How much fat do we need? This table shows generally accepted body fat percentages for men.
What to do if you lose your appetite? Lack of appetite has always been considered a painful human condition. Yes indeed,
Consequences for physical health The main consequences are excess weight gain, development of metabolic syndrome and
This diet is primarily suitable for young mothers who have completed lactation (who constantly buy “baby” products),
Why is fat deposited on the arms? It all depends largely on genetics, but the influence
A balanced diet for weight loss for a month is the most effective nutrition for achieving the desired
According to statistics, every second woman has experienced intense hair loss in her life. AND
Eating less does not mean starving. Eating less does not mean not eating at all.
Calculation of the calorie content of a product per 100 grams Calculation of the calorie content of 100 grams of a product is based on
Calorie content and chemical composition There are more than 100 varieties of halva, but traditionally, the first place is taken by