Sex after childbirth and during breastfeeding

When is it safe to have sex after giving birth?

In most cases, a mother can return to sexual activity after the birth of a child 6-8 weeks after the birth of the baby. During this time, all wound surfaces and sutures heal (if there were ruptures or incisions were made), reverse development (reduction in size) of all organs that changed during pregnancy occurs (with the exception of the mammary glands, which increase after childbirth), and the gaping of the cervix decreases . During the first 4-6 weeks after birth, the mother experiences vaginal bleeding - lochia, the color of which gradually changes from red to brownish. Abstinence from vaginal and anal sex during this period allows all wounds to heal without complications and avoid wound infection. Also during this period, the normal tone of the muscles of the vagina and perineum is usually restored. By 12 weeks after birth, ¾ of all couples return to vaginal sex. 1 year after the birth of a child, sexual relations resume in almost 100% of couples.

Sports after caesarean section: what you can and cannot do

Sports after a cesarean section have restrictions for one or one and a half years, depending on the speed of recovery and complications; the following activities are contraindicated in the first six months to a year:

  • run;
  • basketball;
  • tennis;
  • exercises with heavy weights;
  • active cycling;
  • Horseback Riding;
  • volleyball and other group games;
  • jumping, including with a parachute;
  • extreme sports (climbing to great heights, diving, etc.);
  • intense cardio exercises;
  • professional sports are subject to severe restrictions.

These sports cause a large impact load, displacement of all internal organs, and also increase the work of the heart and blood vessels. All this together can lead to complications in the postoperative period.

During this time the following are permitted:

  • walks, treadmill;
  • water aerobics;
  • dancing;
  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • light sets of exercises.

All permitted sports activities are aimed at restoring muscle tone and working in moderation with your own weight. It is better to postpone weight training in the gym for up to a year and a half after surgery, depending on the woman’s condition.


Dumbbells and barbells can significantly increase intra-abdominal pressure, which will contribute to the development of adhesions and problems with the reproductive system in general, as well as contribute to prolapse of the pelvic organs after surgery.


You can start practicing yoga 6-8 weeks after cesarean section. It is better to start exercising when the period of lochia secretion ends and the surface of the skin heals with a scar. You should not start practicing popular power yoga: at first, all asanas should be relaxing and tonic. It is also undesirable to resort to inverted poses and stress on the anterior abdominal wall.


It is better to postpone fitness classes until 6 months. This includes training for various muscle groups with cardio warm-up and stretching at the end. Now there are many variations of group classes, exercises are selected to work all muscle groups.

After a caesarean section, women are especially keen to get rid of their belly and tidy up their abs, but you shouldn’t be too zealous with such exercises: after six months you are allowed to put a little stress on your abs, but you shouldn’t start working on them right away. It is better to postpone bending and twisting, as well as overly active exercises until a year .

Power training

Strength training can be included in the regimen only one year after surgery. They put a lot of stress not only on the muscles, but also on metabolism, breathing and blood circulation. This creates long-term hypoxia in the body, which has a very bad effect on scar healing on both the skin and the uterus.

Pool and swimming in general

The pool and swimming are good for getting back into shape after a caesarean section. It is recommended to start water aerobics classes 4-6 months after surgery. An important criterion is the condition of the skin scar: exposure to water and bleach can have a bad effect on its appearance if the scar has not healed or is complicated by inflammation. By the time you start exercising in the pool, the skin should be completely healed and vaginal discharge should stop.

Water aerobics

In general, swimming and the pool are very useful for a woman during this period: the load is distributed evenly, all muscles and organs are massaged during swimming, the woman does not experience excessive stress. Speed ​​swimming and long diving should be limited.

Squats: is it possible right away, when can you train?

Squats can be started not immediately, but after 4-6 weeks: you can train after the scar has healed and all postpartum discharge has passed. Squats help reduce belly fat, train leg muscles, heart function and breathing.

They need to be done correctly:

  • place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • straighten your back;
  • extend your arms forward;
  • do not tilt your head;
  • sit down so that your knees do not go over your toes;
  • the buttocks should drop to a line parallel to the floor;
  • You need to squat while exhaling, rise while inhaling.

After a cesarean section, you should not do squats with a barbell or dumbbells. You can also do a wide squat on the inner thighs:

  • legs apart, about a meter wide;
  • socks point to the side;
  • the back should be straight;
  • squat to the level of parallel with the floor, or deeper;
  • get up while inhaling.

At the same time, the muscles of the perineum are also trained. At the height of standing, you should squeeze the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles, this will help work on the tone of the external genitalia and reduce the risk of vaginal and rectal prolapse.


Pilates is one of the recommended exercises after cesarean section. You can start exercising as early as 4-6 months after surgery. All exercises in Pilates are performed with even and deep breathing while working with your own weight, and muscle stretching is also included. This contributes to the rapid restoration of tone after surgery with minimal risk for the woman.


Running after a cesarean section is greatly limited; it is better not to run at all for a year. After a year, you should start running with caution, unless there are contraindications or complications.

Running causes high impact stress and jars the internal organs. Therefore, it is prohibited during this period. Normal blood oxygenation is also disrupted, especially in prolonged anaerobic mode, which contributes to adhesions and the formation of keloid at the site of the scar.

Exercise bike

Exercising on an exercise bike is not considered advisable after surgery; the exercise machine is contraindicated in intensive mode. But without effort and in a light intensity mode, you can ride a bicycle in six months, and in a year you can train on a simulator.


The gym has restrictions after cesarean section: you are allowed to walk on a treadmill at an average pace 5-6 months after surgical birth, but it is better not to use other exercise equipment. Lifting weights, as well as exercises with support and weights, are contraindicated for a year after surgery. They can cause displacement of internal organs, deviation of the uterus, adhesions, provoke bleeding and suture separation.


Aerobic exercises after cesarean section are allowed after 8-12 months. Aerobics involves a lot of jumping and active body movements, as well as intense heart work. Therefore, it is better to avoid these exercises during the first year.

If a woman nevertheless decides to attend such classes, then she needs to carefully agree with the trainer on the permissible load regimen and set of exercises; it is better to reduce the class time to half an hour. A good alternative to aerobics is dancing.

Watch the video about basic steps in dance aerobics:


You cannot use the hoop for a year after surgery. This simulator has low efficiency in burning centimeters and restoring muscle tone, but can disrupt the condition of internal organs and the scar on the uterus. If a woman nevertheless decides on this sports attribute, then she should choose a wide and soft hula hoop, without a ribbed surface.

The exercise should not take more than 5 minutes and cause the slightest discomfort in the abdominal area. Classes are prohibited if:

  • hernia of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • spinal deformities;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and bile ducts, gall bladder;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • skin pathologies;
  • keloid or hypertrophic scar;
  • gynecological diseases.


You should start doing planks 4-6 months after giving birth. This is an effective static exercise. After a caesarean section, the plank helps to quickly remove excess volume and tone the body, as it evenly loads the main muscles of the back, abdomen and legs. You need to start with 15 seconds of standing, gradually increasing the time spent in the plank.

The correct way to do it is as follows:

  • place your feet on your toes shoulder-width apart;
  • straighten your back;
  • pull in the stomach;
  • put your hands on your elbows, spread them slightly to the side;
  • lower your head;
  • keep your back straight, avoiding bending;
  • breathe slowly.

Visit a gynecologist before resuming sexual activity after childbirth!

Before starting to have traditional penetrative sex with a partner, it is advisable for the mother to visit a gynecologist to assess the condition of the cervix and the uterus itself, the healing of sutures and tears, and take a smear for flora. After the doctor’s approval, you can return to your usual sexual relationships with your partner without fears or doubts.

In mothers who give birth via cesarean section, the vaginal walls do not stretch due to the lack of passage of the baby through the birth canal. At the same time, recovery of the uterus after the incision occurs more slowly than after traditional childbirth. It will also take time for healing and the formation of a full-fledged scar on the abdomen.

Extravaginal forms of sex may be acceptable in the earlier period after childbirth: it all depends on the well-being and desires of the young mother.

Starting exercise after cesarean section

Every woman wants to be beautiful and attractive, especially after the birth of a child. Therefore, the question inevitably arises: when can you start playing sports after a caesarean section?

But let's figure out what it means to play sports. It's no secret that the main essence of playing sports is to defeat your opponent, so constant serious and difficult physical training is necessary. What many mean by sports most likely means regular exercise or physical education, which can bring the human body back to normal.

Almost all experts speak with one voice: full physical activity after such an abdominal operation is possible, but only after at least six months, and this is provided that the operation and recovery period are successful.

Everything, of course, depends on the load. For example, light and therapeutic exercises, which do not include exercises with a serious load on the abdominal muscles, can be done after 10-12 weeks. Breathing exercises can be practiced literally a few days after such a birth.

Pain during intercourse in a nursing mother

Feeling pain due to vaginal spasm and insufficiently moistened vaginal mucosa is one of the most common problems during sex in the postpartum period and during breastfeeding. For most women, these problems disappear within a few months after giving birth. But every fifth woman continues to have sex through pain until one and a half years after giving birth. If this happens to you, know that you are not a bad wife, there is nothing wrong with your body, you are not alone in this problem, and it will resolve over time, just like hundreds of millions of other women.

Feel free to tell your partner about the problem of vaginal dryness and offer to include in the program long-term foreplay and the use of a water-soluble neutral lubrication gel, applying which to the partner’s penis or inside the vagina can be turned into a separate sensual entertainment.

Useful tips

The most common question that concerns most women is when can they play sports after a cesarean section without harming the stitches and their health in general. There are plenty of similar problems during the rehabilitation period. Since at this point in time the young mother is already within the walls of her home and is forced to make decisions on her own, very often she makes a series of mistakes. To prevent this from happening, take on board some useful tips from doctors and fitness trainers about post-operative sports.

When to start

The most pressing question is how long after a caesarean section you can play sports if there are no medical contraindications for this. It depends on what kind of physical activity we are talking about.

Whether it is simple morning exercises or therapeutic exercises to restore the uterus, already a week after the operation you can gradually include them in the rhythm of your life.

If a woman wants to take up any full-fledged sport (swimming, fitness, Pilates, cycling, running, etc.), she will have to wait much longer: after 2 months - according to a gentle program and only after six months (if all is well, and then and more) - already to a full extent. And then only with the permission of doctors and a fitness trainer.

Training intensity

Any physical exercises after a cesarean section, even if they are therapeutic in nature (to strengthen the muscles of the uterus, for example), should be performed very carefully, gradually increasing the intensity.

A minimum number of times, no more than 10 minutes per lesson - this is the initial program. Every day these indicators need to be gradually increased: only in this case will sport be useful and not harmful for the rehabilitation period.

As soon as during or after exercise you feel unwell, muscle pain, discomfort, it is better to cancel everything and wait until the body gains more strength.

Types of exercises

Depending on what postpartum and postoperative problems you want to eliminate with the help of sports, choose what exercises you can do after cesarean section. Some strengthen the uterine muscles, others restore a slim waist, others simply remove a sagging tummy, and some will need a complex to maintain breast shape during lactation.

All of them should be as light as possible and not cause feelings of tension or pain. Remember: sport, even in the postoperative period, should be enjoyable and evoke only positive emotions. Dumbbells are excluded in this case.

Where is the best place to study?

Light, familiar and familiar physical exercises after a caesarean section can be performed at home. But as soon as they become insufficient and a decision is made to take up serious sports, you will need not only special conditions (gym, swimming pool, treadmill, etc.), but also a personal trainer-advisor.

Believe me: this is for your own good, because it is he who will tell you at what intensity you are allowed to play sports for a given period of time and will help you choose a program. This will allow you to achieve the desired results in a short time.

These tips will help women after a cesarean section understand how and when exactly to start playing sports. If there are no postpartum complications, the doctor has nothing against it; you definitely need to get your figure and body in order. The purpose of the exercises can be very different - restoration of the abs and chest, getting rid of sagging, strengthening the muscles of the uterus, eliminating back pain and many other rehabilitation processes after surgery. If there are medical contraindications, you will have to postpone this necessary task until complete recovery.

Sex and postpartum depression

Decreased mood, postpartum asthenia or postpartum depression can create significant problems in the form of a decrease or disappearance of sexual desire.

True postpartum depression requires medication under the guidance of a psychiatrist. Depression is defined as having a decrease in mood for 2 weeks or more, loss of the ability to experience pleasure (not just sexual pleasure) or loss of previous interests, and a decrease in overall activity. In addition to these main signs, sleep and appetite may be disturbed, feelings of guilt may arise, thoughts of worthlessness and possible suicide may appear. In this case, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for help, since real depression does not go away on its own.

What to do if your partner wants sex, but you don’t?

Talk openly with your partner about how you are feeling and explain to him that decreased sexual desire is a natural but temporary response of a woman's body to having a baby and breastfeeding. Explain to him that you understand that he feels rejected, may have low self-esteem, and is worried about possible further sexual disharmony. Tell him about the changes in female physiology and that everything will return to normal after a certain period of time: from several months to a year and a half (let him sit during this conversation). Invite your partner to satisfy his intimate needs in alternative extravaginal ways that can be very pleasurable for him. However, remember that sex under pressure from a partner is a form of domestic violence and sex should be pleasure for both partners, and not a “repayment of marital debt” or a boring routine for one of the partners.

Full vaginal penetration is only one possible form of sex, and there are many other forms that are suitable during breastfeeding to maintain mutual sexual pleasure. Gentle stimulation of the most sensitive erotic zones of a young mother can give her no less, if not more, pleasure compared to traditional sex. Mutual masturbation, oral sex and sex toys can also be good ideas for intimacy during this difficult period. Tender words and hugs can also go a long way to convey love and emotion. By sharing your concerns and being honest with each other, you can resolve this delicate issue together. Intimacy is not just about sex. Don’t forget to spend time together, don’t become completely immersed in caring for the child, forgetting about your husband. Walking together, unexpected kisses and hugs, fleeting erotic episodes will help a man maintain faith in himself and in the prospects of your relationship.

Abs after cesarean

To keep their tummy normal, many girls worked out their abs before pregnancy, but is it possible to resume this exercise after a caesarean section and when is the best time to start doing it? Firstly, you should definitely talk to your doctor and ask him personally when you can start pumping up your abs after a caesarean section.

But it is believed that it is worth starting after at least 7 months, and for those who, in principle, did not do abs before giving birth, you should wait a little longer, about 8 months. Don't be discouraged, because as part of post-operative recovery, there are many exercises that help restore muscles in this area.

How to make sexual relations more enjoyable during the breastfeeding period?

  • To restart your sexual relationship, try simply hugging first to get used to sexual touching.
  • Do not rush. Enjoy each other's bodies and engage in lengthy foreplay without expecting it to lead to full-on penetrative sex.
  • For vaginal dryness, use a neutral, water-soluble intimate gel. Do not use fat-based ointments.
  • If you're worried that penetrative sex will be painful, explore your vagina first with clean, lubricated fingers, or latex gloves and a lubricated condom.
  • When you feel ready for sex, try not to rush things. It should be natural and both partners should feel ready and completely aroused. Try a position that does not put too much pressure on areas of increased soreness or sensitivity. Being on top of your partner, you can carefully control the speed and depth of penetration.
  • If things become painful or uncomfortable, ask your partner to stop for a while. During the pause, the partner can engage in gentle stimulation of the clitoris. Once you feel aroused, you can resume traditional sex.
  • When having sex while your child is sleeping, be prepared for the fact that the child will definitely wake up at the most inopportune time. Try to take it with humor and reschedule the continuation next time. Be patient as things will get easier once your baby starts sleeping through the night.
  • Continue doing pelvic floor exercises to help restore muscle tone to your vagina. At the same time, this exercise can help you discover completely new sensations in vaginal sex.
  • You need to eat well, drink plenty of fluids and rest whenever possible. Explain to your partner that the more household chores he takes on, the better you will rest, and the more colorful your lovemaking will be!

Review of different types of physical activity after caesarean section

Based on the woman’s well-being and her level of physical fitness before childbirth, recommended sports activities will differ significantly in each specific case. Only after obtaining permission from a gynecologist can you start exercising.

Rehabilitation gymnastics

When a woman recovers from anesthesia, she needs to start moving, no matter how insurmountable it may seem. The first exercises are done while lying in bed. The following movements will be effective:

  1. Energetically bend and straighten your feet, pulling your toes towards you and away from you, rotating them in one and in different directions.
  2. Alternately squeeze and unclench your buttocks.
  3. Tighten your legs at the knees, and then slowly relax.
  4. Smoothly bend and straighten both legs together and alternately.
  5. As you inhale, press your back and legs tightly against the bed, as if pressing into it.

As soon as a woman comes to her senses from anesthesia, she is recommended to perform the simplest movements for a speedy recovery.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises involve alternately squeezing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum. To feel these muscles, you can try holding the stream for a while while urinating. The muscles involved in this process are the same ones that are used in the exercises. Bringing them into tone helps solve the following problems:

  • speedy recovery of the uterus after childbirth;
  • rapid cleansing of the body from postpartum discharge;
  • prevention of pelvic organ prolapse;
  • bringing new colors to sexual life, the sensations of which will become more vivid for both the woman herself and her partner;
  • prevention of the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
  • slowing down the aging process in the female body.

Performing Kegel exercises involves the following tasks:

  • As you exhale, squeeze the muscles of the perineum, tense, as if wanting to stop urination, hold in this position, slowly counting to five. Then, on the count of five, gradually relax. Repeat up to ten times.
  • Quickly squeeze and unclench the muscles of the perineum, bringing the number of repetitions to 15 times.
  • Squeeze the muscles slightly, after a second - a little stronger, then - even more, gradually straining to the maximum. After this, slowly relax the muscles back. When performing this task, you can imagine an elevator in which you first rise, for example, to the fifth floor, and then descend back to the first. Over time, the number of floors that are supposed to be “overcome” should increase.

There are other options for performing these exercises. With practice, you can do them in any position whenever you have free time (sitting in public transport or standing in line at the checkout), because they are completely invisible to others. They need to be done regularly (several times every day) for a visible effect to occur. However, the load should be increased gradually, not through force. To avoid unforeseen complications, it is worth consulting with a gynecologist about the advisability of performing them.

Video: exercises for the pelvic floor muscles after cesarean section

Exercise in the morning

Light exercise after mom is discharged from the hospital will only benefit her. The simplest exercises, known from school physical education lessons, will come in handy. They will increase muscle tone and circulate blood. You need to start exercising with those exercises that will not put stress on the abdominal muscles: for the shoulder girdle, neck muscles, legs, arms. Here are some examples of such exercises:

  1. Perform slow tilts of the head forward, backward, right and left.
  2. Make circular swings with your arms. At school this exercise was called “Mill” or “Swimmer”.
  3. In a lying position, alternately bend and straighten your left and right legs, then exercise both legs brought together.
  4. Starting position: lying on your side with your knees bent. As you inhale, round your back and pull in your stomach; as you exhale, relax, returning to your original position.
  5. Standing, slightly bend your knees and swing your pelvis in different directions: right and left, forward and backward, make circular rotations clockwise and back.
  6. Stand next to a flat wall, press against it, straightening your shoulders. The walls should touch the head, shoulders, buttocks, and heels. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Sometimes it’s difficult for a woman with children to find time for exercise: there are plenty of other worries. After my second birth, a few months later, I did exercises in the morning with my eldest son. Every day we came up with a different story: we were either bunnies greeting the sun (stretched our spines, stood on tiptoes, raised our arms up), picking carrots (bending forward), looking around to see if there was a Gray Wolf (torso turns), or brave travelers who travel long distances (walking in place), sit by the fire (in the lotus position) and the like. We received many bonuses from such charging. For my son, this was an exciting game and additional attention, which older children sometimes lack, and for me, it was toning up my muscles and gaining good spirits for the day ahead.

Exercising mom and baby together is a great way to spend time for both

Hoop exercises

A great way to lose weight and get your waist back in shape is to exercise with a hula hoop. You can start them by the end of the second month after birth. A light plastic hoop weighing half a kilogram (approximately) is suitable for practicing. But heavy hula hoop is allowed for closer to six months.

The main rule of playing sports after surgery is not to force things, observe moderation in everything, accustoming the body to stress gradually

Fitball exercises

Exercises on a fitball, a gymnastic ball, have become extremely popular in recent years, thanks to which natural interaction between muscles is achieved. The abdominal and lower back muscles adapt to each other, balancing their mutual strength. Classes help you find a beautiful and slender waist and improve your posture.

Fitball also has another name - Swiss ball. And all because life was given to him in the 50s of the last century by the Swiss physiotherapist Susan Kleinvogelbach. At first it was used exclusively for medicinal purposes - for the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy. American physiotherapist Joan Posner Mauer began using the ball in the 80s to help patients recover from spinal injuries. Today fitball is used for both sick and healthy people. It is used in a wide variety of workouts: from yoga and Pilates to strength and cardio exercises.

Abroad, some children's institutions are equipped with balls instead of chairs. This is good for your posture, because you have to keep it on the ball, otherwise you will lose your balance and fall.

The simplest exercises with a ball are allowed by the end of the second month after birth:

  1. Sitting on a gymnastic ball, bounce on it as quickly as possible.
  2. Lie on your stomach on the fitball, place your hands on the floor and raise your legs. Walk on your hands so that the ball rolls over your body.
  3. Lying on the fitball on your stomach, raise your legs up, stretching your torso and trying to stay in this position for a few seconds (rest your hands on the floor).
  4. Lie with your back on the ball, bend your knees, press your feet to the floor, cross your arms behind your head. Raise your shoulders as high as possible without touching the ball with your elbows.

Over time, you can add other exercises that involve a more serious load.

In our family, fitball appeared with the birth of our first child. At the clinic, a neurologist advised me to purchase it and regularly work with my baby. Since the ball could withstand a load of up to 55 kilograms, and I weigh even a little less, sometimes I allowed myself to “borrow” it from my son, which caused indescribable delight in the child, who was not at all greedy, but rejoiced at his mother’s success. So I was convinced from my own experience: fitball is not only effective, but also fun.

Fitball is a profitable purchase that is useful for the whole family

Breathing exercises

The simplest type of training that you can begin to master immediately after discharge from the hospital is breathing exercises. To perform it, you need to learn to breathe not only with your chest, as most women do, but with your stomach - this type of breathing is called diaphragmatic breathing. When performing such gymnastics, the body should be in any comfortable position (lying on your back, sitting with your elbows on pillows or in the “lotus” position), and be relaxed. There are such exercise options:

  1. Place your hands on your stomach and, trying to keep it motionless, take ten deep breaths in and out through your chest.
  2. Holding the seam with your hands, gently inhale and exhale ten times with your stomach.
  3. Counting to five, inhale, rounding your stomach as gently as possible, stay in this position for 5 seconds, holding your breath. Then, for a count of five, slowly exhale, slightly drawing in your stomach.

Such simple gymnastics has several goals:

  • promotes oxygen saturation of every cell of the body;
  • improves the functioning of the brain, heart and nervous system, strengthens overall health, thus contributing to the speedy recovery of the young mother after surgery;
  • helps to calm down, relax, cope with irritability, and overcome postpartum depression;
  • serves as an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases, to which a woman’s body, weakened after pregnancy and childbirth, is susceptible.

The ability to control your breathing helps you cope with stress and nervous overload

Back exercises

After childbirth, a woman is often bothered by back pain, because during pregnancy the spine had to withstand additional stress. With the birth of a baby, the situation often gets worse, because the child often has to be picked up. You can avoid problems by doing exercises every day to strengthen your back muscles. They are recommended by the end of the second month after birth.

  1. Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms up, bend your elbows, place your palms on your shoulders. Spread your arms, strive to bring your shoulder blades together.
  2. Get on all fours. As you inhale, slowly bend over, turn your tailbone up, look up, and as you exhale, round your back, pull in your stomach and perineum, press your chin to your chest. Repeat several times.
  3. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms forward. As you inhale, slowly raise them, holding for a few seconds, and as you exhale, lower them. Repeat 5-6 times.
  4. Lying on your stomach while inhaling, raise your legs, stretching them back as far as possible and holding in this position for several seconds. As you exhale, lower to the floor. Repeat 5-6 times.

Video: how to get rid of back pain after childbirth

Exercises for symphysitis

Symphysitis is a condition associated with excessive mobility at the junction of the pubic bones. This mobility is often accompanied by pain, sometimes inflammation. This condition sometimes occurs in women after pregnancy, during which, under the influence of hormones and pressure from the uterus with the fetus, the ligamentous apparatus is stretched. With symphysitis, you should try to avoid pain-provoking movements or positions; in this case, only special gymnastics is indicated, while other types of physical activity should be kept to a minimum.

The disease is treated under the supervision of a doctor. There are exercises that have a positive effect on the pubic area, leading to improved blood supply in this area and a reduction in pain. They are usually carried out in the presence of a specialist in physical therapy and are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic region and lower back. The doctor also gives recommendations to the woman for independent practice at home. If the pain intensifies while doing exercises, this is a reason to stop exercising and consult a doctor to correct the physical therapy regimen.


Yoga is an ancient teaching about knowing yourself and the world around you. Exercise is just one aspect of this multifaceted science. Breathing exercises and meditation are possible for a person in any physical condition; they are even more useful in the postpartum period, helping to relieve tension and calm down. A set of physical exercises relieves mental and physical fatigue, makes muscles and ligaments elastic, and gives a boost of energy. However, not all positions are acceptable after cesarean section. A woman should choose certain exercises for herself based on her individual capabilities, and best of all, together with a trainer who will tell you about the effect of each pose on the body and the features of their implementation. Sports activities should be fun and not painful, otherwise they will not bring any benefits.

The most popular postures after childbirth - table

Name of the poseImpact on the body
ShavasanaThe position of lying on your back is essentially what the woman is in immediately after the operation. Helps achieve absolute relaxation of the body muscles, replenishes energy resources, establishing a deep connection with oneself.
Halasana, Salamba, Sarvangasana, ShirshasanaNormalize hormone levels and enhance lactation.
Garudasana, VrikshasanaStrengthens the buttocks and eliminates excess fat accumulation.
Supta, Baddha, Konasana, DandasanaCalm, pacify, relieve anxiety and fatigue.

This pose will not only strengthen muscles, but also get rid of excess fat.
My friend, in order to restore her figure after childbirth, chose yoga, since she thought this type of training was the most gentle for the body. At first I just went to classes twice a week, and then I became completely interested in the process. I changed my lifestyle, became a vegetarian, became interested in Ayurveda (Indian health science), and became kinder and more soulful. And after some time I completed yoga teacher courses. Now, having changed the profession of a journalist to a yoga instructor, she enjoys every day much more. So often, small changes in life lead to dramatic changes in destiny.


This sport is considered one of the safest. It involves smooth, unhurried movements that restore muscle tone and add grace to the movements.

Pilates is a health system named after its creator Joseph Hubertus Pilates. The set of exercises he developed is successfully used in medical institutions, as well as by professional dancers.

A correctly selected complex promotes a speedy recovery of the body after childbirth, smoothly affecting the muscles, returning posture to its natural position, helping to avoid back pain, and improving the functioning of all body systems. In addition, it helps to lose weight and gain flexibility. Exercises should bring pleasant sensations, otherwise they are replaced with others.

Call a breastfeeding specialist to your home

At the group's children's medical centers, we know that the most convenient place for breastfeeding consultations is your own cozy home:

  • A specialist will come to you at a convenient time. You don't have to go to the clinic and wait in line. Consultations can also be held directly in the maternity hospital (if visits are permissible) or in a medical center.
  • A familiar home environment makes consultation easier for both mother and child.
  • At home, the consultant will be able to devote more time to both the child and the parents.
  • The consultant is always a phone call away: day and night (at night you can call the contact center or write to the consultant, the consultant will answer as soon as possible), on weekdays and on weekends.
  • Support from a specialist is not one-time consultations, but accompaniment: the consultant will visit the mother and baby again, if necessary, after 2-4 weeks to check how feeding is going and the baby’s weight gain.

In addition to calling a breastfeeding specialist to your home, you can call doctors of the main specialties: pediatrician, surgeon, allergist, urologist, pulmonologist, hematologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, orthopedist, gastroenterologist and osteopath. You can also take tests, perform physiotherapy and massage at home. Infant swimming consultants can advise you at home and conduct a master class.

Find out about the special offer “Comprehensive examination at home”: the convenience of this program is that you can choose from a list of pediatric doctors exactly those specialists that your child needs and an individual set of medical services with a 20% discount!

What happens to the body during pregnancy and after cesarean section

Pregnancy is an amazing time, a time of birth and development of a new life. But for the female body this also means serious changes in figure. Almost every mother gains a few extra pounds, especially in the abdominal area.

After a natural birth, the mother can begin to take care of herself literally in a few days, but after a cesarean section the situation becomes much more complicated. The fact is that during this operation the uterine cavity, muscles and even blood vessels are cut. And for the body to return to normal, a long recovery is necessary.

In addition, during normal childbirth, various hormones are released that act on the muscles of the uterus, increasing their contraction, so the woman’s stomach begins to return to normal much faster. During such an abdominal operation, hormones are not released in the required quantities and there are practically no contractions. Therefore, the abdominal muscles take much longer to recover.

Advantages of calling Virilis Group specialists to your home

  • Travel to any area of ​​the city and region without restrictions.
  • No insurance, registration or citizenship is required to receive medical care.
  • Providing assistance to children of any age.
  • Experience in responsible treatment of children in St. Petersburg since 1991.
  • 6 own children's medical centers with 650 specialists in 49 specialties.
  • Possibility of diagnostics and continuation of treatment in our clinics.
  • Coordination with other doctors of the VIRILIS Group of Companies clinics: we are a single team, and not individual doctors from a “mobile” clinic.
  • 24/7 contact center.
  • Issuance of official medical certificates and documents.
  • Possibility of purchasing a package of a comprehensive medical program for a child, including the “Emergency Care” and “Comprehensive Examination at Home” packages.
  • Special medical programs for newborns and infants.
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