Benefits, harms, calorie content of cottage cheese casserole per 100 grams
Cottage cheese - 500 gr. Egg - 1 pc. Semolina - 2 tbsp. Creamy
How many calories are in kefir
How many calories are in kefir? How to make low-calorie kefir?
How many calories are in a glass of kefir? The nutritional value of this fermented milk drink is directly related to the percentage
Dried apricots for the health of adults and children: medicinal properties, calorie content, benefits for weight loss
Varieties of dried apricots are obtained by drying apricot halves in the sun or in special electric dryers. IN
Effective methods for cleansing the body at home
The practice of colon cleansing dates back to the era of Ancient Greece. In modern times
Is a diet necessary to treat urticaria?
The importance of following a diet for food allergies To understand the relationship between nutrition and skin manifestations of allergic
How to dry goji berries at home. Growing goji
Goji or Tibetan barberry is a fairly famous plant all over the world. Pleasant-tasting berries
cat stretches
Exercise cat - the best movement for strengthening, preventing and treating the spine
Benefits and features of the exercise The cat exercise is a movement that combines at the same time
Man doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar
An effective pull-up program from scratch on the horizontal bar
Pull-ups are one of the most difficult exercises for beginners. Unlike squats or
What is the DASH diet for hypertension and should you follow it?
In 1992, in the United States, cardiologists at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Walking tour
How many calories does walking burn and how to lose weight with it?
Energy consumption when walking The most energy is consumed during heavy loads, active training, and professional occupations.
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