Down with workouts: how to tighten your figure if you don’t want to go to the gym?
How to get rid of fat on the sides: exercises to reduce the sides, advice from a trainer
The warm season is approaching, people are gradually changing their bulky down jackets to lighter clothes, and everyone
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Shawarma recipe 1 pc. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
In recent years, the world has been divided into those who preach an active lifestyle and those who
Photo 8
Be on trend: what type of yoga to choose to lose weight?
Most people don't associate yoga with weight loss. But if you find yourself in advanced
Steamed omelette is a great option for breakfast
Menu in the hospital: for adults and children, food options for 7 days
General rules First of all, let's find out what a therapeutic diet is. Medical nutrition, medical
Stepper stepper exercise machine for home: benefits and effectiveness
Stepper: description and principle of operation of the simulator The name of the device comes from the English step, which means
Balanced nutrition - sample menu for a week for the whole family for every day
Reads: 777 Reading time: 8 min. No comments Many women look after their
Herbalife - how to take it correctly to lose weight
Losing weight with Herbalife Overweight and obesity are a huge problem in the modern world. And opportunity
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BMI (Body Mass Index). How to calculate, formula, evaluation of results
Why you need to know your BMI Data from the World Health Organization suggests that by now
Functional nutrition
Energy diet cocktails: composition, benefits, reviews, nutritionist’s opinion. Energy diets - how to take for weight loss?
Slimming cocktail Energy diets: benefits Thanks to advertising that pours from radio, television and
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Protein-free products: list of products, nutritional value, reviews
Proteins are the basis for the construction of new cells in the body. But sometimes for medical reasons
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