Diet and statins in the prevention of coronary heart disease (literature review)
01/29/2021 09:00 1257 The lipid-lowering diet is both a figure correction method and a health-improving technique.
How much iodine does a person need?
Iodine-Rich Foods: 22 Best Sources
Effect on the human body The main biological role of iodine is the synthesis of thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine
The banana plant has powerful roots and a stem on which huge leaves are located.
Nutritional value, harm and benefits of bananas for the body
Brief description and history of the plant Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of these tropical fruits. And now
Minced chicken bju. Calorie content of minced chicken purchased
Dietary properties: What is the calorie content of minced chicken, what dietary properties does it have, everything
Fat burning soup. -8 kg per week
Mayo Clinic Diet: Menus and Recipes for Weight Loss
Duration of the soup diet Before switching to the soup diet, many people have a question:
Diet “minus 10 kg per week.” Popular diets for weight loss: reviews, advice from a nutritionist
The main features of the protein diet You need to start the diet by studying its main principles. To them
Svetlana Fus' diet for weight loss to lose 5 kg
Weight loss Star nutritionist and nutrition expert in many Ukrainian shows Svetlana Fus is not
Smoked Suluguni calorie content per 100 grams. Suluguni cheese: benefits and harm, calorie content. Benefits for weight loss
The taste of Georgian cheeses will not leave indifferent either the sophisticated gourmet or the average person. Absolute leader
Muesli diet with kefir
Muesli. Benefits and harms for weight loss, delicious recipes with kefir, milk
Home page / Weight loss / Products for weight loss / Muesli diet with kefir
gelatin benefits and harms
Gelatin: benefits and harm to the body, how to take it for weight loss
When deciding to lose weight, many fear that major changes in diet will be required. They can be
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