Calorie content Boiled peeled shrimp. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

It’s probably time now to think about the fact that when choosing food products you need to know how much benefit or harm they will bring to the body, high nutritional value, fat content and calorie content, all this is important. After all, when it comes to health, you should be extremely careful.

Regular consumption of shrimp reduces the risk of diseases such as cancer and types of malignant tumors.

This is a product that promotes the formation of new tissues and cells in the human body.

A huge amount of research has been done on this seafood product.
And this is the result the experts came to. Due to their high content of vitamins and minerals, they are very useful. They are a good source of nutrition for those who want to lose weight quickly and without much stress for the whole body. How do you prefer to cook shrimp?

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Chemical composition

Shrimp, like other seafood, is rich in easily digestible protein. Its digestion occurs very quickly, which facilitates the absorption of a sufficient amount of product components into the blood.

One hundred-gram serving of crustaceans provides 47% of the daily protein requirement. At the same time, they are low in fats and carbohydrates, and contain many valuable vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Shrimp are a source of vitamin D. 100 grams (boiled) contain about 32% of the daily value of this important component. Vitamin D ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and also regulates their levels in the blood.

If you compare shrimp and other products, then, for example, they contain almost 100 times more iodine than beef. So 100 g of this crustacean contains the daily norm of this element and 2.5 norms of potassium. By eating 200 grams of seafood per day, you can easily replenish the daily requirement of the human body for copper and cobalt.

Fresh shrimp are low in calories: 100 g of them contain 73-107 kcal (it all depends on the type).
This seafood is on par with potatoes, low-fat fish, and bananas in terms of calorie content. Cooking shrimp increases their calorie content. Boiled crustaceans contain about 100 kcal, and fried or baked ones become even more high-calorie. They can become an alternative dish for allergy sufferers, as they are a non-allergenic product. Table 1. “Chemical composition of shrimp”

CompoundContents per 100 grams
Squirrels18.9 g
Fats2.2 g
Water77.2 g
Ash1.7 g
Calcium135 mg
Potassium260 mg
Phosphorus220 mg
Sodium450 mg
Magnesium60 mg
Iron2200 mcg
Zinc2100 mcg
Copper850 mcg
Iodine110 mcg
Manganese110 mcg
Fluorine100 mcg
Cobalt12 mcg
Molybdenum10 mcg
Selenium38 mcg
Vitamin A (beta-carotene)0.01 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)1.4 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol)2.27
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.06 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.11 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)13 mcg
Vitamin PP (niacin)1 mg


Among people following a strict diet in the process of losing weight, fried shrimp are quite popular; they are also not very high in calories. For piquancy, but also of course for benefits, nutritionists advise adding mixtures of herbs and peppers, which will remove excess fat from the dish. This starts the digestion process very well and improves metabolism in the body.

BJU per 100 g:

Calorie content 115 kcal per 100 grams

  • Protein 33 grams
  • Fat 2.8 grams
  • Carbohydrates 9 grams

The products are designed for six servings.
Cooking time 5 minutes. Cooking time 10 minutes. Ingredients:

  • one kilogram of shrimp (king) without the shell;
  • five cloves of garlic (finely chopped);
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil;
  • a bunch of cilantro (finely chopped);
  • 1/2 teaspoon for each peppercorn: green, red and white;
  • salt to taste.

Process for making fried shrimp:

  1. First, peppercorns: green, red and white, grind well in a wooden mortar for greater flavor.
  2. Second, place the shrimp in the prepared bowl, add salt to taste and add half of the above mixture of peppers, and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Let stand for 5 minutes so that the shrimp absorb the salt and aroma of the pepper mixture. Don’t forget to peel the unpeeled shrimp; we won’t use the shells in further cooking.
  3. Third, pour finely chopped garlic and the rest of the peppers crushed in a mortar into a hot frying pan with oil, stirring and frying for two minutes. Then place shrimp on top, stir and fry for 3-5 minutes. After this time, turn off the heat, sprinkle with finely chopped cilantro, stir and serve.

Beneficial features

Benefits for the Heart

They increase the level of “good” cholesterol in the blood, and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Serious cardiac pathology is caused by an excessive amount of “bad” cholesterol. B vitamins also have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system - they destroy harmful homocysteine ​​molecules that impede blood flow and damage blood vessels. This type of crustacean is characterized by a high content of omega-6 and omega-3 acids, which help human blood vessels remain elastic and healthy, prevent the possibility of heart attacks and reduce blood pressure.

Cancer Prevention

Selenium, which is part of shrimp, prevents the formation of cancer cells, inhibits their growth, and also kills weakened, old cells, with a broken gene apparatus. This trace element is also capable of activating the activity of glutathione peroxidase, which has anticarcinogenic properties. There is information that the fatty acids contained in shrimp normalize metabolic processes, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

Benefits for the nervous system

Fatty acids have a positive effect on cognitive functions of the brain. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent decline in the quality of mental activity and provide protection against Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Scientists at Columbia Medical Center have proven that fatty acid compounds help reduce blood levels of amyloid beta, the protein found in amyloid plaques that occur in Alzheimer's disease. With the regular presence of fatty acids in the diet, the risk of these terrible diseases is reduced by 30%. In addition, omega-6 and omega-3 acids improve your mood and help prevent depression. Magnesium contained in shrimp has excellent anti-stress properties.

Antioxidant properties

Shrimp is an excellent antioxidant. The carotenoid substance they contain, regularly entering the body, promotes the formation of new tissues and cells, prolonging their youth, and helps reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Antimicrobial properties

Chitin, found in the shell of a crustacean, has antimicrobial properties and helps the rapid healing of cuts and wounds. Also, thanks to this, it is used in dentistry and the food industry.

Benefits for bones

The high content of vitamin D and calcium in shrimp helps strengthen the skeletal system. It is useful to consume this seafood for patients suffering from osteoporosis and arthrosis of the joints. With its regular presence in food, the risk of developing muscular and bone dystrophy is reduced, ligaments and joints become elastic, and the skeleton becomes strong.

Strong aphrodisiac

Shrimp are a strong aphrodisiac. Their high content of selenium, iodine, protein, lysine and vitamins normalize hormonal levels, improve mood and give strength. Thanks to this, both men and women have increased sexual desire.

Benefits for women

During pregnancy, every woman is concerned with issues of balanced nutrition. Nutritionists advise pregnant women to include seafood in their dishes, the beneficial properties of which contribute to the favorable development of the fetus. The rich mineral composition improves metabolism, having a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, the appearance of nails and hair.

Shrimp are an irreplaceable source of microelements not only during pregnancy, but also during menopause.

Benefits for men

Seafood is very beneficial for the body of the stronger half of the population, and shrimp are no exception. In ancient Rome, crustaceans were part of the dishes for the patricians; they allowed them to stimulate their male power due to their zinc and selenium content. Fatty amino acids are involved in the biosynthesis of the main male hormone - testosterone. After dinner, where the menu included shrimp and accompanying products, such as vegetables, rice and white wine, a romantic continuation is guaranteed.

Biochemical composition

The product contains various elements, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as other substances beneficial to the human body:

Carbohydrate concentration:
Protein content: almost 19
Amount of fat in the product: does not exceed 2.3 grams.
Vitamins: contain almost all B vitamins, as well as E, as the main antioxidant and PP.
Other useful items: fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, sodium, as well as saturated fatty acids, iodine.

The product tolerates high temperatures well and does not lose its beneficial properties after heat treatment. This means that its composition does not change.

Read: Boiled potatoes: calories, beneficial properties

Since shrimp are classified as seafood, they contain antioxidants and beneficial omega-3 acids.

Using shrimp

In cooking

Shrimp are an accessible and at the same time exquisite table decoration that is accessible to almost everyone. What dishes can you add them to? Of course, salads - in them, tender, cold and almost melting in the mouth crustacean meat, together with spices, fully reveals its unique delicious taste. They can also be added to main courses. Some gourmets make soups from shrimp. And of course, just regular shrimp without any ingredients are common.

Recipes from different chefs differ in the variety of flavorings added and the cooking time. What is the secret to cooking shrimp? How to cook them so that the meat is completely cooked and tasty?

Proper defrosting of the product plays an important role in cooking. There are rules that will allow you to retain more nutrients in it:

  • You cannot defrost shrimp at room temperature, in the microwave, or throw them frozen into water. The optimal preparation of the product for cooking is gradual defrosting and thawing in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  • A less “correct” but also effective way of defrosting is to place the seafood in a colander and leave it in cold water for 15 minutes. Then you need to change the water and let the shrimp sit for another 20 minutes.
  • After defrosting, the seafood should be rinsed in running water. Before throwing it into boiling water, you need to dry it on a paper napkin.

Let's move on to the recipe itself. First, boil the water. Its quantity is determined in the ratio of 1 part shrimp - 2-2.5 parts water.

The water needs to be salted and spices added to it. The most common are parsley, black peppercorns, and dill. Sometimes a bay leaf is added, but you need to remember that it will add excessive toughness to the shrimp. But it all depends on your preferences.

After the water boils, you can put shrimp in it. Make sure that the dish does not “run away”, as crustaceans may foam slightly during cooking and rise to the surface. Tender and soft shrimp meat cooks very quickly - as soon as the shrimp boil and float, after 1.5-2 minutes they can be removed with a slotted spoon or drained. The cooking time for larger seafood products increases slightly - about 2-3 minutes. It is very important not to overcook - otherwise the meat will become a “rubbery” consistency and instead of enjoying it, you will only need to chew the elastic hooks. The meat of properly cooked shrimp is very tender and practically melts in your mouth. Once the seafood is removed from the water, it must be cooled and cleaned. If desired, you can sprinkle a little herbs before serving.

It is important to know how to properly peel a shrimp in order to eat it. First, it is imperative to free it from its shell. To do this, you need to pick it up with its belly up and tear off its head. Then you need to take the shrimp by the upper part with one hand and by the tail with the other, pull slowly by the back part and the shell will slide off the body. After this, you can enjoy the taste of crustacean.

The paws may contain caviar, which some gourmets eat. It is no less tasty than the shrimp itself.

When cleaning a shrimp, it is necessary to remove the “vein”, which is the digestive organ. It may contain grains of sand, and the taste is sometimes bitter. Of course, we expect completely different sensations when feasting on shrimp.

Shrimp, regardless of their type, can be cooked not only in water. For example, many seafood in Italy are cooked with cream or milk in an unrefined form. In Japan and China, in order to eliminate the specific “fish spirit”, green tea is used to prepare shrimp. Its leaves are added to the water just before boiling. In this case, the shrimp need to be cooked a little longer. And as a result, the meat will not be tasteless and “rubbery”, but, on the contrary, with an additional zest. In Russia, many people cook shrimp in vodka or beer. The most common ingredients added to the liquid when cooking crustaceans are bay leaves, salt, black pepper, lime, lemon, vegetable oil, cloves, garlic, tarragon and dill.

All of the above tips can be used for gas or electric stoves. You can also cook shrimp in the microwave. But in this case there is no consensus on the required cooking time. Some believe that these seafood should be kept in the microwave for 12 minutes, and it should be turned on at full power. Others are of the opinion that only two minutes is enough for such a procedure. Still others stick to the golden mean; they cook seafood on medium power for 5-7 minutes. But almost everyone agrees that frozen shrimp can be cooked in the microwave without water, because the melted ice will completely suffice.

Sometimes frozen-cooked shrimp are not cooked at all because they are already cooked after being caught. You can just wait until they are completely free of ice, sprinkle them with lemon juice, sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top and serve. Sometimes shrimp are “warmed up” by steaming. All of the above cooking methods are correct and acceptable.

For weight loss

Shrimp are low in calories, they contain almost no sugar and fat, but due to their high protein content they perfectly satisfy hunger. Therefore, this seafood is one of the most preferred types of food. The high content of vitamin B12 promotes hemoglobin synthesis and has a positive effect on the nervous system, which is important during weight loss.

There is a special shrimp diet that will help you not only improve your figure, but also improve the condition of your skin and hair. With this diet, you need to eat about 350 grams of boiled shrimp meat per day. If you really want fried food, then only cook it in vegetable oil and no more than 100 grams. You can eat vegetables with this crustacean, with the exception of potatoes, legumes and corn. You can eat greens in unlimited quantities. Green apples, citrus fruits and wild berries are allowed. Liquids allowed are water, citrus juices, pineapple, apple, pomegranate, and skim milk.

The duration of such a diet is 7-10 days. It is not suitable for people suffering from liver pathology or chronic allergies. It is advisable to discuss the need for such a diet with your doctor if you have problems with the thyroid gland.

In cosmetology

When eating sea crustaceans, the condition of hair, nails and skin improves due to the presence of vitamin A in their composition. But they are used for cosmetic purposes not only as food. The chitosan contained in the shell helps slow down the aging process, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and normalize immune reactions. It is used for cosmetic correction because it does not leave scars on the skin.

Chitosan also has other excellent qualities: it creates a protective layer on the skin, protecting it from moisture loss. It also prevents from the aggressive effects of environmental factors and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

There is a whole series of different cosmetics based on chitosan: creams, lotions, masks, powders. Scientists are developing technologies that plan to use chitosan nanoparticles in new skin care products.

Boiled shrimp - protein content

This product is unique in that it contains a lot of protein. It is easily absorbed by the body, which gives a boost of strength and energy.

Shrimp are seafood; they contain not only protein, but also other substances that are beneficial to humans, vitamins, macro and microelements. During heat treatment, the amount of nutrients does not change.

Shrimp are unique because their consumption allows you to:

  1. Increase energy balance.
  2. Saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients.
  3. Cope with overwork, lack of sleep, and the effects of stress.

100 grams of the product contains 18.9 grams of protein, this is a building material for muscles, as well as cell membranes.

The body spends a certain amount of energy on digesting food; fatty and unhealthy foods take a long time to digest, disrupting the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Shrimp are easy to digest, absorbed quickly, but at the same time, they do not burden the digestive system. Which helps optimize the body’s functioning and improve well-being.

Selection rules

The best option is to buy shrimp immediately in the harbor after unloading from the ship. But, unfortunately, few people live in such a place. The majority of people choose this seafood in markets or stores, where they are available in chilled, canned or frozen form.

The healthiest ones are fresh frozen shrimp, because in this form they retain the components included in it to the maximum. But most often you can find frozen boiled seafood on our shelves. It is best to buy it frozen in a block.

In order to fully enjoy the benefits and taste of shrimp, you need to carefully examine their appearance. They should definitely smell a little like the sea and look fresh. What else should you pay attention to when choosing?

  • The freshness of the shrimp is indicated by its elasticity and low moisture content. Too dry a shell indicates old age.
  • There should be no spots on the sea crustaceans. Black rings or spots on the paws indicate that they are spoiled or old. When cooked, such individuals will turn into mush. Yellow spots indicate that sellers tried to hide the presence of black spots using a chemical solution.
  • White stripes on seafood indicate that it is frozen.
  • There is nothing wrong with a shrimp having a green head - it has just been feeding on plankton for a long time. A brown head indicates that this is a female and she is pregnant - such shrimp are much healthier.
  • If the sea crustaceans are brown or yellow, then this is evidence that they have been lying on the shelf. Do not buy bright or almost red ones with an orange tint, because they are most likely simply tinted to give them a marketable appearance.
  • Shrimp in the form of a frozen lump occurs if it has been defrosted and re-frozen.

When making a purchase, be sure to pay attention to the shelf life, otherwise there is a risk of purchasing a damaged product. It is better to cook shrimp immediately after purchasing. But if there is a need to store them, it is better to do this in the freezer.

Shrimp for weight loss

When clarifying information about how much protein is contained in shrimp, it is worth noting the low calorie content of the product. This allows you to use shrimp if you want to lose weight.

What are the main advantages of seafood:

  1. They satisfy hunger well due to the high concentration of protein.
  2. Accelerate metabolic processes, which promotes weight loss.
  3. Optimize the functioning of the digestive system.

Read: Milk rice porridge: recipes and cooking features

Against the backdrop of a meager, limited diet, shrimp help compensate for the deficiency of nutrients in the body. They contain many useful substances, and the concentration of iodine in them is 100 times higher than in beef.

But do not overuse the product, it can lead to harmful consequences. Due to the high concentration of cholesterol, shrimp put a lot of stress on the liver.

Seafood is often included in the diet of women and men who want to lose weight. If a person suffers from obesity, it is recommended that he eat seafood at least 3 times a week.

Additional facts

Shrimp lovers will be interested in learning a few interesting additional facts about them:

  • Many species of shrimp are hermaphrodites—they can change sex from male to female throughout their lives.
  • As they grow, they molt and exchange their old shell, which has become uncomfortable, for a more spacious one.
  • They can easily accumulate toxic substances.
  • King shrimp are grown primarily on farms. For this purpose, growth stimulants and antibiotics are used. They contain very few nutrients.
  • One type of shrimp is the so-called “shooting” shrimp. With their claws they can make a click so loud that the fish located nearby die from it.

Dangerous properties of shrimp

Seafood is highly allergenic. That is, they can cause a hypersensitivity reaction. Due to the presence of a large amount of protein, the product should not be given to children under the age of 1 year.

Other dangerous properties of shrimp:

  • may contain arsenic and salts of other heavy metals;
  • contain a large amount of cholesterol, which means they provoke the development of atherosclerosis.

According to research, it has been proven that king prawns are grown in unnatural conditions, using antibiotics, growth stimulants and unnatural feed.

Shrimp is the “champion” among seafood in terms of cholesterol content. For this reason, it is better to eat them with herbs and vegetables. These products lower blood cholesterol levels, which means they reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

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Pregnant women should not eat shrimp as they can cause severe allergies. For elimination, you will need to consult a doctor for help.

Such a reaction is dangerous because its manifestations affect the child’s condition. The fetus in the womb experiences approximately the same sensations as its mother.

In severe cases, a hypersensitivity reaction leads to suffocation and Quincke's edema.

How to cook shrimp

There are several ways to help cook shrimp at home. Let's look at them all:

1 cooking method: Method 2: Method 3:
Seafood is dipped into boiling water, stirred thoroughly and cooked for 5-7 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse them with cold water. The shrimp are washed with cold water, then pour boiling water over them, cover the container with a lid, keep for 5 minutes, then drain the water and rinse. The seafood is washed, poured into a colander, immersed in boiling water, and kept in boiling water for 7-10 minutes. Then take out the colander and rinse with cold water.

It is noteworthy that the readiness of the product is determined “by eye”; as soon as the shrimp acquire a characteristic pink tint, we can say that they are ready for consumption.

Before cooking seafood, it is advisable to salt the water, but do not overdo it with salt, it can add bitterness to the dish.

Product value and composition

Amazing crustacean creatures surprise even when cooked. It turns out that the nutritional value or calorie content of boiled peeled and fresh shrimp is almost the same, the difference is 2 kcal.

Of course, the figures are averages, since different types and methods of preparation make a more significant difference, but the nutritional value in any case remains high. We offer a table of the percentage content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in 100 g of shrimp meat relative to the recommended daily human need for them.

Plus to this:

  • iodine, necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland and brain activity;
  • Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids;
  • antioxidant astaxanthin.

Thus, having a low calorie content, shrimp have undeniable nutritional value, providing the human body with proteins, healthy fats and vitamins.

How much protein, fat, carbohydrates

The magic formula for the nutritional value of any product is BZHU, that is, the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. We offer a small visual table of shrimp BJU depending on the dish (grams per 100 g of product)

From the table it is clear that the best combination of BJU is in fried crustaceans, probably because they do not contain ingredients that add fat, and they cook very quickly.

Can children eat shrimp?

Nominally, the product has no age restrictions, but due to its composition, it can cause in a child:

  • local allergic reaction, with the appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • indigestion, in case of excessive consumption of the product;
  • disturbances in liver function due to the high concentration of cholesterol in the composition.

Shrimp should not be given to children under one year of age, as the body may react inadequately to the product. Some nutritionists do not recommend giving seafood to children under 3 years of age, due to the high protein content of shrimp.

Protein-rich foods can cause constipation in a child and also provoke colic. For this reason, you should be careful with shrimp.

It is enough for a child to eat this product no more than 2-3 times a month. This will be quite enough.

If you are giving your child seafood for the first time, make sure that the baby does not have allergies. Give him a few shrimp, wait 5-7 minutes, if there is no allergic reaction, then you can continue.

Shrimp calories

The shrimp is a marine creature, accustomed to salt water, rich in food: plankton, algae, but it also feels good in fresh water.
Its habitat is extensive - these are water bodies of Southeast Asia, Australia, South and North America. By the way, it is found in the Azov and Black Seas. Nowadays, most shrimp for sale are bred on special shrimp farms, where they can be fed with genetically modified feed and antibiotics to increase their size. You can avoid trouble by finding out where the delicacy came from and who the manufacturer is.

The habitat, availability and variety of food determine the type and size of these crustaceans. However, these decapod crustaceans always remain a tasty and healthy seafood for us.

Tender shrimp meat is low in calories - without cooking, the calorie content of shrimp per 100 g ranges from 70 to 110 Kcal. Energy comes mainly from protein, since there is negligible fat and virtually no carbohydrates. The same 100 g contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which we will discuss below.

The calorie content of shrimp is comparable to the calorie content of sea fish that form the basis of our fish table: pollock, haddock, hake, blue whiting. Oddly enough, shrimp caught in the northern seas have the highest calorie content. They are small in size, but contain more vitamins and minerals than large southerners.

Did you know? Black tiger shrimp are considered giants among shrimp. Once they caught an individual 35 cm long and weighing 650 g.

Who should eat shrimp with caution?

Shrimp are delicious, they are interesting to eat, and you may not even notice the total amount of food eaten. There are no categorical contraindications, but the fairly high level of cholesterol in crustaceans is alarming.

You need to be careful with such a cholesterol delicacy, not to overeat, forcing the liver to work beyond measure. People for whom cholesterol is contraindicated should not eat more than 2-3 pieces.

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