Desserts according to Dukan: the best recipes
Recipe for Dukan waffles with cinnamon This waffle recipe is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the result
Rice noodles: calorie content, use and contraindications
Chemical Composition of Rice Noodles Rice noodles are pasta products made from rice flour.
Will low-fat cottage cheese be harmful when losing weight: properties, BZHU, benefits and harms
Cottage cheese is very healthy, it contains vitamins, minerals, beneficial bacteria, etc. It is recommended to enable it
How to Increase Glute Size with Exercises
Rules and nutritional features to pump up a girl’s butt
The main differences in the shape of the buttocks It will be easier for any girl to emphasize her advantages and hide her disadvantages
Nutritionist: “At least one cup of chicory a day should be consumed by everyone without exception”
Daria Rusakova, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences – Chicory is a herbaceous plant with blue
grated beets
Beetroot cutlets: classic recipe - 10 cooking ideas
How to cook beet cutlets in the oven Wash the beets with a hard sponge or brush. Transfer to
Does jam make you fat: the whole truth about the berry delicacy
The harm and benefits of jam Some believe that it is empty calories with a high sugar content,
benefits and harms of bananas
Low-calorie dinner or snack: calorie content of cottage cheese with banana
Why do athletes respect cottage cheese? What percentage of fat is optimal? Cottage cheese for bodybuilders: how much, when and
beans stewed with vegetables
Lobio, fasolada and olivier. Hearty legume dishes for Lent
Welcome to the blog! Today we’ll talk about beans as a dietary product and get acquainted
Mushroom soup
Recipes for dietary soups for weight loss - we prepare them ourselves at home
General tips A proper dietary meal consists of foods rich in various vitamins and minerals. Such
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