Diet for allergies to cow's milk

Enough! You no longer need to cook for yourself separately and count every calorie. The cheese diet is simple, tasty and very effective. Find out how to choose cheese for weight loss and lose 1 kg per day!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Of all the variety of existing weight loss techniques, there are some that can be enjoyable. To do this, they should be based on your favorite products, so that even a limited menu is not a burden. Since cheese is usually contraindicated in a diet, its fans are ideally suited to one of the special weight loss systems, which does not exclude, but, on the contrary, recommends eating this valuable protein product. But the main thing is that the cheese diet is very effective for normalizing body weight and at the same time not leaving you hungry.

Useful properties of cheese

Cheeses are a product of milk processing and are considered healthy foods. They are characterized by a high protein content (up to 25%), which is absorbed better than milk, as well as a large amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the body as a whole. All vitamins contained in them (A, C, D, E, PP, group B), amino acids, minerals, micro- and macroelements are almost completely (99%) preserved during digestion in the gastrointestinal tract and penetrate into the blood.

Regular consumption of cheeses allows you to:

  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • restore vision.

Such products are especially useful for women over 40 years old, as they are a rich source of calcium and phosphorus, necessary for strengthening bones.

The calorie content of each type of cheese varies significantly depending on the amount of fat and protein. Since during a diet it is recommended to reduce the energy value of the diet, a low-fat product is usually chosen for weight loss. Based on the content of proteins, minerals and other useful substances that are in the optimal ratio, it can be called milk concentrate.

The benefits of cheese and cheese diet

Recently, on social networks (in particular on Facebook), there have been positive reviews about the cheese diet for weight loss. Some cheeses are even more than 20%. But are they suitable for consumption during weight loss?

Cheeses are a healthy part of the diet. These are sources of animal fats, protein, and healthy cholesterol. They also contain minerals, particularly calcium. Their positive quality is a low glycemic index and long-lasting satiety. For example, Edam (30% fat on a dry matter basis) provides the body with 25 g of protein, which corresponds to 50% of the recommended daily intake for an averagely active woman, about 800 g of calcium, i.e. 80% of the RDA for a woman 25–50 years old.

Cheese on a diet

The main question that worries everyone who is losing weight is whether it is possible to eat cheese on a diet and, if so, which one is better to choose and how much cheese you can eat per day. Most nutritionists claim that during a diet, this product can become an optimal source of protein, without which normal weight loss cannot occur. Protein deficiency leads to the fact that instead of fat deposits, muscle tissue begins to break down, and this is fraught with many negative consequences for the body. After all, high-quality muscles are not only beautiful, sculpted muscles, but also good heart function, reliable support for the spine, and the normal condition of all other internal organs.

In most cases, doubts about whether cheese can be eaten while losing weight are associated with its high energy value. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case the calorie content depends on the amount of fat, which is neither plant nor traditional animal fat. This is a special milk fat, thanks to the characteristics of which cheese weight loss techniques are highly effective.

The beneficial properties of milk fat include the following:

  1. It contains conjugated linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that forces the body to extract energy from fat stores. With the simultaneous consumption of linoleic acid and calcium, present in large quantities in cheese products, this process is significantly accelerated.
  2. It is completely absorbed by the body and, unlike other types of lipids, is not deposited in subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Therefore, even if you consume fatty cheeses during the period of weight loss, the kilocalories obtained from them will be consumed completely, without deposition, and at the same time contribute to the burning of existing deposits. In addition, all such products contain probiotics, which have a number of positive effects on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • normalize intestinal microflora;
  • neutralize toxins;
  • localize and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Thanks to this effect, gastroenterologists recommend consuming cheeses in small quantities in the presence of colitis, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders.

A slice weighing 30 g is quite enough to satisfy hunger, and its energy value will be no more than 135 kcal, even if you take the variety with the highest calorie content. Therefore, when choosing what kind of cheese to eat on a diet, you can be guided by your own taste preferences, and not by the fat content. Even with a strictly limited caloric content of the daily menu for weight loss, you can consume such an amount of one or another variety that will meet the requirements of the dietary diet, and not exclude cheeses from your diet completely.

But the best solution for lovers of such products would be a cheese diet. In it, nutritionists have already calculated the permissible rate of its consumption, and also selected the remaining components of the diet that will make the diet as healthy as possible for rapid weight loss.

Cheese diet for a week

This option is only suitable if you are absolutely healthy. After a three-day cheese diet, you must continue to eat as described below:

4 day

  • Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, a cup of black tea.
  • Lunch: 150 g of dietary cheese soup with broccoli.
  • Dinner: 100 g boiled lentils, 20 g mozzarella.

Suitable light snacks between these meals are a glass of pumpkin smoothie made from low-fat kefir or yogurt, with the addition of a dessert spoon of honey and an apple. You can also use the recipe from the video:

5 day

  • Breakfast: salad of 2 tomatoes, basil and 20 g of hard cheese, a glass of mineral water.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast - 150 g, 100 g radishes.
  • Dinner: 200 g stewed zucchini, 30 g ricotta.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of low-fat kefir, a salad of 2 tomatoes and cubes of cheese (we use 20 g of this dairy product).
  • Lunch: diet cheese soup with chicken, green tea.
  • Dinner: 4 small boiled carrots, 25 g of feta cheese, rose hip decoction.

On this day, it is worth enriching your diet with stewed eggplants and hot sandwiches made from gray bread (it’s good if it is stale, for example, two days old) and hard cheese.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Pea puree (150 g), linden decoction.
  • Lunch: 2 baked potatoes, egg, tea.
  • Dinner: 100 g boiled beans, 25 g low-calorie Friko Light cheese.

You can diversify the menu with boiled meat (150 g) and a glass of low-fat kefir.

It is important to organize 1-2 snacks between these main meals. You can satisfy your hunger with a white cabbage salad seasoned with a small amount of lemon juice and vegetable oil, and a berry smoothie.

Features of the cheese diet

There are several options for the diet in question, each of which is a type of protein weight loss method with a similar principle of action. When you exclude carbohydrates from your diet, your own fat reserves begin to be used as energy sources, which ensures rapid weight loss. Cheese diets in combination with moderate physical activity are most effective.

The duration of the cheese diet should not exceed 7 days, since the lack of carbohydrates in the diet can negatively affect your health. If well tolerated, without negative reactions in the form of indigestion, it is allowed to extend the weight loss process up to 10 days.

Weight loss during this period is quite rapid and usually amounts to 1 kg per day. Thus, in one course you can lose up to 7–10 extra pounds. It is recommended to repeat the cheese diet no more than 2 times a year.

The rules for such weight loss are quite simple:

  • eat 6-7 times a day in small portions;
  • maintain a drinking regime - drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • strictly follow the selected menu option.

It is recommended to avoid late dinners. Ideally, you should stop eating 4 hours before bedtime.

It is best to use this power system in the summer. The heat makes meat difficult to digest, and cheeses can be an ideal alternative source of protein. It is better to consume them with vegetables, then the effectiveness of weight loss will be maximum.

Diet options

Cheese with wine

Dietary nutrition is not always boring and monotonous, and fasting days can be combined with holiday events. The wine and cheese nutrition system will help you with this, allowing you to enjoy the holidays and benefit your figure. Its duration does not exceed 2-3 days, and the effect is minus 1.5-2 kilograms.

You will need 500 g of hard cheese and 300 g of wine (Isabella, Cabernet, Muscat). These products are divided into five doses and consumed throughout the day. Agree, the sight of a cheese canapé with a glass of red will allow you not to think about your diet!

It is recommended to drink water between meals. It is allowed to add bread toast made from wholemeal flour.

Grapes and their juice are strong antioxidants. It is able to cleanse the body and, in particular, the intestines of waste and toxins, which even helps in the fight against psoriasis.


A non-standard diet based on cheese and sausage should last no more than 10 days. This nutrition system is similar to the Kremlin one, and the effectiveness of weight loss is minus 1 kilogram per day.


Breakfast (8.00)Sugar free coffee.
2nd breakfast (10.00)Boiled egg.
Lunch (12.00)200 g low-fat sausage.
2nd lunch (14.00)100 g low-fat cheese.
Afternoon tea (16.00)250 g of cottage cheese 0-5%.
Dinner (18.00)200 g low-fat kefir.

Cheese-kefir method

The kefir weight loss system is strict, but effective, and in combination with cheese it gives amazing results. The diet is simple, allows you to lose 1-1.5 extra pounds per day. The duration should not exceed 10 days.

It is necessary to consume 100 g of cottage cheese and 50 g of cheese, a glass of kefir or coffee without sugar at each meal. Low-fat fermented milk products. During such a diet, steamed buckwheat is allowed.

The advantages of the diet are rapid weight loss, improvement of intestinal microflora, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kefir and cheese nutrition is a mono-diet, so you should not stick to it for a long time, it can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

With vegetables

Vegetable diets are simple and easy, and in combination with low-fat fermented milk products they can help with weight loss. Vegetables have a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, they are antioxidants and have an alkalizing effect on the body.

The vegetable diet with cheese is designed for an average of 5 days, and its effectiveness reaches minus 5 kilograms per course. It is allowed to add legumes and baked potatoes to the diet. Drinking includes water, green and herbal tea, milk and kefir.

Breakfasts always start with the basic component (cheese, cottage cheese). Second breakfasts involve eating vegetables and herbs. Lunch consists of fermented milk product and cucumber. Dinner also includes cheese or cottage cheese, but with other vegetables not used earlier in the day. You can add boiled chicken breast with vegetables.

It is not recommended to adhere to such a diet with cheese for longer than 10 days, in order to avoid metabolic disorders. To make menu planning easier, the first and second five days are repeated.

Advantages and disadvantages

All cheese diets have several important advantages:

  1. Fairly easy to follow, since they are not accompanied by a strong feeling of hunger.
  2. Simplicity, unpretentiousness, no need to prepare special dishes or count calories consumed.

Also, consuming a relatively large amount of cheese products allows you to get all the benefits described above.

At the same time, the possible harm of this method of losing weight :

  1. The absence of carbohydrates negatively affects the body’s condition, including worsening the breakdown of lipids and leading to intoxication with the remnants of their incomplete breakdown.
  2. Excess protein increases the risk of developing some serious diseases of the kidneys, liver, joints and tissues caused by metabolic disorders.

To eliminate the harmful effects of a cheese diet on health, you must strictly adhere to the rules, not exceed its duration and follow the recommended menu.

Menu options

When creating a menu, it is recommended to use varieties that are not too salty, not too fatty and not spicy. Fat content of 10–12% is considered optimal. You can eat only 1 type of cheese or several, according to your taste, unless otherwise specified in the rules for preparing the diet.

Fasting days

It is recommended to start using the cheese diet with fasting days, arranged once a week. There are many options for such days. For example, it is recommended to use the following options:

Option 1:

  • breakfast – 2 apples, 30 g mozzarella;
  • lunch – 70 g Adyghe;
  • lunch – 100 g Russian, 1 apple;
  • dinner – 1 apple.

Option 2:

  • the daily diet consists of 300 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content and 150 g of any cheese product, which must be divided into equal portions and eaten during the day in 5-6 meals;
  • You can drink herbal infusions (from linden, chamomile, mint) and clean water.

Option 3:

  • 5 times a day – 70 g of any cheese product with 1 whole grain bread and 50 g of dry wine;
  • between meals – 300 ml of pure water or green tea.

Any of these options for a fasting day allows you to lose an average of 1 kg of excess weight.

For 3 days

A cheese diet for 3 days is tolerated by the body without stress or negative consequences. But due to the limited menu it is quite tough.

The first day:

  • in the morning – 2 baked apples with nuts;
  • for lunch – 30 g of unsalted cheese;
  • in the afternoon – 2 baked apples with nuts and 1 tsp. honey;
  • snack – 30 g ricotta;
  • in the evening – 2 baked apples.


  • in the morning – 2 fresh apples;
  • for lunch – 100 g of mozzarella;
  • in the afternoon - cabbage salad with 20 g of grain cottage cheese;
  • snack – 2 eggs, 30 g feta;
  • in the evening – 2 baked apples.


  • in the morning – 50 g of ricotta;
  • for lunch – 2 fresh apples, 30 g Dutch;
  • in the afternoon - a salad of green vegetables with 30 g of granular cottage cheese;
  • snack – 30 g mozzarella;
  • in the evening - 1 apple, a slice (10 g) of Dutch.

Every day before each meal (20 minutes) you should drink a glass of warm water to speed up metabolic processes and the breakdown of fat deposits. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger, you can drink 200 ml of kefir or yogurt.

For 1 week

With this diet option, you need to eat according to the following scheme:

The first day:

  • in the morning – 2 fresh apples;
  • for lunch – 100 g of mozzarella;
  • in the afternoon - cabbage salad with 20 g of grated feta;
  • snack – 2 eggs, 30 g Russian (low fat);
  • in the evening - 2 baked apples, 1 slice of Russian.


  • in the morning – 50 g of ricotta;
  • for lunch – 2 fresh apples;
  • in the afternoon - a salad of green vegetables with 30 g of granular cottage cheese;
  • snack – 30 g ricotta;
  • in the evening – 1 apple, 1 slice of Dutch.


  • in the morning – 2 baked apples with nuts;
  • for lunch – 30 g of unsalted cheese;
  • in the afternoon – 2 baked apples with nuts and 1 tsp. honey;
  • snack – 30 g mozzarella;
  • in the evening - 2 baked apples, 1 slice of Russian.


  • in the morning – 1 hard-boiled egg, 30 g Dutch;
  • for lunch – 30 g feta cheese, 1–2 tomatoes;
  • in the afternoon – 150 ml of cream cheese soup with broccoli;
  • snack – 200 g of vegetable salad with 30 g of grain cottage cheese;
  • in the evening - 100 g of lentil puree, 20 g of mozzarella.


  • in the morning – 2 tomatoes, 30 g Dutch;
  • for lunch – 100 g of granular cottage cheese;
  • in the afternoon – 150 g chicken breast, 2 cucumbers, 30 g mozzarella;
  • snack – 200 ml pumpkin smoothie with yogurt;
  • in the evening - 150 g of stewed vegetables, 30 g of ricotta.


  • in the morning - tomato salad with Adyghe cubes (20 g);
  • for lunch – 200 ml of kefir;
  • in the afternoon – 200 ml of cheese soup, 150 g of boiled fish;
  • snack – 2 apples;
  • in the evening - 200 g of carrot salad with 25 g of grated cheese.


  • in the morning – 150 g of pea puree, 30 g of Dutch;
  • for lunch – 30 g of nuts without additives;
  • in the afternoon – 100 g grilled veal, potatoes (2 pcs.), 30 g feta cheese;
  • snack – 200 ml yogurt, 1 egg;
  • in the evening - 2 tomatoes, 30 g feta.

You can satisfy a strong feeling of hunger with cabbage salad with lemon juice or low-fat kefir.

"10 cheeses"

This menu may include only one variety or several (optional), but not necessarily 10 different ones, as you can guess from the name. “10 cheeses” means that within 10 days, eating mainly cheese, you can lose 10 kg of weight. You are allowed to use only hard ones - Dutch, Russian, Cheddar and others, alternating them to your taste.

For each meal you should consume 30 g of cheese of the above varieties, as well as additionally the following products:

First day:

  • 8:00 – 200 ml of milk;
  • 10:00 – cucumbers, greens;
  • 13:00 – 4 tomatoes;
  • 16:00 – 1 egg;
  • 18:00 – 100 g of boiled chicken breast.


  • 8:00 – baked potatoes (2 pcs.);
  • 10:00 – 200 ml kefir;
  • 13:00 – 150 g of cabbage salad;
  • 16:00 – 200 ml of milk;
  • 18:00 – 200 g of boiled carrot salad.


  • 8:00 – 150 g of pea puree;
  • 10:00 – 200 ml of yogurt;
  • 13:00 – 200 g of boiled asparagus;
  • 16:00 – cucumbers, greens;
  • 18:00 – 100 g bean puree.


  • 8:00 – 200 ml of milk;
  • 10:00 – 2–3 bell peppers;
  • 13:00 – 150 g boiled broccoli;
  • 16:00 – lettuce salad;
  • 18:00 – 100 g of boiled red meat.


  • 8:00 – 2 tomatoes, greens;
  • 10:00 – 200 ml kefir;
  • 13:00 – 200 g eggplants stewed with garlic;
  • 16:00 – cucumbers, greens;
  • 18:00 – 150 g steamed fish, 50 g celery.

After 5 days on a diet, you should take a break from proper nutrition (1-2 days) to consolidate the results. Then you need to repeat all the days in the same order.

During the entire course you can drink any sugar-free drinks. The total daily volume of liquid should not exceed 1 liter, since the menu includes a large number of vegetables containing water.

On sandwiches with cheese

The main point of losing weight on cheese sandwiches is that only this dish is included in the menu, but the daily caloric content of the diet should not exceed 1200 Kcal. When making sandwiches you must follow these rules:

  1. The basis should be bread, whole grain or bran bread in a total amount of no more than 500 g per day.
  2. Cheeses are cut into thin slices, their daily intake is determined in accordance with calorie content: low-calorie ones can be taken more, fatty ones - less.
  3. As a supplement, it is allowed to use cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, and lettuce.
  4. The maximum weight of one sandwich is 15 g.

There is no menu as such for this cheese diet. You just need to eat 1 sandwich every hour. Women are allowed to eat 12 sandwiches per day, men - 16. In between, you can drink clean water or green tea. The duration of the course is no more than 10 days.

Wine and cheese

This menu is also quite simple. In 1 day you are allowed to consume:

  • 350 g of cheese products;
  • 350 ml dry red wine;
  • 7 loaves of bread.

The specified amount is divided into 7 servings and consumed at regular intervals. You can stick to this diet for no more than 3 days.

Sample menu

For a day

This fasting meal is used for one day.

The menu includes up to 100 g of cheese, divided into five parts. You can add apples to it for every meal and water or green tea.

For 3 days

The cheese diet for 3 days uses the principle of fractional meals:

For breakfastPrepare tea (black or green) / coffee without sugar. Cheese or cottage cheese is served in combination with vegetables in small quantities.
For second breakfastWe eat a boiled egg with a slice of cheese or low-fat cottage cheese. We drink green tea or mineral water.
DinnerConsists of a couple of slices of cheese and a piece of boiled chicken breast/rabbit. We drink mineral water.
Afternoon snackRequired! It includes various variations of cottage cheese (250 g) with herbs and vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes). Drinking tea.
DinnerAlso based on cheese or cottage cheese with the addition of vegetables or apples. You can drink kefir or natural yogurt at night.

For a week

The principle of nutrition is based on a three-day diet, but low-calorie foods are added, such as boiled beef, rabbit meat and lean boiled fish.

It is allowed to include steamed rice and stewed vegetables in the menu. But the basics remain cheese, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir (in the evening). Natural low-fat yogurt is also present in the weekly diet.

Day 1BreakfastApple, natural yogurt, green tea (here and everywhere - 1 mug).
LunchLow-fat hard cheese - 2 slices, tea.
DinnerSoft homemade hypoallergenic cheese (20 g), tomato and herbs.
Afternoon snack2 apples baked with honey and nuts.
DinnerLow-fat cottage cheese, cucumber and boiled breast (100 g).
Day 2BreakfastHot sandwich with cheese, green tea.
LunchApple with cottage cheese and cinnamon.
DinnerBaked dietary meat, cucumber and tomato, processed cheese (20 g), sausage (20 g).
Afternoon snackMilk with honey.
DinnerCarrot salad with two slices of cheese.
Day 3BreakfastBoiled egg with low-fat cottage cheese, green tea.
LunchBaked apple and a slice of cheese.
DinnerBoiled or baked fish, 100 g of steamed rice and cucumber.
Afternoon snackCottage cheese with honey and cinnamon (1 bowl), green tea.
DinnerLean rabbit meat (100 g) with cucumber, tomato and parmesan salad.
Day 4BreakfastBoiled egg, sweet pepper with cheese, green tea.
LunchNatural yogurt (100 g), boiled asparagus with olive oil.
DinnerBoiled beef (100 g) with stewed carrots, low-fat cheese (40 g).
Afternoon snackBaked apple with honey and cottage cheese.
DinnerBaked eggplant with rabbit (100 g), soft diet cheese (20 g).
Day 5BreakfastGranular cottage cheese with herbs and cucumber (50 g), green tea.
LunchA mug of kefir with cinnamon and cottage cheese.
DinnerBoiled chicken (breast, 150 g) with tomato and Mozzarella cheese.
Afternoon snackNatural yogurt with honey (200 g).
DinnerSteam omelette with cheese and herbs, a glass of kefir.
Day 6BreakfastBoiled egg with cottage cheese and herbs.
LunchBaked apple with cottage cheese, honey and nuts.
Dinner150 g boiled fish with rice, cucumber with cheese.
Afternoon snackA glass of milk with a slice of cheese.
DinnerCottage cheese with tomato and chicken breast (100 g).
Day 7BreakfastCheese (30 g) with young beans, green tea.
Lunch2 mugs of milk with cinnamon.
DinnerBaked chicken breast (100 g) with a salad of cucumber, tomato, Mozzarella cheese (30 g) and herbs.
Afternoon snackA glass of kefir with an apple.
DinnerBroccoli (100 g), with Parmesan cheese and herbs.

While losing weight, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters daily. clean water.


The cheese diet, as a type of protein and low-carbohydrate weight loss methods, has a number of contraindications. It cannot be followed if you have the following diseases:

  • heart, kidney or liver failure;
  • metabolic disease;
  • digestive system disorders, chronic constipation.

Also, such weight loss techniques are contraindicated if you are allergic to milk or individual lactose intolerant. In all other cases, strict adherence to the recommended duration and nutritional rules is required. This will help avoid adverse reactions and harm to health.

Quitting the diet

At the end of the cheese diet, you can’t pounce on your usual food, otherwise all the lost kilograms will come back. Every day you need to add a small amount of carbohydrates to your diet, gradually increasing their amount, to allow the digestive system to return to normal operation. At the same time, it is important to provide not only a low-calorie, but also a healthy diet in order to prevent problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

First of all, you should include healthy dishes in the menu:

  • low-fat meat and fish broths;
  • light soups;
  • porridge with water or milk;
  • fruit purees.

Such food will help normalize digestion and maintain the results achieved in losing weight.

It is also recommended to continue to eat smaller meals for 2 weeks, avoid late dinners, and drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Features of the release and reviews of the cheese diet

To stabilize the results achieved using the cheese weight loss method, you should make a gradual transition to your usual diet. Every day, 1 new product/dish is introduced into the menu: first fish and meat broths, then light soups, followed by cereal porridges cooked in milk or water half and half with milk, as well as sweet fruit puree. They continue to eat frequently, but little by little, for another two weeks, so as not to overload the digestive organs. The dietary drinking regime is also not cancelled.

Reviews about the cheese food system are mostly positive. Those who have tried the method from their own experience note the pleasant taste of the main product of the diet, its satiety, and the rapid loss of hated kilograms. However, they do not ignore the disadvantages of the weight loss program: discomfort in the stomach, a monotonous menu and the high price of most cheeses prescribed by the diet. Regardless, we recommend that you make a choice in favor of this diet. Perhaps it will be the ideal weapon for you in the fight against fat deposits!

Types of cheeses for diet

Modern manufacturers offer more than 400 types of cheese products, which differ in their composition, manufacturing technology, nutritional value and taste. During weight loss, it is usually recommended to consume low-fat varieties that are made from skim milk.

In general, all these products are divided into 3 types based on the amount of fat they contain:

  • low fat – less than 15%;
  • light – 15–40% fat;
  • normal – 40–60%.

High-quality low-fat (low-fat and light) varieties are practically no different in taste and beneficial properties from fatty ones, and some even surpass them in certain indicators.

Low-fat cheeses on a diet

Since there are quite a lot of low-fat and light types of product, when choosing, you need to pay attention not only to which cheese is low-fat and low-calorie, but also which of them corresponds to two more indicators:

  • the amount of protein in the composition – ideally should be 15–20%;
  • taste qualities - so that it is not spicy and not very salty.

To the greatest extent, all these requirements are met by brine and curd cheeses, the production technology of which makes it possible to preserve the structure of the curd. The list of these includes:

  1. Cheese cheese – 170–250 kcal, 20% fat, 20% protein. Based on the ratio of proteins, lipids and calories, feta cheese is considered the optimal product for dietary nutrition.
  2. Ricotta – 170–180 kcal, 8–24% fat, 11% protein. The most easily digestible variety, since it is made from whey, does not contain milk proteins, but only albumin, a protein found in human blood.
  3. Mozzarella – 150–270 kcal, 17–24% fat, 28% protein. Mozzarella cheese goes well with a diet of vegetables, herbs, olives and berries. Having the same calorie content as most curd types, it contains the maximum amount of protein.
  4. Feta – 290 kcal, 24% fat, 17% protein. It has an average calorie content and does not contain carbohydrates, but there are varieties with a fat content of up to 50% and high calorie content - in particular feta. But there are no strict prohibitions regarding whether fetaki can be consumed during weight loss, since it contains an increased amount of calcium, which promotes the rapid breakdown of milk fat.
  5. Adyghe – 240 kcal, 14% fat, 19% protein. Soft Adyghe cheese with a curdled consistency is suitable for use in salads and sandwiches.
  6. Tofu – 70–90 kcal, 5% fat, 8% protein. This is a soy cheese with minimal calorie content, suitable for vegetarian weight loss. The high-quality vegetable protein that tofu contains is quickly digested and provides the necessary energy to the muscles, so it is recommended for those losing weight who are looking for something to replace meat protein.
  7. Suluguni – 258–300 kcal, 20–45% fat, 18% protein. In addition, the product contains about 7% salt, and the smoked version, produced in the form of a braid, also contains “liquid smoke”. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this particular suluguni cheese for weight loss - the diet may not be very healthy.

All these types are dietary, like cottage cheese itself, and therefore are widely used in diets for weight loss. Since almost each of them has several varieties, it is in any case recommended to choose the white low-fat variety with the lowest calorie content. In addition, pickled varieties can be eaten when the diet does not prohibit the use of salt, or pre-soak them in water if it is not possible to purchase an unsalted variety.

Hard and semi-hard varieties

Most often, the question of whether it is possible to eat cheeses while losing weight concerns hard and semi-hard varieties, such as Dutch, Russian, Parmesan, Swiss and others. This is explained by the fact that they contain the highest percentage of lipids and are the most high-calorie among all other types of cheese products.

However, such products have an important property necessary for getting rid of fat deposits - they contain lecithin, which significantly improves lipid metabolism, which does not allow fat to be stored in reserves. Lecithin is also responsible for the permeability of cell membranes and stimulates the activity of enzymes that ensure fat breakdown processes. Therefore, even if cheese is fatty, you can eat it on a diet, but in limited quantities in accordance with the permissible calorie content of the daily diet.

Processed cheeses

In addition to doubts about the permissibility of eating hard cheeses when losing weight, no less questions arise about whether processed cheese is acceptable on a diet. This product differs from the others discussed above in its composition and production method.

There are several types of processed cheeses:

  • sliced ​​– quite dense in structure, can be cut into slices;
  • sausages - with various additives, including “liquid smoke” and smoked casings;
  • pasty - the fattest in composition;
  • sweet - with flavorings and sweeteners.

Almost all of them are high in calories, they contain a lot of fat, but it breaks down easily. They also contain a large amount of casein, a high-quality protein with a full range of essential amino acids.

For a cheese diet, varieties with low fat content and no carbohydrates are more suitable. But when choosing an option, you should take into account that they contain several not entirely harmless components:

  • phosphate and dangerous unnatural food additives with E-code;
  • a lot of salt;
  • lemon acid.

Also, the composition often contains carbohydrates, which make such products undesirable in the diet.

Regarding whether it is possible to eat sausage cheese during a period of weight loss, all nutritionists and doctors do not advise consuming it not only during a period of weight loss, but even during a normal diet. The “liquid smoke” it contains can cause severe allergic reactions, cause severe harm to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, lead to complex forms of ulcerative lesions and other diseases. Thus, processed cheeses can be used for weight loss, but you need to choose high-quality varieties that cost almost the same as hard varieties.

In general, it is possible and even necessary to consume cheeses. But it’s better if they are non-spicy and unsalted varieties. Any homemade product is ideal, but smoked products are best minimized or completely eliminated from the diet.

Types of cheese diet for weight loss

Types and menu of cheese diet

Cheese diet for 3 days

In addition to fermented milk products, her diet also includes apples, vegetables and nuts. The meal plan is five meals a day.

Sample menu:

Day I

  • For breakfast, eat 2 apples baked in the oven and a handful of walnut kernels.
  • As part of lunch, enjoy the taste of feta cheese (30 g).
  • Lunch repeats the morning meal, only fruits are baked with 1 tsp. honey
  • During the afternoon snack, enjoy 30 g of hard low-fat cheese.
  • At dinner they again limit themselves to two baked apples, only this time without honey and nuts.

Day II.

  • In the morning, you get a boost of energy by eating two medium apples - this time fresh.
  • For lunch, eat 100 g of low-fat cheese (for example, mozzarella).
  • In the middle of the day, eat cabbage salad and 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • A snack is feta cheese (30 g) and an omelette made from two chicken eggs.
  • The evening meal consists of only two apples baked in the oven.

Day III.

  • In the morning, enjoy low-fat cheese (50 g).
  • After a couple of hours, have a snack with cheese slices (2-3 pieces) and two fresh apples.
  • At lunch, eat a salad made from leafy green vegetables with the addition of cottage cheese.
  • For an afternoon snack, limit yourself to cheese (ricotta or mozzarella in the amount of 30 g).
  • In the evening, refresh yourself with one slice of Dutch cheese and one fresh apple.

This variation of the cheese weight loss method is quite tough, but effective: with its help you can lose up to 3 kg of extra calories.

Cheese diet for 7 days

In this case, the company of cheeses and apples are chicken eggs, poultry, various vegetables and fermented milk products/drinks. The diet turns out to be more varied, but by increasing the duration, the method allows you to lose 3-7 kg.

Sample menu:

Day I

  • It begins with eating two fresh green apples as part of the morning meal.
  • After 2 hours, eat 100 g of mozzarella cheese.
  • For lunch, fill yourself with white cabbage salad and grated feta cheese.
  • They have an afternoon snack with 2-3 pieces of Russian or Dutch cheese, as well as one soft-boiled chicken egg.
  • In the evening, allow yourself to try any low-fat cheese along with two apples baked in the oven with cinnamon.

Day II.

  • Immediately after waking up in the morning, satisfy your hunger with a handful of nuts and two medium baked apples.
  • For lunch, eat 30 g of unsalted cheese.
  • Lunch is a combination of two oven-baked apples with honey and nuts.
  • This is followed by a snack - a few slices of mozzarella.
  • As evening approaches, they enjoy eating 30 g of Dutch cheese and two fresh apples.

Day III.

  • Breakfast consists of 50 g of ricotta cheese.
  • Second breakfast - nothing except two fresh medium-sized apples.
  • At lunch, eat a little low-fat cottage cheese and a salad of non-starchy vegetables.
  • Any cheese with a low fat content (no more than 30 g) is a snack.
  • Dinner is very meager - Dutch cheese (a few pieces) and a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.

Day IV.

  • For breakfast, hard boil 1 chicken egg and enjoy 30 g of Adyghe cheese.
  • A little later, they have a snack in the form of two tomatoes and unsalted cheese (about 30 g).
  • In the middle of the day, limit yourself to a portion of cream cheese soup (150 ml) and a small amount of boiled broccoli.
  • A few hours before dinner, fight hunger by eating 200 ml of natural yogurt and a piece of oven-baked pumpkin.
  • The last meal includes low-fat cheese (30 g) and a portion of stewed zucchini (no more than 180 g).

Day V

  • At breakfast, eat 2 fresh tomatoes and 3 slices of Dutch cheese.
  • During lunch, eat low-fat cottage cheese (100 g).
  • Lunch is a combination of cucumber salad, stewed chicken and mozzarella cheese.
  • A glass of fermented baked milk is suitable as a snack.
  • For dinner, eat unsalted cheese (about 20 g) plus a portion of vegetable salad.

Day VI.

  • As part of the morning meal, they enjoy pea puree along with 30 g of Dutch cheese.
  • During the second breakfast, drink 1 glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch is 1 plate of cream cheese soup; For the second course, serve 150 g of steamed fish.
  • They have an afternoon snack of fresh apples (two pieces are enough).
  • In the evening, eat a salad of raw grated carrots and feta cheese (200 g in total).

Day VII.

  • In the morning they eat a salad of two tomatoes and diced Adyghe cheese.
  • A couple of hours later they have a second breakfast - a handful of almonds.
  • For lunch, allow yourself to eat 2 boiled potatoes, a little suluguni cheese and no more than 100 g of beef stewed with onions.
  • During a snack, replenish your energy supply with one chicken egg boiled in a “bag” and a glass of natural yogurt.

By adhering to this nutrition system, it is easy to lose 4-7 kg of excess weight.

Cheese diet for 10 days

Its more popular name is “10 cheeses”. It is good because it allows you to lose weight comfortably and quickly. You need to eat according to this method three times a day. The result of following this version of the cheese diet is the disappearance of up to 10 kg of excess body weight.

Sample menu:

Day I

  • Have breakfast with 200 ml of natural yogurt, a slice of hard cheese and one fresh apple.
  • For lunch they eat a salad of two or three tomatoes with vegetable oil and chopped green onions, as well as a little cheese.
  • In the evening, eat sliced ​​vegetables, a slice of cheese and boiled chicken fillet.

Day II.

  • The first meal is a bunch of greens, hard cheese and a portion of crushed potatoes.
  • In the middle of the day, in addition to low-fat cheese, they enjoy a salad of white cabbage and spinach leaves.
  • At dinner they fill themselves with hard cheese and a portion of baked vegetables.

Day III.

  • In the morning, fortify yourself with cheese made from goat's milk; a glass of fermented baked milk and chopped vegetables.
  • They dine on slices of hard cheese, lentil puree and their favorite greens.
  • As part of the evening meal, along with low-fat cheese, they eat chicken fillet baked in the oven and a vegetable salad.
  • In the evening, replenish your energy and strength with boiled beans, broccoli puree soup and also cheese slices.

Day IV.

  • In the morning they eat a handful of berries, a little cheese, washing it all down with a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch consists of vegetable soup with lentils and cauliflower, pureed. Don't forget about the cheese slice.
  • The last meal involves eating not only hard cheese, but also cucumber and tomato salad along with steamed chicken fillet.

Day V

  • Breakfast is nothing more than a combination of cheese with fresh tomatoes and kefir in an amount of 250 ml.
  • In the middle of the day, you gain a feeling of fullness by eating vegetable stew and a slice of Adyghe cheese.
  • At dinner they enjoy the taste of boiled buckwheat with chicken, a portion of cabbage salad with grated apple and goat cheese.

At the end of the fifth day of the diet, it is recommended to take a two-day break, adhering to the rules of a healthy diet during this time, and then continue following this method of losing weight, again using the above menu.

Wine and cheese diet

She has a very simple diet. Every day you should eat exclusively cheese (350 g), dry red wine (350 ml) and whole grain bread (no more than seven pieces). The indicated amount of food must be divided into equal portions and consumed in seven doses. The maximum duration of such an original nutrition system is 1 week. During this period, it is realistic to lose 1.5-2.5 kg of excess weight.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Galina, 28 years old, Perm

After the birth of my second child, there was no way to lose weight, because with two children there is no time for sports, and there is not enough willpower for strict diets. Therefore, I started looking for some kind of weight loss system that would be effective and not hungry. I was immediately attracted to the cheese diet, reviews of which I came across on a women’s forum. I liked the “10 cheeses” option, designed for 10 days and a loss of 10 kg. True, during this period I only lost 5 extra kilos, but this is even better, because rapid loss of kilograms has a negative impact on health. It’s better that I repeat this course in a month, and then again, as long as necessary to achieve my previous weight. I want to say that this method is only suitable for lovers of cheese products, otherwise it will be very difficult to withstand even 7-10 days.

Svetlana, 52 years old, Kostroma

I would never have thought that there was a diet based on cheese, because this rather fatty and high-calorie product is usually recommended to be excluded from the diet when losing weight. I was advised to use this technique by a friend who noticeably became slimmer in 3 months. As it turned out, she regularly uses the wine and cheese version, arranging a fasting for herself on the weekends. Over the course of a month, I also switched to this regime and persuaded my husband to agree to it. For me, this is a wonderful way not only to lose extra pounds, but also to relax without thinking about cooking on your rightful day off. But, of course, it will be difficult for those who have small children to withstand it, because you will still have to cook. But a way out can always be found. In a month I lost 6 kg, my husband lost only 4 kg, but he exceeds the indicated daily calorie intake.

Sergey, 25 years old, Zlatoust

I live alone, I usually eat in the canteen or fast food. Therefore, I gained excess weight, and it is difficult for me to follow any special nutritional method, because I either have to starve or prepare special dishes myself. I accidentally saw an option for losing weight on cheese sandwiches. I was immediately very surprised and didn’t even believe it, but decided to take a risk. I ate according to the rules for 10 days, eating one small sandwich every hour. I made sandwiches from Borodino bread, a thin slice of cheese and a few slices of tomato or cucumber. I went through this period quite normally, without much hunger. I lost 8 kg without even expecting such a result. I’ll repeat it again in a few months, but for now I’ll switch to proper nutrition.

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