Is it possible to lose weight with the Fat Man's Breakfast diet?

General rules

The “Fat Man’s Breakfast” diet is, first of all, a non-standard regime of separate meals: before 14:00 you must have three different breakfasts in turn, differing in their composition, and the portion sizes are not limited:

  • the first breakfast is carbohydrate - may include baked goods, cereals, fruits and sweets in moderation;
  • the second breakfast is protein, should begin no earlier than 1 hour after the first and consist of fermented milk products, both cottage cheese and yogurt, curdled milk or kefir are allowed;
  • the third final lunch after at least 30 minutes is animal protein, for example, fish, eggs, tenderloin, poultry, seafood.

After 14:00 you can only eat lean meat and vegetable broths, juices without pulp, drink tea, coffee, lemonade without sweeteners, as well as clean still water.

It is recommended to adhere to this diet for 10-14 days. During this time, approximately 6-7 extra kilograms are lost.

Authorized Products

A hearty breakfast is strength and energy for the whole day; it is mandatory and must be complete and balanced, including all types of nutrients. “Fat man’s breakfast” contains everything you need to be healthy, active and, most importantly, slim, because all the calories consumed in the first half of the day are burned completely and not stored.

The “Breakfast Only” diet is considered balanced, because the body receives:

  • complex and simple carbohydrates - you have no restrictions on the consumption of cereals, fruits, breads, you can eat your fill of them, the main thing is not to add fats, sweeteners, cook porridge exclusively in water;
  • healthy fats from fermented milk products, as well as lactobacilli present in them and improving intestinal function;
  • animal protein is a complete and, most importantly, lean, basic plastic material, necessary for the formation of a strong musculoskeletal system, for hematopoiesis, the health of the nervous and hormonal systems.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal





Nuts and dried fruits

dried apricots5,20,351,0215
candied melon0,60,652,0319

Cereals and porridges

oatmeal with water3,01,715,088
boiled wild rice4,00,321,1100
barley porridge on water2,30,315,776

Bakery products

bran bun7,81,843,9220
rye crackers16,01,070,0336



Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0% (low fat)16,50,01,371
homemade cottage cheese (from milk 1%)17,66,411,3166

Meat products

boiled beef25,816,80,0254
boiled veal30,70,90,0131


boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137
boiled turkey fillet25,01,0130


chicken eggs12,710,90,7157
quail eggs11,913,10,6168

Fish and seafood

boiled pink salmon22,97,80,0168
boiled sardine20,110,8178
boiled mackerel19,614,7211
boiled trout15,53,089
boiled hake18,52,30,095
* data is per 100 g of product

Fully or partially limited products

The fat man's breakfast diet can be classified as a healthy program, because fried, fatty, smoked foods are completely prohibited, in addition, for these 10-14 days you need to avoid:

  • from white bread, buns, cakes and pastries;
  • from vegetable salads and stews;
  • from sweet carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • from sausages;
  • from fatty meats, such as pork, fatty lamb, goose, duck;
  • from vegetable and animal fats, including vegetable oil, butter, margarine, etc.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens



potato chips5,530,053,0520
salted popcorn7,313,562,7407
cheese popcorn5,830,850,1506

Flour and pasta

pancakes with condensed milk8,112,441,7324
dumplings with potatoes4,43,718,5125

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf7,52,950,9264
wheat bread8,11,048,8242


raisin cupcake6,417,653,6384
Tula gingerbread5,86,571,6364

Ice cream

ice cream sundae3,215,020,8227
strawberry ice cream3,88,020,9165
popsicle ice cream3,520,019,6270


golden key cake5,415,049,2357
honey cake6,029,048,9478
truffle cake4,322,631,1345

Raw materials and seasonings

soy sauce3,50,011,058

Meat products

fried pork11,449,30,0489
fried beef32,728,10,0384
Turkish basturma14,820,1240
smoked beef brisket7,666,8632


pork chops10,033,00,0337

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,099,00,0899
creamy margarine0,582,00,0745

Alcoholic drinks

white wine Muscat0,00,05,082

Non-alcoholic drinks

energy drink0,00,011,345
* data is per 100 g of product

Eat only twice a day

I have never considered myself one of those people who can easily lose weight with a strict diet. Avoiding certain foods only increased my desire to eat them. Therefore, sooner or later I broke down and started eating junk food, gaining my kilograms back. Counting calories didn't help either because I don't have time to weigh all my food throughout the day. Then I decided to give up breakfast and switch to an interval schedule. Its supporters believe that this approach helps you lose weight. In addition, people become more energetic.

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Then I decided to create a new daily routine for myself. I skipped breakfast, so I only ate my first meal at noon. I planned to have dinner no later than 20:00. The daily routine did not include a third meal, but this does not mean that I starved myself. From lunch to dinner, I allowed myself to snack on vegetables, fruits or something sweet.

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Sample menu for the day

  • a bowl of buckwheat or other porridge cooked in water with blueberries and candied fruits;
  • rye toast with avocado pulp and chopped dill, parsley;
  • coffee with a spoon of honey.
  • a glass of fermented milk drink or cottage cheese.
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 200 g boiled veal or fish.
  • drank vegetable broth.
  • meat broth left over after cooking veal or other meat for the third breakfast.

More water, less coffee

Usually in the morning I eat boiled eggs, porridge or toast with avocado. But I also drink a lot of coffee to perk me up a little. However, I also had to give it up: you can’t drink it on an empty stomach. So now I started drinking more water in the morning. At first it was hard for me to give up coffee; I constantly felt sleepy. The first days I still drank 1-2 cups of the drink, consoled myself with the fact that it helps suppress my appetite.

I didn’t like such concessions, so immediately after waking up I started drinking a glass of water. Then I gradually increased the amount of fluid I consumed. And after a few days I was able to give up coffee. I just lost the desire to drink it in the morning. If before I consumed about 2 liters of water a day, then after giving up breakfast this amount increased to 4 liters.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The weight comes off quickly, and the results last a long time.
  • The menu is simple, filling and balanced, with plenty of options to choose from.
  • Products are available and inexpensive.
  • You can eat without restrictions, without weighing food or counting calories.
  • The diet is not suitable for owls - people who are used to going to bed late and getting up late, because their peak activity falls in the evening.
  • A gap in meals of more than 16 hours is considered unhealthy, is poorly tolerated by the body and can provoke peptic ulcers , so it is important to have vegetable decoctions and meat broths on hand during the first attacks of hunger.

Skipping breakfast: benefits

Within 1-2 hours after waking up, the human body is not ready to digest food and perceives a quick breakfast as stress. This causes a decrease in physical activity, emotional fatigue, and increases apathy and drowsiness.

If you exercise or go for morning jogs immediately after waking up, or if you go to work early, skip breakfast.

Some people cannot eat breakfast at all after waking up. This applies primarily to night owls, who often feel nausea, headache and irritability after an early breakfast. And to the question: “Is it worth having breakfast if you don’t want to?”, the answer is unequivocal: “No, it’s not worth it.” Do not break your body and do not provoke stressful conditions.

Start your meal with lunch (second breakfast) at 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon, it will be more enjoyable and healthier.

In addition, according to modern nutritionists, skipping breakfast is a great way to go on a small hunger strike for the body. Along with sleep, you will get 12-16 hours without food, which will not be painful.

This gentle period of fasting triggers the production of the hormone cortisol, which helps the body process glucose and fat.

Fat man's breakfast diet: reviews and results

On forums, people leave different reviews about the Fat Man's Breakfast diet. Many consider it the best way to train yourself not to overeat at night. An undoubted advantage is the absence of restrictions on portion sizes.

  • Anna, 30 years old: “... Eating only breakfast has already become a lifestyle. This method of losing weight allowed me to get rid of 5 hated kilograms that have bothered me for the last 14 years.”
  • Nastya, 17 years old: “... The most effective diet for me - I lost 6 kg in 5 days. I didn’t have to go hungry, sometimes I would break into a piece of dark chocolate in the evening, but after a couple of days I got used to drinking only cold lemonade and tea in the evening.”
  • Larisa, 34 years old: “... For a whole month after 15:00 nothing, no, no, I gained minus 15 kg and renal colic. As a result, I have mixed feelings - slim, but with health problems. Now I advise everyone, before you start experimenting on yourself, consult a doctor and nutritionist.”

Before and after the diet Fat man's breakfast (minus 5 kg)

What happens if you give up breakfast for three weeks?

Today, more and more studies are emerging that prove the benefits of interval nutrition and skipping breakfast. Before changing my habits, I asked various trainers and people in the fitness industry for their opinions. They recommended that I not skip breakfast before training. It is not necessary to eat heavy protein foods that are difficult for the body to digest. They can be replaced with something lighter, containing a lot of carbohydrates. However, I still decided to continue my experiment.

From the very beginning, I thought that skipping breakfast would reduce the amount of food I consumed throughout the day. Usually in the morning I ate a lot of heavy food, but by lunchtime I felt hungry. So I decided to see if I could eat less if I gave up breakfast.

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