How to sleep and get enough sleep? What you need to consider to wake up refreshed

Mikhail Bogomolov, psychoendocrinologist, answers :

— Daytime sleepiness, inability to concentrate, and subsequent depression are typical signs of chronic sleep deprivation. These are very harmful conditions. If this continues for a long time, the risk of many diseases increases significantly, this causes premature aging of the body. There are several reasons for this lack of sleep. This includes insomnia and the so-called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (see help), usually associated with snoring. But in addition to these medical problems, many do not get enough sleep simply because they cannot properly organize their lives - work, everyday life, free time. This is what needs to be dealt with first.

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What's the best way to fall asleep?

- Take a walk before bed. If you can’t walk for half an hour, spend at least 10 minutes in the fresh air or stand on the balcony this time.

- Don't sleep in the afternoon , even if you really want to, it can interrupt your sleep. Under no circumstances sit down in a comfortable chair at this time, much less lie down. Try to somehow distract yourself, endure. After 15-30 minutes, the strong desire to sleep usually goes away.

- Sleep with the window slightly open - modern windows allow you to do this even without drafts.

— Have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime . Dinner should not be plentiful, and leave invigorating drinks and foods for the next day, in the morning. Before going to bed, only a glass of kefir, juice or some fruit is allowed.

- Do not fall asleep lying on your back, reading, watching TV . Get into the habit of falling asleep with your hands under your cheeks and turning on your right side.

- Fall asleep in complete darkness , without any light sources, even the smallest ones.

— The mattress and bed linen should be comfortable , there is no need to skimp on them.

— The air in the bedroom should not be too dry . During sleep, less saliva and secretions are produced to moisturize the mouth and airways. This is how our body works - remember, you often wake up with a dry mouth and are often bothered by thirst. If necessary, install a humidifier and temperature control regulators on the radiators.

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Part 2: Creating a comfortable sleeping environment

In this block we will work to ensure that sleep is as comfortable as possible and ensures 100% restoration of the body and replenishment of physical and mental strength. Let's begin.

Ventilate the room

Ventilate the room daily before going to bed. The optimal temperature for sleeping is 21 degrees. Don't take a hot bath before bed. Under the influence of hot water, a person's tone increases, and this can negatively affect the time it takes to fall asleep - it is better to take a cool shower.

Make sure your bed is comfortable

The bed linen should be pleasant and the mattress comfortable. Change your pillowcase as often as possible—at least once a month. Try to start sleeping on your back . Sleeping on your back prevents the formation of wrinkles on your face. Comfortable sleeping conditions are an important step towards getting enough sleep.

Create an evening ritual

Before going to bed, train yourself to perform some pleasant and calm ritual. Preferably without physical or mental stress. For example, read a book or listen to music. After a while, the same sequence of actions will help you start falling asleep faster and getting a good night's sleep.

Observe the hour of silence

An hour before bedtime, give your body and brain a rest. Try to finish everything before that. Don't sacrifice your sleep time to do any work. Remember that it is not recommended to use gadgets or watch TV an hour before bedtime.

Choose the right alarm clock

Take due responsibility when choosing an alarm clock. It should make a loud beep, but should not scare you. It is better to use an alarm clock with a pleasant, soothing signal, with a gradual increase in the intensity of the melody.


Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) is a condition in which episodes of complete or partial blockage of the airways occur: their walls may collapse for a short time and not allow air to pass through. This happens because the pharyngeal muscles are relaxed during sleep and do not interfere with the collapse of the airways. There is a kind of cessation of breathing, usually lasting more than 10 seconds. Often after this the person wakes up, but not always. People with OSA experience more than 5 such episodes every hour during sleep. The condition occurs in 10-12% of people. The disease is usually associated with snoring. It occurs more often in people who are overweight and have a large neck size (in women more than 40 cm, in men more than 43 cm). OSA significantly increases the risk of developing hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, heart attack, stroke, and even sudden death during sleep. Do not underestimate the danger - this condition requires treatment from a specialist, including the use of special devices that prevent the airways from collapsing during sleep, increasing the pressure in them.

How to fall asleep quickly?

The problem of insomnia occurs when circadian rhythms are disrupted or overwork. I offer a list of recommendations that I use in such cases:

  • Take a warm shower. Soft jets will relieve accumulated tension, help you relax, and soothe you.
  • Remake the bed. You sleep better on fresh sheets - tested.
  • Wear wool socks. This is my must have. It works flawlessly, especially if it’s winter. When your feet are warm, your heart doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood to your feet. The heart rate decreases, making it easier to fall asleep.
  • Ventilate the room. If weather permits, leave the window open.
  • If noise bothers you, buy earplugs. This is a reliable method that I use regularly. With earplugs you are not afraid of night motorcyclists, noisy parties or neighbors talking behind the wall.
  • Avoid any sources of light. If this is not possible, cover your eyes with a special mask.

If you can't fall asleep, try counting slowly from ten to zero. Drive away any thoughts. Focus on the numbers, mentally draw them in front of you. At the same time, relax as much as possible, starting from your neck and ending with your toes.

How to make your sleep more effective?

1. Sleep on your side

The ideal sleep is on your side. The supine position is harmful and promotes snoring. And in the position on the side, the brain is better cleansed of toxins - this way the lymph drains better, carrying toxic substances from the brain. This is a new discovery: the lymphatic system of the brain itself was discovered only 3 years ago; before, its existence was not suspected. It works better during sleep, but now it turns out that its activity also depends on the position of the body in bed. Since it is difficult to control the position during sleep, not everyone manages to spend almost all the time while sleeping on their side. Try this trick: sew a pocket with a clasp on your nightgown or pajamas between your shoulder blades and put a tennis ball in it.

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2. Eat more at work

It is almost impossible for many to exclude a late dinner from their diet - the working day ends at 19.00, people arrive home so late that all that remains is to prepare food, eat it and go to bed. In such cases, it is better to eat at work or on the way from work. And at night drink a glass of kefir (without cookies!)

3. Say goodbye to lamps

Avoid even short exposure to light at night. When you sleep, be sure to turn off all lamps in the bedroom (even nightlights!), TV, computer, etc.

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4. Have a night out

Try to lengthen the night to 9-10 hours. Use shading lampshades in the bedroom, and cover the windows with blackout curtains to block out light from the street.

5. Eliminate strength training in the morning.

The best way to exercise to help you wake up is to do stretching exercises. You should do cardio fitness and strength exercises in the afternoon - ideally at 15-16 hours.

6. Turn off the computer and TV an hour before bedtime

Working with electronic devices inhibits melatonin production.

7. Get up with the sun, even if you went to bed late the night before

After just 1-2 days of this regime, going to bed early will no longer be a problem.

8. Get a foot massage or buy massage insoles

There are many active points on the sole; it is useful to stimulate them for tone.

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9. Live at the rhythm of nature

Unfortunately, in modern conditions, the biorhythms of our body do not coincide with the natural rhythms that dictate the sunrise and sunset for us. About an hour before dawn, the human body undergoes major biochemical changes that should provide energy to start the day. This also results in the release of hormones, a number of which increase blood pressure and cause the heart to contract faster (because of this, heart attacks and strokes occur more often in the morning). But unlike our ancestors, we do not wake up, but spend these hours sleeping. If we got up and went outside, as people have done from time immemorial, then the negative effect of the shifts would be weakened. The energy of glucose and hormones would be directed in a peaceful direction: sugar would be absorbed by the muscles, and not converted into fat, as happens during sleep, and hormones would help the body get back to work. In addition, the solar spectrum at sunrise gives optimism.

10. Don't eat breakfast right after waking up

Let your body come to its senses. It is ideal to have breakfast after a short walk (for example, with a dog in the park or with a child before kindergarten) or exercise.

11. Choose red

If you get up at night, light your toilet and bathroom with dim red light, which is less melatonin-suppressing than white or blue light.

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Why do some people sleep more than eight hours?

Irina Zavalko (neurologist-somnologist):

7-8 hours is the most common sleep duration. In general, 9-10 hours is also considered the norm. We call such people long sleepers. If a person sleeps for more than 10 hours, then sleep disturbances may already appear. The cause of prolonged sleep can be diseases, for example, apnea (sleep apnea), periodic movement of the limbs, bruxism. Prolonged sleep can be a manifestation of hypersomnia, a condition that is accompanied by increased sleepiness and, in some cases, prolonged sleep duration. Accordingly, in the case of a very long sleep, there are reasons to contact a somnologist and find out if everything is in order.

Vladimir Dorokhov:

Typically, when people sleep for more than eight hours for long periods of time, it means they are having poor quality sleep and are trying to get better sleep by extending their time in bed. This is an indicator of sleep problems and they should see a sleep specialist.

Roman Buzunov (President of the Russian Society of Somnologists):

There is a certain category of people whose need for sleep is 9-12 hours. For them, long sleep is the norm. There are also those who oversleep because they have free time, or simply out of laziness, or after a long, chronic lack of sleep. In this case, the habit of sleeping for a long time cannot be called healthy: according to research, it contributes to decreased intelligence, an increased risk of strokes and other health problems. It is not at all difficult to reduce the duration of sleep if it is excessive: you just need to start sleeping according to a schedule.

I am my own diagnostician. How to understand whether you are getting enough sleep or not?

To understand whether you sleep well or not, fill out this questionnaire. It is typically used to assess sleep disturbance in patients suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea, but is also suitable for general assessment of sleep quality.

Answer how you will feel in the following situations, will you fall asleep or fall asleep? Select the number that corresponds to your possible behavior in such cases:

0 - I will never fall asleep 1 - low chance of falling asleep 2 - moderate chance of falling asleep 3 - high chance of falling asleep


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1. Reading while sitting in a chair

2. Watching TV while sitting in a chair

3. Passive sitting in public places (theater, meeting, etc.)

4. You are a passenger in a car, the trip on a flat road lasts at least an hour

5. If you just lay down to rest after lunch because you don’t have any important things to do

6. You are sitting and talking to someone

7. Sit in a chair after breakfast in a quiet room (no alcohol was taken)

8. You are driving a car and are stuck in a traffic jam for several minutes.

How to decipher the test:

Normal - 0-5 points Initial stage of lack of sleep - 6-8 Moderate phenomena - 9-12 Severe lack of sleep, it's time to sound the alarm - 13-18 Extreme degree - 19 or more

How to train yourself to fall asleep earlier

The first thing you need to do to start falling asleep earlier is to choose the right time to fall asleep. Since each person has their own circadian rhythms, it is necessary to select them individually. To do this, you can create a separate sleep diary. It is necessary to note every day for a week how much time was spent sleeping, and also after waking up it is worth giving a rating on a 5-point scale, according to the following criteria:

  • Score “1” – I didn’t get enough sleep, I kept waking up at night, I felt tired.
  • Score “2” – I practically did not rest, although the duration of sleep was sufficient.
  • Rating “3” – satisfactory sleep, practically did not wake up, but did not get enough sleep.
  • Rating “4” – after sleep, I feel good.
  • Score “5” – I feel excellent, I am cheerful and energetic.

Next to it, write what influenced this feeling. Write down the main reasons for poor sleep. Registration is carried out from Sunday to Monday, etc.

Diary example:

Day of the weekNumber of sleeps and awakeningsGradeExplanation (comment)
Monday5 hours of sleep; 2 awakenings 2I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I was nervous before the work day.
Tuesday9 hours of sleep; 2 awakenings 4After an evening walk I was very tired and went to bed early.
Wednesday7 hours of sleep; 0 awakenings 5Fell asleep at 10:30 p.m. because I didn't drink coffee after 12:00 p.m.
Thursday…4 hours of sleep; 3 awakenings 1I went to bed late and overworked, after which I couldn’t sleep a wink. I drank coffee 6 times.

Keeping a diary like this will help you understand how many hours are ideal for you to get enough sleep. You can also identify habits that are preventing you from falling asleep faster.

Please note: Once you have decided on the time and duration of your sleep, only then can you move on to the next stage, namely, start adjusting your bedtime. You need to do this by gradually shifting the time by 15 minutes when you go to bed.

For example, you always went to bed at 3 am. The next day you should go to bed 15 minutes earlier at 02:45. So after 3 days, you will begin to fall asleep an hour earlier, and after a week by more than two hours. If you don’t know how to quickly fall asleep at night if you can’t sleep, then in addition you will find our following tips useful.

Why do you need to sleep in complete darkness?

There are studies showing that you should sleep in complete darkness at night. Night work and light at night disrupt the body's rhythms and contribute to the development of certain types of cancer. Vladimir Anisimov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Carcinogenesis and Oncogerontology, Research Institute of Oncology named after . Petrova in St. Petersburg :

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- Studies have shown that women who frequently turn on the bedroom light at night have an increased risk of breast cancer. And the longer such lighting works, the higher the likelihood of developing this disease. Shift work has the same negative effect. In people who have worked at night for more than 30 years, this type of cancer is 2.2 times more likely. But men also suffer from shift work: if they work at least 3 nights a month, they are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Plus, night light increases the risk of malignant tumors of the colon and rectum. And the risks of obesity, metabolic syndrome, coronary heart disease, and peptic ulcers also increase significantly. All this is associated with a violation of the body’s daily (circadian) rhythms. Light at night suppresses the production of the hormone melatonin, which has many beneficial effects, including protection against cancer. In the dark, more melatonin is produced. Therefore, you need to try to observe the natural pattern of day and night as much as possible. And it’s better that shift work is not lifelong: after working for 10 years, try to change it.

Part 1: Preparation

In this block we will work on how to properly establish a routine and begin to get used to a new lifestyle in which you will get a good night's sleep. Go!

Find the reason for lack of sleep

The first and most important thing is to find the main reason why you are not getting enough sleep. This could be the habit of watching TV series late into the night, drinking coffee or tea in the evening, or “hanging out” on social networks until late at night. Write down this reason. And do something every day to eliminate the cause of your lack of sleep once and for all.

Decide on the amount of sleep you need

The work schedule does not take into account the individual characteristics of a person by chronotype. Whether you are a night owl or a morning person, you have to get up in the morning and go to work. Create a routine so that your body gets the amount of sleep it needs to recover. This advice is very important for proper sleep, and you need to not only identify your sleep norm, but start observing it every day - including on weekends. Of course, at first it will not be easy, but very soon you will feel how your body gets used to the schedule and you begin to fall asleep very quickly.

Create a sleep schedule

Create a schedule on paper that will help you use your time wisely. Calculate the required time for waking up, as well as for morning activities. Based on eight hours of sleep, calculate when you need to start going to bed. If you need an hour to do your morning chores and need to leave home for work at eight in the morning, then to get eight hours of sleep you need to go to bed at twenty-three.

Plan your day

You need to plan not only your sleeping hours, but also your daily routine. This is necessary so that you learn how to get everything done , and you don’t have to stay up late doing something and violate your established sleep schedule. Think in advance about everything you need to do during the day and try to act in accordance with the schedule.

Remember to exercise

Physical exercise helps keep the body in excellent condition. If you don’t want or can’t go to the gym, start jogging in the evening and do a set of physical exercises. Do exercises in the morning. Spend at least 30 minutes a day doing exercise. If you don’t have that much time, you can train 3 times a day for 10 minutes. Starting to exercise is very important to maintain healthy and restful sleep.

What is the correct position to sleep in?

Many people cannot choose a comfortable position to sleep for a long time; they roll over until they are unable to sleep. There are several correct sleeping positions. Each person may have their own characteristics, so there is no universal pose; you need to determine the best option for yourself.

Sleeping on your back

Many doctors and orthopedists recommend sleeping on your back. This pose is comfortable for the spine if you choose a small pillow. This position is also recommended by cosmetologists who believe that it is correct to sleep this way, because it keeps the skin of the face young.

However, this position has disadvantages. In a dream, you can choke on saliva, which can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.

Sleeping on your stomach

Most people find this the most comfortable position. However, doctors consider it dangerous for the spine. You may experience discomfort and even pain in the spine if you sleep this way regularly. Also, the skin of the face and chest are constantly under pressure during the entire rest. This causes complaints from cosmetologists. However, snoring is suppressed in this position.

You need to choose the optimal sleeping position that takes into account your physiological characteristics. Experiment and decide for yourself how you sleep most comfortably.

Sleeping on your side

This is the most natural and doctor-recommended position. For many, it is optimal for relaxation. Just like the supine pose, it is beneficial for the spine and neck. However, cosmetologists believe that early wrinkles may appear due to the skin being pressed with a pillow. You will find out which side to sleep on correctly below.

Turn on your body

To avoid wasting your day, start your morning by turning on your body's power button. He spent the whole night fasting and relaxing, and the result was tight muscles. The ideal system consists of only three points:

  1. Drink a glass of water in the first half hour after waking up. Your body is dehydrated and needs to recover.
  2. Do some warm-up . Stand on your head for a while, stretch, run, or do yoga. Your muscles will thank you.
  3. Take a shower . Start with warm water and end with cool water to invigorate and close pores.

It's not always possible to get a good night's sleep—your hours of sleep may be reduced due to travel or a busy work schedule. In this case, monitor the recovery of the nervous system, the amount of time required to fall asleep, the ratio of deep sleep time to total sleep time.

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Go to bed on time

This has been said a hundred times everywhere, but we will remind you: going to bed and waking up at the same time is really important. It’s even better to do this according to circadian rhythms - biological processes that are tied to daily cycles. Depending on these rhythms, many body functions change: body temperature, pulse and blood pressure, performance, intestinal activity and hormone production.

Whenever the normal rhythm is disrupted, problems arise. For example, if you are flying to a different time zone, it will take time for you to adjust to your new routine, and the greater the difference, the longer it will take you to adjust. Absolutely nothing changes in the usual mode: if you always go to bed at 23:00, and today you decide to sit until 3:00, the morning will be difficult.

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