Hollywood Diets: The 5 Factor Diet

Five week plan

Harley Pasternak's system includes five components. It is on this figure that all its rules are based. This is where its name came from.

The diet course lasts five weeks. According to Pasternak, after 35 days women will certainly get the desired result. A precise time frame avoids the dreaded feeling that the diet will last forever. The person knows exactly how long the restrictions will last. This is very important for motivation. It is the uncertainty of the timing that makes many women break down.

According to psychologists, all our habits are formed within 3-5 weeks. Therefore, there is a chance that later you will get a taste for it and decide to continue this lifestyle. The principle of the Pasternak diet is that a person gradually takes it for granted.

Effect of Coffee on FD Symptoms

It is known that drinking coffee stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid by stomach cells. The alkaloid caffeine, which is part of coffee, also affects gastric motility. Research has found that drinking coffee may increase or cause symptoms of FD. However, it is still unclear how a particular dose of caffeine in coffee affects the onset of symptoms.

Recommendation for patients with FD who note the appearance or intensification of symptoms of the disease after drinking coffee: reduce the number of cups of the drink during the day or give up coffee altogether.

Five meals a day

An important component of the system is five meals a day. The fitness trainer believes that you need to eat often and in small portions, consuming very little food. It is necessary to switch to five meals a day, this is very important. By following this regimen, you will not feel terrible pangs of hunger. A psychological complex will not form in your mind that you must constantly limit yourself in everything.

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Pasternak recommends eating five ingredients at every meal:

  • Proteins – seafood, fish, rabbit meat, poultry, beef. Such foods are important for the formation of elastic muscles.
  • Complex carbohydrates – all grains (necessary for the body to obtain energy).
  • Cellulose. It is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, thanks to which the body is nourished and the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed.
  • Easily digestible fats, which include olive and other vegetable oils.
  • Any drinks that do not contain sugars.

Food should undergo only slight processing. It is worth giving preference to cereals, fruits and fresh vegetables.

Basic principles

The diet is designed for 5 weeks. It is during this period that it is possible to change metabolism and lose weight without harm to the body. Maximum weight loss in 5 weeks – 11 kg.

5 meals a day and small portions. The benefits of fractional nutrition have been repeatedly proven by scientists. Eating more often, but in small portions, is much more beneficial for metabolism than taking long breaks between meals.

Food should not be cooked for more than 5 minutes. A short period of heat treatment allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances of the product. The main bet is lean poultry, fish and fresh vegetables. Sweet fruits and low-calorie desserts are allowed until 5 pm. All dishes should be as simple as possible (no more than 5 ingredients, not including spices).

Every meal should consist of 5 “ingredients”. Protein (for muscles), complex carbohydrates (for energy), fiber (for satiety), polyunsaturated fats and sugar-free drinks. It is this set that allows you to saturate the body with all the necessary elements.

An integral part of the diet is 25 minutes of exercise per day. According to Pasternak, short daily workouts are much more beneficial for your figure than long, grueling sessions in the gym. In addition, allowing yourself 25 minutes of fitness a day is much easier than spending an hour and a half on it.

Reward after the diet – 5 days of rest. After 5 weeks, you should take a break and eat whatever you want for 5 days. This technique helps to overcome the unpleasant feeling that you have to be on a diet all the time, and also protect yourself from a “gastronomic” breakdown and subsequent stress.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, presenter of the programs “Food with and without rules”, “Family Size”

After eating any monotonous food for a long time, you always want something tasty. If you force a person into the “method of restrictions,” he will simply hate both the method and the nutritionist. Therefore, if I see that a person is tired of losing weight, I offer him a “vacation”. For some time I am freeing him from restrictions with the exception of a few fundamental positions. During this period, the task is reduced to only maintaining the achieved result.

Daily workouts

Pasternak recommends daily exercise for at least 25 minutes a day. Many years of experience as a fitness trainer suggests that short-term exercise is much more effective than long-term exercise. The technique is based on the fact that every day it is enough to practice for 25 minutes. On average, each exercise should take 5 minutes to complete.

Express training from a famous trainer looks like this:

  • 5 minutes should be spent on cardio exercise: exercise bike, cycling, running, dancing, jumping rope.
  • 10 minutes of strength training: squats, push-ups, biceps curls, using dumbbells for exercise.
  • 5 minutes for abs. It is very important to choose the right complex, in which absolutely all abdominal muscles work: lower, upper, oblique.
  • Set aside 5 minutes for running.

Diet 5 Factors Harley Parsnip for weight loss

In today's world it is fashionable to be slim. This increases the chances of success with the opposite sex, and as a result, self-confidence. Exhausting sports, hunger strikes until you faint, all kinds of dietary supplements, teas and coffee for weight loss.

All this can be safely said for now. After all, there is a “5 factor” diet.

Its creator, Harley Pasternak, is a very famous and authoritative fitness instructor. He created this diet specifically for world celebrities who suffer from an eternal lack of time. Eva Mendes, Halle Berry, Lady Gaga and many others lost weight with this stellar technique. In 2004, Harley Pasternak released the book “The Five Factors of Being Fit” and began selling nutrition and workout plans online. It was then that this diet became available to ordinary people.

The main factors of this miracle diet are:

  • The diet must be followed for 5 weeks. After this period, the result will already be noticeable to the naked eye, but there will be no sensation of the diet as such. The diet is so simple and easy that there is every chance that it will become a way of life.
  • Five meals a day are required. Standard breakfast, lunch, dinner and two more snacks throughout the day. Thanks to this, those who are losing weight will not feel hungry and, accordingly, will not have this nasty feeling of dieting.
  • All dishes must consist of 5 main ingredients and their preparation time should take 5 minutes. Meals should include fiber (to help the body feel full), protein (they are needed for muscles), complex carbohydrates (to help the body produce the necessary energy), healthy fats and drinks without added sugar.
  • Almost every day you need to exercise for 25 minutes. The workout should include 5 exercises of 5 minutes each. Harley Pasternak recommends short daily exercise sessions instead of exhausting hours of training two to three times a week.
  • 5 days of rest. So that a person does not feel restrictions and does not feel that he is on a diet, you can arrange one day a week when you can eat anything: any cakes, pizza, ice cream - in general, whatever your heart desires. Then there will be no breakdowns.

5 factors - a diet that respects the needs of the human body. While awake, you need to consume food every 3-5 hours. According to Harley, it is necessary to consume complex carbohydrates every time you eat.

The nutritional system for the diet is as follows: proteins – 50%, carbohydrates – 30%, fats – 20%. This diet is considered balanced. A standard daily menu should look like this. The first meal should take place no later than an hour after the person wakes up.

You can drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Breakfast should include: whole grains; lean poultry or eggs or dairy products; fruits or berries. For example, you can eat oatmeal, so beloved by the British. It is not recommended to drink juice because it has the property of increasing appetite. During the second breakfast (after 3-4 hours), Pasternak recommends low-fat cottage cheese and an apple or pear.

For lunch, you can eat chicken breast with a serving of vegetable salad, sprinkled with lemon juice or olive oil. You can also have bean soup for lunch. You can have an afternoon snack with almonds (5-7 nuts) and fruit. 2-3 hours before bedtime you should have dinner, and this meal should be complete.

You can choose brown rice, lean fish or meat, and salad. On a day off, for example, you can pamper yourself and eat whatever you want. The diet does not provide for fasting days. The author believes that such days slow down metabolism.

According to the “5 Factors” program, fitness goes together with diet. Workouts should take 25 minutes and take place 5 days a week. It was already said above that each workout should be composed of 5 phases of 5 minutes each. Phase one - warm-up. It should be light cardio exercise, for example: running, fast walking, jumping rope. In general, this is any load that will accelerate the heart rate to 130-140 beats per minute. The second and third phases are exercises with dumbbells. Harley recommends training two muscle groups every day, alternating them and doing different exercises.

For example, dumbbell flyes, dumbbell squats, deadlifts, lunges, etc. During the first week, such exercises should be performed 25 times for 2 repetitions, by the fifth week they should be done 12 times for 4 sets. The fourth phase is the press. This can be straight twisting, bending, or lower abs. The only thing worth remembering is that you only need to load one zone every day.

Each exercise should be performed 20-25 times for 2-4 approaches. The fifth phase also consists of cardio exercise. You can repeat the same exercises that were performed at the beginning of the workout. During the 5 Factor workout, you should keep your heart rate fairly high. This will ensure fat burning. And exercises with dumbbells will help tighten muscle mass and make your figure slimmer.

Harley Pasternak's diet promises quick and effective weight loss with little time spent, minimal food restrictions and reasonable physical activity. Thanks to this, “5 Factors” caused a stir and a lot of controversy. Some nutritionists believe that the famous fitness instructor simply put together all the known information about losing weight.

And therefore this technique is not particularly effective. Some consider Harley to be a genius who created a diet that perfectly suits all the characteristics of the body, which quietly leads a person to a healthy lifestyle. It is enough to look at the slender, fit figures of stars and ordinary people who have trusted this technique, and doubts will disappear.

But how much to trust the “5 factors” is a personal matter. Therefore, whether it is worth going on a strict diet with a lot of “don’ts”, exhausting loads, and as a result the return of kilograms, vitamin deficiency, dizziness and a huge number of other unpleasant “surprises” is a personal matter for everyone who wants to lose weight, who strives for an ideal figure. Or is it still worth following the example of many, many and choosing a reasonable approach to creating an ideal figure? The conclusion is obvious.

Use 5 days for rest

This is the easiest and most enjoyable part of the Pasternak system. In 5 weeks, a person has the opportunity to rest for 5 days. What does this mean? Once every 7 days, for example, on Friday or Saturday, you are allowed to take a break from the restrictions. Relaxation in nutrition is necessary so that the feeling of hunger and self-pity does not overpower the desire to bring the body back to normal. Pasternak believes that on this day a person can afford absolutely any food. You can even eat ice cream, sweets, popcorn or even hamburgers.

However, according to other nutritionists, food swings are incredibly dangerous. They are too much stress for the body. After all, within 6 days the intestines will receive the right food, and on day 7 they will begin to load it with preservatives and fried foods. Therefore, you should not go to extremes. You need to allow yourself to relax your diet, but not eat completely harmful foods. For example, you can enjoy good cheese or eat a cake from a pastry shop. But it’s better to avoid fatty ham, grilled chicken, and cakes with rich cream.

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Nutrition according to Harley Pasternak

Harley Pasternak does not encourage low-calorie and strict diets. According to his theory, the body needs complex carbohydrates no less than other nutritional components. Remember the main thing - every 3 hours the body requires replenishment. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the scheme: the daily norm of the “Five Factors” diet consists of 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fats.


Immediately after waking up, you should drink a glass of water. Pasternak does not recommend drinking freshly squeezed juices in the morning - they greatly stimulate the appetite. You need to eat no later than an hour later. Breakfast should consist of whole grains, fresh fruit and lean protein. For example:

  • 1-2 slices whole grain bread.
  • A piece of boiled chicken breast or egg.
  • Fresh fruits or berries.


  • Natural oatmeal with berries and nuts.

Oatmeal with fruits and nuts is a great breakfast option!

Other meals

  • Lunch. After 3 hours you should eat a second breakfast. It should contain a little more protein and fruit than in the first breakfast. For example, it could be low-fat cottage cheese with cinnamon and a large pear.
  • Dinner. For lunch you can eat vegetable soup with water and toast. Or a diet sandwich with turkey and mustard, as well as a salad of fresh green vegetables, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Afternoon snack. At this time, Harley Pasternak suggests enjoying a couple of slices of hard cheese with vegetables, or 5-6 almonds with any fruit, or a piece of lean fish with salad.
  • Dinner. For dinner, we recommend a small piece of lean fish or meat with a side dish of 150 g of boiled brown rice without salt and a large portion of fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice. Dinner should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Harley Pasternak's nutrition program allows you to pamper yourself with light desserts after dinner. You just need to cook them yourself, and not buy them in the store: desserts should not contain flour and sugar. These can be baked apples with cinnamon, natural yoghurts, cocoa, jelly from natural juices, etc. Also, one day a week you are allowed to eat any food you want. The main condition is to eat 5 meals a day and not overeat.

Don't give up sweets - you can treat yourself to delicious cocoa

By the way, Pasternak is against fasting and fasting days - he believes that such stress is not beneficial for the body and only slows down metabolic processes. When it comes to nutrition, you should always control the amount of food you eat - you don’t need to increase portions, thinking that there will be no harm from “useful healthy” food. Not only the quality of food is important, but also its quantity - do not overload your stomach.

Normal metabolism

It's worth noting that Harley didn't invent anything new and unique. He simply systematized already existing principles in his own way. In fact, his system is a low-carb, balanced diet. It takes into account the rhythm of life, as well as the needs of modern girls and women. Perhaps this is the success of “Five Factors”. The Harley system helps normalize metabolism and burn fat deposits.

The important fact is that there is no ban on eating fat. This means that the body receives polyunsaturated fatty acids. The system is quite physiological and may well become the basis of a balanced diet.

Healthly food

In his book, Pasternak described different menu options, as well as recipes for dishes prepared from permitted products. The author believes that everyone can create a diet at their own discretion, based on the main principles. All dishes must be boiled or stewed.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: green tea, frittata with tomatoes.
  • Snack: tea and fruit salad.
  • Lunch: green salad, mushroom risotto, tea and apple.
  • Snack: boiled turkey breast, slice of cheese, herbal tincture.
  • Dinner: Vegetable salad, cereal porridge, greens.

Basic tenets of the Five Factor Diet

In order to normalize the metabolic process and, at the same time, prevent the feeling of hunger, Mr. Pasternak proposed a nutritional system represented by the following factors:

Factor No. 1. A five-week diet course, after which a guaranteed result is visible

Due to the simplicity of preparing dishes and the absence of hunger, people who have completed a “weight loss” course lasting five weeks continue to follow it and over time it becomes an integral element of their lifestyle. The portal hudeem-bez-problem.ru advises you to note that the diet presented by 5 factors is an excellent basis for proper nutrition.

Factor No. 2. Five-day rest during the five-week course

After six days of proper nutrition, you can give yourself a break and on the seventh day eat everything that your “soul desires”: ice cream, cakes, sweets, fried potatoes, sandwiches, etc.

By giving your body a break once a week, you will not allow it to “break down” at the most inopportune moment. What for? After all, the need to consume recommended foods for six days is more than compensated by the opportunity to afford absolutely any food on the seventh day.


Factor No. 3. Five meals a day

The 5 Factor Diet involves eating five meals a day, consisting of breakfast, lunch, dinner and two light snacks.

Factor #4: Eating meals that have 5 ingredients and take 5 minutes to prepare

Unlike the buckwheat diet, the 5-factor diet is characterized by a varied diet and is represented by dishes consisting of 5 ingredients, enriched with proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates and fiber.

According to the diet, you can eat fish, meat, cereals and vegetables that have undergone minimal or no heat treatment (for example, vegetables and fruits, which should make up the majority of the diet).

You can also drink sugar-free drinks.

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