Cleaning the house, washing windows, cooking and more: how many calories do you spend?

How many calories are burned when cleaning the house, washing the car and other routine work?

Our publication regularly talks about original fitness techniques with which you can quickly lose weight and keep yourself in good shape. But there is an even more accessible way: do nothing.

How so, you ask?

Do your daily housework and lose weight at the same time. The whirlwind of the kitchen, ironing, washing, cleaning - constant and very difficult, we note, physical labor. What if you treat it like fitness? During which you burn calories.

Turn routine into advantage. Each type of load is calculated. We present average figures; the specifics depend on many factors: age, gender, weight, etc.

Table of calorie consumption during physical activity

Kind of activityKilocalorie consumption per hour
per 1 kg of weightfor 50 kg weightfor 60 kg weightfor 70 kg weightfor 80 kg weight
Swimming (0.5 km/h)
Slow breaststroke
Swimming (2.5 km/h)
Slow crawl swimming
Swimming fast crawl
Water aerobics
Water skiing
Water polo
Cycling (9 km/h)
Cycling (15 km/h)
Cycling (20 km/h)
Horse riding at trot
Roller skating
Skiing down the mountain
Ice-skating race
Figure skating
Rowing (4 km/h)
Canoeing (4 km/h)
Static yoga
Ashtanga yoga
Gymnastics (light)
Medium intensity charging
Gymnastics (vigorous)
Aerobics classes
Jumping rope
Strength training on machines
Elliptical training
Field hockey
Badminton (fast pace)
Table tennis (doubles)
Badminton (moderate pace)
Race walking
Running (8 km/h)
Running (16 km/h)
Cross country running
Running up and down the steps
Running up the steps
Ballet classes
High intensity dancing
Modern dancing
Disco dancing
Ballroom dancing
Low intensity dancing
Slow dancing (waltz, tango)
Slow walking
Hiking (4 km/h)
Walking (at a speed of 5.8 km/h)
Walking, 7.2 km/h
Walking uphill (15% gradient, 3.8 km/h)
Walking the dog
Machine control
Driving a scooter or motorcycle
Playing with children while sitting
Feeding and dressing the baby
Bathing a child
Carrying small children in your arms
Playing with children with walking and running
Playing with your child (moderate activity)
Games with a child (high activity)
Walking with a stroller
Walking with children in the park
Window cleaning
Cleaning glass and mirrors
Cleaning carpets with a vacuum cleaner
Cooking food
Ironing clothes (standing)
Washing dishes
Easy cleaning
Plumbing cleaning
Playing the guitar while standing
Playing guitar while sitting
Piano playing
Wood sawyer job
Bricklayer's work
Wood chopping
Work as a massage therapist
Work of a carpenter or metal worker
Shoemaker's work
Bookbinder's work
Hair Styling
Hand sewing
Reading aloud
Working at the computer
Fast typing on the keyboard
Office work
Classroom lesson, lesson
Sex (active)
Sitting at rest
Eating while standing
Personal hygiene
Taking a shower
Talking while eating
Dressing and undressing, fitting

We are always interested in knowing how many calories we burn during household chores, sports and other pastimes. Below are interesting calorie calculations, which are based on the fact that a woman weighs 63.5 kg and devotes 60 minutes to these activities

How many calories does yoga and swimming burn, which burns more calories?

  • Answer: swimming

How many calories does regular aerobics and Pilates burn, which burns more calories?

  • Answer: regular aerobics

Regular aerobics burns 380 kcal per hour. Regular Pilates burns 328 kcal per hour. Aerobics is more effective due to constant movement and sweating. But don’t forget about Pilates: the best results can be achieved through constant concentration on posture and tension of the abdominal muscles (without holding your breath).

How many calories does walking on an incline treadmill and stepper burn, which burns more calories?

  • Answer: stepper

Walking on an incline treadmill burns 282 kcal per hour. Working out on a stepper burns 380 Kcal per hour. When used correctly, the stepper can burn 380 or more kilocalories in 60 minutes. Want even more? Exercise on the “escalator” simulator (looks like a regular escalator, consisting of three to four degrees) and do not lean on the handrails, then you will get amazing results.

How many calories does circuit training and kickboxing burn, which burns more calories?

  • Answer: kickboxing

Circuit training burns 508 kcal per hour. Kickboxing burns 700 kcal per hour. Kickboxing is not only great for eliminating unnecessary calories, but also helps develop muscle endurance and strength. If you wear weighted gloves, you can almost double the number of calories you burn.

How many calories does wardrobe revision and shopping burn, which burns more calories?

  • Answer: wardrobe revision

Doing a simple closet reorganization will burn 230 Kcal per hour, while shopping will only burn 152 Kcal per hour. It turns out that going through old things is beneficial not only from an economic, but also from an energy point of view. Turn on some music and start sorting your clothes by color, type, or season.

How many calories are burned by ironing and folding laundry, which burns more calories?

  • Answer: ironing

Ironing clothes burns 146 kcal per hour. Folding it - 118 Kcal per hour. Ironing clothes is only possible in a standing position, which forces the whole body to work. You'll burn even more if you can alternate which hand you're holding the iron with—doing that kind of work with your non-dominant hand is more taxing and challenging on the body.

Cleaning the bathroom and restroom

It would seem that the dimensions of the two most important rooms in the house are small, but how much work it takes to put them in order.
At least 200 calories in 30 minutes. see also

Weight loss with running and walking: how long will it take to burn calories from your favorite foods

How to Increase Your Calorie Burn When Mopping

In 10 minutes of such work you can waste up to 50 kcal.

Each of us periodically washes the floors at home. Many people have different types of mops for this: regular wooden, telescopic, with a manual centrifuge, or washing vacuum cleaners. This is of course good, we live with the times, but modern innovations are of little use for effectively burning calories.

Let's remember the old method of washing floors simply by hand. We take a bucket of water and an ordinary rag, fall on our knees and begin to wash. And here you need to use a little ingenuity.

How to increase your calorie expenditure? Standing on our knees, we try to extend our hands with a floor rag as far forward as possible. As a result, the arm muscles tense, tension is also felt in the upper back and the abs sway, and in this case, calorie burning occurs much faster and more.

You say that you can get tired so quickly? So this issue is resolved, it perfectly adds energy to NRG Herbalife guarana seagulls. A couple of cups a day will make you much more resilient, and this kind of floor cleaning will become feasible.

Washing dishes

If you use a dishwasher, the result will be 105 calories in half an hour. Washing by hand may not be as comfortable, but it is quite effective from a fitness perspective: 280 calories in the same amount of time.

see also

Test: How many calories are in popular products at McDonald's?

How to wash windows and how many calories do we burn?

In 10 minutes you can burn up to 38 kcal.

As a rule, ordinary window cleaning is not a pleasure, and no one thinks about calories during such work. How to make window cleaning beneficial for weight loss? Agree that if you place window cleaners not on the windowsill, but simply on the floor, then you will often bend and turn.

Plus, balcony windows or stained glass windows can be washed on bent legs. Then the muscles of your abs and arms will be involved in constant work, and you will thereby burn significantly more calories.

Cleaning is a leader in burning calories at home

By properly distributing the load, you can successfully lose extra pounds, strengthen the muscles of your legs, arms, back and abdomen, and as a bonus, get a clean apartment.

According to studies conducted by American scientists, regular tidying up allows you to lose 50 thousand kcal per year. You can get rid of this amount of calories by running for about 80 hours straight or cycling at an average pace for 2,500 kilometers!

    Washing floors replaces a whole range of exercises: squats, bends, cardio. It is best to wash the floor by hand, bending over, spreading your legs wide, moving your shoulder girdle left and right. The process uses the muscles of the back, abs, arms, trains the back of the thigh, muscles of the legs and buttocks.

If you do decide to use a mop, pull in your stomach and tighten your abdominal muscles. The amplitude of hand movements should be maximum.

On average, 245 kcal per hour is spent on wet cleaning. Compare: 30 minutes of step aerobics eliminates 200 kcal.

Trying to wash the floor in hard-to-reach places, moving furniture to do this (to the best of your ability, of course), in 30 minutes you can additionally spend 150-200 kcal.

  • Washing windows with proper intensity of movement will help burn from 250 to 450 kcal. Active rotational movements of the arms involve the biceps and triceps. Cardio exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • A vacuum cleaner is an effective home exercise machine, provided that you do not just sluggishly move the brush across the floor, but vigorously bend, squat and move your arms. While pulling the brush, squeeze your shoulder blades: this will help work your back muscles. Vacuuming burns about 120 kcal in half an hour.
  • Wiping off dust most often takes 15-20 minutes, which allows you to spend 20-25 kcal. Alternate between dusting surfaces near the floor and cleaning the top shelves, reaching to the far corners, this way you will get a good workout and work on stretching your back and spine.
  • Cleaning mirrors, tiles and bathroom fixtures will save you 260 kcal in an hour. To strengthen the work of your hands, increase the pressure on the surface and the range of movements.
  • Washing dishes puts stress on your back. After holidays or a visit from guests, this type of activity is of maximum benefit. After washing a mountain of dishes for an hour, reassure yourself that you can spend more than 200 kcal at a time.
  • Helpful advice: To pick things up from the floor or from lower shelves, do not bend over, but squat. Holding a squat for 15 seconds will significantly increase the load. By cleaning the nursery, where there are many toys scattered on the floor, you will quietly strengthen the muscles of your legs and buttocks, and also increase your overall endurance.

    General cleaning after a move or renovation is more efficient. In terms of the amount of energy expended, it is comparable to a moderate-intensity aerobics class or a three-kilometer walk.

    If desired, calorie consumption can be increased by 15% by wearing weights on your arms or legs, sold in sports stores. At first it will be unusual and difficult, but gradually you will get used to it. Be careful, this is only suitable for those people who do not have problems with joints and spine!

How a vacuum cleaner helps burn calories

35 kcal is burned in 10 minutes of cleaning with a regular vacuum cleaner.

An ordinary vacuum cleaner, available in every apartment, will help a woman burn calories well if she does the cleaning as shown in the photo. To do this, we hold the vacuum cleaner rod with one hand, then with the other. At the same time, we try to stretch our arms forward as much as possible. With such cleaning, the muscles of the arms and back are well pumped.

We choose the stairs in the entrance instead of the elevator

Skip the elevator and take the stairs. You can take out the trash from your home at least every day. Use flights of stairs to burn calories.

When climbing, simply step over the step and lunge forward. Try to keep your back straight and your stomach pulled in.

Even if your neighbors are watching you, don’t pay attention to it. You've made the decision to lose weight, and everything else just doesn't matter anymore.

Your buttock muscles are doing a tremendous job, calories are burned well, extra pounds are lost and the body's endurance increases.

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