At the same time, in Malakhova’s diet on her website, the list of mandatory products recommended on the menu for a balanced low-calorie diet is of great importance. Special restrictions are indicated, for example, for ordinary table salt. Although it is generally accepted that without it the menu will be bland and tasteless.

It is not for nothing that salt is sometimes called white death. If salt is not controlled and accumulates more than necessary, it will retain fluid in the body. Swelling may occur, which greatly interferes with the weight loss process. Along with salt, various harmful substances are retained and accumulated: waste, carcinogens, poisons. If they can be removed, this can ensure the removal of up to two extra pounds.

Even if we give up salt in its pure form, we can get salt in industrial ketchups, dressings, and marinades. Not counting canned food and pickles. Like semi-processed foods, fast food and chips. They also contain carcinogens and various unhealthy additives. Instead of salt to improve the taste, Malakhova advises using various natural seasonings: lemon, cinnamon, pepper, and garlic when creating new recipes for healthy and tasty food.

Malakhova calls for excluding various sweets from her menu - sweets, cakes, desserts. The pleasure is short. But sugar that turns into fat stays in the body for a long time.

Of course, completely denying yourself such pleasures is also harmful. Therefore, a slice of dark dark chocolate, a spoonful of honey in tea, berries, fruits, dried fruits, jelly and marmalade can solve the problem. It is also better to avoid common foods on our table in your menu, such as potatoes in any form, pies, and white rice. They have a high glycemic index.

Among drinks, alcohol that increases appetite and any sweet, high-calorie drinks are considered harmful. Although, sometimes it’s worth allowing yourself a couple of glasses of Georgian wine. But no smoked meats for a snack.

What products must be on the menu for the “Friendship Diet”?

  • Regular vegetables, herbs, mushrooms;
  • Peas, legumes, soy products;
  • Fresh berries and fruits;
  • Milk, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese. Better without fat;
  • Seafood, lean fish;
  • Clean meat and poultry;
  • Porridge made from buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal;
  • Nuts and seeds.

Every day the menu should contain one gram of protein per kilogram of weight, up to 50 grams of fat and almost half a kilo of fruit.

What products are prohibited

The following products are prohibited:

  • Salt. Consuming this product in small quantities is beneficial to the body. People do not take into account the large amount of salt content in finished products (sausages, semi-finished products, sauces, fast food).
  • Sugar. Many foods may contain sugar, such as white flour bread, etc.
  • Foods with a high glycemic index. They contain simple carbohydrates and provide a quick and short-term release of energy. This is rice, potatoes, flour.
  • Fried and smoked. In addition to being high in calories, they are harmful to the body.
  • Semi-finished products and fast food. They contain harmful fats and flavor enhancers.
  • Alcoholic drinks. In addition to supplying the body with a large amount of calories, they can weaken the will and provoke overeating.

Tatyana Malakhova suggests eliminating harmful foods gradually, replacing them with healthy ones.

The main principle is non-violence against the body, therefore, if it is difficult to give up a certain product, then you should postpone this step and return to it again later. It is important not to subject the body to stress.

Combination of products according to Tatyana Malakhova’s nutritional method

According to the author of the dietary method, the effectiveness of weight loss depends on the right combination of products. Some products, when combined with others, lead to rapid weight gain, while others, on the contrary, contribute to effective weight loss.

Before switching to a diet, familiarize yourself with these food combination rules:

  • foods high in carbohydrates (cereals, legumes, pasta, bread) are completely incompatible with saturated animal fats;
  • Do not mix fats of vegetable and animal origin;
  • carbohydrates are not combined with proteins (only vegetables, and not cereals, pasta or potatoes, can be used as a side dish for fish and meat);
  • carbohydrates cannot be consumed simultaneously with dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Fruits should be eaten separately from other foods, this is the only way they will benefit the body.

How to build a proper nutrition system

Malakhova's diet does not require a sudden change in diet. There are 3 rules:

  • correct selection of products;
  • the right combination;
  • correct time of use.

To determine compatibility, the following method is proposed. You need to present the desired products on the plate, for example, herring with strawberries or sausage with bananas.

If it is impossible to imagine a combination, then such products should not be combined. For some people, fresh fruit increases their appetite, so they can be replaced with baked fruit.

Tips for building a diet:

  • No need to drink milk. It should be replaced with fermented milk products. The fat content of fermented milk products should be 0%.
  • You need to eat cottage cheese more often. It is better than kefir because it does not irritate the pancreas.
  • Fruits cannot be eaten after 16.00, only in the first half of the day.
  • You cannot combine vegetable and animal fats, because the body breaks them down differently.
  • Carbohydrate foods are not compatible with saturated animal fats. It can be combined with unsaturated fats (vegetable), but the amount of oil in the porridge should be minimal.
  • Mayonnaise is not acceptable.
  • Cereals, legumes, bread, pasta are not compatible with protein products.
  • A side dish for animal food can only be vegetable.
  • Raw vegetables are compatible with all foods.
  • Fruits are not compatible with anything, and they also cannot be eaten for dessert.
  • Only the white without the yolk is added to baked goods.
  • Heat treatment of products is carried out if it cannot be avoided.
  • Dishes are prepared on the grill or baked in the oven.

Tatyana Malakhova explains the need to correctly combine products from an engineering point of view. The body selects its own enzyme for each type of food.

If the food is complex in composition, then the body will need a large set of enzymes, it will not cope well with its processing and will send the excess to the “reserve”, i.e. to fat deposits. Different types of protein (meat, mushrooms, cheese, eggs) do not combine with each other.


  • You should have breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning. Before breakfast you need to drink a glass of clean warm water. This will help start your metabolism and remove toxins from the body.
  • Breakfast should start with a salad, which includes beets, carrots, celery; it is better to season it with olive or linseed oil.
  • A proper breakfast includes carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index (35–50), which are supplemented with proteins. The goal is to increase the body's performance.
  • You can eat porridge, legumes or unsweetened low GI fruits. You should not drink fruit juice, because it contains a higher GI than fruit.
  • You can arrange a fruit breakfast.
  • Porridge prepared with various additives will not give you a feeling of monotony. Add seeds and nuts, dried or fresh fruits to the porridge.


Fruits are the best option for a second breakfast, but they can increase your appetite. If you want to snack on something substantial, you can mix fruits with cottage cheese, raw vegetables, or add seeds or nuts to the salad.


  • The main lunch dish is a large portion of salad, which must be eaten first. Vegetables can be anything.
  • Low-fat fermented milk drinks should be used as a dressing for meat, poultry and eggs.
  • Legumes can be offered to those who have a sweet tooth. Beans, lentils, and peas for lunch will help you cope with the desire to eat sweets. According to the rules of the diet, second breakfast and lunch can be swapped.


  • Dinner should be no later than 18–19 hours. If you have dinner later, then have something light. Lean animal protein is best.
  • Supplement it with raw vegetables.
  • Protein takes a long time to digest and a third of energy is spent on digestion, so the more protein, the better for your figure.
  • At night, the body does not spend energy, so you should not eat carbohydrates at night. It is better to avoid porridge and potatoes, giving preference to vegetable salad, fish or meat.
  • First you should eat half the salad, and then start eating protein.

Commandments for successful weight loss

The author of the method has derived rules that will invariably lead to harmony.

  • During the day you need to eat as many calories as you can burn.
  • Don't skip breakfast and other meals.
  • The break between dinner and breakfast should be 14 hours, dinner should be no later than 18 hours or 4 hours before bedtime.
  • You should eat food for at least 20 minutes. This time should be spent chewing food thoroughly and not talking.
  • Drink water either 20 minutes before meals or an hour after.
  • Reduce the amount of fat to 35 g per day, and consume proteins (1-1.5 g per 1 kg of weight).
  • You can eat up to 400 g of fruit per day. Fruits are eaten as a separate meal.
  • The serving should be up to 400 g.
  • Raw vegetables can be eaten before lunch and dinner, at least 500 g per day.

The listed commandments will not allow you to “eat” extra calories, but fat loss will occur gradually and steadily. The fat will go away, but the muscles will remain.

Sample menu for the week

Tatyana Malakhova's diet provides a menu for weight loss for 7 days:

  1. For breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese. Second breakfast - take fruit on your own. For lunch - stewed vegetables with chicken fillet. You can end the day with vegetable salad and fish.
  2. Breakfast - fruit, low-fat kefir. Next breakfast is cheese. Lunch - boiled vegetables with turkey. For dinner - vegetables and squid.
  3. Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese and a handful of seeds. Second breakfast - fruit. Lunch - vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil and fish. For dinner - salad with fresh vegetables and herbs, boiled peas.
  4. For breakfast - kefir with herbs. The next breakfast is low GI fruits. Lunch - boiled vegetables with beans. For dinner - salad of vegetables and lamb.
  5. Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with berries. Second breakfast - hard cheese. Lunch - stewed vegetables with rabbit. Dinner - vegetables and mussel soup.
  6. Breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese and sprouted wheat grains. Snack: fruit. Lunch - boiled vegetables with beef. For dinner - vegetable salad, boiled lentils.
  7. Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with carrots. Snack - seeds, nuts. For lunch - stew with pineapple. Dinner - vegetable salad and shrimp.

Principles of Tatyana Malakhova's diet

Tatyana Malakhova, a thermal power engineer by training, while working on herself and her weight, managed to formulate her postulates for achieving harmony from the thermal engineering side. She analyzed and tried on herself many different and contradictory diets. As a result of several years of searching, we managed to develop our own weight loss system “Be slim” - a diet based on heat engineering (it was based on the laws of heat engineering and the combustion of products, i.e. fuel, in the human body).


Compliance with the established time for eating is one of the important principles of Tatyana Malakhova’s diet. She offers 2 types of such schedules.

Option one

In the first option, you should eat at the following times:

  • Breakfast - 7.00 - 8.00.
  • Second breakfast - 10.00 - 11.00.
  • Lunch - 13.00 -15.00.
  • Dinner - 17.00 -19.00.

Option two

Depending on what time a person gets up in the morning and how his work day goes, you can use the following routine:

  • Breakfast - 8.00 -9.00.
  • Lunch - 12.00 - 13.00.
  • Afternoon tea - 15.00 - 16.00.
  • Dinner - 18.00 - 19.00.

On weekends, the routine may be disrupted. It is even beneficial to the body in some way.

The essence of the diet from Tatyana Malakhova

“Friendship” diet - system: “Be slim!” Tatyana Malakhova is convinced that in order to effectively lose excess weight, it is necessary to acquire harmony between soul and body. This can only be achieved by making friends and completely loving your own body. This main principle is reflected in the name of Tatyana Malakhova’s weight loss diet “Friendship”.

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Tatyana Malakhova’s “heat engineering” diet is a simple and effective system for getting rid of excess weight by using the body’s internal reserves. The “Friendship” diet is a nutritional system that you should adhere to throughout your life, radically changing your previous gastronomic habits. Losing excess weight while following the Friendship diet will be slow but steady, and in the future the lost kilograms will not come back.

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