How to enlarge your fingers. How to make your fingers thicker

Finger flexibility

Fingers are a real storehouse of information related to psychology, stimuli and human origins.
When the fingers deviate back 45 degrees or more, a person is characterized by SPONTANEOUSNESS. He often takes on several things at once. Such a person lacks organization. FREEDOM is above all for him. Such people are able to achieve success if someone organizes their life.

If the fingers cannot be tilted back more than 10 degrees from the vertical, this indicates a person’s general tension, prolonged stress, complex mental processes and resistance to spontaneity. Such a person is constantly under a certain pressure.

Sometimes all the fingers of the hand have a certain inclination - either towards the thumb or away from it.

If the fingers are inclined towards the thumb, we are dealing with a person of poor inner world. There is no peace and balance in it. He needs someone else, some external force that would allow him to feel like himself. A person lives only when someone needs him.

Much less common is the opposite arrangement of fingers, that is, a palm in which all fingers are deviated from the thumb. This speaks of avoidance of life's problems, of introversion. Internal impulses are present, but the person does not want to face real life, preferring to exist in the world of illusions, in the “personal world of fantasy.

Finger placement

The fingers take a natural pose for the person’s character.

The wide distance between the thumb and the side of the palm indicates that its owner is a generous person, loving freedom and independence, intolerant of restrictions.

Qualities such as the low position of a long thumb often indicate a person’s nobility.

If the index finger (Jupiter finger) and middle finger (Saturn finger) stand at a great distance from each other, the person is extremely independent, reasonable, and not inclined to trust the opinions of others.

When the middle finger (Saturn) and ring finger (Apollo) are separated, the person does not particularly care about the future, he can be classified as a bohemian type of person, cannot stand rigor and formality.

Widely spaced ring finger (Apollo) and little finger (Mercury finger) indicate a person’s independence in action.

He acts as he sees fit, without caring what others think.

The distance between your fingers is a very useful and accurate indicator. The combination of distances between fingers can be different.

More often, freedom of thought coexists with freedom of action; the connection of the middle and ring fingers determines concern for tomorrow.

In the case when all the fingers of the hand are widely spaced, a person easily makes acquaintances, completely disregarding the conventions of etiquette.

If his fingers are spaced very wide, he is a “shirt guy.”

Pay attention to the long, straight, not very flexible thumb of a person, in the context of a clear line of the head - this is a strong character.

Gymnastic complexes

To make your hands look no worse than the hands of some famous fashion model from the cover of a magazine, be sure to do the following simple exercises:

  1. Straighten your fingers on both palms. Then bend your index finger and grab the thumb of your other hand with its upper phalanx, turning it into a support. Stress your joints as hard as you can. This must be done with all the fingers of the left hand, then repeating the exercise with the right.
  2. Raise your palms with your fingers pointing upward. Alternately bend each of the fingers of one hand and rest them in the palm of the other. Then switch hands and roles. The same exercise for the hands is performed simultaneously with four fingers.
  3. Straighten your right hand and place it horizontally at chest level. Bring your left hand towards it, clenching it into a fist, and clasp it with your right. After this, begin to rotate your left hand so that you feel the tension in all your fingers.
  4. Place your fingers on the table, imagining that you are playing the piano. Move your fingers until you feel tired.
  5. Grab your finger with your other palm and, as it were, unscrew it, while intensively massaging it.
  6. Raise your arms to shoulder level, relax them and shake your hands slightly.
  7. Place your hands together and alternate pairs of fingers.
  8. Place the thumbs of both hands as far away from the palm as possible. Then return it back, aligning it with your index finger.

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People with strong thumbs often occupy dominant positions.

There is quite a bit of scientific evidence that the development of the palm parallels the development of the brain.

The thumb and fingers are connected to parts of the brain that determine aspects of consciousness such as:

- self-control (thumb);

- ego (index);

— order (medium);

- creativity (unnamed);

- tongue (little finger).

The complex development of instinctive centers located in the “old” parts of the brain is reflected in the palm of a person.

The most important finger is the thumb.

He talks about the development of self-control and defines the most important features of human nature (it must be said that apes have only the rudiments of thumbs).

The thumbs oppose the rest of the fingers and make a grip.

Thanks to them, a person can make grasping and throwing movements - and it was precisely this property that determined the dominant position of man in nature.

The size of the thumb determines the potential for willpower, logic, vitality and self-control.

A long, straight thumb indicates that a person has willpower and is adaptable to life.

A person with a small, crooked “thumb” often prefers to go with the flow, completely subject to the influence of external forces.

People with an overly flexible thumb remain children throughout their lives.

They are very sociable and cheerful. They flutter through life, enjoying the scent of the flowers around them.

Such people always strive for variety and try in every possible way to make their work bright, entertaining and interesting.

Pain in the joints of the hands




42329 10 February


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Pain in the joints of the hands
Pain in the joints of the hands: causes of occurrence, what diseases it occurs with, diagnosis and methods of treatment.


Pain in the joints of the hands limits their mobility and makes it impossible to perform work related to fine motor skills for a long time. A person may experience pain both during movement and at rest; there is redness of the skin over the pathological joint, swelling and a local increase in temperature.

Types of pain in the joints of the hands
Based on the nature of the pathological process,
the following groups of joint damage are distinguished:

  1. Arthritis is inflammation of the synovium of a joint.
  2. Arthrosis is damage to the cartilaginous structures of the joint.
  3. Periarthritis is an inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the joint (tendons, serous bursae, muscles).

By origin,
pain in the joint can be of inflammatory etiology or mechanical:

  • The pain resulting from the inflammatory process varies in intensity, often intensifies in the second half of the night and decreases after the start of physical activity.
    This pain is characterized by morning stiffness, which goes away during the day.
  • Mechanical pain often increases after physical activity and gradually disappears with rest, has an aching character, intensifies towards the end of the day and subsides in the morning.

What diseases cause pain in the joints of the hands?
The mechanism of pain in the joints of the hands is not the same for various pathological processes.

Traumatic injury to hand joints

characterized by the presence of swelling, redness, and limited movement in the damaged joints.

After receiving an injury, you must seek medical help, because...
It is important to exclude dislocations, sprains and fractures, and determine treatment tactics to reduce the risk of subsequent complications. Rheumatoid arthritis
ranks first among all causes of chronic pain in the joints of the hands. The disease is characterized by asymmetrical damage to the finger joints with changes in the structure of the synovial membrane and surrounding tissues. An early sign of these changes is morning stiffness of the hands, lasting more than 1 hour after waking up. Difficulty appears when clenching your hand into a fist. Rheumatoid arthritis affects both the interphalangeal joints of the fingers and the wrist joints of the hands.

In advanced cases, various deformations of the hand are formed and a gross disruption of its function occurs, up to the inability to hold a spoon independently.

Reactive arthritis
is an immune pathology in which the body's own immune system attacks various joints, resulting in the development of autoimmune inflammation. Unlike other autoimmune diseases (for example, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, in the occurrence of which an infectious component can only be assumed), reactive arthritis is directly related to a recent infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system.

Psoriatic arthritis

is a common chronic inflammatory joint disease associated with psoriasis (a non-infectious skin disease manifested by dry red plaques on the skin). Most often, the terminal phalanges of the fingers and nail plates are affected. The fingers swell, turn red and take on a sausage-like appearance (psoriatic dactylitis). Destruction of the nail (onycholysis) and in rare cases (about 5%) – shortening of the finger are possible.

The lesion is asymmetrical; concomitant damage to any other joints is possible.
Arthritis in systemic lupus erythematosus
occurs in one form or another in 50% of patients. Damage to one or several joints is possible, and there are almost always other manifestations of the disease: a characteristic rash on the cheekbones, kidney damage, pleurisy. In the chronic course of arthritis, finger deformities in the form of a “swan neck”, “button loop”, and ulnar deviation are often observed. Sometimes rheumatoid-like phenomena occur - morning stiffness with frequent and persistent arthritis of different groups of joints.

Swan neck deformity of the fingers
, or as it was previously called “rich man's disease,” is a disease in which urate (salt) crystals are deposited in various tissues. The 1st metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot is predominantly affected, but the joints of the hands can also be affected.

The joints swell, turn red, there is severe pain, and nodular formations (tophi) may appear.
is a group of diseases that arise for various reasons, but with similar clinical manifestations and damage to all components of the joint:

  1. after an injury;
  2. for some diseases associated with metabolic disorders (ochronosis, hemochromatosis, Wilson-Konovalov disease);
  3. for endocrinological diseases (hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, acromegaly);
  4. in the postmenopausal period (due to changes in hormonal levels and calcium metabolism).

Among the early symptoms of osteoarthritis are a crunching sound in the joint when moving, periodic pain of low intensity after minor physical activity. Gradually, as the disease progresses, the intensity of the pain increases and it takes on a dull character, becoming more pronounced in the evening. Over time, the joints become deformed. The following criteria compiled by the American College of Rheumatology are typical for lesions of the joints of the hands:

  • morning stiffness or pain for less than 30 minutes;
  • bone growths of two or more joints, as well as deformation of one of the ten joints assessed;
  • less than two swollen joints.

Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, or thickening of the terminal phalanges in the form of “drumsticks,”
occurs secondary, mainly in patients with chronic lung diseases. The mechanism of the disease has not been precisely established, but it is believed that the effect of “drumsticks” is caused by chronic hypoxia of the tissues of the extremities, when, to compensate for oxygen deficiency, small blood vessels dilate, resulting in an increase in the volume of tissues that connect the nail plate and the distal phalanx of the finger.

Infectious or purulent arthritis

is an inflammatory cause of joint damage when infection enters their cavity. Often occurs with an open injury in the joint area with damage to the skin or as a result of the transfer of infection from a purulent focus through the blood.

With infectious arthritis, the joint quickly swells, becomes red and hot, movement is severely limited, and purulent discharge from the wound may be observed. Possible fever and chills.

Among infectious arthritis, arthritis due to gonorrhea should be highlighted separately. It occurs more often in women 3–4 weeks after infection and related gynecological problems, and may be accompanied by a rash.

Patients with tuberculosis of internal organs may suffer from tuberculous allergic synovitis

. It is characterized by damage to the hands, pain and swelling of the joints, symmetry of the lesion (on both sides) and the absence of morning stiffness.

It is important to inform doctors about previous tuberculosis in order to make a differential diagnosis with this pathology and exclude reactivation of the infection.
Which doctors should you contact if you experience pain in the joints of your hands?
If you experience pain in the joints of your hands, morning stiffness of the joints, swelling, redness or rashes over the area of ​​the affected joint, you should consult a therapist or pediatrician. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, consultation with an infectious disease specialist, rheumatologist, arthrologist, or phthisiatrician may be required.

In the case of a previous injury, an examination by a traumatologist or surgeon is necessary to exclude dislocation, sprain or fracture.

Diagnosis and examinations for pain in the joints of the hands

During the examination, the doctor takes into account the severity of the joint lesion, the persistence of the lesion, the presence or absence of stiffness in movement, as well as the degree of change in the surrounding tissues.

Examination for pain in the joints of the hands may include:

  • X-ray examination of the joints of the hands;


The length of the index finger is assessed relative to the ring finger.

If the index finger is at least a millimeter longer than the ring finger, it is considered long.

A long index finger speaks of a carefully hidden but strong thirst for power and control. Such people have innate authority and strive to control others in everything.

They are ready to work persistently to achieve personal goals. Such people are well aware of their own worth and consider themselves worthy of everything they achieve.

Middle finger

This is the longest finger of the hand. He talks about a person’s consistency, psychological stability, internal values ​​and harmony.

The middle finger metaphor is “wall.” It represents stable, serious mental structures.

We are talking about concepts such as patriarchy, orthodoxy, rules, restrictions, authority, career, conviction, life values.

The normal length of the middle finger is half a phalanx longer than the index and ring fingers.

The middle finger is often crooked. We live in times when boundaries, walls and value systems have collapsed, and this is reflected in our palms.

Modern society is rapidly moving away from orthodoxy. Today, many people are abandoning values ​​such as duty and logic.

People with a crooked middle finger have a unique understanding of life values.

What irritates them most is when they are called ordinary. They suffer from clashes with bureaucracy and rules. They don’t want to feel like a “cog” in a huge system.

The middle finger can be considered long if it is longer than the neighboring ones by more than half a phalanx.

This sign speaks of the systematization of knowledge, respect for the chosen authority or value system. The knowledge of such people is detailed, methodical and practical. People with a long middle finger can even be called pedants. They are attracted to history and traditions.

This finger is typical for scientists, teachers, administrators, as well as for people working within a hierarchical, bureaucratic system. For example, they can easily understand instructions for complex electronic devices.

People with a short middle finger cannot stand any rules or restrictions.

However, a short middle finger can also have a positive effect. This finger can be found among inventive, creative people, innovators, anarchists, athletes - who need to take to new heights, breaking through the wall of established concepts.

What to do to lose weight on your fingers?

If you are tormented by the question of how to lose weight in your fingers, we hasten to assure you that the process is not so complicated. The main task is to organize yourself, it is better to make a specific plan of complex actions. Every day, spend a few minutes doing certain exercises, plus watch your diet. And remember, you don’t have to forbid yourself anything, otherwise your body will rebel! So, what actions will help you lose weight in your fingers:

  • an important factor is a healthy diet, you need to eat more fiber, fruits, cereals, light soups, proteins and salads, do not allow yourself a lot of flour, carbonated drinks, processed foods, limit your coffee consumption;
  • you should monitor the amount of daily fluid intake: excess water in the body leads to edema, and its lack has a bad effect on metabolism;
  • Special exercises that are important to do for a few minutes every day will help make your fingers slender;
  • massage helps improve the appearance of any part of the body, including hand massage is a popular way to make them thinner and more elegant;
  • Another way to make your fingers visually thin is to use moisturizing creams, which helps smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin and improve the appearance of your hands in general.

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Exercises for losing weight on fingers

A separate effective way is to highlight exercises for losing weight on your fingers. In addition to improving visual appearance, such gymnastics helps improve joint health, blood circulation and muscle activity. So what should you do to quickly make your hands worthy of the attention of the cameras of the best magazines?

  1. The easiest and most effective way to stretch your joints is to bend and straighten them. Complex repetition is required 10-20 times with a break of 5 minutes. It is better to repeat the exercise in the morning and evening. The beauty of this method is that it can be used everywhere: at work, on the subway, while walking or in the cinema.
  2. Another effective exercise is hand squeezing. We squeeze it into a fist (firmly), then relax it, put the brush on the table, fan out our fingers as far as possible (until you feel a slight tension). We tear off each finger in turn from the surface, lifting it up. Repeat this combination 2-3 times, in a few weeks you will see the first results.
  3. Have you noticed what beautiful, refined hands pianists have? This is not an accident; constantly playing the piano develops your hands, making them thin and graceful. Therefore, do not be lazy to periodically “play the keys”; fortunately, this activity is not difficult (and at times pleasant and calming), and can be done on any hard surface.

Massage for fingers

A pleasant part of comprehensive weight loss is a finger massage. Experienced cosmetologists and massage therapists never bypass their hands during the massage process (cosmetologists can perform it while the client is resting on the couch with a mask). You can do the massage yourself (one hand massages the other) or ask someone close to you. Still, if you are wondering how to make your fingers smaller, you should use the services of a professional massage therapist.

Little finger

The little finger is associated with communication - verbal, signaling, sexual. Its characteristics speak about the articulatory and neurolinguistic abilities of a person.

For example, a long little finger speaks of eloquence and wit, sexual curiosity and physical attractiveness of its owner...

Sometimes, the central fold is missing on the little finger and this sign indicates difficulties with learning and logical thinking...

The little finger is the “antenna” finger. It is associated with communication at all levels - verbal (oral), signal and sexual, with articulatory and neurolinguistic abilities.

The average length of the little finger is up to the closure of the upper phalanx of the ring finger and above.

A long little finger looks like an extended antenna, which indicates an inclination and love for languages ​​and linguistic communication, eloquence and wit, sexual curiosity and physical attractiveness.

People with a long little finger are sociable and easily absorb ideas in the field of business, education, and finance. They have an innate curiosity and a rich vocabulary.

Long little fingers are more common among politicians, financiers, writers, teachers, lawyers, and sales representatives.

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