Double boiler
Steaming: methods of cooking using steam
The benefits of steamed dishes One of the main advantages of steaming is the absence of oil.
Recipe Stewed rabbit with vegetables. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
Chemical composition The chemical composition of rabbit meat can be characterized as follows: a lot of protein (20-22%), little fat
Losing weight with eggs
Fasting day on eggs: four fasting options to choose from
Recently, positive reviews about the effectiveness of the egg diet have been heard more and more often, many have already
Does vinegar help with weight loss and how to use it correctly for health benefits
Does vinegar help you lose weight? Most sources state that apple cider vinegar somehow
Drinking tea with lemon for effective weight loss
Cold season is open: what healing drinks will help you get back on your feet
11/07/2017 Reviews: 0 Author of the article: Shulgina Anna In the modern world, gaining excess weight is not
Arugula plant
Arugula oil for hair: beneficial properties, how to use and reviews
Arugula oil, the properties and uses of which should be known to everyone who wants to have luxurious long
sports nutrition for recovery after training
Sports nutrition for muscle recovery after exercise
Phases of recovery after training Recovery after intense training is a very complex physiological process,
Recipe for celery and cucumber smoothie with kefir. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
Essence Brief description of the diet. Type: therapeutic, hypolipidemic. Duration: until cholesterol levels normalize or for life,
honey dripping from a spoon
Water with honey and lemon: an effective remedy or a myth?
Good news for those who don't have enough minutes to take care of their
How to properly break fasting for 1, 7 and 21 days
Many of us have heard or read about the benefits of fasting. About the need to refuse food
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