The benefits of hydromassage: the opinion of specialists at the Sancos clinic

Hydromassage: indications for the procedure, techniques and results

Hydromassage is a pleasant and healthy spa procedure that you can undergo at the ASTERIAS beauty salon. We use foreign equipment of the latest generation, so the result is noticeable from the first procedure. By relaxing in a hot tub, you will get rid of accumulated negative energy, restore muscle function and feel a surge of good mood.

The essence of hydromassage is to immerse the guest in a bathtub filled with water and the intense impact of a pressure jet of water under a pressure of 1.5–6 atm, with the help of which the massage therapist gradually passes through all the problem areas of the client’s body. The massage is performed in a circular motion clockwise. In order to provide hydromassage to the whole body, the specialist adjusts the jet pressure individually for each zone. A gentle effect is provided for the abdominal and groin areas, chest and inner thighs. Less sensitive areas will require more pressure.

Relaxation in warm water itself helps to dilate blood vessels, reduce pressure and increase the flow of oxygen to the muscles. In addition, the procedure has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, activates the immune system, tones muscles and skin, improves blood microcirculation, and accelerates metabolism. The hydromassage procedure helps fight excess weight and tightens the skin.

Hydromassage: indications, types, effect, benefits

Hydromassage is a physiotherapeutic procedure in which water jets massage the patient’s body. The massage can be performed both in air and under water. In this case, several mechanisms of influence on the body work at once.

Massage effect: water jets activate blood and lymph flow, promote the removal of metabolic products from tissues, increase tissue elasticity and skin tone, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Temperature effect: the water during hydromassage can be cool or warm - depending on this, the tonic and immunostimulating effect or the relaxing, antispasmodic and soothing effect will prevail.

Reflexogenic effect: acting on biologically active points, water jets cause a complex of reactions from the autonomic nervous system and thereby stimulate the functioning of internal organs.

The benefits of hydromassage

The powerful complex effect on the body is what made hydromassage so popular. The benefits of the procedure are obvious: improved blood circulation, activation of trophic functions, removal of metabolic products and excess fluid from the body, increased skin and muscle tone, stimulation of the immune system, normalization of the nervous system. Hydromassage using mineral water with added salts and specially selected essential oils enhances the therapeutic effect. Hydromassage can also be combined with aeromassage and other therapeutic procedures.

Indications for hydromassage

  • Excess weight
  • Skin laxity, scars, contractures, stretch marks, cellulite
  • Consequences of injuries and operations
  • Congestion, swelling, venous insufficiency
  • Spasmodic phenomena
  • Depressive conditions, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, nervous exhaustion
  • Gynecological diseases, infertility

Contraindications. Despite the fact that the procedure is as gentle as possible, there is a list of contraindications – relative and absolute.

  • Pregnancy
  • Inflammatory diseases in the acute stage
  • Malignant neoplasms
  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis)
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Urolithiasis disease

Types of hydromassage

Sharko's shower. A strong stream of water is directed onto the body of a standing patient. The mechanical effect of the jet plus a change in water temperature during the procedure (contrast shower) has a powerful stimulating and healing effect, promotes weight loss, eliminates swelling and congestion. This is perhaps the most famous hydromassage, the benefits of which have been confirmed by decades of clinical practice.

Circular shower, Vichy shower. The effect is achieved due to a large number of thin streams directed at the patient’s body. In a circular shower, a person stands inside a structure made of pipes, through holes (nozzles) through which horizontal streams of water flow. In a Vichy shower, the jets are directed from top to bottom, while the patient lies horizontally.

Rising shower. Used in the treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs. The stream(s) of water are directed from bottom to top and gently massage the perineum, activating blood circulation and eliminating congestion.

Underwater massage. This type of hydromassage is rightfully considered one of the most gentle and at the same time effective. During the procedure, the patient is in a bathtub filled with water - most often lying down, sometimes sitting. The massage can be performed manually, when the doctor directs a stream of water to certain areas of the body, or using hydro jets built into the bathtub bed. Modern models of hydromassage baths are equipped with a wide selection of hydromassage programs that set the strength of the jets and the sequence of impact. In addition to underwater shower-massage, such baths can also have an air massage function.

Contactless hydromassage. The indications for this procedure are the same as for other types of water massage, with one amendment: it is allowed for people with skin diseases, i.e.
for those who cannot use regular hydromassage. The patient lies on a couch covered with an elastic membrane, under which there is a container with water and hydro nozzles. The water does not directly touch the patient’s skin, but the water currents have a massaging effect through the membrane. Back

How is hydromassage performed for weight loss?

Underwater shower massage is a physiotherapeutic procedure that is prescribed not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for the treatment of various pathologies. The impact can be local and general. If the goal is to lose weight, special attention is paid to problem areas - the stomach, buttocks, thighs. Thanks to hydromassage, you can quickly and even happily lose a few extra pounds! To do this, it is enough to regularly visit a manual underwater hydromassage, and the price of a course of procedures will be repaid by a good mood, high self-esteem and excellent well-being. One course is about 10 procedures.

The technique is aimed not only at losing weight, but also at achieving the following results:

  • reduction in the appearance of cellulite;
  • getting rid of heaviness and swelling in the legs;
  • eliminating muscle tension;
  • improved performance;
  • prevention of stretch marks;
  • activation of the venous and lymphatic systems;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • relaxation of the nervous system, relieving stress and tension, getting rid of chronic fatigue
  • increasing skin elasticity and firmness;
  • improved mobility in joints and spine;
  • normalization of metabolism.

The technique of underwater massage has been known for over 150 years, and modern equipment and an integrated approach allow you to get maximum results.

Rules for hydromassage

As already mentioned, hydromassage for cellulite requires the presence of a special large-volume bath. Not all beauty salons offering such services have such conditions. Therefore, first of all, you need to find out how much water a Jacuzzi bathtub is designed for and whether its design features are suitable for water massage.

Baths must be cleaned and disinfected after each patient. Medical staff should pay special attention to disinfection of nozzles and hoses, since it is in these elements that dirt accumulates.

Therefore, hydromassage is best performed in those beauty salons that you completely trust, or in government medical institutions.

No special preparation is required for the procedure. Usually cosmetologists recommend not to eat right before the session, and you should not drink alcohol.

Rules for performing water massage against cellulite:

  • The bathtub is completely filled with water. The optimal temperature is 34-36 degrees, in summer it can be slightly lower;
  • The patient is completely immersed in water, so that the water currents affect the body only under water;
  • The mode called “pearl water” is activated. Air comes out of the nozzles under strong pressure, which allows you to gently massage all the bodies from the neck to the tips of the fingers;
  • After 5-7 minutes the massage therapist joins the work. A healthcare professional directs a strong stream of water from a hose onto problem areas with cellulite. The pressure of the air stream is from 1 to 5 atmospheres, but in the first sessions it should be minimal, so the body will quickly get used to the water massage.

One hydromassage procedure should not take more than 15 minutes. Upon completion, you can go home, but it is not advisable to do physical work or be in the sun in the first hours after the session.

A hydromassage course for cellulite should consist of at least 10 sessions. If the orange peel is pronounced, it is necessary to carry out 15 to 20 procedures.

Cosmetologists recommend doing water massage no more than 3 times a week, preferably in the fall or spring, that is, when the body is weakened and more susceptible to stress.

You can enhance the anti-cellulite effect of water massage by adding sea salt and essential oils to the water. The use of salt improves the removal of toxins, accelerates blood flow, and reduces swelling well.

Essential oils soften the skin, help open pores, and activate biochemical reactions.

Contraindications for underwater massage

​When choosing which salon to sign up for a hydromassage for weight loss, be sure to pay attention to the presence of a medical license, since this is not only a cosmetic, but also a health procedure. For the same reason, it is important to check with a specialist for the presence of contraindications and make sure that the equipment and cosmetics used are harmless.

Contraindications for hydromassage:

  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, ischemia, heart attack);
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm
  • inflammatory processes;
  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • skin infections;
  • pregnancy.

Beauty salon specialists also advise avoiding hydromassage procedures during colds and menstrual periods.

Hydromassage for weight loss at home

Carrying out hydromassage yourself at home is unlikely to significantly affect the fat layer. In addition, such procedures will not be able to increase lymph flow, but will improve blood circulation.

To enhance the effect of hydromassage, experts recommend combining it at home with regular self-massage of problem areas.

You can perform hydromassage yourself in a bathtub, shower or jacuzzi every day. Regular use of this procedure will not harm your health.

During hydromassage, warm water should be used. It shouldn't be scalding or icy.

The water temperature should be equal to body temperature. You should perform hydromassage yourself, helping yourself with your hands. Initially, the body should be lightly stroked, then rubbed and kneaded. First of all, the legs and arms should be treated with a stream of water, moving from top to bottom. Afterwards, thoroughly massage the neck and back area, paying special attention to the lower back. Then massage the chest, abdomen, and head.

Of course, performing hydromassage at home on your own is not always convenient. You can ask your household members to help and assist in carrying out the procedures.

The duration of hydromassage at home should not exceed 15-25 minutes.

To enhance the effect of hydromassage during water procedures, you can use a special massage brush with medium-hard bristles. If you purchase special shower or bath nozzles, you can arrange an underwater massage by adjusting the water pressure.

During hydromassage, women should not apply pressure to the chest area; men should avoid directing the flow of water to the groin area.

Complex hydromassage treatments

At the ASTERIAS beauty salon and spa, the hot tub is very popular. The combination of heat, water and massage leaves a lasting impression! Add to this the skillful hands of our specialists, a favorable atmosphere, special comfort and coziness in every room, and you get what Moscow residents and guests value our salon for. If you haven't tried this massage before, be sure to sign up! The effect and result of the procedure will be unique. The masters of our salon have enough experience to choose the right hydromassage technique. And all this accompanied by relaxing music, surrounded by pleasant aromas and a cozy atmosphere.

We offer each guest a personalized approach and solve a specific problem aimed at harmonizing your appearance. We use only proven cosmetics and advanced foreign equipment from the USA. The devices are certified by Roszdravnadzor, which guarantees the safety of their use. We take our activities responsibly, which is confirmed by having a medical license. In each case, the specialist takes into account the state of health, the presence of indications and contraindications for any of the salon procedures. Sign up for the procedure at a time convenient for you or call us to ask any questions you may have.

Types of hydromassage

There are different types of hydromassage, which will be discussed below.

Charcot's shower . Another name is stress massage. During its implementation, there is a rather intense effect on the fat layer due to increased blood circulation, as well as by bringing the body into a state of stress under the influence of strong water currents.

Charcot's shower ensures the production of protein and, as a result, collagen fibers. In this regard, it perfectly helps fight the appearance of cellulite.

Experts recommend that obese people undergo periodic courses of treatment with Charcot's shower, but only in specialized medical institutions and under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.

Underwater shower using aromatic oils . To obtain a good weight loss effect, various aromatic oils are often used in conjunction with hydromassage. During intensive exposure to water flows on the skin, they penetrate deeply into the fat layer, promote the breakdown of fats, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. In addition, aromatic oils accelerate metabolic processes in the body, lymph and blood flow, and calm the central nervous system.

To combat extra pounds and cellulite, mint, lime or grapefruit oil is ideal.

Hydromassage with sea salt . A well-known fact: the best remedy in the fight against sagging skin, cellulite and excess weight is sea salt. It relieves swelling in problem areas by removing excess fluid from the body. Its unique composition, rich in various microelements, helps reduce body fat.

Hydromassage with wine . To quickly get in shape after childbirth or lose a couple of extra pounds by reducing body fat, you can nourish your skin with special minerals, which are found in large quantities in different wines. To do this, it is recommended to carry out baths with massage, adding a mixture of several alcoholic drinks to the water. Such procedures will help make the skin more toned and youthful, and quickly cope with annoying cellulite.

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