Diet of American astronauts: a secret gift from the Kremlin?
What is the essence of the astronaut diet? The essence of the diet is to adhere to two basic principles. Decline
All about the best side dish during a diet - funchozu noodles
Funchozu, or glass noodles, is a product originally from Asia. The inhabitants of this continent rarely
How many calories are in boiled chicken, nutritional value, BJU of dietary meat
How many calories are in boiled chicken, nutritional value, BJU of dietary meat
Chemical composition and nutritional value The chemical formula of the product includes: fats; proteins; carbohydrates; ash;
Table of correlation between BMI and fat percentage in men and women
What do different body fat percentages look like for men?
How much fat do we need? This table shows generally accepted body fat percentages for men.
Protein shake instead of dinner: application, effectiveness, reviews
September 17, 2018 Sports nutrition Natalia Michaelis Before starting training, men
Sedentary lifestyle: consequences for physical and mental health
Consequences for physical health The main consequences are excess weight gain, development of metabolic syndrome and
Baby food diet
Baby food diet - recommendations, weekly menu, results
This diet is primarily suitable for young mothers who have completed lactation (who constantly buy “baby” products),
Balanced nutrition: ready-made menu for a week for women
A balanced diet for weight loss for a month is the most effective nutrition for achieving the desired
Halva in chocolate in a vase
The benefits and harms of halva: sunflower, sesame, peanut
Calorie content and chemical composition There are more than 100 varieties of halva, but traditionally, the first place is taken by
What is the calorie content of pea porridge?
Pea porridge, calorie content and dietary properties
Dietary properties: How many calories are in pea porridge, what dietary properties does it have, everything
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