All forces to fight age-related belly fat: how to remove excess fat in the simplest ways

With age, the body's metabolism slows down.

Even slim people notice that after 40 years their former waistline disappears, and losing weight becomes more and more difficult.

However, ways have been developed to remove age-related belly fat.

Practice shows that anyone can do this if they set a goal. Moreover, we are talking not only about the beauty of the figure, but also about health.

What the fat layer is afraid of: how to deal with excess fat deposits in the waist and sides

A blurred waist appears for a reason - only due to age-related changes. To lose weight, you need to understand the reasons.

Here's what causes and what the fat layer is afraid of:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle . This means we need to live more actively, go swimming, exercise, ride a bike. That is, to spend energy in sufficient quantities.
  2. Poor nutrition . Hence the conclusion: you need to switch to a balanced diet consisting of healthy foods.
  3. Bad habits . It is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking, which put the body in a stressful situation and slow down the metabolism. In addition, bad habits provoke the development of a number of diseases, many of which are extremely dangerous to health.
  4. Certain diseases . These may be endocrine diseases, for example, diabetes and other diseases associated with hormonal imbalance. This means that we need to reconsider our lifestyle as a whole and undergo treatment.
  5. Hormonal changes . It is necessary, together with a doctor, to determine the appropriate cause and begin the correct treatment.
  6. Stress or other nervous disorders . They lead to disruption of all organ systems. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize stressful situations, get enough sleep, and not get nervous over trifles.

You can get rid of excess fat deposits if you follow these basic directions - correcting your diet and lifestyle, regular sufficient physical activity, a healthy work and rest schedule, and good sleep.

You may also be interested in: Effective exercises to lose fat quickly

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How to deal with age-related obesity after 50 years. 1 Reasons

First of all, the problem of excess fat in the abdominal area is associated with age-related hormonal changes that provoke the appearance of sides and an “apron”.

Getting rid of age-related fat at the age of fifty is more difficult than fighting extra pounds in youth, but with some effort and an integrated approach to the problem, it is quite possible.

There are many reasons for the appearance of sagging sides and an apron on the stomach in adulthood. All of them are individual and require consideration of each case separately. A woman’s lifestyle and general health have a big impact on her figure.

The main factors for losing weight

Excess fat in the waist and sides will not disappear on its own without overall weight loss. And you can gain weight thanks to such basic factors as:

  • low calorie diet;
  • strict adherence to the daily schedule, rest regime, physical activity and food intake;
  • increase in physical activity.

You may also need to consult a doctor about chronic diseases, a psychologist, and you may need treatment for a number of diseases.

Important! The main factor in losing weight should be considered willpower, based on motivation. If you really want to regain your slimness, you can move towards this goal in a disciplined and consistent manner, without giving in to temptation. The difficulty lies in determining true motivation.


Age after 40 years will not forgive those errors in nutrition that were in youth. The metabolic process slows down by about half over the years. Therefore, the calorie content of food should be reduced. The stomach will become flat if:

  • minimize fatty, sweet and starchy foods in the diet;
  • replace sweets with fruits;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • eat fermented milk every day;
  • boil, stew, grill, but do not fry lean meat;
  • once a week have a fasting day - eat only cucumbers or just vegetables without salt and oil;
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • drink up to 2 liters of water per day, not counting the liquid contained in liquid food. Reduce coffee consumption to 2 cups per day, since in excessive quantities it is not only harmful to the cardiovascular, nervous and urinary systems, but can also lead to metabolic disorders.

If these conditions are constantly met, sometimes you can afford junk food. This will not add kilograms.

Important! The given water consumption rate is for the average person. For those whose height and weight are above average, water consumption can be increased by 0.5-0.7 liters or reduced by 0.5 liters, in accordance with anthropometric data.


All efforts will be in vain if you do not follow the daily routine. It includes the following conditions:

  • Be sure to get enough sleep - 8 hours of continuous sleep, at least;
  • try to eat 5 times a day in small portions and at about the same time;
  • do not eat 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • Exercise regularly at least three times a week - at home or in the gym.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

These sleep recommendations are not rigid. They are suitable for most people, but for some people less time is enough for proper rest, while other people need more sleep. First of all, you need to base yourself on how you feel. And, only taking this into account, create an individual sleep duration, and not be guided by average statistical parameters. The body itself will let you know about the need to increase or decrease sleep duration.

Interesting! American scientists conducted research and it turned out that people who have breakfast an hour and a half later than usual and dinner an hour and a half earlier lose weight faster.


The body needs constant physical activity. If your belly drops due to nutrition, abdominal exercises will help tighten your muscles. You can choose any activity you like:

  • Nordic walking;
  • swimming;
  • dancing;
  • Pilates;
  • yoga.

If possible or necessary, you can develop individual lessons together with a trainer.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

To make the process of losing weight as effective as possible and to quickly acquire an attractive athletic figure, comprehensive training aimed at working out the entire muscles of the body, and not at working with just one area of ​​it, will allow you to do so. This is due to the fact that the human body is not able to lose weight in certain areas. The process of losing weight takes place throughout the body. After all, fat, which is a source of energy and nutrients that are actively absorbed during physical activity and released when fat reserves are burned, is broken down throughout the body. At the same time, it goes away faster in some zones, but not in others. The latter are areas of its active accumulation in reserve - areas of fat deposition (fat depot). These include: in men – the abdomen and, to a lesser extent, buttocks; in women – thighs, buttocks, abdomen and, to a lesser extent, breasts. Therefore, to lose weight in these areas, complex physical exercises that involve the whole body are necessary.

How to deal with age-related obesity.

Millions of people believe the myth that periodically counting calories and walking five kilometers can provide a slender girlish figure. Walkers and runners lose strength and muscle mass in their upper body as they age. Running is just the foundation for a good exercise program.

Strength training is a weight-loss dream because for every pound of fat you replace with muscle mass, you burn dozens of extra calories each week. Reason: muscle tissue has greater metabolic activity - more chemical reactions take place in muscle cells than in fat cells.

The fate of people trying to fight the onset of obesity with the help of cruel diets is sad. This only accelerates the loss of muscle tissue, because the body strives to fight hunger by burning not only fat, but also muscle. Having acquired a slimmer, but also looser figure, the victim of starvation gains weight much faster than usual as soon as he begins to eat normally.

Medical research shows that the best way to combat age-related obesity is to combine strength training, exercise and a low-fat diet.

Women need strength exercises even more (this is their physiology) than men. One reason: Women are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis (a brittle bone disease) as they age, and strength training helps strengthen bones as well as muscles. Women should not be afraid of becoming pumped up like bodybuilders. This does not happen unless you take anabolic steroids and do excessively long weekly workouts.

Elderly people may also find this useful. Although most of us blame stiff joints, flabby bodies and loss of strength on age, experts believe that to some extent this is just the price of our laziness. According to studies of physical ailments among older people, by the age of 75, a quarter of people cannot lift more than 4.5 kilograms. This means they can't do everyday things like pick up a bag of groceries or hold their grandchildren.

Where to start? Much more important than what you use for strength training is how you use it.

Thus, if you decide to go to a health club, inquire about the level of qualifications of the staff who offer you a set of exercises. Do they have degrees in exercise physiology? So, if you are not satisfied with the answer, look elsewhere.

If you do not intend to spend a lot, videos

cassettes with sets of exercises and inexpensive one- to two-kilogram dumbbells. Consult your doctor regarding the choice of exercise system.

Strength training doesn't take much time - the exercises can be completed in just 20 minutes. Do strength training two to three times a week and aerobic exercise three to five times a week for 20 minutes to an hour. You can do this on the same day or on different days. To rest your muscles, avoid doing strength exercises two days in a row. Give your topic a break at least once a week.

Your workouts should include a minimum of eight exercises to develop major muscle groups. When doing dumbbell exercises, start with a weight that allows you to easily perform a series of movements—8 to 12 reps—without stopping.

For maximum effectiveness, perform each movement slowly and steadily. Inhale before lifting the weight, and after lifting, exhale in two counts. Inhale again for four counts as you lower the dumbbells. Do not hold your breath under any circumstances.

For the first few days, don't worry about muscle pain unless it's a severe pain, especially in your joints. Pain indicates that you either overdid it or did the exercise incorrectly.

Remember that cold, tense muscles are more susceptible to injury than warm, elastic muscles. Warm up by walking, riding a bike, or climbing stairs without overexerting yourself for five minutes, then do slow, gentle stretching exercises. Use the same procedure to relax.

With a balanced exercise program, you can change the appearance of your figure. Why not start today?

Ways to lose weight after 45 years

The premenopausal period in women occurs around the age of 40-48 years. At this time, the production of hormones - estrogen, progesterone, necessary for reproductive activity - decreases. But male hormones - androgens - begin to predominate. And this contributes to the accumulation of fat, often on the stomach and thighs.

Obesity in men is often associated with a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, and poor diet. To a certain extent, male obesity is associated with heredity. But there may also be pathologies that lead to excess weight. You need to find out this by consulting a doctor. In general, the following actions will help you gain weight at this age:

  • refusal of various types of hunger strikes;
  • inclusion of foods rich in iron and calcium in the diet;
  • increased physical activity;
  • salt restriction;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • fractional meals.

It is necessary to switch to a balanced diet. And it includes all the components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their ratio for a healthy diet is approximately 30/20/50.

Interesting! Selenium helps men lose weight and develop an athletic figure. With sufficient intake into the body, the production of testosterone, the main male sex hormone, increases. It is thanks to it that men develop a pronounced muscular frame, and the body contains less fat than women.

Did you know that men over 55 who are 20% overweight have a 20% higher mortality rate than average? Do people who shed extra pounds through calorie reduction and exercise see their blood cholesterol levels normalize faster and become more stable than those who achieve this only through dietary restrictions? If the daily calorie intake is only 90 kilocalories above the norm, then over the course of 5 years a person risks gaining approximately 18 kilograms? In a person aged 50 to 60 years, energy expenditure decreases by an average of 7–8% and by the same amount in each subsequent decade, so should the caloric content of the diet be reduced accordingly?

In youth, it seems that youth will always remain with us, and with it health and excess strength. You can indulge in physical education, or you can completely quit being friends with her.

In adulthood, when we are already 30–40 years old, no, no, and anxiety creeps in that youth is somewhere behind us, and not everything is in order with our health. Meanwhile, physical education and sports for us are becoming more and more like old acquaintances with whom we constantly postpone meeting. Yes, there is also a shortage of time, the cramped conditions of our city apartments...

And the years go by. Diseases visit us more often. Suddenly it turns out that there is a heart and that it is playing tricks. Weight has increased and a feeling of unpleasant heaviness has appeared. What was previously given easily, without stress, now becomes unbearable. The search for a way out of trouble begins. Medicines are being used, and more and more often we have to visit doctors...

In the West, the fight against excess body weight has led to the emergence of fashion for all kinds of egg, Hollywood, zero diets. However, excessive dieting can lead to dangerous health consequences. In addition, the kilograms lost with its help easily return, as soon as you allow yourself the slightest deviation from the ascetic diet.

By limiting themselves in nutrition and fluid intake, using a bathhouse or sauna to sweat profusely and train the sweat glands, wrestlers, boxers, and weightlifters learned to achieve the desired athletic form in a short time. This occurs mainly due to dehydration of the body. However, such excessive tissue dehydration does not go away without leaving a trace. Beyond a certain threshold, muscle fibers dry out (albeit briefly), and the concentration of salts in the urine increases sharply. In this case, there is a threat of developing kidney stones. Sports fans know the sad death of Belgian heavyweight weightlifter Serge Reading. It was caused by his forced weight loss.

It’s another matter when weight loss occurs due to fat reserves, hypotrophy of the so-called passive tissue. You can part with excess fat not only painlessly, but also with relief. And the most suitable way for this is a combination of a reasonable diet and exercise. Those who lost excess weight with their help had lower blood cholesterol levels than those who achieved this only through a strict diet!


“We watch TV, drive cars or go to the movies, we store fat, and every year the average American gains 1-1.5 kg in weight. At 45 years old, he weighs 25 kg more than he weighed at twenty-five,” states American doctor Sprague.

According to statistics, in our country almost half of the adult population is overweight, and 25% is obese. At the same time, experts have noticed an inverse relationship between excess body weight and life expectancy. With an excess weight of 4.5 kg, mortality increases by 8%, and with an excess of 20 kg it increases by 1.5 times.

According to many famous endocrinologists, people often come for a consultation wanting to get rid of extra pounds, not only because they are concerned about their appearance; they are frightened by the emergence of more and more new diseases associated specifically with excess weight.

Anyone who eats too much and is overweight secretly admits that with the help of food he makes up for what his soul lacks. When applying for a job, in social life, in personal communication - anyone who looks at us and sees a protruding belly or too full buttocks will understand: something inside our being requires compensation in the form of starch, sweets or liquor.

The face, as they say, is the mirror of the soul. But now we say this completely seriously. A man with thick cheeks, a powerful double chin, a man who carries stagnant fat with him everywhere, flaunting it, admits to others that throughout his life he has never been able to get rid of his problems.

On the other hand, society itself generates tension, the release of which a person finds in the absorption of food. As a result, a whole industry has emerged, and it uses a variety of means: removing fat from tissue, physical exercise, special bandages, strict diets. Success here is variable: the kilograms become more and less. Even a new term has appeared: “fat-thin people” are those who periodically lose weight and then gain weight. These people follow all sorts of low-calorie diets. And the ways to combat obesity are becoming more diverse. Gels, creams, underwear made of plastic materials to stimulate sweating, tablets, mousses and soups of various tastes, biscuits, flakes and algae salads that create a feeling of fullness; herbal infusions and laxatives; sauna, massages, ionization, paraffin lotions, etc. There are more and more ways to lose weight; they already constitute a whole arsenal of means of fighting against a stubborn enemy, who penetrates everywhere and from whose assassination attempt almost no one is immune (at least after reaching a certain age).


■ Daily morning hygiene exercises. Performing special physical exercises.

■ Maintaining a rational diet.

■ Walk for 2-3 hours a day at an average to slow pace. It is advisable to walk at least part of the way to work, especially for those who work sitting or lead a sedentary lifestyle; It is very useful to walk for 20-30 minutes after eating.

■ Jogging before meals or 1 hour after meals, from 10 to 30 minutes (after consulting a doctor).

■ Air baths (if possible daily) from 30 minutes to 1 hour - in winter, and in summer - from 1 to 3 hours.

■ Russian bath or sauna (as prescribed by a doctor).

■ Hose shower from a distance of 20–25 cm, with a strong jet in places where fat is deposited (on the stomach, thighs, etc.), for 5–10 minutes, temperature 35–36° C (can be done in a bath or in the country house).

■ Active sports activities - tennis, volleyball, rowing, skiing, skating, outdoor games. Duration of classes is from 1 to 2 hours with rest as needed.

■ Massage and self-massage with your hands or a linen towel, rubbing your neck, back, thighs, and legs well. It is recommended to do self-massage after doing physical exercises 2 times a day - morning and evening.

■ Exercise on exercise machines (treadmill, exercise bike, etc.) from 10 to 30 minutes at an average pace.


Everyone should be able to determine their normal weight. It is generally accepted that it is equal to height (in cm) minus 100 (±5%). For example, with a height of 170 cm, the weight should be 170-100 = 70 (±3.5 kg, i.e. 5% of 70 kg).

However, this approach does not take into account the age factor. Therefore, of interest to us are those tables that determine normal weight, which provide for an adjustment for a person’s age. One of the tables is based on the fact that normal weight starting from the age of 20 should be calculated as follows: to the weight that a person had at the age of 20, add a number equal to half the years he lived after 20. That is, if a person weighed 60 kg at 20 years old, at 40 years old he should weigh 70 kg (half of 20 is added to 60, i.e. the 20 years that a person lived after he turned 20). This is due to biological reasons. However, such an amendment is another recognition of the fact that life inevitably and literally leaves on a person the burden of what he has lived. Inextricably linked with the desire to lose weight is the desire to become younger. Losing extra pounds is, to some extent, the same as losing extra years.

When developing individual exercise programs for the purpose of weight loss, it is also necessary to take into account factors such as belonging to one of the four main groups, each of which is characterized by a certain level of total energy expenditure and energy expenditure on physical (muscular) work.

■ Group 1: knowledge workers. Total daily energy consumption is 2200–2600 kcal. For physical work: about 600 kcal.

■ 2nd group: workers of assembly line labor, automatic and semi-automatic lines. Total daily energy consumption: 2800–3400 kcal. For physical work: 800–1400 kcal (when working sitting - up to 1000 kcal, standing - up to 1400 kcal).

■ 3rd group: mechanized workers. Total daily energy consumption is 3600–4000 kcal. For physical work: about 2000 kcal.

■ 4th group: workers of heavy physical labor. Total daily energy consumption: 4200–6000 kcal. For physical work: 2200–4000 kcal.


How much do different types of physical activity “cost” in an energetic sense? To correctly select foods in your diet when regulating weight, you need to know some of the basic features of quality nutrition. First of all, it must be complete; in this case, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1:1:4.

Proteins are the main “building material” of our body. Protein nutrition is especially necessary during the period of weight regulation. Food proteins are divided into complete and incomplete. Complete proteins contain essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize itself from other foods obtained from food. They are found in animal proteins (meat, fish, dairy products).

When 1 g of protein is burned in the body, 4.1 kcal is released, carbohydrates - 3.75 kcal, 1 g of fat releases 9.3 kcal.

Creating a menu means defining a set of products, listing all the dishes included in the daily diet, distributing them in accordance with the physiological rhythm of nutrition (5-6 meals a day). But that's not all. It must be taken into account that each meal should include foods that are predominantly sources of protein (meat, cereals, bread). So, equivalent in protein content (about 20 g) are 100 g of beef = 100 g of chicken = 125 g of heart = 120 g of fish = 120 g of cottage cheese (low-fat) = 70 g of cheese = 0.6 liters of milk.

Equal in carbohydrate content (about 16–17 g) 25 g of cereal = 75 g of potatoes = 40 g of bread = 400 g of fresh tomatoes = 500 g of fresh cucumbers = 150 g of apples or other fruits.

The calorie content of the diet is distributed throughout the day as follows: first breakfast - 20-25%, second - 5-10%, lunch - 30-35%, afternoon snack - 5-10%, dinner - 20%, at night - 5%.


There are products that experts recommend to treat not only obesity, hypertension, coronary artery disease, liver and kidney diseases, but also such serious conditions as diabetes, systemic allergic diseases and even oncology.

Here is a short list of products that should be in the diet: wholemeal bread, gray bread, bread with bran type “Doctorsky”, rye bread; cereals, preferably lightly processed (buckwheat, barley, dark rice, millet, rye, oats); any fish, caviar, shrimp, squid, cod liver, etc.; eggs; low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, yogurt; all vegetable oils (fat content no more than 1%); all root vegetables in raw form (parsley, celery, carrots, radishes, radishes, beets), except potatoes; any greens, green beans, peas, cabbage, salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, peppers, eggplants; all fruits, except bananas, berries; mushrooms, nuts (except peanuts).

It is better to limit meat to lean veal, white meat (skinless chicken, turkey, goose, duck) and reduce its consumption to 2-3 times a week.

What should you not eat? All foods containing “light”, accessible carbohydrates, i.e. those that quickly enter the blood and cause an increase in sugar, and in response to this our pancreas produces a lot of insulin. Insulin quickly “shoves” this excess sugar into insulin-dependent organs: into the liver, muscles, and under the skin in the form of fat.

A list (by no means complete) of “harmful” foods that cause hyperinsulinemia: white bread, baked goods, pasta, white rice, all baked goods made from butter dough, crackers, dryers; sugar, sweets, honey in large quantities; products with cream, butter, fatty cheeses, cream, sour cream; corn and all products made from it; beans, lentils, chestnuts; fat meat; sausages, frankfurters, small sausages.

The material was prepared on the basis of methodological recommendations of the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports (VNIIFK); author - senior researcher at VNIIFK, Ph.D. n. VC. Petrov.

How to get rid of fat for women and men after 50 years

Women after 50 years of age gain weight due to hormonal changes in the body. There's nothing you can do about it. Therefore, you need to be very disciplined in your choice of nutrition, daily routine and training. A very important point at this age is emotional stability. Less stress means less temptation to eat it. We must not forget about daily walks in the fresh air. For women over 50 years of age, yoga, swimming, dancing will help fight stress; they allow you to relax and disconnect from problems; it is also recommended to meditate or do handicrafts, such activities perfectly relax the nervous system.

For men over 50 years of age, the waist should not exceed 94 centimeters. If it’s more, you need to sound the alarm, take action and give up things like:

  • alcohol and, in particular, beer, since alcoholic drinks themselves are high-calorie, and beer also contains analogs of female sex hormones (phytoestrogens), which negatively affect a man’s hormonal balance and lead to the growth of the so-called “beer belly”;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products.

People over 50 years old should focus on seafood, lean meat, fish, vegetables and herbs. You shouldn’t hold yourself in tight mittens - once a week you can drink beer or a glass of wine, eat pork or cake.

From active activities, you need to choose something that will not harm your health if you have problems with the cardiovascular system or the musculoskeletal system. Moderate cardio exercises - race walking, swimming, running - will help women and men get rid of extra pounds.

Important! To produce testosterone, a man needs fats. But excess fat leads to a decrease in this hormone and, accordingly, to a decrease in sexual activity. In addition, infatuation with fatty foods leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which has an extremely negative effect on the blood flow and can cause tissue ischemia, heart attack, and stroke.

Age-related obesity, how to deal with it. How to deal with age-related obesity

Millions of people believe the myth that periodically counting calories and walking five kilometers can provide a slender girlish figure. Walkers and runners lose strength and muscle mass in their upper body as they age. Running is just the foundation for a good exercise program. Strength training is a weight-loss dream because for every pound of fat you replace with muscle mass, you burn dozens of extra calories every week. Reason: muscle tissue has greater metabolic activity - more chemical reactions take place in muscle cells than in fat cells. The fate of people trying to fight the onset of obesity with the help of cruel diets is sad. This only accelerates the loss of muscle tissue, because the body strives to fight hunger by burning not only fat, but also muscle. Having acquired a slimmer, but also looser figure, the victim of starvation gains weight much faster than usual as soon as he begins to eat normally. Medical research shows that the best way to combat age-related obesity is to combine strength training, exercise and a low-fat diet. Women need strength exercises even more (this is their physiology) than men. One reason: Women are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis (a brittle bone disease) as they age, and strength training helps strengthen bones as well as muscles. Women should not be afraid of becoming pumped up like bodybuilders. This does not happen unless you take anabolic steroids and do excessively long weekly workouts. Elderly people may also find this useful. Although most of us blame stiff joints, flabby bodies and loss of strength on age, experts believe that to some extent this is just the price of our laziness. According to studies of physical ailments among older adults, by the age of 75, a quarter of people cannot lift more than 4.5 kilograms. This means they can't do everyday things like pick up a bag of groceries or hold their grandchildren. Where to start? Much more important than what you use for strength training is how you use it. If you decide to go to a health club, ask about the level of qualifications of the staff who offer you a set of exercises. Do they have degrees in exercise physiology? If you are not satisfied with the answer, look elsewhere. If you don't intend to spend a lot, videos

cassettes with sets of exercises and inexpensive one to two kilogram dumbbells. Consult your doctor regarding the choice of exercise system. Strength training doesn't take much time - the exercises can be completed in just 20 minutes. Do strength training two to three times a week and aerobic exercise three to five times a week for 20 minutes to an hour. You can do this on the same day or on different days. To rest your muscles, avoid doing strength exercises two days in a row. Give your topic a break at least once a week. Your workouts should include a minimum of eight exercises to develop major muscle groups. When doing dumbbell exercises, start with a weight that allows you to easily perform a series of movements—8 to 12 reps—without stopping. For maximum effectiveness, perform each movement slowly and steadily. Inhale before lifting the weight, and after lifting, exhale in two counts. Inhale again for four counts as you lower the dumbbells. Do not hold your breath under any circumstances. For the first few days, don't worry about muscle pain unless it's a severe pain, especially in your joints. Pain indicates that you either overdid it or did the exercise incorrectly. Remember that cold, tense muscles are more susceptible to injury than warm, elastic muscles. Warm up by walking, cycling or climbing stairs without overexerting yourself for five minutes, followed by slow, gentle stretching exercises. Relax using the same procedure. With a balanced exercise program, you can change the appearance of your figure. Why not start today?

The easiest way to burn fat at 60

Interesting fact! You can lose excess weight at 60 years old, just like at 40 or 50 years old.

Hormonal storms have already calmed down in the woman’s body, and her emotional state has stabilized. Men at this age are wiser and react correctly to different life circumstances, do not get nervous, and this is important in losing weight. However, despite all the factors, in both men and women, by this age the metabolism is no longer as active as at 50 and even more so at 40 years old, therefore, in order to get rid of excess fat, efforts must be made.

You can lose weight at 60 in the simplest way: reduce the caloric content of food daily by 10-15% (reach 1500-1800 kcal per day). Recommendations are given for the number of calories for the average person; those who are overweight need to gradually reduce the calorie content by 10-15%, but you should not strive for a rigid indicator, as this can be harmful to health. Plus, drink half a glass of water every hour , reduce salt and sugar intake. There is no need to do any diets or fasting days.

Important! Every 10 kilograms of excess weight shortens life by 3-4 years. Even slight excess weight can be a trigger for the development of diabetes. In addition to the development of diabetes, excessive weight provokes the appearance of many diseases of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

Avoid strict diets and fasting

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Strict diets and fasting always cause more problems than benefits. With a sharp reduction in calories, the smart body, fearing for carefully accumulated fat deposits, first begins to break down muscles. It protects fat so actively that it continues to maintain this situation even after the end of the diet. So say goodbye to strict diets and fasting!

What nutritionists advise

Nutritionists always advise older people to first conduct an examination of the body, identify hidden diseases, and take into account chronic ailments. And after that, stick to a diet and do physical exercise.

Alexey Kovalkov, nutritionist

This specialist advises limiting the consumption of carbohydrates and replacing animal fats with vegetable fats. It is also important to set goals for yourself. But don’t expect quick results; you need to lose weight slowly and carefully. Before starting any diet, you should be examined by a therapist.

Vladimir Solovyov, nutritionist

This specialist advises doing any type of training every day for half an hour. Without such activity, all diets are useless. He believes that at any age it is necessary to maintain muscle tone, as they become flabby.

Ekaterina Mirimanova, nutritionist

This specialist advises people not to torture themselves with restrictions and refusals of their favorite foods. You can eat whatever you want in unlimited quantities until 12 noon. But then adhere to strict restriction rules. The doctor spoke about this in detail in her book “System minus 60”.

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