How to get rid of dandruff: 11 folk remedies.

Many people face the problem of dandruff. It looks unpleasant and causes other inconveniences: it makes your head itch, your hair very quickly becomes greasy, lifeless, and falls out. If dandruff appears, this indicates problems in the functioning of the whole body, and not just the scalp. Getting rid of dandruff can be difficult, especially if you solve this problem only cosmetically. The struggle must be comprehensive, only then will it be successful. Even at home, you can get rid of dandruff forever if you choose the right products and treatment methods.

Dandruff can be oily, dry or mixed. With dry dandruff, the flakes are easily separated from the scalp and hair and simply combed out. With oily skin, this is much more difficult: the scales are yellowish, greasy, and are very difficult to comb out.

Dandruff is an individual reaction of the body. This is not a disease that you can catch. Dandruff is not transmitted through contact. Any manifestations of dandruff are a signal of health problems. These can be skin problems, and general, systemic diseases, to which the scalp reacts with the appearance of flaking particles. Dandruff differs from ordinary peeling of the skin and skin renewal in the size of the scales - they are large, they are clearly visible, and if you lower and scratch your scalp with your fingers, they will begin to fall off.

Why does dandruff appear?

There are several reasons for dandruff:

  1. Insufficient or excessive adherence to hygiene rules. If you do not cleanse your head regularly and well, sebum accumulates on the skin, due to which it does not breathe and in which pathogenic microorganisms multiply, and dandruff appears. If you wash your hair too often or with aggressive products, the skin dries out, which also upsets the balance and develops pathogenic microflora.
  2. Using inappropriate skin care products. This leads to dry scalp, itching and detachment of skin scales.
  3. Using aggressive hair dyes. They dry out the skin and hair.
  4. Lack of vitamins and minerals, such as group B or retinol. Because of this, nutrients are not supplied to the skin and hair.
  5. Problems with blood circulation. Due to smoking or lack of a hat in cold weather, the capillaries narrow and the skin does not receive enough nutrition. Because of this, the skin dries out and does not fulfill its protective functions.
  6. Problems with the endocrine system, due to which the sebaceous glands do not work well.
  7. Fungal diseases that actively manifest themselves when immunity decreases.
  8. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Some autoimmune diseases.
  10. Stress.

There can be several reasons for the appearance of dandruff at the same time. A trichologist will be able to determine the exact cause. You can also contact a dermatologist to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. To get rid of dandruff, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of internal organs and choose the right care for the scalp and hair.

Where to start home treatment for dandruff

First of all, you need to understand that you won’t be able to get rid of flaking, itching and oiliness in one or two days. The fight against dandruff will take some time, in some cases up to six months.

What to do:

  • wash your hair properly;
  • give up hair dryers and straighteners for a while;
  • give up hair styling products.

You need to wash your hair, and also rinse off all care and treatment products - only in warm water. Because of cold water, the capillaries narrow, and because of hot water, the sebaceous glands begin to work too actively. It is better to choose shampoos without fragrances or dyes; they should have a neutral pH. It is necessary to wash your hair as it gets dirty, if necessary - every day.

Recommendations for the treatment of seborrhea

Seborrhea, also called seborrheic dermatitis, is a scalp disease that occurs as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Most often, this disease can appear due to constant or systematic stress, poor diet, and poor functioning of the immune system. With seborrheic dermatitis, the sebaceous glands begin to actively work, resulting in severe hair loss, as well as discomfort in the form of itching and dandruff.

Seborrhea: signs on the head and treatment

On the human scalp there is a constant presence of pathogenic microflora, which includes yeast fungi, the abundant proliferation of which causes a disease such as seborrhea. During normal functioning of the immune system, the body suppresses their spread and growth, but in the presence of certain factors they begin to actively develop, resulting in damage to the sebaceous glands of the head. The main causes of this disease include:

1. Diseases of the endocrine system; 2. Decreased body immunity; 3. Presence of nervous system disorders; 4. Being on strict diets that limit the intake of proteins or vitamins; 5. Exposure of the body to heavy physical or sports stress; 6. Taking medications containing corticosteroids or testosterone.

In addition, seborrhea very often occurs against the background of chronic fatigue, depression, and when a person is in a stressful situation. Seborrhea should be treated based on the type of condition under the close supervision of a qualified professional.

Types of seborrheic dermatitis

Today, modern medicine divides this disease into two types: 1. Type one. The first type includes dry seborrheic dermatitis, which most often occurs during the initial development of the disease. In the presence of a disease of this type, profuse dandruff appears on the head, which is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the form of severe itching. 2. Type two. The second type of disease is oily seborrhea. With seborrhea of ​​the oily type, the fungus changes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and therefore it begins to be excessively secreted. In addition to profuse dandruff on the head, severe burning and itching, such seborrhea can lead to the appearance of white spots on the neck, face and behind the ears. If timely treatment and prevention of this disease is not started, it can cause complete baldness. 3. Type three. Mixed seborrhea, in which the patient’s facial skin is affected by dry seborrhea, and oily crusts begin to appear on the head. As in previous cases, this seborrheic dermatitis is accompanied by burning and itching.

What should be the diet for seborrhea?

In order to avoid the development of yeast fungus and reduce the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, as well as follow a number of important recommendations:

1. Do not use highly salted, smoked or fatty foods in your daily diet; 2. Refuse to eat confectionery products; 3. Minimize the consumption of products containing artificial additives and dyes; 4. Do not eat fast food or carbonated drinks throughout the entire treatment period; 5. Do not eat foods that can cause individual allergic reactions, such as citrus fruits, honey, strawberries; 6. Stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

The daily diet of a person struggling with seborrheic dermatitis must include fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, fish, meat, and dairy products. According to doctors, if you have seborrhea, it is very useful to treat it by introducing cereal porridge, fresh fruit juices, vegetable salads, mineral waters, and natural herbal teas into your daily diet.

Treatment of seborrhea with folk remedies

If you are looking on the Internet for information “folk remedies for treating dry seborrhea of ​​the head” or “oily seborrhea treatment at home”, then you just need to read this section of our article. After all, here we will tell you how to treat seborrheic dermatitis using traditional medicine. However, if you decide to treat this disease on your own at home, you need to strictly adhere to the recipe for preparing traditional medicines and methods of treatment. This is due to the fact that experiments in this matter can only worsen the situation.

Recipe one: treatment of facial seborrhea with apple cider vinegar Treatment of seborrhea with apple cider vinegar can be done in several ways: using lotions and lubrication, and also as a means for oral administration. When taken orally, it is necessary to prepare a specialized solution; for this, add a teaspoon of vinegar and honey to a glass of raw water. After adding apple cider vinegar and honey to the water, it is necessary to place it as carefully as possible and drink the liquid in small sips. The drug must be taken every other day. The effectiveness of taking vinegar is due to the fact that this remedy has a good antifungal effect, which means it will fight the proliferation and development of yeast.

Recipe two: preparing herbal infusions To prepare a herbal infusion against seborrhea, you need to mix plantain, nettle, chamomile, and oregano in equal proportions. After mixing, you should take one tablespoon of our herbal mixture, add it to a glass and pour boiling water. The mixture should be infused for one hour, and then the black bread crumb should be added to it. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, it must be rubbed into the scalp with gentle movements, and then cover the head with a polyethylene cap. Keep the infusion on your head for two hours. After completing the procedure, rinse your hair thoroughly with water. It is worth noting that the use of such a herbal infusion allows you to restore hair, reduce hair loss, and also effectively fight dandruff. In addition, after using this herbal mixture, itching, redness or flaking of the skin disappears.

Recipe three: garlic-burdock hair mask To prepare this mask, you need to mix 100 ml of burdock oil with two small cloves of garlic. Before mixing, the oil must be heated and the garlic must be chopped. The prepared mixture is applied to the head and kept on the hair for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the mask must be rinsed from the hair with warm water and then washed with shampoo. It is recommended to apply this mask 2 times a week for eight weeks.

Attention! For such diseases, seek help from specialists and under no circumstances self-medicate!

This article is for informational purposes only.

Dandruff treatment

If the cause of dandruff is a fungus, it is necessary to use antifungal pharmaceutical drugs containing metronidazole, clotrimazole, ketoconazole. Masks and ointments with sulfur, zinc, ichthyol, birch tar and salicylic acid relieve discomfort, itching, and also normalize skin condition. To consolidate the results and improve your health, it is worth taking vitamin and mineral complexes, especially those created to improve the condition of the hair and scalp. But if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, taking such complexes should be agreed with your doctor.

Form of use

Nettle against hair loss is used both fresh and dry, in the form of juice, decoctions, infusions, alcohol tonics, oil extracts, masks. Preparations containing nettle are beneficial for all hair types.


There are many recipes with nettle for hair loss:

  1. Juice, liquid pharmaceutical extract, when rubbed into the scalp daily, activates the cuticles, improves the condition of the scalp, and eliminates dandruff. To enhance the effect, insulate the head and rinse with water after an hour and a half. Freshly squeezed juice can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days.
  2. An yolk mixed with two tablespoons of dry nettle is applied to the scalp for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  3. For severe alopecia, pour a tablespoon of medicinal herbs into a liter thermos: nettle, St. John's wort, oregano, mint, burdock. Pour boiling water over. Insist for 24 hours. Strain. Add the pulp of black bread to the herbal infusion. The resulting paste is applied with a brush along the parting line. A bathing cap is put on the head and a towel is wrapped around it. Wash off after half an hour. The duration of the course is two months. Frequency: once a week.


Nettle decoction for hair loss, used as an independent remedy, for preparing masks, taken orally.

To prepare a nettle decoction for hair loss, the raw materials are poured with hot water, fresh leaves are placed on medium heat, the dry mixtures are kept in a steam bath, and do not allow boiling.

The broth is removed from the heat after 30-40 minutes and left to infuse for 6-12 hours. Strain before use.

To prepare a liter of decoction, two tablespoons of dry raw materials or two or three handfuls of raw materials are enough.

Sprinkle the decoction on dry or damp hair and use it as a rinse after washing your hair. Rinse against hair loss can be done daily, the period of use is not limited.

A decoction of nettle with vinegar for hair loss is used instead of shampoo.

To do this, carefully add 6% wine (apple) vinegar to hot water with nettles. Water and vinegar are taken in equal proportions

Leave in a steam bath for half an hour. Leave for at least three hours. Strain. Wash your hair without using other detergents. The procedure is repeated daily for 10 days, then a break is taken for 10 days, and so on for six months.

During breaks, you can use a nettle-sea buckthorn rinse. Add a glass of sea buckthorn juice (without sugar and dyes) to three glasses of prepared nettle broth. The mixture is brought to a boil and kept on low heat or in a steam bath for 30 minutes.

To enhance the effect, simultaneously with external procedures, nettle decoction is used internally. Drink a glass of decoction in three to four doses per day. The course of hair loss treatment is one month. Repeat after 10-12 months. In addition to its beneficial effect on hair, nettle decoction cleanses the blood.


The effectiveness of using nettle against hair loss has been proven by its centuries-old use.

Improvement in the structure and general condition of the hair and scalp occurs after the first procedure.

Hair follicles wake up after 2-3 weeks. Hair density increases significantly after a month.

The medicinal properties of nettle are widely used in folk and traditional medicine to treat all types of alopecia, baldness, and hair loss.

Read on our website about the use of the following effective folk remedies, which can be included in masks for hair loss: oak bark, garlic, onion, yeast, aloe, burdock root, hops, honey, hot pepper tincture, mustard, sea and table salt, henna, burdock and castor oils.

Contraindications and side effects

There are few restrictions, but they exist:

  1. Nettle should not be used in the treatment of hair loss during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to use in cases of increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, before and immediately after abdominal operations.
  3. If you have kidney disease, you should first consult your doctor.
  4. In very rare cases, nettle causes individual intolerance. Therefore, it is worth conducting a routine allergy test.

Important! Preparations containing nettle give dark hair a more saturated color. But light hair may darken, acquire a yellowish or green tint.

Blondes can safely use decoctions and infusions adding pharmaceutical chamomile to them.

Nettle is one of the most effective and cheapest remedies used for hair loss. With regular use, after a fairly short period of time, a new “undercoat” will appear on the head, the hair will acquire shine, silkiness and thickness.

Folk remedies against dandruff

Home remedies can also be effective for dandruff. They disinfect the scalp, provide necessary nutrition, moisturize or dry. The disadvantage of all folk remedies for dandruff is that they are allergic. Before rubbing any product into your scalp, you need to conduct an allergy test: apply it to your wrist and wait a few minutes - up to half an hour. If the skin is not red or itchy, you can apply it to the scalp.

The most effective means are:

  • tar soap - they wash their hair with it two to three times a week, it has an antiseptic effect, cleans and dries well, but has a specific smell;
  • aloe - make a mask from the pulp, crushed in a blender, apply it to the head for half an hour, put on an insulating cap and additionally heat it with a hairdryer, then rinse with water;
  • apple cider vinegar – it can be used to rinse your hair after each wash (a tablespoon per liter of water): it exfoliates dead skin cells and restores the balance of the scalp; You can also rub a couple of tablespoons of vinegar into the scalp and leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse;
  • aspirin - an exfoliating mask against dandruff on the head is prepared from it: 10 or 15 tablets are crushed, diluted in a small volume of water and such a paste is applied to damp skin, then massaged for several minutes, after which it is washed off;
  • salt, soda and tea tree or peppermint oil - mix a tablespoon of salt with soda, drop a few drops of essential oil, apply to partings and massage, you can leave for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  • burdock oil - in addition to treating dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, it can also be used to stimulate hair growth;
  • Olive oil is an additional remedy for improving the condition of the scalp, moisturizing it and normalizing its balance; a mask of slightly heated oil is applied to the hair for half an hour or more, you can put on an insulating cap and warm it with a hairdryer.

Any herbal decoctions or herbal infusions should be used with caution for dandruff. Since they dry out the skin more often, which means dandruff can only get worse. During any hair wash, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil or other essential oils to your shampoo to stimulate blood circulation.

How to quickly get rid of dandruff at home in 1 day?

It is possible to fix the problem in a short time. The easier it is to do this, the less advanced the situation. Proven remedies are suitable for treatment, as well as everything that helps against dandruff on the head at home quickly and effectively.

Colorless henna

Bar and powder henna - the best remedy for dandruff

According to numerous positive reviews, Iranian henna is the best remedy for dandruff. There is colorless henna and one that colors. The powder is dry crushed leaves of Lawsonia nonthorny, a shrub common in Africa and Asia. Its application consists of several steps:

  • Pour the contents of one package with hot water to a consistency reminiscent of sour cream;
  • wait a few minutes until the pulp cools to a comfortable temperature;
  • spread evenly over the surface;
  • cover your head with polyethylene and tie it with a scarf;
  • wait 20-30 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

Nettle decoction

Nettle is a well-known medicinal plant that is used to strengthen hair strands and get rid of flaking. For those who don’t know how to get rid of dandruff in 1 day, it can be a real salvation. A medicinal decoction is prepared from fresh or dried leaves. The easiest way is to use filter bags from the pharmacy. Two of these bags are poured with two or three glasses of boiling water and left for half an hour. Rinse your hair with the resulting liquid after washing twice a week, but even one procedure will give a noticeable effect.

Nettle decoction from pharmaceutical filter bags

Mustard oil mask

Cold pressed oil has a rich composition and has a beneficial effect on the skin. Thanks to phytosterols, it has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. The oil helps fight fungus, irritations, infections, and relieves itching and flaking. The procedure is carried out in the same way as in the previous case. Mustard oil strengthens hair follicles and accelerates hair growth.

Burdock oil mask

The product is used alone or in combination with other ingredients. Burdock oil for dandruff is a remedy that has been proven for generations. Buy it at a pharmacy or natural products store. Procedure:

  • Apply the oil to the surface using a dispenser or by hand, carefully treating each area;
  • Rub in with massaging movements for a few minutes;
  • keep from 30 minutes to 2 hours, without covering;
  • wash off with shampoo.

The procedure is repeated twice a week, although the result will be noticeable after the first time.

Prevention, or how to get rid of dandruff on the head at home quickly and forever?

After getting rid of the problem, you should not relax. For a long-term effect, it is not enough to know how to get rid of dandruff on the head quickly and eliminate the first symptoms that signal problems in the body. It is necessary to constantly maintain health and take measures to prevent the flakes from appearing again. The problem may return, so it is important to follow these rules:

  • avoid spicy, fatty, sweet foods;
  • enrich the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • regularly eat cereals, meat, fish;
  • identify allergens and eliminate their effects;
  • strengthen the nervous system, avoid severe stress;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Specialized anti-dandruff products

Regardless of the cause of dandruff, using special series of products will help. They include various forms: shampoos, masks, pastes. They contain various substances, including those with antifungal and antiseptic effects. They cleanse, heal, and nourish the scalp.

The Sulsen series includes shampoo, paste, cream, oil based on selenium disulfide. These are natural products with a pH that matches the physiological balance of the scalp. You can use them in the same way as regular hair care products. But in addition to cleansing, they have a healing effect and allow you to quickly get rid of dandruff at home.

A complex approach

If you use medicinal products, but continue to load your hair and scalp with incorrectly selected styling products and do not look for the cause of dandruff, then it may return. To defeat dandruff, you need to follow these rules:

  • take care of your hair and scalp regularly and sufficiently;
  • do not overload with styling products;
  • do not abuse the hairdryer, sauna or steam bath, solarium, or exposure to the sun without protection;
  • avoid stress, maintain a daily routine, rest;
  • eat well, take vitamins;
  • solve health problems whenever possible.

Dandruff is an unpleasant reaction of the body that can be dealt with. And the products from the Sulsena series will help with this, among other things.

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