How models lose weight - Victoria's Secret model diet

Published: December 30, 2016

The one who came up with the name “Angel Diet” is unknown, in principle, as is the person who is the author of this weight loss technique. As for the diet itself, it can be classified as both protein and low-calorie. So, today we will tell you what the Angel diet is - a menu for 13 days, we will analyze it in detail, determine the limitations, contraindications, and also consider reviews and results of the method.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that you must strictly follow the diet, and if you suddenly break it, you will have to start all over again. It is also forbidden to change foods (you can only drink an Americano instead of an espresso) or types of vegetables. As for water, you can drink it in unlimited quantities, but you will have to forget about other drinks. Of course, you should also give up sugar, mayonnaise and all sauces that contain a lot of calories. You can use olive oil to season vegetables, but its daily amount should not exceed 2 tbsp. spoons. These are the strict restrictions.

Angel Diet - menu for 13 days

Features of the Angel Diet

As you probably already guessed, the process lasts 13 days, during which you must strictly limit yourself. On the 14th day you are allowed to consume everything, but, of course, in moderation. Although such deprivations will pay off with interest, because during the course you can achieve good results - lose up to 6-7 kg of weight. What is the peculiarity of the technique? The fact is that such a diet changes metabolism, and if you believe some reviews, the weight can last up to 1-1.5 years.

Dietary ration

Despite the fact that the name of the author of the technique is unknown, it is safe to say that it was named after the “Victoria girls”. We are talking about models of the well-known Victoria's Secret show, and they are called angels because of the distinctive “trick” of the beauties - the snow-white angel wings that adorn the girls on the catwalk. By the way, the best supermodels on the planet were among the “Victoria’s Secret Angels,” but only a few had the honor of dressing up in jewelry bras, the annual demonstration of which is the true culmination of the show. Although it is difficult to say what exactly delights the audience - an obscenely expensive sconce (its price amounts to several million) or the model’s chiseled figure.

Gorgeous Victoria's Secret girls

On a note! Another menu is known under this name, based on the principles and recipes of Cherie Soria, the mother of raw food. More than 10 years ago, her book “Angel Food: Healthy Recipes for Divine Bodies” was published, which became the bible of healthy eating enthusiasts and vegetarians. The chef, who has extensive experience in using raw products, presented a number of original and light dishes, including both dietary desserts and homemade cheese (all with step-by-step instructions).

But let's get back to our 13-day diet. Another feature of it is that even though it limits the volume and number of meals, a categorical refusal of any micronutrient is not provided. Although the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates can hardly be considered balanced. The main emphasis is on proteins, which preserve muscle tissue and give a feeling of fullness, while other beneficial substances only “help” in the background. It is worth agreeing that the appearance of the Victoria's Secret "angels" is truly inspiring, but what should you eat in order to also become the standard of female beauty?

Victoria's Secret Angels Diet

The right products

According to reviews of the Victoria's Secret Model Diet, you can lose 4-8 kilograms in two weeks. More often, the result depends on the initial weight and sports load. Most of the weight is lost in the first week, the next 6 days should help consolidate the results.

There are no recommendations as such for quitting this diet. Gradually you can add low-fat fermented milk products, nuts and honey. Most professional models already adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

The diet of Victoria's Secret models consists of vegetable and fruit salads, low-fat varieties of sea fish, dietary veal and chicken. There is always a lot of natural dairy products, nuts and fresh juices. The main thing is no processed foods or carbonated drinks. It is also better to avoid ready-made juices; they contain too many preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Despite the fact that the Victoria's Secret model diet consists of three meals, successful models recommend smaller meals. It is better to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Don't skip breakfast; it gives your body a boost of energy for the whole day. For example, one of the Victoria's Secret "angels", Doutzen Kroes, prefers a glass of citrus juice and an omelet with spinach for breakfast. Or oatmeal with fruit, the main thing is that breakfast should be hearty and healthy.

But dinner should be finished 4 hours before bedtime and made as light as possible. After all, it is during sleep that the body slows down its metabolism and extra pounds begin to be deposited.

What is the essence of the weight loss technique?

The “angel” diet, like any other, requires adherence to certain rules, which is mandatory if you plan to achieve the best results. These rules are the same for both versions of the technique, which will be discussed below.

  1. Completely eliminate fats and carbohydrates from your diet, give preference to vegetables, fruits, various salads and protein foods.
  2. For all 13 days, give up foods called “white death”, i.e. salt and sugar.
  3. Don’t forget about playing sports (swimming, running, aerobics); massage for weight loss would be a good option.
  4. The method described in the article lasts 13 days (the entire first week you need to strictly follow the menu, after which the first 6 days are repeated). We can consider that the diet of the “angelic” course is double.
  5. Be sure to steam or boil protein products (lean fish, chicken fillet). Grilling is also allowed, but without fat. You can use a little olive oil to dress salads, and you can fry lean meat in it, but such a “feast” is allowed to be held a maximum of once a week.
  6. The Victoria's Secret Angels Diet requires a large consumption of drinking water (at least 2 liters daily). In addition, you are allowed to drink green or herbal tea.
  7. When the course ends, try to continue to limit your caloric intake and portion sizes - this will help maintain the weight loss effect for a longer period.

Angel's protein diet is an effective way to lose weight

Recommendations for using the Angel Diet

☀ Consumption of salt, sugar and alcohol is prohibited.

☀ Try to keep the portion of meat smaller than the portion of greens.

☀ Leaf lettuce can be replaced with celery greens, spinach, cucumbers, cabbage leaves, and also add asparagus or green onions.

☀ Use olive oil and lemon juice as a dressing for greens and salads.

☀ Carrots and tomatoes are interchangeable.

☀ Coffee can be replaced with tea (green or black).

☀ To prepare meat, you can use methods such as frying (in vegetable oil), boiling or steaming.

☀ It is best to eat chicken fillet; you can sometimes replace it with fish.

☀ You can drink plain or mineral water, and the amount of liquid consumed per day should be at least 1.5-2 liters.

☀ To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to combine the diet with weight loss massage and training.

Diet features


13 days (one full seven-day cycle + repeat menu of days one to six)


weight loss occurs through strict portion control and protein-dominant nutrition;


medium (subject to cooking meat at home);


minus 5-8 kg for the entire period;

Recommended frequency: no more than once a year;

Additional effect:

an abundant supply of protein against the background of a meager supply of carbohydrates allows you to burn fat without losing elasticity and muscle mass;

Not suitable:

pregnant, lactating, suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory organs, with allergies or intolerance to any of the products. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor.

Pros of the diet

The Angel Diet for 13 days is ideal for those who are not too fond of breakfasts, but at the same time cannot imagine their life without a hearty dinner and meat dishes. Most often, excess weight loss occurs during the first week, and the results are consolidated in the second week.

The positive features of the proposed diet are the following:

— thanks to the daily consumption of vegetables and fresh herbs, your body will be provided with vitamins and other useful substances;

— vitamin A, which is found in tomatoes and carrots, helps improve skin color and its general condition;

— the high fiber content in greens and vegetables has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

Prohibited Products

For all 13 days, the following foods should be excluded from your diet:

  • Black tea;
  • dressings and various kinds of sauces;
  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks, packaged juices;
  • alcohol;
  • fast foods;
  • sausages and smoked products;
  • ketchup;
  • anything spicy/fatty (this also includes dishes that are fried in oil);
  • grapes, apricots, persimmons and bananas;
  • vegetables high in carbohydrates;
  • fresh bread;
  • potato.

Note! In addition, you must refuse any snacks (besides those provided by the method), and you cannot deviate from the prescribed menu (even if only slightly), otherwise you will have to start the diet all over again.

What can you eat? Quite a lot, oddly enough. At first, the diet should consist of lean meat (preference should be given to fish, chicken fillet or veal). As for greens, there are no restrictions - you can eat dill, lettuce, celery and parsley. The following vegetables are also allowed: carrots, zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes and - occasionally - fresh cucumbers.

Nutrition principles for the Angel Diet

What foods should you exclude from your diet?

If you decide to follow the angel diet, then the following foods are strictly prohibited:

  • salt, as it delays the release of fluid from the body;
  • sugar and confectionery (cookies, gingerbread, cakes, pastries);
  • bread and other baked goods;
  • sausages and sausage products (sausages, wieners, pate, brawn);
  • cereals;
  • smoked and meat delicacies, pickles, pickled products, canned food;
  • any sauces, salad dressings, including ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream;
  • vegetables with a high starch content - potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, corn, pumpkin, squash, radish and sweet potato;
  • high-carbohydrate fruits - grapes, dates and avocados, bananas, figs, persimmons, apricots and sweet berries;
  • fatty foods, fats;
  • fast food and convenience foods;
  • alcohol, including beer;
  • soda, sweet juices, industrial juices, fruit drinks, jelly, instant coffee.


Are there any warnings to the Angel Diet, designed for 13 days? Yes, they exist, because not everyone will be able to lose weight using this weight loss system. Before you start the course, be sure to consult your doctor to rule out exacerbations of any diseases.

More specifically, the “angel” diet is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people prone to dermatitis and allergic manifestations;
  • those who suffer from acute or chronic gastrointestinal ailments;
  • people with individual intolerance to foods included in the mandatory menu of the method.

Can a pregnant woman go on a diet?

Advantages and disadvantages

First, let's take a look at the advantages:

  1. This diet is budget, therefore, you will not encounter additional costs for purchasing food for her. Simply put, any woman can afford such a diet.
  2. The results are impressive - in 13 days you can easily lose 5-9 kg. Agree, not that bad in such a short time.
  3. The principles of nutrition are characterized by extreme closeness to the usual diet, so you will not suffer much due to restrictions.
  4. You can not only lose weight, but also improve your body health, because you will eat a lot of plant foods. Fiber and vitamins stabilize digestion and metabolism, and your health will gradually improve as you lose extra pounds.

If we talk about shortcomings, there are few of them. So, the diet may be associated with some inconveniences if you are a fan of hearty breakfasts. But these inconveniences cannot be compared with the results!

The diet menu also limits the consumption of coffee, which can become a serious difficulty for people who are used to starting the day with a cup of aromatic drink. But don’t worry, because in the morning you can drink a small portion of coffee (only natural, beans, not instant!), but for the rest of the day, it is better to give preference to herbal tea.

Limit your coffee intake

Diet price

Although the diet of the angels is meager, it includes regular consumption of boiled meat and fish, fresh vegetables and green salads. The cost of one day ranges from 400-450 rubles. Protein ingredients turn out to be quite expensive, for example, a carcass of sea bass or dorado will cost no less than 400 rubles, and a kilogram of good beef goulash will cost 550-600 rubles. You shouldn’t skimp on greens - spend 200-300 rubles on various salad mixes, because they are a healthy component of all your future salads.

Also, in advance for 2 weeks of the diet, you need to spend 700-900 rubles and stock up on lemons, sweet fresh carrots, high-quality ground coffee, green tea and olive oil. Thus, in 13 days you will have to pay at least 5500-6000 rubles.

Detailed menu for 13 days

Let us note once again that during the entire course you should drink at least 2 liters every day - this will help cope with the feeling of hunger, which will certainly torment you at the initial stage. The menu below is scheduled for the week. Each day this week consists of breakfast, lunch, dinner and one snack (it is recommended that you place the last one before lunch). Having survived the first week of such nutrition, you must repeat the diet over the next 6 days, which is why the course is designed for 13 days.

First day

Breakfast. You can drink some natural coffee (without sugar, of course) or herbal tea.

Afternoon snack. You can eat one apple as a snack.

Dinner. Eat 2 hard-boiled eggs, a tomato, and a green salad.

Dinner. Boiled spinach (200 g), meat (100 g), boiled or fried in olive oil +

First day menu

Second day

Breakfast. Start your morning today with the same coffee, but you can additionally eat some bread or crackers.

Afternoon snack. Still the same apple.

Dinner. Green salad, tomato, additionally a portion of beef.

Dinner. Vegetable soup (just not fatty, you can’t add potatoes) and

Second day menu

The third day

Breakfast. Coffee with a few crackers.

Afternoon snack. Natural yogurt (about 100 g).

Dinner. A piece of boiled meat (preferably chicken fillet), vegetable salad, seasoned with a small amount of lemon juice.

Dinner. A couple of hard-boiled eggs, 2 slices of lean ham, a cup of tea and

Third day menu

Note! This is the recommended menu for the first 3 days of the “angel” diet. Thanks to such nutrition, your body will be cleansed of toxins, and your skin will look healthier.

Fourth day

Breakfast. A cup of tea with crackers or whole grain toast.

Afternoon snack. A handful of nuts.

Dinner. A little cheese (hard), a boiled egg, 1 tomato or carrot.

Dinner. You can afford a fruit diet salad, as well as a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice +

Fourth day menu

Fifth day

Breakfast. Carrot salad dressed with a little lemon juice.

Afternoon snack. One banana.

Dinner. A piece of fried or boiled lean fish, as well as a tomato.

Dinner. Meat/fish (still lean), tomato and cucumber salad,

Fifth day menu

Sixth day

Breakfast. The same as yesterday.

Afternoon snack. Banana, 100 g natural yogurt.

Dinner. You can eat 1⁄4 of the chicken, baked in the oven (traditionally in olive oil), as well as lettuce.

Dinner. Light vegetable salad, some beef, tea and

Sixth day menu

Seventh day

Breakfast. Coffee or herbal tea (unsweetened).

Afternoon snack. One banana.

Dinner. A piece of lean beef or rabbit, green salad.

Dinner. You can arrange a small holiday for yourself - prepare any dish that is allowed by the diet, but eat in limited quantities +

Seventh day menu

Note! Over the next 6 days, repeat the diet of the previous week, and the order can be any. In the first week you will lose weight quickly, in the second week the weight loss will continue, and the result will be permanent.

Authorized Products

The main emphasis of the diet is on protein foods and complex carbohydrates .

Meat should be lean, you can also eat chicken and fish. Vegetables are predominantly green (cucumbers, broccoli, green beans, peas, leeks) with plenty of greens - spinach and various types of lettuce (iceberg, romaine, frisee), tomatoes and carrots. Also, to enrich the taste of dishes, you can treat yourself to parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, watercress and other spicy and healthy herbs.

In rare cases, mainly for breakfast, you can treat yourself to toast, crackers or bread, preferably rye or whole grain flour.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

green peas5,00,213,873
sweet green pepper1,30,07,226
iceberg lettuce0,90,11,814

Bakery products

toast bread7,33,952,5285
rye bread11,02,758,0310
whole grain bread10,12,357,1295

Meat products



boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137


hard-boiled chicken eggs12,911,60,8160

Fish and seafood

boiled fish17,35,00,0116
grilled salmon20,722,30,6283

Non-alcoholic drinks

black coffee0,20,00,32
* data is per 100 g of product

How to get out of the “angel” diet?

To consolidate your results, you must complete the course correctly. In other words, return to your usual diet gradually, add to your daily menu only one product from those prohibited by the diet. However, nutritionists advise leaving the vegetable assortment for at least another 7 days. This way, in their opinion, the body will not be overloaded with fats and carbohydrates, and you will be able to maintain weight.

Diet recommendations

Therefore, if you have chosen the 13-day version of the method, do not rush to eat potatoes with fatty fried meat on the 14th day. Everything needs to be done gradually. On the 14th day, you can repeat the menu of any dietary day - for example, the 5th - and add more dried apricots, the next day - mashed potatoes, and so on. Website - catalog of individuals: prostitutes St. Petersburg Intimate leisure in the city on the Neva

Video on the topic

Three-day menu

You can stick to this strict diet for three days if you need to slightly adjust your weight. An example menu in this case will look like this.

First day

Have breakfast with a boiled egg and black unsweetened coffee.

For lunch and dinner - only low-fat cottage cheese.

Second day

Breakfast is only black unsweetened coffee or tea.

You can have lunch with lean boiled meat, a tomato with salad or one carrot.

Dinner - baked fish and boiled cabbage.

The third day

Breakfast is the same.

For lunch - fish with carrots or tomatoes.

For dinner - a couple of boiled eggs, lettuce leaves or cucumber.

The most difficult and responsible day in this scheme is the first day, since you can only eat low-fat cottage cheese.

balanced diet, cooking, culinary and food concept — close up of different foodstuffs on table

“Lightweight” option - Angel diet for 3 days

There are several “light” diet options, including one that simply repeats the first 3 days of the 13-day method. We will consider another option, the menu of which is given below.

First day

Breakfast. You can start your morning with a cup of coffee/tea and 1 hard-boiled egg.

Dinner. Low-fat cottage cheese, no more than 150 g.

Dinner. The same amount of low-fat cottage cheese, but it is important that you eat it at least 4 hours before bed +

Second day

Breakfast. Today you can just drink a cup of coffee or tea.

Dinner. 200 g of vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil, and 100 g of any lean meat.

Dinner. Cabbage broth (do not use salt), as well as 100 g of fish or lean meat +

The third day

Breakfast. The same as yesterday.

Dinner. Carrot or tomato salad, no more than 100 g of any lean fish.

Dinner. Cucumber or lettuce, as well as a couple of hard-boiled eggs +

There are several variations of the popular Angel Diet

Unusual variations in the diets of VS angels

Above is a classic version of the angelic weight loss method. However, many VS models have their own favorite nutrition programs that will help you get closer to a divine figure, which means they deserve to be called angelic.

Thus, Elsa Hosk drinks a glass of water with lemon juice, ginger and cayenne pepper every day on an empty stomach, and on the day before a fashion show, the model eats 8 soft-boiled eggs.

For another angel, Miranda Kerr, experts have developed a nutrition plan based on blood type. In addition, the beauty is guided by the “80/20” rule when choosing food, i.e. 80% of her daily menu consists of healthy foods, and 20% are those that are pleasing to the eye and stomach.

In addition, angels quite often enjoy green smoothies, which contain celery, mint, parsley, etc. These drinks contain a minimum of calories, but they saturate the body with antioxidants and vitamins.


And the results in this case are individual, since they depend on the initial “parameters”. If you are an “angel” with small dimensions and weight, you may not lose weight at all, but only harm your own health. The diet menu, due to its composition and calorie content, is safe only for those whose weight is 56-58 kg and whose lifestyle is not too active. It is these girls, by the way, who often complain that they have lost too little - no more than 2-3 kg. But such results can be considered normal. But a result of, for example, 8 kg may indicate an excessive underestimation of caloric intake, and upon completion of the course you will experience a plateau or weight gain again (if you eat everything indiscriminately).

Note! This system also does not take into account the fact that the human body quickly “gets used” to a low-carbohydrate diet. Therefore, the effectiveness of this diet raises some doubts. But a few days after you start, you will still notice the results, because the “extra” water will leave the body, not retained by anything.

Pros and cons of the Angel Diet

Any diet has an important advantage - weight loss. Actually, it is for this reason that women are ready to endure hardship and hunger. Especially if the diet promises weight loss of 7 or more kilograms within 10 days.

Also among the advantages of this particular nutrition system is the fact that the amount of food is not strictly regulated. That is, you can eat the set dishes as much as you want.

It is recommended to eat enough so as not to feel hungry. A protein-rich diet prevents muscle loss.

Among the disadvantages of this diet, one can note all the disadvantages of extreme diets.

First of all, this is harm to health, as well as poor health, which is expressed in symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • weakness.

Also during this period, the body experiences a lack of vitamins. Digestion of food slows down, and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract occur.

It also cannot be called useful that meager breakfasts, most often consisting only of coffee, are replaced by much heavier and high-calorie lunches and dinners. Such sudden changes are not good for the stomach.

Also a disadvantage is three meals a day, although it has long been proven that for weight loss it is much healthier to eat more than five times a day in modest portions.

Reviews from experts and those who have lost weight

Reviews on the Internet are very contradictory. Many sites say that the Angels Diet is recommended by nutritionists, but they do not mention which ones and for whom. The majority of nutritionists themselves assure that the technique is not intended for divine beings living in a vacuum, but for mere mortal women. A woman who is losing weight will simply suffer from a deficit of calories necessary for a full-fledged existence, which means that the body will get used to it. Thanks to this kind of adaptation, your metabolism will slow down, as well as the weight loss process itself.

Reviews from nutritionists

Athletes in their reviews talk about a lack of protein, and people with diseased kidneys, on the contrary, talk about too much of it. Gastroenterologists also leave many negative reviews, because breakfast, in their opinion, should be plentiful, otherwise you can get gastritis or even an ulcer.

Not without the opinion of psychologists. According to reviews, they do not like products that are prohibited for consumption. Psychologists explain their indignation by the fact that women often get fixated on this “forbidden” list, and soon break down and eat some of the foods in unlimited quantities.

But it is worth noting that studies conducted by Canadian scientists prove that nothing bad happens to the metabolism after skipping a full breakfast and a 14-hour fast . Be that as it may, before you go on a diet, bother to visit a doctor!

Angel Diet: before and after photos

The benefits and harms of a protein diet

Reading the Victoria's Secret Model Diets menu, I really want to take advantage of these recommendations. No special restrictions, delicious meat and salads. But in reality, how beneficial are protein diets and can everyone try them?

The fiber contained in the daily menu helps remove toxins from the body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable salads and fruits for dessert saturate the body with vitamins, and tomatoes and carrots improve complexion. Eliminating carbohydrates and active proteins helps improve metabolism and maintain good shape after completing the diet.

However, unusually large amounts of protein foods can damage the functioning of the liver and kidneys. After all, if animal protein is not burned during active training, it begins to decompose and poison the body. Therefore, training and sports activities with the Victoria's Secret Diet of Angels, and with other protein diets, are simply necessary.

People who have kidney and liver diseases or metabolic disorders should not try this method of losing weight. In general, before starting any strict diet, you should get tested and consult with a general practitioner.

So is it possible to lose weight with this diet?

If you don't have stomach or kidney disease, then why not? The “angel” diet also has its fans, who claim that the technique allows you to lose weight easily and quickly, while having the following advantages:

  • improvement of intestinal function;
  • efficiency;
  • simplicity and availability of products;
  • balanced diet;
  • lack of special training.

In the absence of the contraindications described above, you may well try to lose weight using the Victoria's Secret Angels method. That's all, good luck and good health!

Try the egg diet, which is based on the consumption of protein foods and is suitable for people of any age!


The Angel Diet, like any weight loss program, is prohibited for certain categories of people. Thus, it is not recommended to practice this technique for diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart and stomach. Pregnant women should not experiment with their diet. If your blood sugar level is high, it is also advisable to refrain from changing your usual menu, as this can cause hypoglycemia and fainting. In any case, before carrying out this event, you must consult with a specialist. Even in the absence of contraindications, the thirteen-day angel diet can be practiced no more than once a year.

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