What are lipolytics and how do they act on the face?

Lipolitics are drugs for correcting the figure and proportions of the face, which are widely used in cosmetology, intended for local destruction of fat cells, improving skin condition and restoring metabolism in tissues.

Lipolysis can be called a natural physiological process during which fats are broken down into their components. This technique is effective and quickly deals with fat deposits in those areas in which it is very difficult to lose weight even with strict diets and intense exercise.

Types of Lipolitics

Depending on the principle of action, there are two types of lipolytics:

  1. Direct - destroy fat cells, and the products of such breakdown are naturally eliminated from the body.
  2. Indirect – indirectly affect the fat burning process without destroying fat cells. They speed up metabolism, improve microcirculation, and provide lymphatic drainage. Such lipolytics are most often injected into the facial area and others where the volume of fat is small. Their results are similar to natural weight loss

Lipolitics and their action.

Lipolitics and their action.

A beautiful, slender figure without cellulite and excess weight is an integral part of the image of a successful and healthy woman. But, in the “frantic” rhythm of modern life, achieving an ideal physical shape is becoming increasingly difficult - a sedentary lifestyle, reduced physical activity, dietary errors, impaired metabolism, etc., all this leads to fat deposits and lipodystrophy.

Excess weight and body fat are already recognized as a disease of the 21st century. And every year the number of people who in one way or another suffer from being overweight is increasing. If previously, a patient tired of struggling with excess weight could only be sent to the surgeon’s table, now modern cosmetology has stepped far forward.

Lipolitics are substances that can break down fat deposits in the target area of ​​the face or body.

Lipolysis is the metabolic process of breaking down fats into their constituent fatty acids under the action of lipase.

Operating principle:

When fat metabolism is disrupted for one reason or another, the process of lipid synthesis always prevails over their breakdown. These “extra” fats in our body are deposited most of all in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, as well as on the walls of blood vessels and between muscle fibers. It is to combat fat deposits that lipolytic drugs were created.

Using a thin needle, a certain amount of product is injected into the selected area, under its influence the processes of lipolysis are activated. Lipolytics, as a rule, include substances that activate microcirculation and stimulate the removal of fatty acids from the treated area through the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

There are also non-standard techniques for administering lipolytics, for example, through a cannula.

The use of lipolytics can help reduce the layer of adipose tissue by 4-6 cm.

The procedure should only be performed by a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon who has undergone preliminary training in the use of lipolytics in his practice.

Indications for the procedure:

  • elimination of local fat deposits that are impossible or difficult to remove using other methods other than surgery;
  • treatment of lipomas and widow's hump;
  • treatment of any forms of lipodystrophy;
  • getting rid of minor excess weight;
  • correction of aesthetic problems after unevenly performed liposuction;
  • removal of small diameter cholesterol plaques on the eyelids;
  • as an additional procedure to face and neck lifts, etc.


  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Acute infectious disease during the procedure;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Obesity (BMI > 30);
  • Diabetes;
  • Decompensated diabetes II;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Allergic reactions to the composition of the drug;
  • The procedure is not indicated for obese patients and is prescribed in combination with diet, massage, and physical activity;

You need to understand that the use of lipolytic cocktails is not a panacea for all ills; it does not replace a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. It is impossible to cure obesity or get rid of a large amount of excess weight once and for all with lipolytic injections. There are certain restrictions on the volume of drugs administered in one session that the body can handle without harm to health.

The following lipolytic drugs are presented in the training:

  • PHDC is a drug for mesotherapy liposuction.

Area of ​​application: local fat deposits (abdomen, lateral thighs and torso).

Composition of the drug:

Phosphatidylcholine is a component of the cell membrane; due to its biological affinity, it is not capable of damaging the adipocyte membrane and penetrating into the intracellular space;

Sodium deoxycholate - disorganizes the two-layer structure of the cell membrane and thereby increases its permeability. In the body it is synthesized by the liver and is part of bile;

Buffer system;

“Deoxycholate + Phosphatidylcholine” - deoxycholate ensures disruption of the permeability of the cell membrane and lysis of adipocytes with the release of the intracellular contents of the adipocyte into the intercellular space, and phosphatidylcholine - emulsifies solid fats of adipocytes into easily metabolized forms with the formation of an “oil in water” emulsion, which is subsequently subjected to a standard process evacuation.

The drug PHDC can be used either in pure form or in mixture with ARTICHOKE (detoxification and drainage for edematous cellulite) or Silor 1% (for fibrotic form).

For grade 1-2 cellulite, it is recommended to sequentially alternate the drug with Estetic Form Phyto Slim NF (Phyto Slim N.F).

For grade 3-4 cellulite, it is recommended to alternate PHDC with Lipo Stop NF.

Contraindications: diseases of the liver and biliary system.

  • PHDC forte is a drug for mesotherapeutic liposuction.

Destroys the membranes of fat cells with the release of fat molecules into the extracellular space, contributes to a significant reduction in the thickness of the hypodermis.

It combines the advantages of direct and indirect lipolytic, while the undesirable effects from the use of sodium deoxycholate are minimized, and its “working concentration” is preserved.

Area of ​​application: abdomen, lateral thighs and torso


L-carnitine - accelerates the transport of triglycerides;

Caffeine - promotes the accumulation of cAMP, activating lipases in mitochondria;

Organic silicon 1% - fights the manifestations of reactive fibrosis of the pancreas;

Rutin and melilot - reduce venous stasis, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;

Phosphatidylcholine - emulsifies fats, promotes their rapid removal from tissue, inhibits the enzyme phosphodiesterase;

Sodium deoxycholate - destroys fat cell membranes, releasing fat molecules into the extracellular space

The maximum allowable amount of the drug for 1 procedure is 10 ml.

Course: 4-6 procedures once every 2 weeks.

Administration technique: single injections locally, insertion depth 10-13 mm

Contraindications: diseases of the liver and biliary system

  • Estetic Form Phyto Slim

Scope of application: comprehensive anti-age therapy programs (deformation type of aging); lipolysis of the submental zone; therapy for hydrolymphodystrophy (cellulite) and local fat deposits;


L-carnitine - accelerates the transport of triglycerides;

Caffeine - promotes the accumulation of cAMP, activating lipases in mitochondria;

Organic silicon 1% - fights the manifestations of reactive fibrosis of the pancreas;

Troxerutin and sweet clover extract - reduce venous stasis, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;

Buffer system pH 7.0 Works with the surface layer of fatty acids and local fat deposits without the risk of unwanted reactions. The drug activates adipocyte lipase and induces the lipolysis process, while troxerutin and melilot extract have a drainage effect, improving blood flow and restoring cell metabolism.

The buffer system minimizes discomfort during administration, so the drug is very easily tolerated.

Contraindications: General for mesotherapy, individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Use caution in case of liver and kidney diseases.

  • Estetic Form Lipo Stop is a powerful lipolytic (combined) of indirect action to solve aesthetic problems of the body.

Scope of application: lipolytic stage 3-4 degrees of lipodystrophy; local fat deposits;


Yohimbine - works as an alpha-blocker and beta-adrenergic agonist, simultaneously blocking lipogenesis and activating lipolysis, improves microcirculation;

Caffeine - inhibits phosphodiesterase, promotes the accumulation of cAMP and active lipase in mitochondria, providing lipolysis;

L-carnitine - activates the breakdown of triglycerides, increases metabolism;

Organic silicon 1% - stimulates lipolysis ;

The active ingredient of the recumbent extract isorhamnetin - has a drainage and lipolytic effect, inhibits the differentiation of adipocytes ;

Buffer system pH 7.0

The drug has a complex effect, not only improves microcirculation and activates lipolysis, but also blocks differentiation and the formation of new adipocytes. This provides not just a more rational approach to the lipolysis process, but also greater efficiency, as well as a prolonged effect of the course.

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Injection areas

Lipolytic injections are used to remove fat deposits in the area:

  • Faces – the face loses weight, skin elasticity increases, the contour is tightened, the ridges above the nasolabial fold, jowls, cheeks are reduced, the double chin is corrected.
  • Abdomen - lipolytics tighten the silhouette, narrow the waist, and correct protruding sides.
  • Legs - it is advisable to correct them from all sides - comprehensively, but local defects can be removed - an overhanging fold above the knees, excessively full calves. Lipolitics allow you to straighten your hips – both on the outside (remove the “breeches”) and on the inside (achieve the “correct” distance between the legs), as well as eliminate cellulite.
  • Arms – with the help of lipolytics, the cervico-shoulder girdle (“hump”), shoulders, and forearms are corrected.
  • Buttocks - lipolytics make the buttocks firm and toned, the skin becomes denser, cellulite goes away, and the silhouette of the figure improves.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Like any medical intervention, lipolysis has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • oncological neoplasms;
  • severe kidney and liver diseases;
  • gallstones;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious lesions in the acute period;
  • rashes, microtraumas in the affected area;
  • epilepsy;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • varicose veins;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • pancreatitis;
  • breast-feeding;
  • diabetes;
  • age under 18 years;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • high body temperature;
  • individual intolerance to the ingredients of the administered composition;
  • any chronic pathologies during exacerbation;
  • presence of installed implants;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system;
  • mental pathologies.

In the absence of contraindications, the procedures are usually easy and without complications. In some cases (usually due to violation of the manipulation technique or non-compliance with medical recommendations), the following is observed:

  • hyperpigmentation of the treated area;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • nodules at the puncture site;
  • local temperature increase;
  • swelling;
  • pain;
  • vomit;
  • decrease (or increase) of sensitivity in the affected area.

The discomfort goes away on its own after a few hours. If they persist, you should consult a doctor.

Careful adherence to the rules of the rehabilitation period, which lasts from one to two weeks, helps to avoid negative consequences. At this time, it is forbidden to go to the sauna or bathhouse, swim in pools, natural reservoirs, sunbathe, or use creams. On the first day, the affected area should not be wet, and refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Benefits of Lipolysis

  • A safe alternative to liposuction and other surgical methods of body contouring;
  • Minimal pain;
  • Minimum rehabilitation period;
  • Visible results after 1-3 procedures;
  • Quick effect in the form of normalization of blood flow, restoration of metabolism and lipid metabolism.
  • The ability to correct individual small areas, such as a double chin.
  • The procedures allow you to get rid of cellulite, reduce the fat layer by 5-6 cm, and improve the condition of the skin.
  • With the help of lipolytics, you can reduce the volume of the abdomen, remove folds on the sides, and outline the waist.

What problems do lipolytics help solve?

Many patients confuse lipolytic injections with mesotherapy, but the procedures differ radically:

  • Mesotherapy requires intradermal administration of active substances; lipolytics do not work in this layer and do not give the expected result.
  • The depth of needle insertion during mesoprocedures does not exceed 6 mm, and lipolytic injections for weight loss require the needle to go 1.2 cm into the body.
  • Meso is aimed at smoothing the skin texture and rejuvenating it, while the process triggered by lipolytics is aimed at burning fat.

Injections for weight loss help to increase osmotic pressure in cellular structures, which provokes the breakdown of fat molecules into microparticles. With the rupture of the cell membrane, these particles are picked up by the bloodstream and lymph flow, after which they are excreted through the main filtering organ (liver). Cosmetology uses lipolytics for the body to correct the following areas:

  • lower abdominal fold;
  • lateral segments of the body;
  • hips, gluteal region.

Lipolitics are used for the chin, eyelids, cheeks, and neck. They make the contour clearer, eliminating blurred areas of fat formed under the skin. The drugs in this series are recommended for the treatment of cellulite, elimination of fatty deposits in the eyelid area, improvement of the results of liposuction and surgical facelift techniques.

Lipolitics for cellulite and other problems are contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • disruption of the hematopoietic apparatus;
  • history of oncological processes;
  • mental deviations from the norm;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation in the area of ​​injections and skin infections.

The drug should be used with caution in case of allergic reactions or cholelithiasis. During a consultation with a cosmetologist, it is absolutely unacceptable to hide facts about your state of health, chronic diseases and medications taken. This can lead to lipolytic injections for weight loss having undesirable consequences that are dangerous for the patient.


Efficiency assessment can be carried out after 1-3 procedures. The greatest results will be noticeable after the course. The number of procedures depends on the drug and varies from 2 to 5 with a break of 8-21 days.

As a result, volumes are noticeably reduced, skin condition improves, facial or figure contours are improved, depending on the injection area, cellulite goes away, and the fat layer decreases by 5-6 cm.

To preserve and maintain lasting results, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and lead an active lifestyle.

Lipolitics have proven their safety and effectiveness, therefore they are one of the most popular procedures in the fight against unwanted fat deposits!

Can it be done at home?

Cosmetologists do not recommend giving injections for cellulite at home. Firstly, in order to carry out the procedure correctly and safely, you must have certain skills. Secondly, the concentration of active components in mixtures for independent use is much lower than in professional ones. The result of such procedures will be less noticeable.

Girls who still decide to carry out injections at home will have to purchase a special device - a mesoscooter. This is a device in the form of a roller with many steel or titanium needles. As it moves across the skin, it leaves micropunctures through which the active ingredients are delivered deep into the dermis.

The following are often used as medicinal ingredients for home treatments:

  • collagen;
  • peptides;
  • vitamins of groups C, B;
  • hyaluronic acid and some other substances.

The procedure should be carried out as follows:

  1. Clean the covers thoroughly.
  2. If necessary, wipe the affected area with lidocaine for pain relief.
  3. Treat the head of the mesoscooter with an antiseptic.
  4. Lubricate the problem area with anti-cellulite composition.
  5. “Walk” the device along the thighs, buttocks (from bottom to top), and abdomen (in a spiral).
  6. Do 10 movements on each section. There is no need to press too hard.

Attention: it is forbidden to use the mesoscooter more than once a week.

Manipulation helps to minimize the external manifestations of cellulite, activate metabolic processes, and even out the surface of the body. However, it is better to consult a cosmetologist. Undergoing procedures in the salon helps to avoid possible unpleasant consequences of therapy.

What are lipolytics?

Lipolitics are special injections for the subcutaneous fat layer of the knee joints. Activation of the lipolysis process eliminates swelling of the knees and helps eliminate fat deposits. The active components of properly selected products, reviews of which are positive, help eliminate fat deposits.

Lipolitics act in a targeted manner, so the effect is observed only on problem areas of the knee joints. For this reason, the injections in question are considered one of the most effective when used correctly.

Patient reviews

Patients in their reviews describe the process of introducing anti-cellulite cocktails as unpleasant, but very effective. The most painful sensations are caused by ozone therapy. However, when the manipulations are carried out by a professional cosmetologist, by the end of the course the discomfort decreases, after completion of the procedures it quickly goes away completely.

Girls note that bruises from injections disappear in a couple of days, the skin becomes tightened, the belly disappears, and it becomes possible to wear smaller clothes. The effect lasts from six months to nine months, then a repeat course of procedures is required.

The result lasts much longer if you do exercises to strengthen your muscles, give up fatty and fried foods, and drink more water.

Anti-cellulite injections are a quick, safe way to combat subcutaneous fat deposits. In addition to removing excess fiber, they improve the overall condition of the skin. Smoothes them out, eliminates unevenness, restores firmness and elasticity. However, you should not count on the miraculous properties of the drugs. If you do not supplement injection treatment with giving up bad habits, regular exercise, and proper nutrition, the unpleasant “orange peel” will appear on the body again. Lipolitics are only an auxiliary tool that allows you to quickly get your figure in order, and not a method of combating excess weight.

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