Which dried fruits are better on a diet: raisins, dried apricots or prunes
Diet always means dietary restrictions. Most of all you have to limit yourself to sweets, but not
Carrot diet: losing weight and healing your body
Carrots are a tasty and very healthy vegetable. And the carrot diet, according to experts
raw food menu for every day
How a raw foodist can create a complete menu for every day - tips for beginners and experienced
Hello, dear blog readers! Today I would like to discuss a topic that I am sure will be of interest
Delicious vegetarian menu recipes for every day of the week
The vegetarian diet is becoming increasingly popular. Many people recommend this way of eating to anyone who wants to lose weight.
Cottage cheese in a plate
Cottage cheese with greens for weight loss - the best healthy snacks
The benefits of cottage cheese for weight loss Some nutritionists dispute the harmlessness of this dairy product for the figure, explaining
P. D'Adamo
Diet for blood type 1 positive: table with products, menu
Interesting facts This method of losing weight and improving health was developed by the American doctor P. D'Adamo.
About soaking buckwheat (cooking in cold water)
A healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly attractive to a wide segment of the population. He is inseparable from
How many nuts can you eat per day: walnuts, cashews, pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts
Types of nuts Fruits consisting of a kernel and a shell - a hard shell - are usually called nuts.
Diet salad with canned tuna: 16 recipes for weekdays and for the holiday table
With carrots and apples for winter and summer “Five-minute” The dish is perfect for everything - satiety,
Apple water with cinnamon for the human body
Lemon water - 5+ unique recipes
Composition and calorie content of water with lemon The composition of this drink is as simple as possible - water and
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