Chicken breast salad
Diet lunch to combat excess weight and maintain good physical shape
A proper diet lunch will help you successfully fight extra pounds or maintain good physical shape.
Homemade energy bars with a shelf life of 1 year - Last Day Club
Let's have a healthy snack: 5 recipes for cereal bars for every taste
Oat standard Oat flakes “Hercules” “National” is a traditional ingredient for cereal bars. Modern technologies
Curd dessert soufflé
Recipe: Curd and milk soufflé. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
Cottage cheese soufflé - recipes with photos A feature of cottage cheese soufflé is considered to be fast and
 How to choose dinner plates for first courses?
To lose weight, maintain health and strengthen your immune system, you need to eat right. A balanced, nutritious diet will help
Diet Pushinka: diet for weight loss
General rules The simple name of the diet speaks for itself. With its help you can
Celery stalk
How to eat celery to lose weight: reviews and recipes
What are the benefits of celery? The plant has a very beneficial effect on human health. Include celery in your food
Muesli: benefits and harms with kefir, milk and additives. What does muesli do for your figure?
What is muesli? It is a mixture of cereals, bran, wheat sprouts, nuts, dried fruits, honey, spices. IN
Approved Products for the Elderly
Principles of nutrition for elderly and senile people
Features of the elderly It is impossible to stop the aging of the body. Regenerative capabilities gradually decrease, psychomotor and
Baking soda
Weight loss soda is a scam for those who are too lazy to work on themselves
What does soda do in the body? Everything we eat has its own level.
Soaking funchose
Is it possible to eat funchose while losing weight and how to prepare it?
Composition and calorie content of noodles Glass noodles are made from mung bean starch. This family member
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