Chrononutrition. What is it, weekly menu for weight loss, reviews from doctors
Chrononutrition. What is it, weekly menu for weight loss, reviews from doctors
The theory of chrono-nutrition The founder of chrono-nutrition is considered to be a nutritionist from France, Patrick Lecomte. The method is suitable for people, not
Why do people lose weight after coronavirus and how to regain it, explained an expert from the Research Institute of Epidemiology
According to various estimates, about 20% of people who lose weight by changing their diet maintain optimal
What to cook from sesame seeds? Delicious and healthy recipes for dishes with sesame seeds
One small sesame seed contains a lot of useful microelements. A handful of these little seeds
Inna Volovicheva's diet menu
Losing weight with Inna Volovicheva's diet: menu and reviews
This is the result! Participant of the reality show “Dom-2” Inna Volovicheva was able to get rid of 40 kg of excess weight
What happens if you eat canned fish while losing weight?
Weaknesses of canned fish Ideally, canned fish should consist of one specific fish
Both lunch and snack! Simple and quick recipes for tomato soups for weight loss
Proper nutrition is the key to a beautiful figure and chiseled shape. When choosing a dish for a meal,
Diet oat soup: recipe with photo
Food for weight loss To lose weight, nutritionists recommend giving up carbohydrates and eating as much as possible
Is it possible for pregnant women to have vinaigrette?
The benefits of vinaigrette during pregnancy
What you can add There is no generally accepted recipe for vinaigrette, but there is a list of basic ingredients. Important
Calcium diet: when and to whom is it recommended?
7 ways to get your calcium quota
Calcium diet: when and to whom is it recommended? Calcium diet: when and to whom is it recommended?
Eating jellied meat while on a diet
Jellied meat or aspic is a popular dish for the festive table and everyday menu. He
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